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Nickel-free stainless steel alloy processible through metal injection molding techniques to produce articles intended f 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B22F-001/00
출원번호 US-0962055 (1997-10-31)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bulger Matthew K.
출원인 / 주소
  • FloMet, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 19  인용 특허 : 0


is made into a fine powder. Alternatively, the powder may be made by mixing powders of the pure elements or master alloys (e.g., pure chromium, iron-chromium, etc.) in the disclosed proportions. The metal powder is combined with a plasticizer to form a mixture when is then subjected to metal injecti


[ I claim:] [1.] The method of making a biocompatible nickel-free article for use in contact with the human body, said method comprising the following steps:(a) preparing a nickel-free metal powder consisting essentially of the following composition in weight percent:________________________________

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (19)

  1. Patel, Bhawan B.; Markarian, Lorin; Despres, Melissa, Combustor heat shield with integrated louver and method of manufacturing the same.
  2. Patel, Bhawan B.; Markarian, Lorin; Despres, Melissa, Combustor heat shield with integrated louver and method of manufacturing the same.
  3. Trieu, Hai H., Composite vertebral rod system and methods of use.
  4. Takasawa, Koki, Device and a method of manufacturing a housing material.
  5. Kwan, Kin Ming, Endoscopic camera component manufacturing method.
  6. Kwan, Kin Ming, Endoscopic camera component manufacturing method.
  7. Hesse, Werner; Wohlfromm, Hans; Uggowitzer, Peter; Speidel, Markus, Hard material sintered compact with a nickel- and cobalt-free, nitrogenous steel as binder of the hard phase.
  8. Jalisi, Marc M.; Anderson, David; Mukherjee, Avijit, Implantable nickel-free stainless steel stents and method of making the same.
  9. LaVoie, Larry E.; Moore, James C.; Walker, David L., Metal injection molding methods and feedstocks.
  10. Hwang, Chul Jin; Park, Hyung Pil; Ko, Young Bae; Heo, Young Moo; Kim, Jong Sun, Method for manufacturing dental scaler tip using powder injection molding process, mold used therein and scaler tip manufactured by the same.
  11. Patel, Bhawan B.; Markarian, Lorin; Despres, Melissa, Method for manufacturing of fuel nozzle floating collar.
  12. Su, Cheyenne Xiaoyan; Walker, David L., Methods of forming porous coatings on substrates.
  13. Prociw,Lev Alexander; Brand,Joseph Horace, Modular fuel nozzle and method of making.
  14. Speidel, Markus, Nickel-poor austenitic steel.
  15. Speidel, Markus, Nickel-poor austenitic steel.
  16. Kwan, Kin Ming; Korkut, Dejan; Anhalt, Thomas J.; McCarty, Paul; Zavala, Diegas E., Polymeric material for use in and with sterilizable medical devices.
  17. Kwan, Kin Ming; Korkut, Dejan; Anhalt, Thomas J.; McCarty, Paul; Zavala, Diegas E., Polymeric material for use in and with sterilizable medical devices.
  18. Matthews Frank D. ; Caldarise Salvatore, Precision powder injection molded implant with preferentially leached texture surface and method of manufacture.
  19. Kwon, Young Sam; Lee, In Hwan, Ultrasonic tip for an apicoectomy, and method for manufacturing same.
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