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[미국특허] Athletic footwear sole construction enabling enhanced energy storage, retrieval and guidance 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A43B-013/18
출원번호 US-0903130 (1997-07-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Russell Brian
출원인 / 주소
  • Britek Footwear Development, LLC
대리인 / 주소
    Knobbe, Martens, Olson & Bear, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 51  인용 특허 : 20


Athletic footwear has an upper and sole. The sole has heel and midfoot regions and metatarsel and toe regions which include a foundation layer of semi-flexible material attached to the upper and defining a plurality of stretch chambers, a stretch layer attached to the foundation layer and having por


[ I claim:] [1.] In an athletic footwear having an upper and a sole, said sole having heel and midfoot regions wherein said sole comprises:(a) foundation layer made of a semi-flexible material, attached to said upper, and defining a plurality of peripherally-located stretch chambers underlying a hee

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (20) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Halberstadt Johan P. (25 Arterial Rd. West Bedfordview ; Johannesburg ; Transvaal Province ZAX), Article of outer footwear.
  2. Snow A. Ray (11810 S. Hidden Valley Rd. Sandy UT 84092), Athletic shoe with a force responsive sole.
  3. Damianoe Joseph R. (28 Robinson Ave. Glen Rock NJ 07452) Spisak Jacqueline (399 Columbia Ave. Cliffside Park NJ 07010), Billiard shoe sole.
  4. Foley, Peter M.; Smith, Steven F.; Liggett, Steven P.; Igoe, Brian, Composite arch member.
  5. Schmohl Michael W. (Nuremberg DEX), Continuous sole for sports shoe.
  6. Comparetto John E. (4953 Nighthawk Dr. Cincinnati OH 45247), Dynamic orthotic.
  7. Schumacher James H. (Hot Springs AK) Mills Donald L. (Monett MO), Integral sole with footprint embossing.
  8. Whatley Ian H. (240 Donington Dr. Greenville SC 29615), Shock absorbing outsole for footwear.
  9. Whatley Ian H. (926 Cleveland St. ; Apt. F-101 Greeville SC 29601), Shock absorbing outsole for footwear.
  10. Anderi Wolf (Herzogenaurach DEX), Shoe bottom for sports shoes.
  11. Gross Alexander L. (Aspen CO) Nakano Kiyotaka L. (Lawrenceville GA), Shoe sole.
  12. Issler James E. (Westport CT), Shoe sole.
  13. James Brent R. (Manhattan Beach CA), Shoe sole.
  14. Johnson Bradford A. (Portland OR), Shoe sole.
  15. Stubblefield Jerry D. (11725 NW. Damascus Portland OR 97229), Shoe sole construction.
  16. Stubblefield Jerry D. (12225 NW. Big Fir Ct. Portland OR 97229), Shoe sole construction.
  17. Stubblefield Jerry D. (Portland OR), Shoe sole construction.
  18. Arnulf Paul (Alby sur Cheran FRX) Girard Francois (Cran Gevrier FRX), Sole section of a sport shoe.
  19. Lyden Robert M. (Beaverton OR), Sole with articulated forefoot.
  20. Colonel Richard C. (Box 2192 Renton WA 98056) Lindh Devere (1910 Dogwood Dr. SE Auburn WA 98002), Spring apparatus for shoe soles and the like.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (51) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Robert M. Lyden, Article of footwear having a spring element and selectively removable components.
  2. Blevens, Kimberly M.; McMillan, Graeme; Santos, Enrique V., Article of footwear with elongated shock absorbing heel system.
  3. Blevens, Kimberly M.; McMillan, Graeme; Santos, Enrique V., Article of footwear with elongated shock absorbing heel system.
  4. Blevens, Kimberly M.; McMillan, Graeme; Santos, Enrique V., Article of footwear with elongated shock absorbing heel system.
  5. Blevens, Kimberly M.; McMillan, Graeme; Santos, Enrique V., Article of footwear with elongated shock absorbing heel system.
  6. Blevens, Kimberly M.; McMillan, Graeme; Santos, Enrique V., Article of footwear with elongated shock absorbing heel system.
  7. Barnes, Elizabeth; Cortez, Margarita; Elder, Zachary; Fagergren, Fred; Peyton, Lee, Article of footwear with support assembly having primary and secondary members.
