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[미국특허] Modifications of fluid flow about bodies and surfaces with synthetic jet actuators 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B64C-021/06
출원번호 US-0869374 (1997-06-05)
발명자 / 주소
  • Glezer Ari
  • Smith Barton L.
  • Trautman Mark A.
출원인 / 주소
  • Georgia Tech Research Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Thomas, Kayden, Horstemeyer & Risley
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 62  인용 특허 : 31


The present invention involves a system for altering the aerodynamic shape and/or fluid flow field about a solid body. The preferred embodiment comprises a synthetic jet actuator embedded in a solid body, with the jet orifice built into the body surface. The synthetic jet actuator generates a series


[ We claim:] [6.] A system for causing fluid flow in a bounded volume, comprising:(a) an air pocket on an aerodynamic surface forming said bounded volume; and(b) a synthetic jet actuator situated within said bounded volume, said synthetic jet actuator to emit vortices to entrain an ambient fluid to

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (31) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Bolleman Brent (4021 West 30th Avenue Vancouver ; British Columbia CAX V6S 1X4) Dunwoody A. Bruce (9571 Pickering Drive Richmond ; British Columbia CAX V7E 5A3), Acoustic liquid processing device.
  2. Carter Robert E. (Auburndale MA) Murphy Donald R. (Wellesley MA), Aerosol dispenser.
  3. Dancila D. Stefan ; Armanios Erian A., Apparatus and method for aerodynamic blowing control using smart materials.
  4. Mangiarotty Rudolph A. (Seattle WA), Control of laminar flow in fluids by means of acoustic energy.
  5. Castillo Bradley E. (Emeryville CA) Tungol Joseph E. (Elk Grove CA) Litzaw Edgar M. (San Anselmo CA), Dispenser for dispersing sterile solutions.
  6. Edelman Seymour (9115 Glenridge Rd. Silver Spring MD 20910), Drag modification piezoelectric panels.
  7. Bandyopadhyay Promode R. (Providence RI), Elastic micro-fabricated surface layer for reducing turbulence and drag on an object while it moves through a fluid medi.
  8. Haaland Peter D. (Centerville OH), Hybrid pulsed valve for thin film coating and method.
  9. Graham, Stephen H., Hydraulic pulse dampener employing stiff diaphragm and nesting member.
  10. Frazer Spencer (Los Angeles CA) Soibelman Steven P. (Los Angeles CA), Loudspeaker and horn combination.
  11. Welch Robert B. (6324 SE. 28th St. Portland OR 97202) Griffith Joseph W. (Portland OR), Loudspeaker coupler.
  12. Dobbs Douglas B. (Yorba Linda CA), Manually actuated dispensing pump.
  13. Glezer Ari (5945 N. Mina Vista Tucson AZ 85718) Nygaard Kris J. (4815 W. Las Palmaritas Glendale AZ 85302) Wiltse John M. (405 E. Prince Rd. ; Apt. 412 Tucson AZ 85705), Method and apparatus for controlled modification of fluid flow.
  14. Blackwelder Ron F. (Palos Verdes CA) Gad-el-Hak Mohamed (Federal Way WA) Srnsky Randy A. (Kent WA), Method and apparatus for controlling bound vortices in the vicinity of lifting surfaces.
  15. Peterson Folke K. (Norrtljevgen 29 S-18245 Enebyberg SEX) Skoog Kurt L. (Borensvgen 1 Johanneshov SEX), Method and device for producing microdroplets of fluid.
  16. Katz Richard A. (East Lyme CT), Method and system for reducing drag on a body moving through a fluid medium.
  17. Lurz Werner (Hamburg DEX), Method of and apparatus for controlling the boundary layer flow over the surface of a body.
  18. Burgener John A. (944 Meadow Wood Rd. Mississauga ; Ontario L5J 2S6 CAX), Parallel path induction pneumatic nebulizer.
  19. Epstein Alan H. (Lexington) Greitzer Edward M. (Wayland) Gysling Daniel L. (West Newton) Dugundji John (Belmont) Guenette Gerald R. (Salem MA), Passive structural and aerodynamic control of compressor surge.
  20. Maehara Naoyoshi (Nara JPX) Hashido Kenkichi (Yamatokoriyama JPX) Hirata Hiroshi (Nara JPX), Piezoelectric oscillated nozzle.
  21. Gronholz Claus (Hamburg DEX) Schmidt-Rabenau Hartmut (Hamburg DEX), Process for mixing liquid samples to be analyzed, as well as apparatus for performing this process.
  22. Haentjens Walter D. (R.D. #1 Box 121 Sugarloaf PA 18249), Propulsion of slurry along a pipeline by ultrasonic sound waves.
  23. Tattersall Alan M (179 Corio Street Shepparton ; Victoria ; 3630 AUX), Speaker enclosure.
  24. Iwata Isamu (Shizuoka JPX) Hosoe Hirotaro (Shizuoka JPX) Matsuoka Yuji (Shizuoka JPX), Suction nozzle.
  25. Glezer Ari ; Allen Mark G. ; Coe David J. ; Smith Barton L. ; Trautman Mark A. ; Wiltse John W., Synthetic jet actuator and applications thereof.
