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[미국특허] Traffic violation processing system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06F-019/00
  • G06G-007/70
  • G06G-007/76
출원번호 US-0688832 (1996-07-31)
발명자 / 주소
  • Daly James P.,CAX
  • Davis Clint A.
  • Tuton James D.
출원인 / 주소
  • American Traffic Systems, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Tobor & Goldstein, L.L.P.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 232  인용 특허 : 105


A traffic violation processing method is disclosed, which includes the steps of monitoring a vehicle; determining whether the vehicle is in violation of a traffic violation and recording the image of the vehicle on a camera when the vehicle is determined to have violated a traffic violation; providi


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A traffic violation processing method, comprising the steps of:monitoring a vehicle;determining whether the vehicle is in violation of a traffic regulation;recording a first digital traffic image comprising the image of the vehicle and data corresponding to the traffic vi

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (105) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Owen Thomas E. (Helotes TX) Suhler Sidney A. (San Antonio TX) Peters Wendell R. (San Antonio TX), Acoustic amplitude-threshold target ranging system.
  2. Roeder Robert S. (Dunedin FL) Bomar ; II Lucien C. (Marietta GA), Acquisition system for continuous-wave frequency modulation object detector.
  3. Lapeyre ; James M., Alphanumeric display system.
  4. Grsch Rainer (Berlin DDX) Grfe Wolf-Rainer (Berlin DDX) Grundmann Hans-Jrg (Neustrelitz DDX) Poerschke Peter (Berlin DDX) Steffen Werner (Berlin DDX) Braunschweig Thomas (Jena DDX) Mark Rolf-Peter (J, Apparatus and method for the automatic control of an aerial photographic camera.
  5. Iino Hiroshi (Kobe JPX) Aoyama Shigeru (Sanda JPX) Ishihara Shinji (Takarazuka JPX), Apparatus for measuring the velocity of a moving body.
  6. Hgli Heinz (Neuchtel CHX), Apparatus for timing sporting events.
  7. Adolph Peter (Adlikon CHX), Arrangement for photographic data marking.
  8. Stockdale Trevor J. (Cambridge GB2) Morley Peter (Cambridge GB2), Atomic resonance line source lamps and spectrophotometers for use with such lamps.
  9. Frazier James F. (Pacific Palisades CA) Reinhart Craig C. (Moorpark CA) Alves James F. (Tucson AZ), Automated license plate locator and reader including perspective distortion correction.
  10. Takagi Tadao (Yokohama JPX), Automatic exposure control apparatus for a camera.
  11. Tokitsu Naoki (Chiryu JPX) Fujiwara Toshitaka (Toyota JPX) Kato Toranosuke (Nagoya JPX) Uno Toshihiko (Toyota JPX), Automotive driving instruction system.
  12. Kazumi Jiro (Kanagawa JPX), Camera.
  13. Takagi Tadao (Yokohama JPX) Fukuhara Toru (Isehara JPX), Camera.
  14. Matsui Hideki (Yokohama JPX) Hagiuda Nobuyoshi (Yokohama JPX) Takayanagi Ryotaro (Yokosuka JPX) Yokonuma Norikazu (Tokyo JPX) Sakamoto Hiroshi (Kawasaki JPX), Camera and system of camera and electronic flash device.
  15. Pagano Daniel M. (Henrietta NY) Cloutier Robert P. (Spencerport NY), Camera apparatus for magnetically recording on film.
  16. Goto Tetsuro (Funabashi JPX), Camera capable of flash photography.
  17. Hawkins Gilbert A. (Mendon NY) Mir Jose M. (Rochester NY), Camera for recording digital and pictorial images on photographic film.
  18. Levis Curt A. (Columbus OH), Continuous-wave reflection transmissometer with target discrimination using modulated targets.
  19. Lee James K. (Rochester NY) Stephany Thomas M. (Churchville NY), Continuously variable electronically actuated shuttering system.
  20. Ogawa Yukio (Kanagawa JPX) Alyfuku Kiyoshi (Kanagawa JPX), Data imprinting device for camera.
  21. Shinoda Nobuhiko (Tokyo JA) Ito Tadashi (Yokohama JA) Ito Fumio (Yokohama JA) Nakamoto Soichi (Machida JA), Data registering equipment for a camera.
  22. Pykett Colin E. (Malvern GB2), Detection of moving objects.
  23. Kurosu Tomio (Iwatsuki JPX) Yoshikawa Yukio (Tokyo JPX), Device for detecting the time of termination of opening operation of shutter blades of an electromagnetic programming sh.
  24. Stanzcyk Daniel (Jarny FRX), Device for estimating the behavior of road-users.
  25. Hicks Ray (2605 Corunna Rd. Flint MI 48503), Device for marking photographic prints.
  26. Toyama Masakazu (Tokyo JPX), Device for monitoring disregard of a traffic signal.
  27. Loeven Hans-Gerd (Duisburg DEX), Device for monitoring traffic violating and for recording traffic statistics.
  28. Matsumoto Jun-ichi (Warabi JPX) Sasaki Toyonori (Tokyo JPX) Touma Kiyoshi (Tokorozawa JPX), Device for opening and closing shutter blade without bounce.