  8. Russell Brian, Athletic footwear sole construction enabling enhanced energy storage, retrieval and guidance.
  9. Manz, Gerd Rainer; Lucas, Timothy David, Ball and socket 3D cushioning system.
  10. Manz, Gerd Rainer; Lucas, Timothy David, Ball and socket 3D cushioning system.
  11. Manz, Gerd Rainer; Lucas, Timothy David, Ball and socket 3D cushioning system.
  12. Manz,Gerd Rainer; Lucas,Timothy David, Ball and socket 3D cushioning system.
  13. Manz,Gerd Rainer; Lucas,Timothy David, Ball and socket 3D cushioning system.
  14. Lyden, Robert M., Custom article of footwear.
  15. Lyden, Robert Michael, Custom article of footwear and method of making the same.
  16. Lyden, Robert M., Customized article of footwear and method of conducting retail and internet business.
  17. Hay, Gordon Graham, Foot guided shoe sole and footbed.
  18. Hay, Gordon Graham, Foot guided shoe sole and footbed.
  19. Hay,Gordon Graham; Orr,Keith M.; Carroll,Derek, Foot guided shoe sole and footbed.
  20. Russell Brian A., Footwear with energy storing sole construction.
  21. Lyden, Robert M., Footwear with removable lasting board and cleats.
  22. Manz, Gerd Rainer; Hill, Jan; Steszyn, Michael; Krabbe, Berthold, Full bearing 3D cushioning system.
  23. Manz,Gerd Rainer; Hill,Jan; Steszyn,Michael; Krabbe,Berthold, Full bearing 3D cushioning system.
  24. Lucas,Robert J.; Rouiller,Vincent Philippe; Van Noy,Allen W.; Vincent,Stephen Michael, Full length cartridge cushioning system.
  25. Andre Lee ; Christian Tresser, Heel cushion.
  26. Andrews, Mike; Litchfield, Paul; Romer, Jorgen; Vestuti, Ricardo, Lightweight sole for article of footwear.
  27. Lyden,Robert M., Method of conducting business including making and selling a custom article of footwear.
  28. Lyden,Robert M., Method of conducting business including making and selling a custom article of footwear.
  29. Foxen, Thomas; Hoffer, Kevin W., Multi-density midsole and plate system.
  30. Brown, Christopher; Workman, Nicholas; Doyle, Michael; Shelsky, Jessica, Self-recovering impact absorbing footwear.
  31. Lucas, Robert J.; Van Noy, Allen W.; Rouiller, Vincent Philippe; Scholz, Wolfgang, Shoe cartridge cushioning system.
  32. Lucas, Robert J.; Van Noy, Allen W.; Rouiller, Vincent Philippe; Scholz, Wolfgang, Shoe cartridge cushioning system.
  33. Lucas, Robert J.; Van Noy, Allen W.; Vincent, Stephen M.; Tresser, Christian, Shoe cartridge cushioning system.
  34. Abshire, Danny; Adamson, Ian, Shoe sole.
  35. Abshire, Danny, Shoe soles for shock absorption and energy return.
  36. Sordi Luca,ITX, Shoe, especially sports or dancing shoe.
  37. Russell, Brian A., Sole construction for energy and rebound.
  38. Abshire, Danny, Sole construction for energy storage and rebound.
  39. Abshire, Danny, Sole construction for energy storage and rebound.
  40. Russell Brian A., Sole construction for energy storage and rebound.
  41. Russell, Brian A., Sole construction for energy storage and rebound.
  42. Russell,Brian A., Sole construction for energy storage and rebound.
  43. Russell,Brian A., Sole construction for energy storage and rebound.
  44. Russell,Brian A., Sole construction for energy storage and rebound.
  45. Antonelli, Bruno Jean; Scholz, Wolfgang; Weidl, Jürgen; Gordon, Josh Robert; Hill, Jan; Manz, Gerd Rainer, Sole element for a shoe.
  46. David, Loic; Rivet, Jean-Jaques; Maestro, Michel, Sole for footwear.
  47. Hurd, John; Kohatsu, Shane S., Sole structure with alternating spring and damping layers.
  48. Kubo, Seiji; Kurosaki, Kiyomitsu; Nishiwaki, Tsuyoshi, Sole with reinforcement structure.
  49. Lyden, Robert E., Spring element for an article of footwear.
  50. Chandler, Matthew Daniel; Lucas, Timothy David; Hill, Jan; Leimer, Robert; Henderson, Mark Andrew; Wardlaw, Angus; Wilson, III, Charles Griffin; Manz, Gerd Rainer, Structural element for a shoe sole.
  51. Lucas, Robert J.; Rouiller, Vincent Philippe; Van Noy, Allen W.; Vincent, Stephen Michael, Structural element for a shoe sole.

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