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[미국특허] Enclosure for computer system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H05K-005/00
출원번호 US-0063881 (1998-04-21)
발명자 / 주소
  • Yang Andy K.
  • Ting Phillip
출원인 / 주소
  • Hon Hai Precision Ind. Co., Ltd., TWX
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 40  인용 특허 : 8


An enclosure for a computer system comprises a base frame, a side panel and a bezel. The base frame comprises a top cover, a front panel, a rear panel, a base panel and a tray which forms an open box for receiving subsystems of the computer such as a mother board, a switching power supply, disk driv


[ We claim:] [1.] An enclosure for a computer system, comprising:a frame having a front panel defining at least a first hole and a rear panel opposite said front panel defining at least a second hole;a bezel having at least one leg for mounting to said front panel;a side panel pivotably mounted betw

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (8) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Stewart Thomas K. (Spring TX) Hardt Thomas T. (Missouri City TX), Aligned quick connect cover for a computer system.
  2. Flamme Hans,DEX ; Simon Peter,DEX ; Rheindt Gerd,DEX, Constructional system.
  3. Mitchell Thomas P. (Louisville KY), Fabric dryer housing.
  4. Lybarger Michael A. (Louisville KY) Lawson Wayne E. (LaGrange KY), Front serviceable appliance cabinet.
  5. Allen Joseph R. (Tomball TX) Hardt Thomas T. (Missouri City TX) Madsen Roberta M. (Houston TX), Lockable computer tower unit housing.
  6. Swift Kenneth,NZX, Method of manufacturing a box container or cabinet.
  7. Paterson Robert W. (Seneca SC) Stephan Werner B. (Augsburg DEX), Modular cabinet bezel.
  8. De Andrea Renato (Milan ITX), Rack housing for user reconfigurable EDP system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (40) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Crossley,Rita J.; Crossley,William E., Apparatus for cooling and dispensing wine.
  2. Helgenberg, John A; Louth, Terry W., Close-off for use with an equipment rack.
  3. Chi, Chia-Hsiang; Lyu, Yu-Qing, Computer case.
  4. Yong Xiao CN, Computer casing.
  5. Liu Yu-Tai,TWX ; Liu Alvin,TWX ; Chen Yung-Lung,TWX, Computer chassis.
  6. Chen Chia Hua,TWX, Computer enclosure.
  7. Kan Kaven,TWX ; Lu Tien Sung,TWX ; Zhou Zhu Xing,CNX ; Wang Yong Xian,CNX, Computer enclosure.
  8. Li,Ding Fang; Jing,Xiao Zhong; Lin,Yang Ming, Computer enclosure.
  9. Chen, Yun Lung; Chen, Jung Chi, Computer enclosure incorporating bezel.
  10. Hsu, Chien-Hsing; Liu, Chin-Yueh; Chen, Chuan-Feng, Computer housing.
  11. Robert J. Lajara ; Milton C. Lee ; Alan Lee Minick ; Kenneth A. Lown ; Wayman Lee ; Barry Marshall ; Anita Patel ; Steve J. Furuta ; Kenneth Kitlas ; Ronald Barnes, Computer system housing and configuration.
  12. Lajara, Robert J.; Lee, Milton C.; Minick, Alan Lee; Lown, Kenneth A.; Lee, Wayman; Marshall, Barry; Patel, Anita; Furuta, Steve J.; Kitlas, Kenneth; Barnes, Ronald, Computer system housing configuration.
  13. Liu Alvin,TWX ; Liu Yu Tai,TWX ; Chen Yun-Long,TWX ; Chen Kuang-Yu,TWX, Computing casing structure.
  14. Searby, Tom J, Configurable computer enclosure.
  15. Searby, Tom J, Configurable computer enclosure.
  16. Sung, Tzu-Wen; Hsu, Wei-Chuan, Detachable assembly.
  17. Vincent, William Hunt; Osborn, Jay Kevin, Electronics assembly.
  18. Yair, Andrew John; Schnabel, John David; Wrycraft, Sean Conor, Electronics assembly.
  19. Wrycraft,Sean Conor; Osborn,Jay Kevin, Electronics assembly with arrangement for air cooling.
  20. Beaman Daniel Paul ; Buller M. Lawrence ; Cooper Larry Thomas ; Kerrigan Brian Michael ; Merino Tristan Alfonso ; Pugley John Richard, Enclosure apparatus with removable base.
  21. Haworth, Stephen Paul; Vincent, William Hunt, Enclosure for electronics assembly.
  22. Bergesch,Joseph H.; Horstmann,Timothy Michael, Equipment enclosure kit and assembly method.
  23. Mattlin, Jeffrey Lee; Bergesch, Joseph H.; Thomas, Kevin Neil; Smith, Paul Thomas; Spitaels, James S.; Bryan, Daniel, Equipment enclosure kit and assembly method.
  24. Mattlin, Jeffrey Lee; Bergesch, Joseph H.; Thomas, Kevin Neil; Smith, Paul Thomas; Spitaels, James S.; Bryan, Daniel, Equipment enclosure kit and assembly method.
  25. Mattlin, Jeffrey Lee; Bergesch, Joseph H.; Thomas, Kevin Neil; Smith, Paul Thomas; Spitaels, James S.; Bryan, Daniel, Equipment enclosure kit and assembly method.
  26. Mattlin, Jeffrey Lee; Bergesch, Joseph H.; Thomas, Kevin Neil; Smith, Paul Thomas; Spitaels, James S.; Bryan, Daniel, Equipment enclosure kit and assembly method.
  27. Mattlin,Jeffrey Lee; Bergesch,Joseph H.; Thomas,Kevin Neil; Smith,Paul Thomas; Spitaels,James S.; Bryan,Daniel, Equipment enclosure kit and assembly method.
  28. May, George; Penuel, Michael, Full depth manifold skin with integrated side trim for domestic kitchen appliance.
  29. Hudz,Andrew; Jeffery,Peter; Shariff,Zia; Aapro,Eino A., Global rack system.
  30. Cheng, Sheng-Hsiung; Lin, Te-An; Wang, Wu-Nan; Huang, Chia-Chia, Host unit case with foldable front and rear walls and lower cover for a computer.
  31. Ivkov, Kimberly K.; Convertino, Frank J.; Galyen, Sean M.; Spitzer, Andrew B., Interchangeable panel or plate for server case.
  32. Liu Yu-Tai,TWX ; Chen Yun-Lung,TWX ; Liu Alvin,TWX, Main board support panel.
  33. Youngs, Bradley D.; Nelsen, Randall P.; Wiersma, Timothy J.; Longhurst, Kevin J.; Buffinga, Keith L.; Korreck, William A.; Jourden, Michael A.; Eilmus, Niels Joachim; Welsh, Michael W., Modular storage system.
  34. Youngs, Bradley D.; Nelsen, Randall P.; Wiersma, Timothy J.; Longhurst, Kevin J.; Buffinga, Keith L.; Korreck, William A.; Jourden, Michael A.; Eilmus, Niels Joachim; Welsh, Michael W., Modular storage system.
  35. Chen,Deng Hsi, Motherboard fixing device.
  36. Miwa, Masaharu, Outdoor unit of air-conditioning apparatus.
  37. Parker, Brian G.; Best, Tanya A., Reinforced drawer pedestal.
  38. Parker, Brian G., Snap together drawer pedestal base.
  39. Lee Milton C. ; Yurkonis Philip G., Ventilation of desktop workstation.
  40. Chao, Yung-Jui, Wall-mounting structure for wall-mounted electronic device.

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