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[미국특허] Two-step pasting of thin electrodes 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01M-004/62
출원번호 US-0791111 (1997-01-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kao Wen-Hong
출원인 / 주소
  • Johnson Controls Technology Company
대리인 / 주소
    Quarles & Brady LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 10  인용 특허 : 10


A pasting operation for thin foils used in rechargeable electrochemical cells includes spraying a water based litharge on a lead foil substrate before the foil is wound to form a cylindrical electrode. To overcome problems with plate density, porosity and incomplete formation, the process would incl


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] In a method for preparing electrodes for electrochemical cells in which electrode plates are coated with a damp active paste material and are subsequently dried and wound into a substantially cylindrical configuration, the improvement comprising mixing a modifier into sai

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Juergens Tristan E. (Black Hawk CO), Battery end connector.
  2. Kao Wen-Hong (Brown Deer WI) Bullock Norma K. (Pewaukee WI) Petersen Ralph A. (West Allis WI), High performance positive electrode for a lead-acid battery.
  3. Juergens Tristan (Loveland CO), Method for manufacture of electrochemical cell.
  4. Nilsson ; Ove, Method for the production of electrodes for lead storage batteries.
  5. Witherspoon Romeo R. (Shelby Township ; Oceana County MI) Garabedian Gregory C. (Warren MI), Method of forming lead-acid battery electrode.
  6. Wilson, Frank, Method of suppressing lead dust.
  7. McClelland, Donald H.; Uba, Toshio; Ching, Larry K. W., Multicell recombining lead-acid battery.
  8. Hooke John W. (Gainesville FL), Rechargeable electrochemical cell pack having resistance to impact and vibration.
  9. Juergens Tristan E. (Blackhawk CO), Thin plate electrochemical cell.
  10. Juergens Tristan E. (Loveland CO), Ultra-thin plate electrochemical cell.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (10) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Stuart M. Davis ; Enoch Wang, Battery including a hydrogen-absorbing cathode material.
  2. Petersen, Ralph A.; Henning, Ross A., Battery paste material and method.
  3. Christian, Paul A.; Davis, Stuart M.; Mezini, Tatjana, Gold additive for a cathode including nickel oxyhydroxide for an alkaline battery.
  4. Christian,Paul A.; Mezini,Tatjana, Preparation of nickel oxyhydroxide.
  5. Francis Wang ; Enoch Wang ; Philip Trainer ; Guang Wei, Primary alkaline battery including nickel oxyhydroxide.
  6. Flores Lira, Ricardo; Garza de La Garza, Sanjuana, Production of tetrabasic lead sulfate from solid state reactions for the preparation of active plates to be used in lead-acid batteries.
  7. Flores Lira, Ricardo; Garza de La Garza, Sanjuana, Production of tetrabasic lead sulfate from solid state reactions for the preparation of active plates to be used in lead-acid batteries.
  8. Flores Lira,Ricardo; Garza De La Garza,Sanjuana, Production of tetrabasic lead sulfate from solid state reactions for the preparation of active plates to be used in lead-acid batteries.
  9. Flores Lira,Ricardo; Garza de La Garza,Sanjuana, Production of tetrabasic lead sulfate from solid state reactions for the preparation of active plates to be used in lead-acid batteries.
  10. Flores Lira,Ricardo; Garza de La Garza,Sanjuana, Production of tetrabasic lead sulfate from solid state reactions for the preparation of active plates to be used in lead-acid batteries.

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