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[미국특허] Foam grip 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B43K-023/008
출원번호 US-0701052 (1996-08-21)
발명자 / 주소
  • Tseng Mingchih M.
  • Lin Nan Jae
  • Kwiecien Michael J.
출원인 / 주소
  • The Gillette Company
대리인 / 주소
    Fish & Richardson P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 17  인용 특허 : 138


A finger-manipulated article (e.g., a pen) includes a foam grip. The foam preferably is made from a foamable polyurethane prepolymer and a filler, or a latex, or both. The preferred foam has a recovery rate of less than 5 cm per minute. The foam may include a surface coating on its outer surface.


[ We claim:] [1.] A finger manipulated article selected from the group consisting of razors and writing instruments having a handle that can be easily maneuvered by the fingers, said handle having a body and a gripping surface comprising a foam layer on an outer surface of the body said foam having

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (138) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hermann Paul F. (Boothbay ME) Lynn William R. (Dover NH), Abrasive propellant for cleaning of surfaces and machinery.
  2. Bistrack Carl (295 Gypsy La. King of Prussia PA 19406), Adaptable pressure writing instrument holder.
  3. Gaiser Conrad J. (24 S. 66th Pl. Long Beach CA 90802), Adhesively bonded hand grip sleeve for hand tools and the like.
  4. Huang Ing-Chung (No. 15 Reh-Her 1st Street Kaohsiung City TWX), Air cushion grip with a cubic supporting structure and shock-absorbing function.
  5. Huang Ing-Chung (No. 15 Reh-Her 1st street Kaohsiung City TWX), Air cushion grip with a cubic supporting structure and shock-absorbing function.
  6. Isgur ; Irving E. ; Alexander ; Robert R. ; Moy ; Thomas P., Aqueous urethane codispersions.
  7. Pakarnseree Seree (Seree Clinic ; 885 Sukhumvit 49 Bangkok THX), Brush.
  8. Gluck David G. (St. Petersburg FL) Soukup Thomas G. (Clearwater FL) Moore William J. (Seminole FL), Carbon black-filled foam.
  9. Bonnes David R. (Westerville OH) Seifert Charles A. (Bexley OH), Composite handle for tools.
  10. Deaver Dann T. (Harper Woods MI), Composition for reinforced and filled high density rigid polyurethane foam products and method of making same.
  11. Busch ; Jr. Francis W. (Southbury CT) Pallone Thomas J. (Monroe CT) Berube Gene R. (Cheshire CT) Vyas Ambrish H. (Greenville NC) Faryniarz Joseph R. (Ansonia CT) Russo John A. (Westport CT), Compositions, articles and methods for polishing surfaces.
  12. Alm Kjell (Gothenberg SEX), Covers for handles and the like.
  13. Mushovic John N. (The Plains VA), Cured unsaturated polyester-polyurethane hybrid highly filled resin foams.
  14. Mushovic John N. (The Plains VA), Cured unsaturated polyester-polyurethane hybrid highly filled resin foams.
  15. Villa Jose L. (Highstown NJ), Curing liquid polyurethane prepolymers.
  16. Lo Hou-On (Kowloon HKX), Cushioned handle structure for personal care appliances.
  17. Robinson Mark (14209 Clarendon Dr. Tampa FL 33624), Cushioning pad for luggage handles.
  18. Bell Valerie R. (Post Office Box 529 Zoar OH 44697), Dental light handle cover.
  19. Kehr Clifton L. (Silver Spring MD) Wood Louis L. (Rockville MD) Marans Nelson S. (Silver Spring MD) Fulmer Glenn E. (Clarksville MD), Dimensionally stable polyurethane foam.
  20. Mast ; Jr. John George (Cincinnati OH), Disposable product applicator and dispensing package therefor.
  21. Kim Jisu (Yonkers NY), Disposable razor.
  22. Wexler Fred C. (Madison CT), Disposable shaped article.
  23. Drulias Dean (2901 S. Industrial Rd. Las Vegas NV 89109) Davis Loretta (557 E. Sahara ; Ste. 111 Las Vegas NV 89104), Disposable toothbrush.
  24. Neet Thomas E. (Grandview MO) Spieker David A. (Olathe KS), Electrically conductive rigid polyurethane foam.
  25. Mooney Gerry (West Ajax TX CAX) Garcia Rod A. (Orange TX) Tarquini Michael E. (Havre de Grace MD) Kosin John A. (Bel Air MD), Endothermic blowing agents for surface migration of components in foamed products, compositions and applications.
  26. Rossio Richard C. (Troy MI) Easterle Mark A. (Rochester MI) Jackson Michael L. (Allen Park MI), Energy absorbing, water blown, rigid polyurethane foam.
