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Garlic cutter 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47J-017/00
  • A23L-001/00
  • A23L-012/12
  • A23P-001/00
출원번호 US-0146756 (1998-09-04)
우선권정보 DE-0005933 (1998-02-13)
발명자 / 주소
  • Repac Cedomir,DEX
  • Culig Branko,SIX
출원인 / 주소
  • Petra Repac, DEX
대리인 / 주소
    Liniak, Berenato, Longacre & White
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 34  인용 특허 : 10


A garlic cutter comprising a housing bearing a cutting blade (8) at its underside and further comprising an upper part (2) with a punch (12) affixed thereto. The upper part when in the operational state and during rotation relative to the housing (6) carries out an axial displacement relative to the


[ We claim:] [1.] A garlic cutter comprising:a housing bearing a cutting blade (8) at a lower part thereof;an upper part (2) with a punch (12) affixed thereto, said upper part when in an operational state and during rotation relative to the housing (6) carries out an axial displacement toward a co-r

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10)

  1. Ertmer Lyle E. (P.O. Box 169 ; 201 Garfield Hanover IL 61041), Apparatus to support a fruit or vegetable on a spherical surface and to slice it with a single stroke.
  2. Repisky Milan (Roswell GA) Tur Anton (Marietta GA), Food wedger.
  3. Muro Narahiko (Tokyo JPX), Fruit and vegetable cutter.
  4. Mertz Myron M. (405 16th Ave. NE. Mandan ND 58554), Potato cutting apparatus.
  5. Aguerrevere Maria S. R. (Urb. Las Maras. Calle Zea Qta. Rancho Arriba. El Hatillo. Edo. Miranda. Caracas VEX) Galarraga Len J. M. R. (Urb. Prados del Este. Calle Andaluca con Alameda. Qta Milagrosa. , Potato slicer device.
  6. D\Ambro Dominic (Malvern PA) Giangiulio Clayton E. (Malvern PA), Produce wedger.
  7. Jones ; Frank W., Sectioning device for rounded food article.
  8. Jones Frank W. (P.O. Box 4074 Greenville DE 19807), Sectioning device for rounded food articles.
  9. Codikow Ralph (9021 Exposition Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90034), Subdividing device.
  10. Dobson, William C.; Belongia, David C., Vegetable cutting device.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (34)

  1. Mastroianni, Michael R., Apparatus for coring and wedging food items.
  2. Chan,David; Green,David; Ho,Neal, Apparatus for coring into and cutting food items.
  3. Popeil, Ronald M.; Backus, Alan Lester; Popeil, Kathryn; Popeil, Lauren; Popeil-Stairs, Shannon, Cooking device to deep fat fry foods.
  4. Schmidt, Jonathan B.; Haggerty, Dennis P., Culinary extruding and mincing tool.
  5. McGuyer, Carter W., Culinary grater.
  6. McGuyer, Carter W., Culinary grater.
  7. McGuyer, Carter W., Culinary tool.
  8. McGuyer, Carter W., Culinary tool.
  9. Schmidt, Jonathan B.; Haggerty, Dennis P., Culinary tool ram.
  10. Madden, Jeffery David, Cupcake corer.
  11. Dumas, Pierre Bernard Claude; Fevre, Loic Xavier, Device for cleaning a food cutter grating disc.
  12. Silberberg, Yoni; Leibovics, Daniel; Palazzolo, Shelley; Kim, Sunny; Phipps, Troy, Device for cutting small food items.
  13. Klotz, Markus, Device for mincing food.
  14. Popeil, Ronald M.; Backus, Alan L., Device to efficiently cook food.
  15. Popeil, Ronald M.; Backus, Alan L., Device to efficiently cook food.
  16. Popeil, Ronald M.; Backus, Alan L.; Popeil, Lauren, Device to efficiently cook food.
  17. Gushwa, David J.; Lownds, Zachary A.; Loebig, Jeffrey Carl; Macleod, Euan Skinner; Yung, Leong Hin; Zhao, James Fan; Hang, Huang Yong, Dicing tool for domestic food processing device.
  18. Gushwa, David J.; Lownds, Zachary A.; Loebig, Jeffrey Carl; Macleod, Euan Skinner; Yung, Leong Hin; Zhao, James Fan; Hang, Huang Yong, Dicing tool for domestic food processing device.
  19. Repac, Cedomir, Food cutting device.
  20. Repac, Cedomir, Food cutting device.
  21. Repac, Cedomir, Food cutting device.
  22. Repac, Cedomir, Food cutting device.
  23. Darnell, Donald Lee; Browning, Jeffrey C.; Perez, Juan Carlos, Food preparation device.
  24. Conti, Michael P.; Kabala, Keeley M., Food processor with cleaning tool.
  25. Conti, Michael P.; Kabala, Keeley; Beber, Kevin James; Gushwa, David J., Food processor with cleaning tool.
  26. Beber, Kevin J.; Colasanti, John; McCormick, Arren J., Food processor with dicing element.
  27. McGuyer, Carter W., Grater.
  28. Repac, Cedomir, Kitchen slicer.
  29. Repac, Cedomir, Kitchen utensil.
  30. Repac, Cedomir, Multi-function cutter and grater.
  31. Leshem, Yoav; Ziv, Rafi; Levy, Zohar; Barkay, Dov; Shustorovitch, Igor, Shredding machine.
  32. Repac,Cedomir; Culig,Branko, Vegetable cutter.
  33. Kaposi,Sascha, Vegetable dicer.
  34. Bagley, Justin, Vegetable stick maker.
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