  29. Horsch Heinrich (Pfaffenberger Weg 224 5650 Solingen 1 DEX), Device for photographic monitoring of cross-roads.
  30. Atkins Arland A. (Chelmsford MA), Digital image motion correction method.
  31. Phillips Oliver A. (Long Beach CA), Doppler radar velocity measurement apparatus.
  32. Phillips Oliver A. (Long Beach CA), Doppler radar velocity measurement horn.
  33. Sato Osamu (Tokyo JPX) Hirai Isamu (Tokyo JPX), Electric control camera.
  34. Lareau Andre G. (Bloomingdale IL) Beran Stephen R. (Mount Prospect IL) Lund John A. (McHenry IL) Pfister William R. (Schaumburg IL), Electro-optical imaging array with motion compensation.
  35. Lapeyre James M. (New Orleans LA), Electro-optical printing system.
  36. Wakazono Kenji (Itabashi JPX) Ishiguro Yasuo (Itabashi JPX) Saito Toshihisa (Nakano JPX), Electroflash controlling circuit including a delay circuit for electrically controlled focal plane shutters.
  37. Ogihara Masuo (Yotsukaido JPX) Ishida Hiroaki (Yotsukaido JPX) Nagaoka Shinji (Yotsukaido JPX) Sato Koji (Yotsukaido JPX), Electromagnetically actuated shutter for a camera.
  38. Saito Syuichiro (Kawasaki JPX) Uchidoi Masanori (Yokohama JPX), Electromagnetically driven shutter device.
  39. Hughes John G. (Cary IL) Hodek Thomas R. (Barrington IL) Hamlin Wayne (Woodstock IL), Electronic focal plane shutter.
  40. Mody Hemant K. (Rochester NY), Exposure control device.
  41. Harvey Donald M. (Webster NY), Film drive control in data entry camera.
  42. Tagami Shigeru (Yotsukaido JPX) Aoyama Tomihiko (Yotsukaido JPX) Hayakawa Teruyo (Yotsukaido JPX) Yamazaki Hiroshi (Yotsukaido JPX) Nakajima Yuji (Yotsukaido JPX) Imano Seiichi (Yotsukaido JPX), Flash synchronizing device.
  43. Fawcett James M. (Ellicott City MD) Parrish William F. (Baltimore MD), Image motion compensation for a TV sensor system.
  44. Hobbs William E. (Danbury GB2) Clark William J. R. (Chelmsford GB2), Image motion compensation system.
  45. Svensson Emil L. (Ellicott City MD) Walrath Craig D. (Baltimore MD), Image motion compensator.
  46. Orlando Carl (New Shrewsbury NJ), Image stabilization system.
  47. McEwen Robert K. (Billericay GBX), Imaging system.
  48. Tyburski Robert M. (4918 Briar St. Fairfax VA 22032), Information collection and storage system with removable memory.
  49. Patterson Scott W. (Lawrenceville GA) Samuels Mark A. (Duluth GA), Lidar device with combined optical sight.
  50. Kondo Toshihiro (Chofu JA), Linear motor-driven focal plane shutter.
  51. Stout Glen R. (Cedar Rapids IA) Herrick Dennis (Toddville IA), Means and method for visual surveillance and documentation.
  52. Welles Kenneth B. (Scotia NY) Hartley Richard I. (Schenectady NY), Measuring velocity of a target by Doppler shift, using improvements in calculating discrete Fourier transform.
  53. Berry Fred M. (Lenexa KS), Method and apparatus for digitally determining the speed of a target vehicle while the radar platform vehicle is in moti.
  54. Goede Simon (Wetzikon CHX) Hauser Peter (Uster CHX) Mira Silvio (Wermatswil CHX), Method and apparatus for measuring the velocity of moved objects or the like.
  55. Hinman Brian L. (Lynn MA), Method and apparatus for providing motion estimation signals for communicating image sequences.
  56. Jenkins Charles S. (Suwanee GA), Method and apparatus for receiving optical signals used to determine vehicle velocity.
  57. Bremmer Robert A. (Oklahoma City OK) Kovner Vladimir (Oklahoma City OK) Stone Dennis C. (Simi Valley CA), Method and apparatus for recording data.
  58. Goede Simon (Wetzikon CHX), Method and apparatus for the graphic registration of moving vehicles.
  59. Frank Lee F. (Rochester NY), Method and circuit for controlling an electromagnetic actuator in photographic apparatus.
  60. Prinz Reinhard (Aalen DEX), Method and means for compensating for image motion in an aerial camera.
  61. Zeth Ulrich (Jena DDX) Rempke Wilfried (Jena DDX) Voigt Klaus-Ditmar (Jena DDX), Method for a non-retarded shutter release of rotary shutters in photogrammetric aerial cameras.
  62. Sordello Frank J. (Los Gatos CA) Rose Andrew M. (Mt. View CA), Method for testing components of a magnetic storage system.
  63. Huguenin Richard G. (South Deerfield) Goldsmith Paul F. (Leverett) Deo Naresh C. (Conway) Walker David K. (Northfield MA), Millimeter wave imaging sensors, sources and systems.
  64. Strickland Bill F. (Woodland CA), Mobile speed awareness device.
  65. Dotson Charles R. (Litchfield Park AZ), Motion compensation for electro-optical camera imagery.
  66. Clinard Glenn G. (Upland CA) Mulhollam Gail R. (Upland CA) Volk Frank J. (Hickory Hills IL), Moving vehicle seismic target detector.
