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[미국특허] Self-test circuit for a shorted diode protection panel in a diesel electric locomotive 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H02H-007/06
  • H02P-009/00
출원번호 US-0845126 (1997-04-21)
발명자 / 주소
  • Friedlander Ariel
  • Worden Bret Dwayne
  • Smith Myron Lee
  • Cooper Charles Earl
출원인 / 주소
  • General Electric Company
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 10  인용 특허 : 10


A self-test system for a shorted diode protection circuit in an electric vehicle propulsion system includes a series of relays for selectively coupling a battery in circuit with a field winding of a generator, the shorted diode protection circuit being coupled in voltage sensing arrangement with the


[ What is claimed:] [1.] A self-test circuit for a shorted diode protection system in a traction vehicle propulsion system, the propulsion system including a synchronous generator having armature and field windings, a controllable source of excitation current connected to the field winding and elect

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Bachand Gerard E. (Cherry Valley MA) Goodwin Peter A. (Wayland MA), Apparatus and method for detection of latent faults in redundant systems.
  2. Cooke Philip R. (Erie PA) Laukaitis Joseph A. (Erie PA), Automatic fault current protection for a locomotive propulsion system.
  3. Cooke Philip R. (Erie PA) Laukaitis Joseph A. (Erie PA), Automatic overvoltage protection for an alternator in a locomotive propulsion system.
  4. Strobl Fred A. (Chicago IL) Di Legge Felix (Chicago IL), Battery back-up system for electromagnets.
  5. Fattic Gerald T. (Anderson IN), Fault indicator for motor vehicle battery charging systems.
  6. D\Atre John D. (Ballston Lake NY), Gain normalization technique for controlled current induction motor system.
  7. Jackovich Melvin C. (Stillman Valley IL) Spencer William (Rockford IL) Thom James B. (Rock City IL), Generator shorted diode protection system.
  8. Good Jef W. (Beloit WI) Mrowiec David J. (Rockford IL), Protection system for a shorted rectifying diode within a synchronous generator.
  9. King Charles W. (Anderson IN) Ruff Donald O. (Anderson IN) Sheldrake Leonard J. (Noblesville IN), Storage battery charging system fault indicating circuit.
  10. Sheldrake Leonard J. (Noblesville IN) Ruff Donald O. (Anderson IN) King Charles W. (Anderson IN), Storage battery charging system with alternator output fault indicating circuit.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (10) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Rainer,Josef; Bernecker,Erwin, Apparatus for braking a synchronous machine.
  2. Taniguchi, Makoto, Automotive alternator having parallel connected circulating circuit to rapidly attenuate field current.
  3. Miyata, Masanori; Arakawa, Takafumi, Circuit and method for inspecting semiconductor device.
  4. Meyer, Steven D., Dual purpose permanent magnet speed sensor and generator.
  5. Jorg Roth-Stielow DE; Josef Schmidt DE, Electric motor and method for operating such a motor.
  6. Liang, Feng; Huang, Henry Heping; Degner, Michael W., Electrical machine drive system and method.
  7. Verma, Rajeev; Worden, Bret Dwayne, Method and apparatus for detecting alternator rectifier diode short fault.
  8. Kumar, Ajith K.; McGarry, Jeremy, Method for detecting electrical faulty conditions in power devices of a propulsion system.
  9. Ajith Kuttannair Kumar, Processor and method for accommodating failed speed sensors in a locomotive.
  10. Hashimoto, Keita, Vehicle and method for controlling vehicle.

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