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[미국특허] Caster base for cabinets 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B60B-033/00
출원번호 US-0895139 (1997-07-16)
발명자 / 주소
  • Stoever John Alvin
출원인 / 주소
  • Sandusky Cabinets, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Wood, Herron & Evans LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 20  인용 특허 : 7


A caster base for a cabinet includes support plates and struts connecting the forward and rearward end of the support plates. The struts are disposed within the cabinet so that the cabinet bottom is integrated with and sandwiched between the struts and the support plates. Casters are mounted at each


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A caster base for a cabinet having a bottom member of sheet metal, said base comprising:at least two support plates, each having forward and rearward ends;a caster apparatus mounted proximate each end of each support plate;a front strut;a rear strut;said front strut being

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (7) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hanaoka Hiroshi (Tokyo JPX), Cart.
  2. Chriske Eugene (El Paso TX) Leno ; Jr. Theodore (Gilroy CA) Fudge Alva L. (San Martin CA), Hazardous material shipping pallet.
  3. Pruitt ; Jr. John F. (2140 Audobonm ; SW Wyoming MI 49509), Pallet box container.
  4. Lamson Frederick W. (Birmingham MI), Platform hand truck.
  5. Tudor Ernest C. (Highland CA), Sheet steel package assembly.
  6. Andersson Hakan (Kvarnliden 4 Skara SEX 532 00), Transport box.
  7. Insalaco Robert W. (Holland MI) Montague Edgar B. (Charlotte NC), Transport cart.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (20) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Gary B Solomon ; Mark B Solomon, Apparatus for providing desktop mobility for desktop electronic devices.
  2. Solomon, Gary B.; Solomon, Mark B., Apparatus for providing desktop mobility for desktop electronic devices.
  3. Solomon,Gary B.; Solomon,Mark B., Apparatus for providing desktop mobility for desktop electronic devices.
  4. Holt, Douglas E.; Mertz, II, William J.; Norman, Christopher, Arched display.
  5. Wetterberg,Brandon Robert; Stock,Michael Joseph, Bracket for open bottom type cabinet.
  6. Doemel, Jana; Schultz, Brad; Dormer, Bevon, Container with kick-back.
  7. Farkas, Scott; Dewhurst, Doug, Container with pull-out compartments.
  8. Pfeifer, Mike; Blake, Keith, Corrugated hutch.
  9. Dewhurst, Doug, Corrugated shelving display system with two-piece shelves.
  10. Dewhurst, Doug, Corrugated shelving display system with two-piece shelves.
  11. Bays,Matthew W.; Moore,Martin Lee; Carr, Jr.,Randall Dayle, Display base.
  12. Gerstner, Tom, End stand display system and side saddle display and product holder.
  13. Martell, Timothy J.; Johnson, Jason W., Mobile cart.
  14. Slaats, Matthew J., Mobile platform and system and method of using same.
  15. Slaats, Matthew J., Mobile platform and system and method of using same.
  16. Zettel,Daniel M., Non-powered transportable cart.
  17. Goldberg, Mark, Portable work station for a laptop computer.
  18. Mason,Kevin J.; Stubblefield,Steven O.; Rembisz,Steven L., Removable caster system.
  19. Norman, Christopher, Rolling quarter pallet display system and shipping container.
  20. Devine, Robert; Bacskay, Stephen A., Utility truck base reinforcement and method of manufacture.

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