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Glass fiber mats, thermosetting composites reinforced with the same and methods for making the same 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • D04H-001/74
  • B32B-005/06
출원번호 US-0866775 (1997-05-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Beer Kenneth D.
  • Cross Christopher G.
  • Thimons Thomas V.
  • Unites Thomas P.
출원인 / 주소
  • PPG Industries, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 34  인용 특허 : 24


The present invention provides a needled mat adapted to reinforce a thermosetting matrix material to form a composite, composites formed therefrom, and methods related thereto. The needled mat includes a primary layer of a plurality of unidirectional continuous glass fiber strands coated with a comp


[ Therefore, we claim:] [1.] A mat adapted to reinforce a thermosetting matrix material, the mat comprising:(a) a primary layer comprising a plurality of generally parallel, essentially continuous glass fiber strands oriented generally parallel to a longitudinal axis of the mat, at least a portion o

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (24)

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  2. Shannon Richard F. (Lancaster OH), Bonded mat of directionally oriented strands and randomly oriented strands.
  3. Baumann John A. (Lower Burrell PA), Bonded needled fiber glass thermoplastic reinforced mats.
  4. Yamada Toshio (Tsu JPX) Okubayashi Ikuo (Taki JPX) Sato Yukio (Mie JPX) Minagawa Shunpei (Mie JPX) Koshimoto Masaru (Ichihara JPX), Composite fiber reinforced thermoplastic resin stampable sheet and bumper beam formed thereof.
  5. Neubauer Jeffrey A. (Boiling Springs NC) Sarni Vincent A. (Pittsburgh PA), Environmental control of needled mat production.
  6. Wahl Ludwig (Schifferstadt DEX) Vogel Helmut (Bramsche DEX), Fiber-reinforced thermoplastic panels.
  7. Jansz Just J. C. (Ammerswil CHX) Sengbusch Joachim (Eggingen DEX), Fibre reinforced thermoplastic sheet.
  8. Thimons Thomas V. (Allison Park PA) Swisher Robert G. (Pittsburgh PA) Hou Yongsheng (Pittsburgh PA), Glass fiber size and mat.
  9. Hedden Jerry C. (Shelby NC), Glass fiber sizing composition for the reinforcement of resin matrices and method of using same.
  10. Wahl Ludwig (Schifferstadt DEX) Vogel Helmut (Bramsche DEX), Glass-mat-reinforced thermoplastic panels.
  11. Carley Earl P. (Upper Burrell PA), High performance fiber ribbon product, high strength hybrid composites and methods of producing and using same.
  12. Picone Charles E. (Shelby NC), High strength fiber glass reinforced thermoplastic sheets and method of manufacturing same involving a reverse barb need.
  13. Neubauer Jeffrey A. (Lewisville TX) Reese Walter J. (North Huntington PA) Spencer Dennis O. (Shelby NC), Method and apparatus for making glass fiber oriented continuous strand mat.
  14. Ihm Dae W. (Seoul KRX) Kim Soon S. (Seoul KRX) Ihm Hee S. (Kyunggi-do KRX) Kim Iee K. (Kyunggi-do KRX) Cho Seon H. (Seoul KRX), Method for the preparation of prepreg of thermoplastic composite resin.
  15. Barch Herbert W. (Natrona Heights PA) Hudson Howard J. (Braddock PA) Hedden Jerry C. (Shelby NC), Method of forming and sizing glass fibers.
  16. Grimnes Martin S. (Brunswick ME), Methods of producing structurally reinforced thermoplastic-fabric composite contruction material that are moldable.
  17. Seemann William H. (Ocean Springs MS), Plastic transfer molding apparatus for the production of fiber reinforced plastic structures.
  18. Seemann ; III William H. (26 Montacilla Ocean Springs MS 39564), Plastic transfer molding techniques for the production of fiber reinforced plastic structures.
  19. Kimura Hiroshi (Gifu JPX) Maeda Makoto (Hashima JPX) Hirai Toshihara (Noda JPX), Stampable sheet made of fiber-reinforced thermoplastic resin and molded article therefor.
  20. Grimnes Martin S. (Brunswick ME), Structurally reinforced thermoplastic-fabric composite construction materials that are moldable.
  21. Sherman Ronald K. (941 Crystal Lake #305 Pompano Beach FL 33064), System of fabric covering.
  22. Neubauer Jeffrey A. (Lewisville TX) Reese Walter J. (North Huntington PA) Spencer Dennis O. (Shelby NC), Thermoplastic sheet.
  23. Seemann William (6011 Montacilla Cir. Ocean Springs MS 39564), Unitary vacuum bag for forming fiber reinforced composite articles.
  24. Seemann William (Pass Christian MS), Unitary vacuum bag for forming fiber reinforced composite articles and process for making same.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (34)

