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[미국특허] Air flow reversal prevention door assembly 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F24F-013/08
출원번호 US-0016063 (1998-01-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Ucciardi Frank J.
출원인 / 주소
  • Consol, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Paul A. Beck & Associates
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 12  인용 특허 : 7


An air flow reversal prevention door is mounted to a discharge opening of a ventilation fan. The door includes a frame member with a void in it to permit air flow to pass through the frame and is attached fixedly to a shaft which supports the door and is located between the door and a discharge open


[ I claim:] [1.] An air flow reversal prevention door mounted to a discharge opening of a ventilation fan that permits testing of movement of the door and operation of a seal with the door while the ventilation fan is in operation the improvement comprising:a. a first means at a top of the discharge

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (7)

  1. Osowski Frank (R.R. #2 ; Box 150 Oslo MN 56744), Automatic culvert directional flow control device.
  2. Urschel ; John N. ; Urschel ; Robert P. ; Urschel ; Fred P., Back draft for exhaust fans and hoods.
  3. Cover Theodore L. (6161 Clovergreen Pl. St. Louis MO 63129), Combustion air vent with automatic lock.
  4. Tamame Antonio N. (1910 Georgia Deer Park TX 77536), Debris and weather protector for air conditional compressor cabinets.
  5. Sheu Muh-Chuan (No. 642 ; Chung-Cheng Road I-Chia Village ; Jen-Teh Hsiang ; Tainan Hsien TWX), Fan casing with cover.
  6. Toth Mick E. (Morgantown WV) McGill Robert R. (Rivesville WV), Mine ventilation tubing system and method of installation.
  7. Fast Ronald W. (Batavia IL), Relief device for a vacuum vessel.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (12)

  1. Hertel, Peter H., Air handling system duct closure and heat trap.
  2. S?derlund, Per Thomas, Check valve, fan unit, and forced air cooling system.
  3. Christopher L. Anthony ; Adrian M. Anthony, Crawl space ventilator fan.
  4. Labrecque, Robert, Extraction fan assembly including a damper that closes firmly when the fan is not running and reduces the pressure drop when the fan is running at full speed.
  5. Labrecque, Robert, Extraction fan assembly including a damper that closes firmly when the fan is not running and reduces the pressure drop when the fan is running at full speed.
  6. Huët, Laurent, Flap with enhanced articulation means for an air extractor of a motor vehicle.
  7. Erni, Thomas W., Insulated housing apparatus for use with an attic fan.
  8. Labrecque, Robert, Method for controlling air flow of an extraction fan.
  9. Bueno Lopez Jose,ESX, Safety valve especially for pneumatic circuits.
  10. Regimbal, Laurent A.; Hamand, Karl Isaac; Kyle, Lawrence, Spring-loaded doors to prevent air recirculation without need for additional space.
  11. Huang, Jing; Luo, Jianqun; Gui, Xinchun; Tang, Aihua; Yin, Jianguo; Dong, Zhen, Tilting disc check valve.
  12. Chamness, Ronald Hugh, Vent cover with biased door.

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