  67. Milatz Erhard (Langenfeld DEX) Schmidt Hans (Monheim DEX), Photographic cameras.
  68. Johnson Bruce K. (Andover MA) Whiteside George D. (Lexington MA), Photographic system with slow burn flash bulb.
  69. Arnold Jack L. (Pasadena CA), Pixel displacement by series- parallel analog switching.
  70. Aker John L. (Kansas City MO) Gammenthaler Robert S. (Princeton TX) Mead Alan B. (Plano TX), Police traffic radar for calculating and simultaneously displaying fastest target speed.
  71. Aker John L. (Kansas City MO) Gammenthaler Robert S. (Princeton TX) Mead Alan B. (Plano TX), Police traffic radar using double balanced mixer for even order harmonic suppression.
  72. Deaton Willis R. (Huntersville NC) Clark ; Jr. John I. (Newell NC) Raynor Harold M. (Charlotte NC), Portable electronic traffic event recorder.
  73. Fraier Israel (22 Shmaryahu St. Rishon Lezion ILX), Reconnaissance system.
  74. Kuzmick Kenneth F. (1001 Blackwood St. Altamonte Springs FL 32701) Kuzmick Robert A. (Rt. 3 ; 116 Whiskey Creek Rd. Hollywood MD 20636) Davis William J. (4901 Woodruff Springs Rd. Sanford FL 32771), Remote identification and speed determination system.
  75. Hoff Dave (Brooklyn Park MN) Vansloun Peter H. (Hopkins MN), Seismic aircraft maneuver classifier.
  76. Kazami Kazuyuki (Tokyo JPX) Ohtsubo Yoshiaki (Kawasaki JPX), Shutter control device for a camera having a shutter release lock device.
  77. Felle Karl (Oberkochen DEX) Krastel Heinz (Oberkochen DEX), Shutter for a photogrammetric camera.
  78. Doughty John K. (Redondo Beach CA) Brand Gerald (Los Angeles CA) Josefowicz Jack Y. (Philadelphia PA), Spray paint monitoring and control using doppler radar techniques.
  79. Gross Mario (Dsseldorf DEX), Stationary traffic monitoring device.
  80. Wight Ralph (Northport NY), Steerable wide-angle imaging system.
  81. Gerber Eliot S. (9 Frog Rock Rd. Armonk NY 10504), Stolen car detection system and method.
  82. Elabd Hammam (Mercer County NJ), Storage registers with charge packet accumulation capability, as for solid-state imagers.
  83. Busby Peter W. (Stevenage GB2), Surveillance systems.
  84. Kittel Arthur (Wilhelmshaven DEX) Gerken Heiner (Jever DEX) Behrens Herbert (Neuenburg DEX), System for introducing function control instructions into a data writing office machine.
  85. Mutz Gerhard (Waldstr. 23 D-7734 Brigachtal DEX), Tachograph for motor vehicles.
  86. Harvey Donald M. (Webster NY), Tele/pan applied to lowest cost camera uses passive optical encoding.
  87. Sekine Hiroyoshi (Saitama JPX), Toll collecting system for a vehicle.
  88. Stevens ; Carlile R., Traffic control system.
  89. Stevens Carlile R. (468 El Rio Rd. Danville CA 94526), Traffic control system.
  90. Nelson Lorry (11200 W. 121st Ter. Overland Park KS 66213), Traffic enforcement device.
  91. Knisch Konrad (Hilden DEX), Traffic monitoring device.
  92. Loeven Hans-Gerd (Duisburg DEX), Traffic monitoring device.
  93. Aker John L. (Merriam KS) Goodson William D. (Chanute KS), Traffic radar device.
  94. Schweitzer Naftali (Jerusalem ILX) Bodenheimr Joseph S. (Jerusalem ILX) David Gerald B. (Savion ILX), Traffic safety monitoring apparatus.
  95. Hoffmann Anton R. (P.O. Box 853 Lake Forest IL 60045), Traffic sign and improved system for recording vehicle speed.
  96. Horvat George T. (1319 S. 102 St. West Allis WI 53214), Traffic speed surveillance system.
  97. Kerr Joseph H. (Huntsville AL), Traffic survey system.
  98. Masunaga Makoto (Tokyo JPX), Trigger device for electronic flash.
  99. Leib Kenneth G. (Wantagh NY) Jue ; deceased Suey (late of Hicksville NY by Catharine Jue ; executrix), Universal translational and rotational film drive mechanism.
  100. Depatie Jean F. (Albion NY) VanArsdale William D. (Spencerport NY) Leonard William M. (Brockport NY), Variable close loop controlled aperture/shutter system.
  101. Michalopoulos Panos G. (St. Paul MN) Fundakowski Richard A. (St. Paul MN) Geokezas Meletios (White Bear Lake MN) Fitch Robert C. (Roseville MN), Vehicle detection through image processing for traffic surveillance and control.
  102. Peterson Roger D. (Rte. 1 ; Box 316 Sweeny TX 77480), Vehicle mounted surveillance and videotaping system.
  103. Peterson Roger D. (Rte. 1 Box 316 Sweeny TX 77480), Vehicle mounted surveillance system.
  104. Gerber Eliot S. (9 Frog Rock Rd. Armonk NY 10504), Vehicle speeding detection and identification.
  105. Gordon Robert (Norwalk CT) Boyan Gerard E. (Redding CT), Wide angle scan camera.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (232) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hoffberg, Steven M.; Hoffberg-Borghesani, Linda I., Adaptive pattern recognition based controller apparatus and method and human-interface therefore.