  1. Pulkrabek,Larry R., Archery target with covering layer.
  2. Pulkrabek,Larry R., Archery target with covering layer.
  3. Jose Corrons ES, Complex fabric having layers made from glass fibers and tissue paper.
  4. Ceko, Peter, Composition fiber glass utility pole.
  5. Puckett, Garry D.; Woodworth, Brian, Compounds, rosins, and sizing compositions.
  6. Wu, Zongquan; Harris, Frank W.; Cheng, Steven Z. D., Cut resistant polymeric films.
  7. Flautt, Martin C.; Hager, William G., Epoxy film former string binder.
  8. Raghavendran, Venkat Krishna; Ebeling, Thomas Arnold, Fiber reinforced thermoplastic sheets with surface coverings.
  9. Caceres, Peter; Fakhari, John, Fiberglass lawn edging.
  10. Omiya, Mitsuhiro; Suzuki, Masatoshi, Glass chopped strand mat, glass chopped strand mat roll, method for manufacturing glass chopped strand mat and automotive molded ceiling material.
  11. Omiya, Mitsuhiro; Suzuki, Masatoshi, Glass chopped strand mat, glass chopped strand mat roll, method for manufacturing glass chopped strand mat and automotive molded ceiling material.
  12. Mulder Roger E.,NLX ; Peterson Charles W.,NLX ; Dittmar Harri,DEX, Glass fiber mats, laminates reinforced with the same and methods for making the same.
  13. Mulder, Roger E.; Peterson, Charles W.; Dittmar, Harri, Glass fiber mats, laminates reinforced with the same and methods for making the same.
  14. Haque Enamul ; Bassett Walt ; Lewis Thomas F., I-Section automotive bumper formed from mineral-filled glass mat thermoplastic (GMT) composite.
  15. Hartman,David R.; Dunn,Matthew W., Infusion fabric for molding large composite structures.
  16. Fakhari, John, Lawn edging with integral electrical conductor and clip connectors.
  17. Hernandez-Torres, Jesus Manuel; Jones, IV, David R.; Chen, Liang; Smith, Jeffery W.; Miller, Timothy A.; Huang, Helen Y.; Samueloff, Michael D.; Tazi, Mohammed; Gilbert, Timothy R., Mats for use in paved surfaces.
  18. Silva, Raymond; Dahl, Jeffrey Scott, Method and apparatus for making a fiber reinforced article.
  19. McCollum, Robert P., Method and apparatus for molding composite articles.
  20. McCollum, Robert P.; Kirila, II, Gene E., Method and apparatus for molding composite articles.
  21. Granger, Mark Allan, Method of applying de-dusting agents to fibrous products and products.
  22. Davies, Laurence W.; Fritz, Peter J.; Beer, Kenneth D., Method of making a pultruded part with a reinforcing mat.
  23. Davies, Laurence W.; Fritz, Peter J.; Beer, Kenneth D., Method of making a reinforcing mat for a pultruded part.
  24. Davies, Laurence W.; Fritz, Peter J.; Beer, Kenneth D., Method of making a reinforcing mat for a pultruded part.
  25. Davies, Laurence W.; Fritz, Peter J.; Beer, Kenneth D., Method of making a reinforcing mat for a pultruded part.
  26. Davies, Laurence W.; Fritz, Peter J.; Beer, Kenneth D., Method of making a reinforcing mat for a pultruded part.
  27. Davies,Laurence W.; Fritz,Peter J.; Beer,Kenneth D., Method of making a reinforcing mat for a pultruded part.
  28. Jones,David R.; Helwig,Gregory S., Method of reinforcing and waterproofing a paved surface.
  29. Berger, Elisabeth J.; Owens, John N.; Wang, Chen-Shih; Kia, Hamid G., One-piece fiber reinforcement for a reinforced polymer combining aligned and random fiber layers.
  30. Flautt, Martin C.; Priest, James R., Polyester resin string binder.
  31. Canfield,V. Robert; Storey,Robson F.; Roberts,Betty C., Process of making composite sheet material.
  32. Puckett,Garry D., Sizing composition for glass fibers and sized fiber glass products.
  33. Granger, Mark Allan, System for applying liquid de-dusting agents to fibrous products.
  34. Sakonjo,Hideki; Ishibashi,Masayasu; Hirokawa,Tetsuro; Tanamura,Takeshi; Hashimoto,Koichi, Unidirectional long fiber three dimensional fiber structure produced by short fiber intertwining and production method thereof.
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