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X-ray image processing 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01N-023/04
출원번호 US-0880978 (1997-06-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Lin Zhongmin
출원인 / 주소
  • Trex Medical Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Fish & Richardson P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 15  인용 특허 : 6


An object to be imaged is positioned between an x-ray source and an x-ray imager. The x-ray source is operated to direct x-rays through and around the object. Electrical signals representative of the intensity of the x-rays impinging on the x-ray imager are used to locate a boundary of the object, a


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A method for generating an x-ray image of an object, the method comprising:positioning the object between an x-ray source and an x-ray imager;operating the x-ray source to direct x-rays through and around the object to the x-ray imager, whereby the intensity of the x-rays

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6)

  1. Bick Ulrich (Chicago IL) Giger Maryellen L. (Elmhurst IL), Automated method and system for the segmentation of medical images.
  2. Abdel-Mottaleb Mohamed (Ossining NY), Automatic segmentation, skinline and nipple detection in digital mammograms.
  3. Gur David (Pittsburgh PA) Zheng Bin (Pittsburgh PA) Chang Yuang-Hsiang (Pittsburgh PA), Computerized detection of masses and microcalcifications in digital mammograms.
  4. Abdel-Mottaleb Mohamed (Ossining NY), Mass detection by computer using digital mammograms of the same breast taken from different viewing directions.
  5. Doi Kunio (Willowbrook IL) Chan Heang-Ping (Chicago IL) Giger Maryellen L. (Elmhurst IL), Method and system for enhancement and detection of abnormal anatomic regions in a digital image.
  6. Jang Ben K. (Rochester NY) Schaetzing Ralph (Erlangen DEX), Method for automatic foreground and background detection in digital radiographic images.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (15)

  1. Jang, Kwang Eun; Lee, Jong Ha; Kang, Dong Goo; Sung, Young Hun, Apparatus and method for imaging breast.
  2. McGinty, James J., Apparatus and method for mammography film image viewing.
  3. Grubsky, Victor; Romanoov, Volodymyr; Shoemaker, Keith; Patton, Edward Matthew; Jannson, Tomasz, Compton tomography system.
  4. Uppaluri,Renuka; Rader,Amber Elaine; Avinash,Gopal B.; Thomas,Carson Hale; Sabol,John Michael; Jabri,Kadri Nizar, Computer aided diagnosis of an image set.
  5. Massie, Ronald E., Dental and orthopedic densitometry modeling system and method.
  6. Massie, Ronald E., Dental and orthopedic densitometry modeling system and method.
  7. Massie, Ronald E., Dental and orthopedic densitometry modeling system and method.
  8. Ronald E. Massie, Dental and orthopedic densitometry modeling system and method.
  9. Roehrig, Jimmy R.; Marshall, Julian, Facilitating computer-aided detection, comparison, or display of medical images.
  10. Shinbata, Hiroyuki, Gradation conversion processing.
  11. Shinbata,Hiroyuki, Image processing apparatus, image processing system, image processing method and storage medium.
  12. Samara, Yaseen; Stoval, William M.; D'Souza, Neil D.; Angst, Greg J.; Kurzynski, David W.; Knoplioch, Jerome; Owen, Frank J., Method and apparatus for real-time 3D image rendering on a picture archival and communications system (PACS) workstation.
  13. Samara,Yaseen; Stoval,William M.; D'Souza,Neil D.; Choudhury,Rahul; Angst,Greg J.; Kurzynski,David W.; Knoplioch,Jerome, Method and apparatus for secondary capture of 3D based images on a picture archival and communications (PACS) system.
  14. Massie, Ronald E.; Leslie, Christopher J., Osseo classification system and method.
  15. Uppaluri, Renuka; Avinash, Gopal Biligeri; Thomas, Carson Hale; Sabol, John Michael; Jabri, Kadri Nizar; Rader, Amber Elaine, System and method for computer aided detection and diagnosis from multiple energy images.
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