  27. Stone Herman (Hazelton PA) Pauly Peter D. (Mountaintop PA), Filled detergent foam made by a one shot process.
  28. Giez Edmund (Leichlingen DEX) Pascik Imre (Monheim DEX) Priemer Joachim (Odenthal DEX), Filler-modified polyurethane foam supports for bioconversion processes.
  29. Lin Nan J. (Burlington MA) Petrillo Richard J. (Norwell MA) Thompson John (Medfield MA), Finger gripping device.
  30. Schwartz Allan E. (3 Bristol Pl. Yonkers NY 10710) Frenkel Richard E. (33 Park Rd. Scarsdale NY 10583), Finger gripping device.
  31. Heitmann Glenn A. (Morrison CO) Trosper ; Jr. Milton F. (Littleton CO), Fire resistant foam products.
  32. Illger Hans-Walter (Roesrath DEX) Dahm Manfred (Leverkusen DEX) Gonzalez-Drner Alberto C. (Polinya ESX), Flame resistant foam.
  33. Parsonage John R. (London GB2) Metcalfe EDwin (London GB2), Flame retardant polyurethane foams.
  34. Hildebrandt Robert C. (R.D. 2 ; Box 2165 Brunswick ME 04011), Flexible hand grip for handles.
  35. Chandalia Kiran B. (Cheshire CT) Barnowski Henry G. (Durham CT), Flexible polyurethane foam prepared from a reaction mixture which includes a polyether triol containing an effectively d.
  36. Nafziger, John L.; Snyder, Mark A.; Mobley, Larry W., Flexible polyurethane foams prepared from cotrimers of alkylene-bridged polyphenylene polyisocyanates.
  37. Bell Raymond W. H. (Crickhowell GB7), Flexible, flame-retardant polyurethane foams.
  38. Palinczar Victor (Trenton NJ) Santini Thomas F. (Allentown NJ), Foam products.
  39. Hermann Paul F. (Boothbay Harbor ME), Foam substrate and micropackaged active ingredient particle composite dispensing materials.
  40. Buchanan Michael S. (Baltimore MD), Fragrance-emitting polyurethane foams.
  41. Smith James A. (Old Tappan NJ) Murphy Betty J. (Upper Montclair NJ), Friable foam textile cleaning stick.
  42. Barth Bruce P. (Bridgewater NJ) Johnson Robert N. (Basking Ridge NJ) Mayer Walter P. (Lebanon NJ), Frothable polyurethane composition and a cellular foam produced therefrom suitable for use in joints between wallboards.
  43. Haines Robert C. (Huddersfield GB2), Games racket.
  44. Yang, Kuo-Fu, Grip for writing implements.
  45. Beebe Lee M. (2089 Garden La. Costa Mesa CA 92627), Gripping device for tooth brushes.
  46. Gaiser ; Conrad J., Hand grip sleeve for hand tools and the like.
  47. Wasko Andrew J. (Box 100 ; R.D. #1 Loretto PA 15940), Hand implement support apparatus.
  48. Kolonia Robert A. (R.D. #3 ; Agnes Rd. ; Box 318 Milford NJ 08848), Hand tool and a core reinforced molded synthetic material handle therefor.
  49. Wildfrster Horst (Hemer DEX), Handgrip for a tool and method of making same.
  50. Wasilczyk George J. (Lake Jackson TX), High resiliency polyurethane foams.
  51. Lorenz, Donald H., Hydrophilic, flexible, open cell polyurethane-poly(N-vinyl lactam) interpolymer foam and dental and biomedical products fabricated therefrom.
  52. McRae Lucy Theresa (28059 Kendallwood Road Farmington Hills MI 48024) McRae Brian Joseph (28059 Kendallwood Road Farmington Hills MI 48024), Implements usable by persons afflicted with arthritis.
  53. Dieterich ; Dieter, Inorganic-organic compositions.
  54. Markusch ; Peter, Inorganic-organic compositions.
  55. Chesar David M. (286 S. 4th St. Byesville OH 43723), Instrument hand grip.
  56. Kaminski John A. (Newark CA) Tseng Mingchih M. (Hingham MA) Hart Adrian (Menlo Park CA) Suhonen Christopher H. (Providencia Santiago CA CLX) Pitts Robert G. (Half Moon Bay CA), Interdental foam brush and treatment gel combination therewith.
  57. Dabi Shmuel (Highland Park NJ), Interpenetrating polymeric network foams comprising crosslinked polyelectrolytes.
  58. Riley Robert E. (Flat Rock MI) Narayan Thirumurti (Grosse Ile MI), Isocyanate terminated quasi-prepolymers useful for preparing polyurethane/polyisocyanurate foams having low thermal cond.
