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[미국특허] Foldable container 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A45C-007/00
  • A45C-011/20
  • A45C-013/10
출원번호 US-0048411 (1998-03-26)
발명자 / 주소
  • Peterson Leroy L.
출원인 / 주소
  • Sportsstuff Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Henderson & Sturm
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 66  인용 특허 : 8


A foldable container including a sheet of material is laid out in bottom, side, end, foldable gusset, and top panels. The panels are folded to form a seamless container having a lid that is selectively opened and closed by a zipper. The assembly container is essentially waterproof since the only sea


[ I claim:] [1.] A foldable container comprising:a sheet of material, the sheet including:a bottom rectangular panel;a pair of opposing side panels foldably attached along respective proximal edges thereof to the bottom panel;a pair of opposing end panels foldably attached along respective proximal

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (8) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Liggett Joseph (6 Riverview Ter. New York NY 10022), Collapsible lightweight shipping container.
  2. Brockhaus Peter B. (Rte. 1 Owen WI 54460), Convertible cooler and cushion.
  3. Floyd Roy V. (1214 Meadowood Dr. Shelby NC 28150), Disposable cooler.
  4. Little Vicki A. (P.O. Box 781 Santa Teresa NM 88008), Multi-purpose utility tote.
  5. Bachner Larry G. (Barrington IL), Nonwicking bottom closure for a liquid-tight container.
  6. Johnson Russell L. (P.O. Box 161 Weyauwega WI 54983), One piece receptacle.
  7. Martinez Isidro A. (4330 NW. 196th St. Coral City FL 33055) Gutierrez Beatriz (3100 SW. 67th Way Miramar FL 33023), Picnic bag and mat.
  8. Mode Duane R. (Bloomington MN), Pre-glued tapered tray with gussets and flanges.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (66) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Barlier, Pierre, Bag.
  2. Jackson,David L.; O'Flynn,Jennifer A.; Zachary,Kimberly J., Carrying case for a container.
  3. Rees, Gary; Emerson, David John; Glenn, Kerry Ann, Collapsible crate.
  4. Rees, Gary; Emerson, David John; Glenn, Kerry Ann, Collapsible crate.
  5. Irwin-Kieling, Melissa Renee; Brisacher-Dirksen, Jeannette Marie, Collapsible insulated container.
  6. Miner,Michelle Yvette, Collapsible luggage.
  7. Jose, Boban, Collapsible luggage and a method for its use.
  8. Jose, Boban, Collapsible stand attached to a baggage item and a method for its use.
  9. Jose, Boban, Collapsible suitcase, and a method for its use.
  10. Mogil Melvin S.,CAX, Container.
  11. Mogil Melvin S.,CAX, Container.
  12. Mogil, Melvin S., Container with expandable portion.
  13. Mogil, Melvin S., Container with expandable portion.
  14. Rothschild,Wayne H., Convertible storage bin with lid.
  15. Rothschild,Wayne H., Convertible storage bin with lid.
  16. Rothschild, Wayne H; McComb, Kevin, Convertible storage container.
  17. Chang, Cheng-Wen, Cushion case for mobile computer.
  18. Mogil Melvin S.,CAX, Divided insulated container.
  19. Mogil, Melvin S., Divided insulated container.
  20. Mogil, Melvin S., Divided insulated container.
  21. Severa,William D.; Rocchi,Ronald R., Environmentally controlled sports equipment bag.
  22. Severa,William D.; Rocchi,Ronald R., Environmentally controlled sports equipment bag.
  23. Lyons,John B.; Salander,Mark T.; Reese,Quincy L., Fastener of a sports equipment bag.
  24. Mogil, Melvin S., Foldable bag.
  25. Langlois, Damon, Foldable bicycle pannier.
  26. Mogil, Melvin S., Foldable insulated bag.
  27. Lopez, Carlos, Foldable padded case for a personal computer.
