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Rotary atomizer 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B05B-005/00
출원번호 US-0567704 (1995-12-05)
발명자 / 주소
  • van der Steur Gunnar
대리인 / 주소
    Foley & Lardner
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 10  인용 특허 : 20


A sprayer, such as an electrostatic rotary bell-shaped sprayer is made from a material comprising carbon fiber, teflon and polypropylene. An exemplary material comprises about 30% carbon fiber, about 5% teflon, and about 65% polypropylene. When used for electrostatic spraying, the sprayer provides a


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A rotary atomizer for producing a mist from a liquid for application of the mist onto an article, the atomizer comprising:a rotatable bell-shaped member having a first surface on which the liquid is adapted to flow, the first surface having a free end, the bell-shaped mem

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (20)

  1. Giles Durham K. (Davis CA) Slaughter David C. (Davis CA), Adjustable spray system and assembly method.
  2. Weinstein Richard (Toledo OH), Air turbine driven rotary atomizer.
  3. Ryosuke Sasaoka (Ube JPX), Apparatus and method for insulating a conductive paint during electrostatic painting.
  4. Lf Ingemar (Skillingaryd SEX), Apparatus in a powder sprayer.
  5. Tada Yoshinori (Chigasaki JPX) Mitsui Michio (Kawasaki JPX), Atomization in electrostatic coating.
  6. Meisner Roland-Andreas (Senden DEX) Kissau Gerd-Rdiger (Mnster DEX), Device and process for the electrostatic coating of articles with fluids.
  7. Vetter Kurt (Remseck DEX), Device for atomizing liquid color.
  8. Lacchia Adrien (Meylan FRX), Electrostatic paint spray apparatus having rotary spray head with an air seal.
  9. Hastings Donald R. (Elyria OH) Sharpless John (Oberlin OH), Electrostatic spray coating system.
  10. Bentley Stanley L. (Indianapolis IN) Jessup David G. (Indianapolis IN), Hand-held coating-dispensing apparatus.
  11. Weinstein Richard (Toledo OH) Coeling Kenneth J. (Westlake OH), Indirect charging electrostatic coating apparatus.
  12. Culbertson Samuel W. (Arvada CO) Merritt James S. (LaFayette CO), Rapidly cleanable atomizer.
  13. Merritt James S. (LaFayette CO), Rotary atomizer.
  14. Davis Dennia (Bay Village OH) Beam Harold D. (Oberlin OH), Rotary atomizer cup.
  15. Weinstein Richard (Toledo OH), Rotary atomizer with high voltage isolating speed measurement.
  16. Weinstein Richard (Toledo OH), Rotary atomizing device.
  17. Fangmeyer Dennis L. (Indianapolis IN), Rotating atomizing device.
  18. Tachi Kazuyuki (Aichi JPX) Okuda Chikaaki (Aichi JPX) Suzuki Shoichi (Aichi JPX), Rotating spraying type coating apparatus with wash shroud.
  19. Takeuchi Hitoshi (Toyota JPX) Nomura Iwao (Kasugai JPX) Tokushima Yasuo (Toyota JPX) Ota Koji (Toyota JPX) Yamada Naoki (Toyota JPX), Spray head of a rotary type electrostatic spray painting device.
  20. Vetter Kurt (Remseck DEX), Sprayer.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (10)

  1. Nolte, Hans-Jurgen; Gummlich, Harald, Application element for a rotary sprayer and associated operating method.
  2. Mitomo, Hiroyuki; Kurata, Tatsuki; Ota, Shirou; Sakai, Shou; Asakura, Kouichi; Shizawa, Kazuyuki; Sugawara, Hideo, Bell cup for a rotary atomizing type electrostatic coating device.
  3. van der Steur, Gunnar, Bell cup powder spray applicator.
  4. Fritz, Hans-Georg; Nolte, Hans-Jürgen; Beyl, Timo; Kleiner, Marcus, Painting system component having a surface coating.
  5. Yamasaki, Isamu; Mitsui, Michio; Hosoda, Toshio, Rotary atomizer head, rotary atomizer painting device, rotary atomization painting method.
  6. Murai, Masaru; Ichimura, Makoto, Rotary atomizing head and rotary atomizing coating machine.
  7. Marshall, Larry R; Armantrout, Jack Eugene; Huang, Tao; Moore, John R.; Pfeiffenberger, Neal, Solution spun fiber process.
  8. Marshall, Larry R; Armantrout, Jack Eugene; Huang, Tao; Moore, John R; Pfeiffenberger, Neal, Solution spun fiber process.
  9. Seitz, David M.; Cedoz, Roger T., Spray device having a parabolic flow surface.
  10. Ballu, Patrick, Sprayer device for spraying a liquid coating product.
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