  59. Narayan Thirumurti (Grosse Ile MI), Isocyanate terminated quasi-prepolymers useful for preparing urethane-group-containing polyisocyanurate foams having low.
  60. Gasper Alton J. (Minneapolis MN), Latex-reinforced polyurethane sewer sealing composition.
  61. Harrison Richard P. (Lincoln Park MI) Valoppi Valeri L. (Southgate MI), Low density flexible integral skin polyurethane systems using thermoplastic hydrocarbon microspheres and water as co-blo.
  62. Ramlow ; Gerhard G. ; Pizzini ; Louis C. ; Patton ; John T. ; Murphy ; J ohn R., Low-viscous, stable polymer dispersions and polyurethanes prepared therefrom.
  63. Hashimoto Yasuyuki (Hyogo JPX) Yamashita Haruo (Hyogo JPX) Kiyohara Yutaka (Hyogo JPX), Mechanical pencil with a fluid actuator.
  64. Jourquin Lucien (Wetteren) DuPrez Eddie (Brakel) Mortelmans Rudi (Ghent BEX), Method for the manufacture of flexible polyurethane foam.
  65. Uffindell Paul J. (Morrow OH), Method of fabricating a composite foam hand held implement grip.
  66. Hanrahan James R. (Fairfield CT) Levine Richard G. (Lawrence NY), Method of producing a foamed polyurethane body-protecting pad.
  67. Bartz Arnold M. (Granville OH) Hitchcock Martin K. (Newark OH), Methods of insulating with plastic structures containing thermal grade carbon black.
  68. Dellis Edward A. (1360 SW. 17th St. Boca Raton FL 33486), Moldable hand grip.
  69. David Constant V. (4952 Field St. San Diego CA 92110), Moldable handle adapter.
  70. Marui Shinji (Kobe JPX), Multiple radius grip.
  71. Close Donald S. (Stow OH), Novel foam compositions.
  72. Wood Louis L. (Rockville MD), Odorant hydrophilic foam compositions.
  73. Pacheco ; Nelly M., Orthopedic finger piece for writing instruments.
  74. Cuscurida Michael (Austin TX) Speranza George Phillip (Austin TX), Polymer-prepolymer composition prepared by polymerizing an ethylenically unsaturated monomer in the presence of an isocy.
  75. Armstrong George H. (Charleston WV) Gerkin Richard M. (Charleston WV) Critchfield Frank E. (South Charleston WV), Polymer/polyisocyanates.
  76. Fulmer Glenn E. (Clarksville MD) Vollmerhausen Conrad (Fulton MD), Polyurea polyurethane foamed sponge with high wet strength.
  77. Pauls Mathias (Haltern DEX), Polyurethane assembly foam and apparatus for the performance of its production process.
  78. de Vos Hans (Terneuzen NLX), Polyurethane foam containing a particulate organic solid and a process for the preparation thereof.
  79. Fracalossi Roland N. (Baltimore MD) Greenhouse Walter V. V. (Baltimore MD) Buchanan Michael S. (Baltimore MD), Polyurethane foam-filled foams and method of producing same.
  80. Behme Klaus J. (Hofheim DEX) Cherdron Harald (Naurod DEX) Gordon Wolfgang (Hofheim DEX) Burkhardt Hugo (Dreieichenhain DEX), Polyurethane foams containing reactive fibers and process for their manufacture.
  81. Fletcher Herbert E. (34807 Calle Del Sol Capistrano Beach CA 92624), Polyurethane gripping material.
  82. Scarpati Michael (Woodhaven MI) Hughes Mark J. (Trenton MI), Polyurethane/polycarbonate compatibility.
  83. Hager Stanley L. (Crosslanes WV), Preparation of polyurethane foams without using inert blowing agents.
  84. Stone Herman (Hazleton PA) Pauly Peter D. (Mountaintop PA), Process for a polyurethane foam containing fragrance.
  85. Oike Takeshi (Kiryu JPX), Process for preparation of polyurethane foam handle having woodgrain finish.
  86. den Otter Marinus J. A. M. (Munstergeleen NLX) TE Nijenhuis Anne (Brunssum NLX), Process for preparing a coated, thermosetting plastic foam having improved properties.
  87. Marx Matthias (Bad Durkheim DEX) Nissen Dietmar (Heidelberg DEX) Jarre Wolfgang (Ludwigshafen DEX), Process for the manufacture of reinforced polyurethane foams.
