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[미국특허] Container system including an air evacuation valve 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-051/16
출원번호 US-0918824 (1997-08-26)
발명자 / 주소
  • Woodnorth Brian E.
  • Theis Gregory A.
  • Leenerts Roger A.
  • McCarthy Richard O.
  • Stanca Nick E.
출원인 / 주소
  • Anchor Hocking Plastics/Plastics Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Rockey, Milnamow & Katz, Ltd.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 42  인용 특허 : 10


A container system includes a one-piece, one-way valve. The container system can be evacuated by pressing the lid, thereby forcing air out of the one-way valve. The one-way valve does not allow air to enter the container system. The one-way valve includes an interface or release which allows air to


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A container system, comprising:a container base having an opening:a lid configured to sealably engage the opening and to cover the container base, the lid providing a substantially air-tight interface between the lid and the container base when the lid slidably engages th

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Cassel Timothy S. (Boxborough MA), Container and sealing lid.
  2. Anderson, George C., Container having an integral handle an a closure.
  3. Andress Bradley W. (Hudson WI) Rude Dale V. (St. Paul MN) VanKeuren Dick E. (River Falls WI), Double seal container.
  4. Gordon, Jay E.; Wells, Peter M., Portable insulated holder for beverage containers.
  5. Mietz Raymond E. (Barrington IL) Wilkinson Harlen E. (Crystal Lake IL), Propellant filling and sealing valve.
  6. Molo Nicholas J. (Kissimmee FL), Seal with vent.
  7. Pan Peter N. Y. (Country Club Hills IL), Self-venting end unit for pressure packaging.
  8. Urbanek Karel (Weston CAX) Bleiweiss Arthur F. (Toronto CAX), Vehicle marker lamp.
  9. Morgan William K. ; Miller D. Scott, Vented seal with rocking vent cover.
  10. Bosshold Barry L. (115 Shelter Lagoon Drive Santa Cruz CA 95060), Vented test tube top.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (42) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Mary M. Hoagland ; Paul C. Roche ; William Knight Nook, Battery box.
  2. Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Hodge, Donald E., Bowl with cover.
  3. Havens,Paul W.; Clements,Glynn, Canister lid with improved evacuation and vent assembly.
  4. Feigel, Hans-J?rg; Tandler, Peter, Compensation reservoir comprising a radial air duct arranged in the cover.
  5. Harvey, Travis S.; Grider, Steven M.; Smyers, Justin M., Compressible seal member for container.
  6. Moreira, Antonio Avides; Bulters, Markus J. H., Connection with a component produced of a thermoplastic elastomer.
  7. Laib, Douglas M.; Ekeblad, John-Michael R., Container.
  8. Laib, Douglas M.; Ekeblad, John-Michael R., Container.
  9. Laib, Douglas M.; Ekeblad, John-Michael R., Container.
  10. Lundgreen, Ken; Grider, Steve; Sitabkhan, Arif; Gephart, John; Katz, Paul; Marchiona, Tara; Climer, Kirsten; Stowell, Davin, Container assembly with flexible lid seal and releasing arrangement.
  11. Soibel, Randy; Manullang, Tyson; Tse, Kieron, Container assembly with flexible seal.
  12. Grider, Steven; Ludeman, Karl; Aldous, Tania; Streng, Dan, Container lid.
  13. Grider, Steven; Ludeman, Karl; Aldous, Tania; Streng, Dan, Container lid.
  14. McMahon, III, Thomas Joseph; Claypool, Christopher J.; Kusuma, David Daud, Container seal.
  15. McMahon, III,Thomas Joseph; Backaert,Dimitri M. C. J.; D'Alessio,Brent E.; Kusuma,David Daud; Mortier,Johan M. J. K.; Sumter,John E.; Trudeau,Raymond Joseph, Container seal with flexible central panel.
  16. Laib, Douglas M.; Ekeblad, John-Michael R., Container with cover.
  17. Nordland, Kate E.; Hanson, Scott A.; Mangla, Raj K.; Cratsley, Terry W., Containers with optional venting.
  18. Laib,Douglas M.; Ekeblad,John Michael R., Cover for a container.
  19. Laib,Douglas M.; Ekeblad,John Michael R.; Chomik,Richard S., Cover for a container.
  20. Laib,Douglas M.; Ekeblad,John Michael R.; Chomik,Richard S., Cover for a container.
  21. Bergeret, Nathalie; Lorthioir, Christophe; Cuillery, Pascal, Cover for a culinary article with silicone gasket.
  22. Claypool, Christopher J., Cover for container.
  23. Nieh, Luther T.; Tsao, Michael H.; Moustafaev, Djabbar; Higer, Landen M., Hose direct canister lid.
  24. Harvey, Travis S.; Ludeman, Karl Edward, Lid.
  25. Smyers, Justin; Fernandes, Nicolsson; Grider, Steven M.; Tran, Ken S., Lid, and container system and lid.
  26. Morrow Anthony B., Moisture barrier Q pack shipping box.
  27. Nguyen, Trong D, Multi-purpose valve for extending shelf-life using vacuuming or injecting gas.
  28. Harvey, Travis S.; Grider, Steven M.; Smyers, Justin M., Nesting container lids with snap on wings.
  29. Harvey, Travis S.; Grider, Steven M.; Smyers, Justin M., Nesting container lids with snap on wings.
  30. Nguyen, Trong D, One-way valve.
  31. Dalton,David Andrew; Smith,James David; Bono,James Lee; Mungur,Sameer; Zeik,Douglas Bruce; Barry,Aisha; Ralston Floyd,Jennifer Ruth, Packaging system to provide fresh packed coffee.
  32. Jaeger, Matthew W., Passive air vent for a marine engine.
  33. Weaver, Neil; Lombardi, Josef; Laton, Cassady; Korthuis, Barry; Walters, William, Pressure relief valve.
  34. Chen, Hsin-Yu, Sealing cover for containers.
  35. Gerd Schollenberger DE; Juergen Bauer DE; Thomas Schoeck DE, Sealing valve.
  36. Miller, Michael James; LaMothe, Eric James; Compau, Richard A., Shuttle vent valve.
  37. LeBoeuf, William E.; Schofield, Robert T.; Petersen, Sean T.; Boda, James C., Storage container lids.
  38. Lim, Heung Ho, Storage cover for storage case.
  39. Yukihiro Hyobu JP, Thin-plate accommodating/transporting container.
  40. Nguyen, Trong D, Vacuum pump and dispenser for bottles.
  41. Rohr, Robert D.; Witte, Jay E., Vented closure.
  42. Smyers, Justin, Vessels with air-tight lid systems.

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