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[미국특허] Automatic deadbolt with separate trigger 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E05C-001/08
출원번호 US-0995626 (1997-12-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kajuch Pete
출원인 / 주소
  • Schlage Lock Company
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 25  인용 특허 : 10


An automatic door latch has a case and a bolt movable within the case between a fully extended position in which the bolt extends forwardly of the case and a partially extended position in which the bolt is positioned to contact a door strike. There is a plunger mounted on the bolt, with the bolt an


[ The embodiments of the invention in which an exclusive property or privilege is claimed are defined as follows:] [1.] An automatic door latch having a case, a bolt movable within said case between a fully extended position in which said bolt extends forwardly of said case and a partially extended

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Dancs Imre J. (Greendale WI), Adjustable interconnected lock assembly.
  2. Kajuch Pete, Adjustable interconnected lock assembly with automatic deadbolt.
  3. Moon Charles W., Automatic deadbolt.
  4. Totten Clyde D. (31317 Unit F ; The Old Rd. Castaic CA 91384), Automatic deadbolt.
  5. Kajuch Pete (Brookfield WI), Automatic deadbolts.
  6. Smallegan Jon M. ; Chamberlain L. C. Derek ; Pompeii Dario L., Interlocking dead bolt with projecting pins.
  7. Ghostley Thomas J. (Anaheim CA), Latch assembly.
  8. Foshee William R. (Noblesville IN) Hamel Lyn (Anderson IN), Latch bolt deadlocking mechanism.
  9. Raymond James W. (Newport Beach CA) Millett James A. (Costa Mesa CA), Spring-loaded dead bolt assembly.
  10. Lin Jui C. (297 ; Bor Ay Road Kaohsiung ; Taiwan TWX 800), Trumpet door lock with an adjustable dead bolt.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (25) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Shilts, Steven J., Anti-ligative doorknob.
  2. Shilts, Steven J., Anti-ligative doorknob with tri-beveled latchbolt.
  3. Shilts, Steven J., Anti-ligative doorknob with tri-beveled latchbolt.
  4. Eller, Darren C.; Piantek, Ryan; Riley, Dan; Geraci, Andrew, Anti-ligature handle and escutcheon for operating a lock.
  5. Gallo, Michael; Sanelli, Steve, Apparatus and method for vending securely stored products to consumers.
  6. Houlihan, Kevin; Wind, Patrick E., Combination lock with rotary latch.
  7. Houlihan, Kevin; Wind, Patrick E., Combination lock with rotary latch.
  8. Houlihan, Kevin; Wind, Patrick E.; Greene, Douglas, Combination lock with rotary latch.
  9. Wind, Patrick E.; Houlihan, Kevin; Greene, Douglas, Combination lock with rotary latch.
  10. Wind, Patrick E.; Houlihan, Kevin; Greene, Douglas, Combination lock with rotary latch.
  11. Wind, Patrick E.; Houlihan, Kevin; Greene, Douglas, Combination lock with rotary latch.
  12. Wind, Patrick E.; Houlihan, Kevin; Greene, Douglas, Combination lock with rotary latch.
  13. Huang, Chih-Cheng; Huang, Chao-Ming, Combination structure of the assembly plates and the cylinder of a lock latch.
  14. Garza, Jose A.; Smajstrla, Kody W.; Estapa, Joseph M.; Dalsing, Troy; Bodily, Jerry B., Deadbolt lock assembly.
  15. Hagemeyer, Bruce; Raap, Dan; Tagtow, Gary E.; Lammers, Tracy; Rickenbaugh, Allen, High security lock for door.
  16. Flannery, Mark A.; Linehan, Brian G., Latch apparatus.
  17. Liang, Luke; Liang, Tong; Chen, David, Latch for tiltable sash windows.
  18. Chiang, Wei-Liang; Chang, Ting-Cheng; Shyu, Song-Gen; Kuo, Ching-Chuan, Latch-bolt mechanism operable to allow for idle rotation of an exterior handle.
  19. Chiang, Wei-Lung; Gao, Sheen-Youl, Latching device for a lock.
  20. Lemettinen Jaakko,FIX ; Raatikainen Juha,FIX ; Pirinen Ari,FIX, Lock casing to be installed in a door or the like.
  21. Choy, Wai-Ho; Wind, Patrick E.; Houlihan, Kevin; Lam, Cheung Yi, Lock with linearly operating latch.
  22. Choy, Wai-Ho; Wind, Patrick E.; Houlihan, Kevin; Lam, Cheung Yi, Lock with linearly operating latch.
  23. Choy, Wai-Ho; Wind, Patrick E.; Houlihan, Kevin; Lam, Cheung Yi, Lock with linearly operating latch.
  24. Pete Kajuch ; Glenn Meekma, Locker lock.
  25. Richardson,Leigh, Self-latching device.

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