  88. Guarneri Marie-Jose (Les Berges du Thion Bat A 17 Av du Thion Annecy FRX F-74000) Leriche Christian (17 rsidence du Vieux Puits Feucherolles FRX F-78810) Preneau Jean (106 Av. Marchal Joffre Fontenay, Process for the preparation of charged thermosetting compounds of the polyurethane type and compounds obtained thereby.
  89. Mueller Gerhard (Germering DEX) Marx Matthias (Bad Durkheim DEX) Jarre Wolfgang (Gruenstadt DEX) Baumann Edwin (Schifferstadt DEX) Buethe Ingolf (Boehl-Iggelheim DEX), Process for the preparation of elastic polyurethane flexible foams usable in cold-mold techniques to produce molded arti.
  90. Griffiths Anthony C. M. (Brickhill GB2), Production of foams.
  91. Hanrahan James R. (Fairfield CT) Levine Richard G. (Lawrence NY), Protective device with integrally molded pad.
  92. Werner Frank (Neustadt DEX) Blum Rainer (Ludwigshafen DEX) Horn Peter (Heidelberg DEX) Welz Martin (Bad Durkheim DEX) Osterloh Rolf (Gruenstadt DEX), Reinforced cellular or noncellular polyurethane molded parts.
  93. Frisch Kurt C. (Grosse Ile MI) Ashida Kaneyoshi (Farmington Hills MI), Reinforced foam composites.
  94. Santos Gerard R. (Levittown PA), Replacement handle for a tool.
  95. Fujii Osamu (Konosu JPX) Kishimoto Toshio (Saitama JPX) Kobayashi Akio (Higashi Matsuyama JPX), Resilient hydrophobic foamed polymer.
  96. Wenning, Udo; Brodsky, Jan, Rigid foam and process for producing the same.
  97. Snider Scott C. (Seminole FL), Rigid foam with improved “K”factor by reacting a polyisocyanate and polyester polyol containing low free glycol.
  98. Stobby William G. (Granville OH), Rigid polyurethane modified polyisocyanurate containing fly ash as an inorganic filler.
  99. Frost Charles B. (Livermore CA), Rigid zeolite containing polyurethane foams.
  100. Sudan Krishan (3125 Cherrier Ile Bizard ; Quebec CAX H9C 2J9), Semi-flexible or flexible phenolic foam composition.
  101. Coppola ; Pasquale J., Semi-rigid polyurethane foam used in packaging.
  102. Miller Gary R. (Tewksbury MA), Shaving system.
  103. Szabo Marton J. (Westmont NJ), Sheathed soft-handle with concealed lapped ends.
  104. Di Geronimo Joseph W. (Sturbridge MA), Shock absorbingg underlayment for artificial playing surfaces.
  105. Tozune Sigeru (Sano JPX) Yamazaki Shizuo (Oora JPX) Komori Ryuichi (Koga JPX) Ishii Masashi (Wako JPX) Sakaguchi Yoshio (Wako JPX) Oda Tetsuya (Wako JPX), Shock-absorbing polyurethane foam and production process thereof.
  106. Reeves Mark E. (Maplewood MN) Hartfel Margaret A. (Minneapolis MN) Rouser Forrest J. (San Rafael CA) Smith Kenneth L. (White Bear Lake MN), Slip control sheeting and articles covered with same.
  107. Decker Richard B. (Vermilion OH) Hummel Joseph (Amherst OH), Slip resistant, cushioning cover for handles.
  108. Decker Richard B. (Vermilion OH) Hummel Joseph (Amherst OH), Slip-resistant cushioning covers for handles.
  109. Burout ; III Charles J. (Oxford CT), Soft resilient razor handle.
  110. Mendelsohn Morris A. (Wilkins Twp. ; Allegheny County PA) Bolton Richard (Saratoga CA) Navish ; Jr. Francis W. (East Pittsburgh PA), Sound absorbing and decoupling syntactic foam.
  111. Bates Lester W. (Cross Junction VA) Buchanan Eric P. (Cross Junction VA), Sound attenuating polymer composites.
  112. Fulmer Glenn E. (Clarksville MD) Wood Louis L. (Rockville MD), Sound deadening material.
  113. Arnason Sigurdur I. (Worthington OH) Kunke Michael A. (Dublin OH), Squeezable toy with dimensional memory.
  114. Chandalia Kiran B. (Cheshire CT) Barnowski Henry G. (Durham CT), Stabilization of high resilience polyurethane foam.
  115. Chandalia Kiran B. (Cheshire CT) Barnowski Henry G. (Durham CT), Stabilization of high resilience polyurethane foam by including in the reaction mixture a polyol containing an effective.