  2. Lagassey,Paul J., Advanced automobile accident detection, data recordation and reporting system.
  3. Hoffberg, Steven M.; Hoffberg-Borghesani, Linda I., Alarm system controller and a method for controlling an alarm system.
  4. Grison, Paul, Automated system for issuing and managing offence tickets.
  5. Ciolli, Robert; Whyte, Peter; Ercan, Gurchan; Mack, Andrew, Automated traffic violation monitoring and reporting system.
  6. Sekar, Deepak; Shondelmyer, William J., Behavioral based traffic infraction detection and analysis system.
  7. Robinson, Benjamin P.; Balachandran, Sarath K., Billing a rented third party transport including an on-board unit.
  8. Robinson, Benjamin P.; Balachandran, Sarath K., Billing a rented third party transport including an on-board unit.
  9. Robinson, Benjamin P.; Balachandran, Sarath K., Billing a rented third party transport including an on-board unit.
  10. Pederson, John C., Building illumination apparatus with integrated communications, security and energy management.
  11. Pederson, John C., Building illumination apparatus with integrated communications, security and energy management.
  12. Pederson, John C., Building illumination apparatus with integrated communications, security and energy management.
  13. Hall Brett O., Collision avoidance system.
  14. Hall, Brett Osmund, Collision avoidance system.
  15. Poland, Richard J.; Miller, Eric A.; Dunne, Jeremy G.; Williams, David W.; Frischman, Mark; Clifford, Bruce Kenneth, Compact speed measurement system with onsite digital image capture, processing, and portable display.
  16. Nerayoff, Steven David; Wong, Thompson S., Controlling use of parking spaces using a smart sensor network.
  17. Nerayoff, Steven David; Wong, Thompson S., Controlling use of parking spaces using cameras and smart sensors.
  18. Nerayoff, Steven David; Wong, Thompson S., Controlling use of parking spaces using cameras and smart sensors.
  19. Nerayoff, Steven David; Wong, Thompson S., Controlling use of parking spaces using cameras and smart sensors.
  20. Nerayoff, Steven David; Wong, Thompson S., Defining a handoff zone for tracking a vehicle between cameras.
  21. Nerayoff, Steven David; Wong, Thompson S., Defining destination locations and restricted locations within an image stream.
  22. Hansen, Eric Anthony, Detecting and reporting improper activity involving a vehicle.
  23. Robinson,Benjamin P.; Balachandran,Sarath K., Determining a toll amount.
  24. Mitic, Sladjan, Device and method for detecting vehicle license plates.
  25. Behrens Andreas,DEX, Device for monitoring traffic.
  26. Rajala, Yoganand; Aninye, Steve, Device for tracking the movement of individuals or objects.
  27. Honma Hideo,JPX, Digital camera and document processing system using the digital camera.
  28. Honma, Hideo, Digital camera and document processing system using the digital camera.
  29. Kawaoka, Yoshiki; Nihei, Kaname, Digital camera, and image synthesizer and method of controlling the same.
  30. Plante, James; Kasavaraju, Ramesh, Distributed vehicle event recorder systems having a portable memory data transfer system.
  31. Plante, James; Kasavaraju, Ramesh, Distributed vehicle event recorder systems having a portable memory data transfer system.
  32. Hedley, Jay E.; Thornburg, Neal Patrick, Electronic toll management.
  33. Pederson,Gregory A.; Branan,Edward R., End cap warning signal assembly.
  34. Nerayoff, Steven David; Wong, Thompson S., Human review of an image stream for a parking camera system.
  35. Neumann, Thomas; Leis, Viktor; Kemper, Alfons, Hybrid approach to collating unicode text strings consisting primarily of ASCII characters.
  36. Neumann, Thomas; Leis, Viktor; Kemper, Alfons, Hybrid comparison for unicode text strings consisting primarily of ASCII characters.
  37. Lewiner,Jacques; Javelot,Sylvain; Lebrun,Damien; Debusne,Stephane; Francois,Jean Philippe, Image authenticating methods.
  38. Nakajima, Hirofumi, Image recording apparatus and imaging apparatus.
  39. Nerayoff, Steven David; Wong, Thompson S., Indicator for automated parking systems.
  40. Glier Michael T. ; Laird Mark D. ; Tinnemeier Michael T. ; Small Steven I. ; Sybel Randall T. ; Hsieh Steven S. ; Johnson Greg D. ; Coimbatore Lalitha R., Integrated traffic light violation citation generation and court date scheduling system.
  41. Chung, Jiyoon, Intelligent laser tracking system and method for mobile and fixed position traffic monitoring and enforcement applications.
  42. Pederson, John C., Intelligent observation and identification database system.
  43. Pederson, John C., Intelligent observation and identification database system.
  44. Pederson, John C., Intelligent observation and identification database system.
  45. Pederson, John C., Intelligent observation and identification database system.
  46. Pederson,John C., Intelligent observation and identification database system.
  47. Hoffberg, Steven M.; Hoffberg-Borghesani, Linda I., Internet appliance system and method.
  48. Pederson, John C., LED Light Fixture.
  49. Pederson, John C.; Brown, Paul R.; Vogt, Timothy J.; LeClaire, James; Zimmerman, James; Mikkelsen, Brent, LED light broad band over power line communication system.
