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[미국특허] Shock-absorbing device for footwear 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A43B-013/18
  • A43B-021/26
  • A43B-021/30
  • A43B-021/32
출원번호 US-0758574 (1996-12-03)
발명자 / 주소
  • Wen Jack,TWX
대리인 / 주소
    Browdy and Neimark
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 22  인용 특허 : 4


A footwear shock-absorbing device comprises a lower receiving member, an upper receiving member, a plurality of fastening members, and a plurality of coil springs. The lower receiving member has a flat bottom provided with a plurality of columnar projections. The upper receiving member is located on


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A footwear shock-absorbing device comprising:a lower receiving member provided with a flat bottom and a plurality of columnar projections of a tubular construction, said lower receiving member being disposed in a receiving cell of a footwear sole;wherein said columnar pro

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Halvorsen Norrine M. (169 Sixth St. Rochester NY 12302), Independent insole assembly.
  2. Jeon Pil D. (1395 Daeyeon 5 dong ; Namgu ; Busan KRX), Midsole having a shock absorbing air bag.
  3. Schindler Jerry (757 Spartan Dr. Rochester Hills MI 48063), Shoe and elastic sole insert therefor.
  4. Weisz Vera C. (90 Pierce Rd. Watertown MA 02172), Shoe sole with low profile integral spring system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (22) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Manz, Gerd Rainer; Lucas, Timothy David, Ball and socket 3D cushioning system.
  2. Manz, Gerd Rainer; Lucas, Timothy David, Ball and socket 3D cushioning system.
  3. Manz, Gerd Rainer; Lucas, Timothy David, Ball and socket 3D cushioning system.
  4. Manz,Gerd Rainer; Lucas,Timothy David, Ball and socket 3D cushioning system.
  5. Manz,Gerd Rainer; Lucas,Timothy David, Ball and socket 3D cushioning system.
  6. Lyden, Robert M., Custom article of footwear.
  7. Lyden, Robert Michael, Custom article of footwear and method of making the same.
  8. LeVert,Francis E.; Krafsur,David S., Fluid flow system for spring-cushioned shoe.
  9. Levert, Francis E.; Krafsur, David S., Fluid flow system for spring-cushioned shoe.
  10. Orlowski Henry ; Fletter G. Paul ; Neal ; II Alton L., Footwear having spring assemblies in the soles thereof.
  11. Lyden, Robert M., Footwear with removable lasting board and cleats.
  12. Manz, Gerd Rainer; Hill, Jan; Steszyn, Michael; Krabbe, Berthold, Full bearing 3D cushioning system.
  13. Manz,Gerd Rainer; Hill,Jan; Steszyn,Michael; Krabbe,Berthold, Full bearing 3D cushioning system.
  14. Vonter Moua ; Xia V. Moua, Impact absorber for a shoe.
  15. Aveni, Michael A.; Smaldone, Patricia L.; Fagergren, Fred G., Impact-attenuation systems for articles of footwear and other foot-receiving devices.
  16. McCourt Robert, Portion of a shoe sole.
  17. McCourt Robert, Portion of a shoe sole.
  18. McCourt Robert, Portion of a shoe sole.
  19. Park, Cheol Su, Shock absorbing shoes with improved assembly and operational performance.
  20. Chung, Min Woo, Shock absorption mechanism for shoes.
  21. Greenberg, Ilene, Sole portion for a shoe and particularly high heel shoes.
  22. LeVert,Francis E.; Krafsur,David S., Spring cushioned shoe.

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