  116. Berkowitz Phillip T. (Woodbridge CT), Stable, low viscosity polymer/polyisocyanate dispersion made using a macromolecular monomer and a functional monomer.
  117. Janes Richard (Belchertown MA), Tennis racket.
  118. Lee J. Kelly (20 Medallion Dr. Rochester NY 14626), Tennis racket providing increased hitting power.
  119. Sexton ; I Vernon R. (Yale MI), Thermoplastic grip and method for making same.
  120. Gain Gregg F. (2501 Sherman Ave. #150 Coeur d\Alene ID 83814), Tool hand grip.
  121. Colwell Lori A. (304 N. 12th ; Apt. 4 Norfolk NE 68701), Tool handle cover.
  122. Andersson Bror A. E. (sterngsvgen 24 ; S-180 10 Enebyberg SEX), Tooth-cleaning device.
  123. Atkins Marie B. (7070 Goodwood Ave. Baton Rouge LA 70806) Atkins Richard (7070 Goodwood Ave. Baton Rouge LA 70806), Toothbrush construction.
  124. Desimone Joseph A. (Bricktown NJ) Goldinger Richard A. (Princeton NJ), Toothbrush having non-slip surface.
  125. Lundgren James F. (723 71st Ave. No. St. Petersburg FL 33702), Toothbrush with firm grip handle.
  126. Kent Dale W. (Maplewood MN) Berger Thomas W. (Roseville MN), Treatment of hazardous material with vapor suppressing, persistent, water-containing, polymeric air foam.
  127. Wood Louis L. (Rockville MD), Urethane foams having low resiliency.
  128. Crawford George H. (Dellwood MN) Smith ; II Howell K. (Grant Township ; Washington County MN), Visco-elastic material comprising a polymeric foam impregnated with an acrylic resin.
  129. Norman Bill (14431 Galy Tustin CA 92680), Weight-cushioning device for handles and method of constructing same.
  130. Althaus Wolfgang (Wuppertal DEX) Grange Kenneth (London GBX), Wet razor.
  131. Pozil Richard L. (10333 Mississippi Ave. Los Angeles CA 90025) Provda Lois J. (208 Lasky Dr. Beverly Hills CA 90212), Writing aid.
  132. Rusk Chris E. (1007 Wayne Ave. Crawfordsville IN 47933), Writing aid.
  133. Rusk Chris E. (1900 State Rd. 32 ; West Crawfordsville IN 47933), Writing aid.
  134. McCall Michael L. (1414 N. Harper Dr. Los Angeles CA) Willat Boyd I. (1414 N. Harper Dr. Los Angeles CA 90046), Writing implement.
  135. Willat Boyd I. (1414 N. Harper Ave. Los Angeles CA 90046), Writing instrument.
  136. Williams James K. (7 Peasenhall La. Cincinnati OH 45208), Writing instrument and holder assembly.
  137. Klodt Gerald J. (Madison WI), Writing instrument grip.
  138. Hoyle James E. (302 Orange Grove Fillmore CA 93015), Writing instrument removable finger grip.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (17) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. DeLuca, Donald A.; Kent, Michael; O'Brien, Richard C.; Ferrara, Jr., Daniel A., Cushioning device.
  2. Moxon William A., Ergonomic tool holder or writing tool with means to be molded to fit the user's hand.
  3. Tremulis, William S.; Deg, Michael John; Deg, Kyle Thomas, Golf club grip.
  4. Puig, Miguel A., Handle device.
  5. Patrick J. Brenner, Lateral displacement assist collar for hose coupler.
  6. Bourne,George; Cooke,David, Medical instruments.
  7. Kent,Michael; Hester,William D.; D'Angelo,David Gerard, Pen.
  8. Kent,Michael; Hester,William D.; D'Angelo,David Gerard, Pen.
  9. Kent,Michael; Hoffmann,Gregory, Pen.
  10. Blauer, Jeff; Blauer, Stan, Pliable handle.
  11. Blauer, Stan; Blauer, Jeff; Chan, Yen C.; Chou, Fu Yi, Pliable handle.
  12. Blauer, Stan; Blauer, Jeff; Chan, Yen C.; Chou, Fu-Yi, Pliable handle.
  13. Blauer,Stan; Blauer,Jeff; Chan,Yen Chiu; Chou,Fu Yi, Pliable handle.
  14. Pearce, Richard J., Sweat absorbent sleeve for pens and pencils.
  15. Baudino Rodney J. ; Bain Charles E., Writing implement.
  16. Baudino Rodney J. ; Bain Charles E., Writing implement.
  17. Rodney J. Baudino ; Charles E. Bain, Writing implement.

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