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[미국특허] Electric connector assembly with improved retention characteristics 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01R-009/09
출원번호 US-0816225 (1997-03-12)
우선권정보 JP-0001005 U (1997-02-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Ito Tomoaki,JPX
  • Aihara Shinichi,JPX
  • Niitsu Toshihiro,JPX
출원인 / 주소
  • Molex Incorporated
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 34  인용 특허 : 17


A connector assembly with improved retention characteristics includes opposing plug and receptacle connector housings, each containing conductive terminals. The terminals of one of the connector housings, preferably the plug connector housing include body portions with separate contact and locking p


[ We claim:] [1.] A surface mount electrical connector for engaging with a corresponding opposing surface mount electrical connector in order to effect a connection between two circuit boards, said connector comprising: a connector housing formed from an electrically insulative material, a channel d

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (17) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Pickles Charles S. (Hummelstown PA) Zarreii Mansour (Mechanicsburg PA), Active electrical connector.
  2. Olson Stanley W. (East Berlin PA), Blade-like terminal having a passive latch.
  3. Kaufman John W. (Hershey) Summers Donald J. (Shiremanstown) Pratt Gregory R. (Etters PA), Blind mating miniature connector.
  4. Seto Masashi (Zama JPX) Aihara Shinichi (Atsugi JPX) Inoue Kouichi (Yokohama JPX), Board to board electrical connectors.
  5. Enomoto Masahiro (Inagi JPX) Fukushima Minoru (Kanagawa JPX) Aihara Shinichi (Atsugi JPX), Board-to-board electric connector having male and female terminals at reduced pitch.
  6. Kawawada Kenji (Tokyo JPX) Shimada Akira (Tokyo JPX), Connector device.
  7. Mori Satoshi (Tokyo JPX), Electrical connection and method of making same.
  8. Ono Hisahiro (Tsu JPX), Electrical connector.
  9. Korsunsky Iosif (Harrisburg PA) Grabbe Dimitry G. (Middletown PA), Electrical connector having terminals which cooperate with an edge of a circuit board.
  10. Lenz William R. (Crestwood) Patel Arvind (Naperville) Roberts James T. (Oak Park) Schafer Jack J. (LaGrange IL), Electrical connector system utilizing thin male terminals.
  11. Englert ; Jr. Michael W. (Middletown PA) Summers Donald J. (Shiremanstown PA), Low profile board to board connector.
  12. Nishiyama Youichi (Tsu JPX) Ono Hisahiro (Tsu JPX), Method of manufacturing an electrical connector.
  13. Lemke Timothy A. (Carlisle PA) Elco Richard A. (Mechanicsburg PA) Houtz Timothy W. (Etters PA), Receptacle having a nosepeice to receive cantilevered spring contacts.
  14. Mosquera Rene A. (Laguna Niguel CA) Lin Michael A. (Anaheim CA), Simplified contact connector system.
  15. Azuma Youichiro (Tokyo JPX) Kitamura Shigeyasu (Tokyo JPX), Stacking connector assembly of variable size.
  16. Nakamura Tatsuya (Hino JPX) Kikuchi Shoji (Hiratsuka JPX), Surface mount connector.
  17. Masami Sasao (Kawasaki JPX) Miyazawa Junichi (Yokohama JPX), Thin, applied-to-surface type of electric connector.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (34) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Lee, Kuo-Ching; Meng, Ta-Teh; Shi, Mei; Men, Wen-Liang; Yang, Sheng-Ho; Yu, Cheng-Feng, Board connector assembly, receptacle connector and plug connector thereof.
  2. Lee, Kuo-Ching; Meng, Ta-Teh; Yuan, Shuang-Lin; Shi, Mei; Chang, Chiah-Siang, Board to board electrical connector assembly.
  3. Hiroshi Shimoyama JP; Tomoaki Ito JP; Shinichi Aihara JP, Board to board plug connector.
  4. Hiroshi Shimoyama JP; Tomoaki Ito JP; Shinichi Aihara JP, Board to board receptacle connector.
  5. Chen, Chung-yu; Peng, Yung-chi, Board-to board connector assembly.
  6. Huang, Chung-Hsin; Peng, Yung-Chi; Chiang, Shu-Man, Board-to-board connector.
  7. Peng,Yung Chi; Chen,Hsin Ta, Board-to-board connector.
  8. Peng,Yung Chi; Chen,Hsin Ta, Board-to-board connector.
  9. Shun Chi Dong, Board-to-board connector with improved contacts.
  10. Wu, Chun Kwan; Su, Tien Chieh; Wu, Chia Wei; Chiang, Ming Tsung, Board-to-board electrical connector assembly.
  11. Hirakawa, Takeshi, Circuit-terminal connecting device.
  12. Wu Jerry,TWX, Connection system.
  13. Nishimura, Takayuki; Motojima, Joe, Connector.
  14. Takenaga, Yuichi; Obikane, Hiroaki; Nishimura, Takayuki; Machihara, Daisuke; Mori, Yutaro, Connector.
  15. Miyazaki, Yoji; Fujimoto, Masaki, Connector having an attachment piece not aligned with a protrusion formed in a sidewall of the connector body.
  16. Dieterle,Derrick; Chen,Ping, Connector position assurance apparatus.
  17. Torii Chieko,JPX, Connector structure for substrate.
  18. Potters, Paul, Connector with a housing pivotally supporting floating terminals.
  19. Miyazaki, Yoji; Fujimoto, Masaki, Connector, and header and socket to be used in the same.
  20. Hashiguchi, Osamu, Downsized connector having a structure that is tolerant of twist.
  21. Lappoehn, Juergen, Electric plug connector with hermaphrodite contact element.
  22. Aujla, Sharanjit S.; Elkhatib, Hesham K., Electrical connector.
  23. Little, Terrance F.; Chen, Ming-Ching; Yeh, Hung-Yang; Liu, Chia-Pin; Ho, Chih-Hsiang; Malehorn, II, Richard Lee, Electrical connector assembly for blind mating for board to board use.
  24. Van der Steen,Henrikus P. G., Electrical connector assembly having improved terminal.
  25. Huang, Chien-Hsun, Electrical connector assembly having locking device.
  26. Huang, Chien-Hsun, Electrical connector assembly having locking device.
  27. Yu, Hung-Chi, Electrical connector assembly with locking means.
  28. Pan,Weihua; zhang,Ming, Electrical connector with guidance face.
  29. Zhang,Chi; Wu,Ming Chuan, Electrical connector with improved terminals.
  30. Yamada, Akio; Kojima, Isao, Electrical connector with plug connector and receptacle connector.
  31. Johnson, L. Robin; Spink, William E., High density connector.
  32. Kawahara,Yuzo; Yamagami,Hidehisa; Ishiyama,Takahiro; Takamatsu,Masahiro, SMT connector.
  33. Lee, Kuo-Ching; Meng, Ta-Teh; Guan, Jian-Li, Signal terminal and plug connector with signal terminals.
  34. Liao, Fang-Jun; Hsu, Hsiu-Yuan, Zero insertion force socket having a base with compliant walls.

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