  50. Pederson, John C.; Brown, Paul R.; Vogt, Timothy J.; LeClaire, James; Zimmerman, James; Mikkelsen, Brent, LED light broad band over power line communication system.
  51. Pederson, John C.; Brown, Paul R.; Vogt, Timothy J.; LeClaire, James; Zimmerman, James; Mikkelsen, Brent, LED light broad band over power line communication system.
  52. Pederson, John C.; Brown, Paul R.; Vogt, Timothy J.; LeClaire, James; Zimmerman, James; Mikkelsen, Brent, LED light communication system.
  53. Pederson, John C.; Brown, Paul R.; Vogt, Timothy J.; LeClaire, James; Zimmerman, James; Mikkelsen, Brent, LED light communication system.
  54. Pederson, John C.; Brown, Paul R.; Vogt, Timothy J.; LeClaire, James; Zimmerman, James; Mikkelsen, Brent, LED light communication system.
  55. Pederson, John C., LED light control and management system.
  56. Pederson, John C., LED light control and management system.
  57. Pederson, John C., LED light control and management system.
  58. Pederson, John C., LED light control assembly and system.
  59. Pederson, John C., LED light control assembly and system.
  60. Pederson, John C.; Brown, Paul R.; Vogt, Timothy J., LED light dongle communication system.
  61. Pederson, John C.; Brown, Paul R.; Vogt, Timothy J., LED light dongle communication system.
  62. Pederson, John C.; Brown, Paul R.; Vogt, Timothy J., LED light dongle communication system.
  63. Pederson, John; Brown, Paul R.; Vogt, Timothy J., LED light dongle communication system.
  64. Pederson, John C., LED light fixture.
  65. Pederson, John C., LED light fixture.
  66. Pederson, John C., LED light global positioning and routing communication system.
  67. Pederson, John C., LED light global positioning and routing communication system.
  68. Pederson, John C., LED light global positioning and routing communication system.
  69. Pederson, John C., LED light global positioning and routing communication system.
  70. Pederson, John C.; Brown, Paul R.; Vogt, Timothy J.; LeClaire, James; Zimmerman, James; Mikkelsen, Brent, LED light interior room and building communication system.
  71. Pederson, John C.; Brown, Paul R.; Vogt, Timothy J.; LeClaire, James; Zimmerman, James; Mikkelsen, Brent, LED light interior room and building communication system.
  72. Pederson, John C.; Brown, Paul R.; Vogt, Timothy J.; LeClaire, James; Zimmerman, James; Mikkelsen, Brent, LED light interior room and building communication system.
  73. Pederson, John C., LED warning signal light and light bar.
  74. Pederson,John C., LED warning signal light and light support having at least one sector.
  75. Sazawa, Shinichi, License plate reading apparatus and method.
  76. Plante, James, Memory management in event recording systems.
  77. Plante, James, Memory management in event recording systems.
  78. Plante, James, Memory management in event recording systems.
  79. Jay S. Walker ; Andrew S. Van Luchene ; Daniel E. Tedesco ; Magdalena Mik ; James A. Jorasch, Method and apparatus for defining routing of customers between merchants.
  80. Walker, Jay S.; Van Luchene, Andrew S.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Mik, Magdalena; Jorasch, James A., Method and apparatus for defining routing of customers between merchants.
  81. Walker,Jay S.; Van Luchene,Andrew S.; Tedesco,Daniel E.; Mik,Magdalena; Jorasch,James A., Method and apparatus for defining routing of customers between merchants.
  82. Walker,Jay S.; Van Luchene,Andrew S.; Tedesco,Daniel E.; Mik,Magdalena; Jorasch,James A., Method and apparatus for defining routing of customers between merchants.
  83. Walker,Jay S.; Van Luchene,Andrew S.; Mik,Magdalena; Alderucci,Dean P., Method and apparatus for determining a progressive discount for a customer based on the frequency of the customer's transactions.
  84. Tedesco, Daniel E.; Jorasch, James A.; Lech, Robert R., Method and apparatus for dynamically managing vending machine inventory prices.
  85. Tedesco, Daniel E.; Jorasch, James A.; Lech, Robert R., Method and apparatus for dynamically managing vending machine inventory prices.
  86. Jay S. Walker ; Andrew S. Van Luchene ; Joshua D. Rogers, Method and apparatus for maintaining a customer database using license plate scanning.
  87. Walker, Jay S.; Van Luchene, Andrew S.; Rogers, Joshua D., Method and apparatus for maintaining a customer database using license plate scanning.
  88. James Secreet ; David Richard Capo ; Herbert H. Ohliger, III, Method and apparatus for measuring and recording vehicle speed and for storing related data.
  89. Walker, Jay S.; Van Luchene, Andrew S.; Fincham, Magdalena M., Method and apparatus for product display.
  90. Walker,Jay S.; Van Luchene,Andrew S.; Fincham,Magdalena M., Method and apparatus for product display.
  91. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Jorasch, James A.; Lech, Robert R.; Alderucci, Dean P., Method and apparatus for vending a combination of products.
  92. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Packes, Jr., John M.; Rattner, Charles A.; Mik, Magdalena; Van Luchene, Andrew S., Method and apparatus for vending products.
  93. Rosen, Michael, Method and system for automated detection of mobile phone usage.
  94. Rosen, Michael, Method and system for automated detection of mobile telephone usage by drivers of vehicles.
  95. Teffer, Dean W.; Sherwood, Alexander, Method and system for collecting traffic data, monitoring traffic, and automated enforcement at a centralized station.