  28. Williams, Benjamin; Grady, Brian E; Campbell, Benjamin J; Feather, William M; Winters, Laurra C; Recke, Edward, Insulated bag.
  29. Mogil, Melvin S., Insulated container and liner.
  30. Mitchell, Elizabeth; Baatz, Mike; Kearns, William; Edwards, Christopher; Mogil, Melvin; Stephens, Richard, Insulated container with work surface.
  31. Mitchell, Elizabeth; Baatz, Mike; Kearns, William; Edwards, Christopher; Mogil, Melvin; Stephens, Richard, Insulated container with work surface.
  32. Mitchell, Elizabeth; Baatz, Mike; Kearns, William; Edwards, Christopher; Mogil, Melvin; Stephens, Richard, Insulated container with work surface.
  33. de Lesseux, Lionel de Bazelaire; Stampfli, Robert Gary; Flowers, Langdon Strong, Insulated liners and containers.
  34. De Lesseux, Lionel de Bazelaire; Stampfli, Robert Gary; Flowers, III, Langdon Strong, Insulated shipping bags.
  35. De Lesseux, Lionel de Bazelaire; Stampfli, Robert Gary; Flowers, III, Langdon Strong, Insulated shipping bags.
  36. De Lesseux, Lionel de Bazelaire; Stampfli, Robert Gary; Flowers, III, Langdon Strong, Insulated shipping bags.
  37. Jose, Boban, Locking slider assembly and a method for its manufacture.
  38. Jose, Boban, Locking slider assembly and a method for its manufacture.
  39. Jose, Boban, Locking slider assembly and a method for its manufacture.
  40. Jose, Boban, Luggage extension handle having a pocket.
  41. Jose, Boban, Luggage extension handle having a ring-shaped grip.
  42. Espar,Traci Leigh; Yarow,Jamie Michelle, Mat, carrier combination.
  43. Schinasi, Piero, Method for preparing pieces of fabric; pieces and bag derived from application of the method.
  44. Rothschild, Wayne H.; Rothschild, Maxwell Bell, Multipurpose storage device and method.
  45. Rothschild, Wayne H.; Rothschild, Maxwell Bell, Multipurpose storage device and method.
  46. Rothschild, Wayne H.; Rothschild, Maxwell Bell, Multipurpose storage device and method.
  47. Rothschild, Wayne H.; Rothschild, Maxwell Bell, Multipurpose storage device and method.
  48. Rothschild, Wayne H.; Rothschild, Maxwell Bell, Multipurpose storage device and method.
  49. Lyons,John B.; Salander,Mark T.; Reese,Quincy L., Piping of a sports equipment bag.
  50. Lobiondo, Jon, Puzzle storage and transportation system.
  51. Jose, Boban, Retractable luggage extension handle with a ring-shaped grip.
  52. Rees, Gary; Emerson, David John; Glenn, Kerry Ann, Set of collapsible crates.
  53. Lyons,John B.; Salander,Mark T.; Reese,Quincy L., Side portion of a sports equipment bag.
  54. Lyons,John B.; Salander,Mark T.; Reese,Quincy L., Side region of a sports equipment bag.
  55. Mogil, Melvin S.; Stephens, Rick; Mather, Ryan, Soft-sided insulated container with inflatable wall structure.
  56. Mitchell, Elizabeth; Baatz, Mike; Kearns, William; Edwards, Christopher; Mogil, Melvin; Stephens, Richard; Barattin, Alexander; Wu, Jingchao, Soft-sided insulated container with lid fitting.
  57. Mitchell, Elizabeth; Baatz, Mike; Kearns, William; Edwards, Christopher; Mogil, Melvin; Stephens, Richard; Barattin, Alexander; Wu, Jingchao, Soft-sided insulated container with lid fitting.
  58. Epicureo, Giulio, Storage bag.
  59. Rothschild,Wayne H., Storage bin with lid.
  60. Clip, Paul, System and method for detecting that an open bag is being carried.
  61. Auble, Cristy Lee, Therapuetic purse.
  62. Anderson Brian,AUX, Thermal insulating container.
  63. Troncoso,Hugo; Troncoso,Janette, Thermal insulative device and method.
  64. Hollinger, Fred, Tote bag.
  65. Hollinger, Fred, Tote bag.
  66. Kwon, Soon Buem, Utility box.

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