  26. Davis ; Jr. ; Paul H., Ultra-sonic horn.
  27. McCord James W. (9829 Timberwood Circle Louisville KY 40214), Ultrasonic cleaning apparatus.
  28. Shibata Hajime (Tokyo JPX), Ultrasonic oscillating device and ultrasonic washing apparatus using the same.
  29. Shibata Hajime (Tokyo JPX), Ultrasonic oscillating device and ultrasonic washing apparatus using the same.
  30. Erickson Drew D. (Newburyport MA) Erickson Stuart J. (Marblehead MA), Ultrasonic spray coating system with enhanced spray control.
  31. Steiner Robert L. (Chicago IL) Struck Leslie G. (Arlington Heights IL), Vented discharge assembly for liquid soap dispenser.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (62) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hyde, Roderick A.; Myhrvold, Nathan P.; Wood, Jr., Lowell L.; Chan, Alistair K.; Tegreene, Clarence T., Active control of a body by altering surface drag.
  2. Hyde, Roderick A.; Myhrvold, Nathan P.; Wood, Jr., Lowell L.; Chan, Alistair K.; Tegreene, Clarence T., Active control of surface drag.
  3. Hassan, Ahmed A.; Madsen, Casey L.; Billman, Garrett M, Active flow control for transonic flight.
  4. Saddoughi,Seyed Gholamali; Gupta,Anurag; Giguere,Philippe, Active flow modifications on wind turbine blades.
  5. Shmilovich, Arvin; Yadlin, Yoram; Clark, Roger W, Active systems and methods for controlling an airfoil vortex.
  6. Shmilovich, Arvin; Yadlin, Yoram; Clark, Roger W., Active systems and methods for controlling an airfoil vortex.
  7. Kjellgren, Per; Fredriksson, Sam, Aerodynamic properties of ground vehicles.
  8. Glezer, Ari; DeSalvo, Michael Edward, Airfoil performance modification using synthetic jet actuators.
  9. Pitt, Dale M.; Sexton, Bradley W., Apparatus and method for an improved synthetic jet actuator.
  10. Glezer,Ari; Mahalingam,Raghavendran, Apparatus and method for enhanced heat transfer.
  11. Michael Amitay ; Ari Glezer, Apparatus and method for enhancement of aerodynamic performance by using pulse excitation control.
  12. Shmilovich, Arvin; Yadlin, Yoram; Clark, Roger; Leopold, Donald, Apparatus and method for the control of trailing wake flows.
  13. Brice,David C.; Whitmire,Julia K.; Barton, deceased,Brian E., Apparatus, method and system for gas turbine engine noise reduction.
  14. Glezer, Ari; Crittenden, Thomas M., Combustion-driven jet actuator.
  15. Miller, Daniel N.; Young, David D., Conformal aero-adaptive nozzle/aftbody.
  16. Mongia,Rajiv K.; Montgomery,Stephen W.; Beltman,Willem M.; Trautman,Mark A.; Jewell Larsen,Nels E., Cooling apparatus and method.
  17. Bonnet,Jean Paul; Delville,Joel; Collin,Erwan; Tensi,Jean; Moreau,Eric; Touchard,Gerard, Device for controlling propulsive jet mixing for aircraft jet engines.
  18. Smith, Brian R.; Saddoughi, Seyed, Dual bimorph synthetic pulsator.
  19. Hassan, Ahmed A.; Osborne, Bradley A.; Schwimley, Scott; Billman, Garry; Billman, legal representative, Mary, Dynamic bumps for drag reduction at transonic-supersonic speeds.
  20. Prince, Troy S; Kolacinski, Richard; Patel, Mehul, Hierarchical closed-loop flow control system for aircraft, missiles and munitions.
  21. Sato, Kazushige; Iso, Hideo; Osuka, Takeshi, Intake structure of aircraft.
  22. Ahmed A. Hassan ; David B. Domzalski, Jet actuators for aerodynamic surfaces.
  23. Shmilovich, Arvin; Yadlin, Yoram; Clark, Roger W., Lift augmentation system and associated method.
  24. Barrett, Ronald M.; Reasonover, Christopher; Corpening, Jeremy, Method and apparatus for boundary layer reattachment using piezoelectric synthetic jet actuators.
  25. Saddoughi, Seyed Gholamali, Method and apparatus for modulating flow separation.
  26. Saddoughi,Seyed Gholamali, Method and apparatus for modulating flow separation.
  27. Martens,Steven; Saddoughi,Seyed Gholamali; Early,Kevin Sean, Method and apparatus for noise attenuation for gas turbine engines using at least one synthetic jet actuator for injecting air.
  28. Daso, Endwell O.; Pritchett, II, Victor E.; Wang, Ten-See; Farr, Rebecca Ann, Method and system for control of upstream flowfields of vehicle in supersonic or hypersonic atmospheric flight.