  96. Teffer, Dean; Sherwood, Alexander, Method and system for collecting traffic data, monitoring traffic, and automated enforcement at a centralized station.
  97. Balachandran, Sarath K., Method and system for processing vehicular violations.
  98. Balachandran, Sarath K., Method and system for processing vehicular violations.
  99. Janssen,Theodorus Maria, Method and system for recording a traffic violation committed by a vehicle.
  100. Walter, Jerold Michael; Franklin, James A.; Montalbo, Roland Joseph, Method and system for tracking, monitoring and/or charging tracking devices including wireless energy transfer features.
  101. Stadler,Torsten; Kuester,Hans Holger, Method for generating and storing picture data in compressed and decompressed format for use in traffic monitoring.
  102. Sirota, Jacobo Marcos; Mostofi, David Keshvar; Kay, Stephen John; Bohorquez, Mario Alberto, Method for traffic monitoring and secure processing of traffic violations.
  103. Ioli, Edward D., Method of processing a transaction for a parking session.
  104. Pederson, John C., Method of providing lumens and tracking of lumen consumption.
  105. Pederson, John C., Method of providing lumens and tracking of lumen consumption.
  106. Klein, Christoph; Behrens, Andreas; Dohmann, Bernhard; Terlau, Norbert, Method of verifiably detecting the speed of a vehicle.
  107. Rhoads, Geoffrey B.; Rodriguez, Tony F., Methods and systems for user-association of visual stimuli with corresponding responses.
  108. Sirota, Jacobo Marcos; Tillard, Jose Patricio; Mostofi, David Keshvar; Cornwell, Jr., Donald Mitchell; Cekic, Miodrag, Mobile automated system for traffic monitoring.
  109. Bakewell,Charles Adams, Mobile enforcement platform with aimable violation identification and documentation system for multiple traffic violation types across all lanes in moving traffic, generating composite display images and data to support citation generation, homeland security, and monitoring.
  110. Ekin, Akif, Mobile number plate recognition and speed detection system.
  111. Rosen, Michael, Mobile phone detection and interruption system and method.
  112. Kamijo,Shunsuke; Sakauchi,Masao; Ikeuchi,Katsushi, Mobile unit identification apparatus and method and apparatus for automatically warning to mobile unit.
  113. Lagassey, Paul J., Modular intelligent transportation system.
  114. Lagassey, Paul J., Modular intelligent transportation system.
  115. Lagassey, Paul J., Modular intelligent transportation system.
  116. Graff-Radford, Daniel; Rajala, Yoganand, Monitoring systems and methods.
  117. Wu, Wencheng; Bernal, Edgar A.; Loce, Robert P.; Hoover, Martin E., Multi-resolution video analysis and key feature preserving video reduction strategy for (real-time) vehicle tracking and speed enforcement systems.
  118. Allen, Jim; Zhong, Sheng; Venugopal, Raghavan; Xie, Tiegang; Sun, Fajie; Reddy, Sangmesh; Chawla, Brijesh Rai; Banna, Balaraju; Harinath, Shyamnath, Multilane vehicle information capture system.
  119. Allen, Jim; Banna, Balaraju; Harinath, Shyamnath; Sun, Fajie; Talley, Malcolm, Multiple RF read zone system.
  120. Winkler, Thomas D., Multiple object speed tracking system.
  121. Pederson, John C.; Vogt, Timothy J., Network security and variable pulse wave form with continuous communication.
  122. Pederson, John C.; Vogt, Timothy J., Network security and variable pulse wave form with continuous communication.
  123. Laird, Mark D.; Small, Steven I.; Tinnemeier, Michael T., Non-violation event filtering for a traffic light violation detection system.
  124. Kanda,Kazushige; Nakamura,Hiroshi, Non-volatile semiconductor storage device performing ROM read operation upon power-on.
  125. Aninye,Steve, Offender monitor.
  126. Ratti, Jayant, On-demand roadway stewardship system.
  127. Joseph Jones, Parking violation recording system.
  128. Long,William E., Parking violation recording system and method.
  129. Windover,Mark Edward; Howe,Bernard D., Portable covert license plate reader.
  130. Plante, James; Kasavaraju, Ramesh; Lightner, Bruce, Power management systems for automotive video event recorders.
  131. Plante, James; Kasavaraju, Ramesh; Lightner, Bruce, Power management systems for automotive video event recorders.
  132. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Fincham, Magdalena M., Pre-sale data broadcast system and method.
  133. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Fincham, Magdalena M., Pre-sale data broadcast system and method.
  134. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Mik, Magdalena, Pre-sale data broadcast system and method.
  135. Walker, Jay. S; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Mik, Magdalena, Pre-sale data broadcast system and method.
  136. Walker,Jay. S; Tedesco,Daniel E.; Mik,Magdalena, Pre-sale data broadcast system and method.
  137. Kavner,Douglas M., Predictive automatic incident detection using automatic vehicle identification.
  138. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Alderucci, Dean P., Products and processes for managing the prices of vending machine inventory.
  139. Walker, Jay S.; Breitenbach, Paul T.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Lee, Sih Y.; Signorelli, Paul D.; Gelman, Geoffrey M.; Jorasch, James A., Products and processes for vending a plurality of products.