  29. Cueman, Michael Kent; Saddoughi, Seyed Gholamali, Method and system for flow control with arrays of dual bimorph synthetic jet fluidic actuators.
  30. Daso, Endwell O.; Pritchett, II, Victor E.; Wang, Ten-See; Farr, Rebecca Ann; Auslender, Aaron Howard; Blankson, Isaiah M.; Plotkin, Kenneth J., Method and system for weakening shock wave strength at leading edge surfaces of vehicle in supersonic atmospheric flight.
  31. Cuting, Jonathan, Mixing of the content of a flexible container for biopharmaceutical use.
  32. Glezer, Ari; Amitay, Michael, Modification of fluid flow about bodies and surfaces through virtual aero-shaping of airfoils with synthetic jet actuators.
  33. Clingman, Dan John; Whalen, Edward Andrew, Multi-stage flow control actuation.
  34. Hassan, Ahmed A.; Straub, Friedrich K.; Domzalski, David B., Oscillating air jets for implementing blade variable twist, enhancing engine and blade efficiency, and reducing drag, vibration, download and ir signature.
  35. Hassan Ahmed A. ; Tadghighi Hormoz ; Janakiram Ram D., Oscillating air jets for reducing HSI noise.
  36. Seifert, Avraham; Stalnov, Oksana; Fono, Ilan; Dayan, Isaac; Troshin, Victor; Avnaim, Maor Hai; Palei, Vitali, Oscillatory vorticity generator and applications thereof.
  37. Whalen, Edward A., Shaping a fluid cavity of a flow control actuator for creation of desired waveform characteristics.
  38. Griffin, Steven F.; Haar, Shawn, Strain amplification structure and synthetic jet actuator.
  39. Saddoughi, Seyed G., Synthetic jet actuators.
  40. Glezer, Ari; Mahalingam, Raghavendran; Heffington, Samuel, Synthetic jet heat pipe thermal management system.
  41. Cave, Michael James; Torres, Ricardo Benjamin; Jacobs, Gustaaf Bernardus, Synthetic jets in compressors.
  42. Griffin, Steven F.; Shurilla, Christopher R., Synthetic vacuum generator.
  43. Hyde, Roderick A.; Myhrvold, Nathan P.; Wood, Jr., Lowell L.; Chan, Alistair K.; Tegreene, Clarence T., System and method for deforming surfaces.
  44. Gupta, Anurag; Yao, Jixian, System and method for enhanced turbine wake mixing via fluidic-generated vortices.
  45. Philip P. Truax ; Daniel N. Miller ; Jeffrey W. Hamstra ; Patrick J. Yagle, System and method for manipulating and controlling fluid flow over a surface.
  46. Bhaisora, Shailesh Singh; Shastri, Narasimha; Gupta, Anurag, System and method of manipulating a boundary layer across a rotor blade of a wind turbine.
  47. Miller,Daniel N.; Truax,Philip P.; Yagle,Patrick J., System and method to control flowfield vortices with micro-jet arrays.
  48. Shmilovich, Arvin; Yadlin, Yoram; Clark, Roger W.; Manley, David J., System for aerodynamic flows and associated method.
  49. Hyde, Roderick A.; Myhrvold, Nathan P.; Wood, Jr., Lowell L.; Chan, Alistair K.; Tegreene, Clarence T., System for changing the convective heat transfer coefficient for a surface.
  50. Shmilovich, Arvin; Yadlin, Yoram; Clark, Roger W.; Leopold, Donald H., Systems and methods for destabilizing an airfoil vortex.
  51. Lewis, Michael S.; Meserole, Jere S.; Dunn, Michael J.; Tillotson, Brian J., Systems and methods for tracing aircraft vortices.
  52. Lewis, Michael S.; Meserole, Jere S.; Dunn, Michael J.; Tillotson, Brian J., Systems and methods for tracing aircraft vortices.
  53. Lewis, Michael S.; Meserole, Jere S.; Dunn, Michael J.; Tillotson, Brian J., Systems and methods for tracing aircraft vortices.
  54. Duane C. McCormick ; Daniel L. Gysling, Tangentially directed acoustic jet controlling boundary layer.
  55. Miller, Michael R., Thermal management of LED lighting systems.
  56. Mahalingam, Raghavendran; Glezer, Ari, Thermal management of batteries using synthetic jets.
  57. Smith,Barton L., Thermoacoustic cooling device.
  58. Boldrin, Clete M.; Hassan, Ahmed A., Vernier active flow control effector.
  59. Boldrin,Clete M.; Hassan,Ahmed A., Vernier active flow control effector.
  60. Miller Robin Mihekun ; Tunkel Roman N., Vibration-driven acoustic jet controlling boundary layer separation.
  61. McVeigh, Michael A.; Maciolek, Robert F., Vortex generators on rotor blades to delay an onset of large oscillatory pitching moments and increase maximum lift.
  62. Betran Palomas, Jaume, Wind turbine blade and method of controlling the lift of such a blade.

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