  140. Walker, Jay S.; Breitenbach, Paul T.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Lee, Sih Y.; Signorelli, Paul D.; Gelman, Geoffrey M.; Jorasch, James A., Products and processes for vending a plurality of products via defined groups.
  141. Walker, Jay S.; Breitenbach, Paul T.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Lee, Sih Y.; Signorelli, Paul D.; Gelman, Geoffrey M.; Jorasch, James A., Products and processes for vending a plurality of products via defined groups.
  142. Walker,Jay S.; Breitenbach,Paul T.; Tedesco,Daniel E.; Lee,Sih Y.; Signorelli,Paul D.; Gelman,Geoffrey M.; Jorasch,James A., Products and processes for vending a plurality of products via defined groups.
  143. Nerayoff, Steven David; Wong, Thompson S., Profiling and tracking vehicles using cameras.
  144. Pederson, John C., Pulsed light communication key.
  145. Pederson, John C., Pulsed light communication key.
  146. Orr, Steven K.; Kuhn, John; Stevens, Jeff; Humphrey, Thomas W., Radar false alert reduction.
  147. Palmer, Jason; Sljivar, Slaven; Freitas, Mark; Deninger, Daniel A.; Ravari, Shahriar, Rail vehicle event detection and recording system.
  148. Noble, Lawson John; Bekooy, Nico; Thomson, Frank James, Security systems.
  149. Williams,David W.; Phippen,Michael, Speed measurement system with onsite digital image capture and processing for use in stop sign enforcement.
  150. Chintakindi, Sunil Kumar; Calkins, Andrew; Hoeffler, Joy; Alvarez-Tabio Togores, Pedro, Storing and accessing traffic data images in a limited bandwidth environment.
  151. Bortolotto, Persio Walter, System and a method for event detection and storage.
  152. Decime,Jerry, System and method for authenticating digital content.
  153. Zierden, William E., System and method for detecting and identifying traffic law violators and issuing citations.
  154. Zierden, William E., System and method for detecting and identifying traffic law violators and issuing citations.
  155. Davis, Clint A., System and method for determining the state of a traffic signal.
  156. Allen, Jim, System and method for loop detector installation.
  157. Aninye, Steve; Rajala, Yoganand, System and method for monitoring a wireless tracking device.
  158. Aninye, Steve; Rajala, Yoganand, System and method for monitoring alarms and responding to the movement of individuals and assets.
  159. Aninye, Steve; Rajala, Yoganand, System and method for monitoring alarms and responding to the movement of individuals and assets.
  160. Kavner,Douglas M., System and method for reading license plates.
  161. Kavner,Douglas M., System and method for reading license plates.
  162. Aninye, Steve; Rajala, Yoganand, System and method for tracking, monitoring, collecting, reporting and communicating with the movement of individuals.
  163. Stricklin, Michael C.; Teffer, Dean W.; Filo, John, System and method for traffic monitoring.
  164. Aninye, Steve; Rajala, Yoganand, System and method of tracking the movement of individuals and assets.
  165. Palmer, Jason; Sljivar, Slaven, System and method to detect execution of driving maneuvers.
  166. Palmer, Jason; Sljivar, Slaven, System and method to detect execution of driving maneuvers.
  167. Palmer, Jason; Sljivar, Slaven, System and method to detect execution of driving maneuvers.
  168. Palmer, Jason; Sljivar, Slaven, System and method to detect execution of driving maneuvers.
  169. Allen, Jim; Banna, Balaraju; Talley, Malcolm; Allen, Sr., David C.; Jacobs, Allen, System and synchronization process for inductive loops in a multilane environment.
  170. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E., System for vending physical and information items.
  171. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E., System for vending physical and information items.
  172. Robinson, Benjamin P.; Lemon, Debbie; Balachandran, Sarath K., System, method and computer readable medium for billing based on a duration of a service period.
  173. Robinson, Benjamin P.; Lemon, Debbie; Balachandran, Sarath K., System, method and computer readable medium for billing based on a duration of a service period.
  174. Robinson, Benjamin P.; Lemon, Debbie; Balachandran, Sarath K., System, method and computer readable medium for billing based on a duration of service period.
  175. Robinson, Benjamin P.; Lemon, Debbie; Balachandran, Sarath K., System, method and computer readable medium for billing tolls.
  176. Robinson, Benjamin P.; Lemon, Debbie; Balachandran, Sarath K., System, method and computer readable medium for billing tolls.
  177. Grier, Jeff; Cancilla, Jim J.; Reddy, Sunil; Trsar, Dale; Hoffmeister, Vaclav, Test procedures using pictures.
  178. Grier,Jeff; Cancilla,Jim J.; Reddy,Sunil; Trsar,Dale; Hoffmeister,Vaclav, Test procedures using pictures.
  179. Robinson, Benjamin P.; Lemon, Debbie, Toll fee system and method.
  180. Robinson, Benjamin P.; Lemon, Debbie, Toll fee system and method.
  181. Robinson,Benjamin P.; Lemon,Debbie, Toll fee system and method.
  182. Nerayoff, Steven David; Wong, Thompson S., Tracking a vehicle using an unmanned aerial vehicle.
  183. Nerayoff, Steven David; Wong, Thompson S., Tracking a vehicle using an unmanned aerial vehicle.
  184. Nerayoff, Steven David; Wong, Thompson S., Tracking at least one object.
  185. Nerayoff, Steven David; Wong, Thompson S., Tracking speeding violations and controlling use of parking spaces using cameras.
  186. Nerayoff, Steven David; Wong, Thompson S., Tracking the use of at least one destination location.
  187. Nerayoff, Steven David; Wong, Thompson S., Tracking the use of at least one destination location.
  188. Nerayoff, Steven David; Wong, Thompson S., Tracking traffic violations within an intersection and controlling use of parking spaces using cameras.
  189. Rothschild, Leigh M., Traffic citation delivery based on type of traffic infraction.
  190. Glier Michael T. ; Laird Mark D. ; Tinnemeier Michael T. ; Small Steven I. ; Sybel Randall T. ; Reilly Douglas L., Traffic light collision avoidance system.
  191. Hutchison, Michael C.; Pautler, James A.; Smith, Mark A., Traffic light signal system using radar-based target detection and tracking.
  192. Povey,Philip F.; Karamanos,Kevin; Jenner,Denny, Traffic light violation indicator.
  193. Glier, Michael T.; Laird, Mark D.; Tinnemeier, Michael T.; Small, Steven I.; Sybel, Randall T., Traffic light violation prediction and recording system.
  194. Glier, Michael T.; Reilly, Douglas L.; Tinnemeier, Michael T.; Small, Steven I.; Hsieh, Steven S.; Sybel, Randall T.; Laird, Mark D., Traffic sensor.
  195. Myr, David, Traffic speed enforcement based on wireless phone network.
  196. Yasuhiko Hatae JP; Hisashi Kiyose JP; Hitoshi Fujisaki JP; Yuuichi Kuwahara JP, Traffic surveillance system.
  197. Laird, Mark D.; Small, Steven I.; Tinnemeier, Michael T., Traffic violation detection at an intersection employing a virtual violation line.
  198. Robinson, Benjamin P.; Balachandran, Sarath K., Transferring toll data from a third party operated transport to a user account.
  199. Boudreau, Wilfred Charles; Williams, Michael E.; Hosler, Brian Neal; Levell, Jonathan Charles, Vehicle camera system.
  200. Palmer, Jason; Sljivar, Slaven, Vehicle event playback apparatus and methods.
  201. Palmer, Jason; Sljivar, Slaven, Vehicle event playback apparatus and methods.
  202. Palmer, Jason; Sljivar, Steven, Vehicle event playback apparatus and methods.
  203. Plante, James, Vehicle event recorder systems.
  204. Plante, James, Vehicle event recorder systems and networks having integrated cellular wireless communications systems.
  205. Plante, James, Vehicle event recorder systems and networks having integrated cellular wireless communications systems.
  206. Plante, James, Vehicle event recorder systems and networks having integrated cellular wireless communications systems.
  207. Plante, James, Vehicle event recorder systems and networks having integrated cellular wireless communications systems.
  208. Plante, James, Vehicle event recorder systems and networks having integrated cellular wireless communications systems.
  209. Plante, James, Vehicle event recorder systems and networks having integrated cellular wireless communications systems.
  210. Plante, James, Vehicle event recorders with integrated web server.
  211. Plante, James, Vehicle event recorders with integrated web server.
  212. Plante, James, Vehicle event recorders with integrated web server.
  213. Plante, James; Kasavaraju, Ramesh; Mauro, Gregory; Nickerson, Andrew, Vehicle exception event management systems.
  214. Palmer, Jason; Sljivar, Slaven, Vehicle fuel consumption monitor and feedback systems.
  215. Ioli, Edward D., Vehicle identification, tracking and enforcement system.
  216. Ioli, Edward D., Vehicle identification, tracking and enforcement system.
  217. Ioli, Edward D., Vehicle identification, tracking and parking enforcement system.
  218. Allen, Jim; Zhong, Sheng; Venugopal, Raghavan; Banna, Balaraju; Zheng, Xidong, Vehicle image capture system.
  219. Herrera, Juan Antonio; Nelms, Anthony Scott; Cruey, Charles Andrew; Marston, III, Alfred Lawrence; Richardson, Christopher Clair, Vehicle imaging system.
  220. Plante, James; Kasavaraju, Ramesh; Mauro, Gregory; Nickerson, Andrew, Vehicle operator performance history recording, scoring and reporting systems.
  221. Plante, James; Kasavaraju, Ramesh; Mauro, Gregory; Nickerson, Andrew, Vehicle operator performance history recording, scoring and reporting systems.
  222. Kavner, Douglas M., Vehicle trip determination system and method.
  223. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Van Luchene, Andrew S.; Bemer, Keith, Vending machine system and method for encouraging the purchase of profitable items.
  224. Walker,Jay S.; Tedesco,Daniel E.; Van Luchene,Andrew S.; Bemer,Keith, Vending machine system and method for encouraging the purchase of profitable items.
  225. Mee Gary L. ; Davis Clint A., Vibration actuated traffic monitoring system.
  226. Wang, Jigang, Video speed detection system.
  227. Wang, Jigang, Video speed detection system.
  228. Wang, Jigang, Video speed detection system.
  229. Wang, Jigang, Video speed detection system.
  230. Small, Steven I.; Sybel, Randall T.; Johnson, Greg D.; Coimbatore, Lalitha R., Video-file based citation generation system for traffic light violations.
  231. Pederson, John C., Visible light transceiver glasses.
  232. Pederson, John C., Visible light transceiver glasses.

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