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Cupcake storage container 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-083/38
출원번호 US-0980543 (1997-12-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • McDonough Renee Ann
  • Patrona Colleen Marie
  • McGinnis Peggy Ann
  • Marlowe Brenda J.
  • McGinnis Denise Marie
  • McGinnis Robert Joseph
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 53  인용 특허 : 24


A container includes two container members which, when together, form an interior which includes a cup sized and shaped to hold a cupcake. The cup has a bottom, sides, and at least one protrusion extending inwardly from at least one of the sides. The protrusion is positioned and protrudes inwardly e


[ We claim:] [1.] A cupcake storage container, comprising:a cupcake--cupcake liner pair coupling, including a cupcake in a cupcake liner;a top container member having an upwardly-extending recess, said top container member being spaced above the cupcake; anda bottom container member, at least part o

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (24)

  1. Kopp Larry F. (P.O. Box 265 Tofino ; British Columbia CAX), Animal feed bowls.
  2. Bixler, Kenneth D., Carton lock.
  3. Hillgenberg David E. (La Habra CA), Carton with tab latch closure.
  4. Natori Eiji (Konosu JPX), Case for packaging.
  5. Krupa Calvin S. (Medina MN), Clamshell package for cored pineapple fruit.
  6. Hamamura Akimitsu (Utsunomiya JPX), Confection package.
  7. Budzbanowski Dennis J. (R.D. #5 ; Box 232 Nancy Dr. Meadville PA 16335), Container.
  8. Palacios Urania (3709 Largo Dr. Miramar FL 33023), Cooking container or like assembly for the cooking of food utilizing a microwave oven.
  9. Montgomery Robert B. (Canterbury GB2), Fold open play set with slotted base.
  10. Davis Paul (Swampscott MA), Food container with integral dish and cover.
  11. Credle ; Jr. William S., Food service kit.
  12. Florian ; John, Food tray with integral lock.
  13. Clark Terry A. (Rochester NY) Warburton Richard T. (Canandaigua NY), Hinged-lid food container with sealable compartments employing front and side latching means.
  14. Davis Paul (Swampscott MA), Integral tray and cover with snap lock.
  15. Goulette Stephen L. (Newark NY), Nestable hinged container for the display and storage of consumer articles.
  16. Girotti Floriano (Milan IT) Gasparini Mauro (Segrate (Milan) IT), Packaging container.
  17. Taylor Alfred A. (34 Lee St. Condell Park ; New South Wales 2200 AUX) North John P. (34 Lee St. Condell Park ; New South Wales 2200 AUX), Packaging machine.
  18. Hansen Roger P. (Rockford MI) Vis Larry J. (Rockford MI), Plastic display container having hinged cover.
  19. Wyslotsky Ihor (Rolling Meadows IL), Recloseable modified atmosphere clamshell package.
  20. Payne Joe R. (La Habra CA), Snaplock thermoformed container.
  21. Goldberg Leslie H. (11 Foursome Cr. Willowdale ; Ontario ; M2P 1W1 CAX), Stackable and nestable container for foodstuffs.
  22. Dietterich Charles W. (Brodheadsville PA), Storage container with internal barrier means.
  23. Lambelet ; Jr. Lawrence E. (Flemington NJ) Davis Martha (New York NY), Tablet dispenser package.
  24. Mendez Estuardo (1345 Cabrillo Park Dr. #E-6 Santa Ana CA 92701) Uriarte Jorge (13 Cornwallis Irvine CA 92720), Tortilla warming apparatus.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (53)

  1. Tapper, Laura J., 12 count cupcake display kit.
  2. Tapper, Laura J., 12 count cupcake display kit with a solid lid.
  3. Tapper, Laura J., 12 count cupcake display kit with dividers.
  4. Tapper, Laura J., 12 count cupcake display kit with side pieces.
  5. Tapper, Laura J., 12 count cupcake display with dividers.
  6. Tapper, Laura J., 12 count cupcake display with dividers.
  7. Tapper, Laura J., 12 count cupcake display with dividers.
  8. Tapper, Laura J., 24 count cupcake display kit.
  9. Tapper, Laura J., 24 count cupcake display kit with a solid lid.
  10. Tapper, Laura J., 24 count cupcake display kit with dividers.
  11. Tapper, Laura J., 24 count cupcake display kit with jagged dividers.
  12. Tapper, Laura J., 24 count cupcake display with decorative side pieces.
  13. Tapper, Laura J., 24 count cupcake display with dividers.
  14. Tapper, Laura J., 24 count cupcake display with dividers.
  15. Tapper, Laura J., 24 count cupcake display with side pieces.
  16. Tapper, Laura J., 24 count cupcake display with side pieces.
  17. Ferguson Kathy, Baked goods container.
  18. Ferguson Kathy, Baked goods container.
  19. Lovgren, Stephen John, Baking pan and container system for cupcakes.
  20. Manley, James Richard, Cake tin base.
  21. Caly, Roy, Cherry tomatoes-shaped container.
  22. Swinford,Karen; Purcell,David; Simon,Denise; Bull,Jeff, Combined cake and muffin carrier.
  23. Librus, Michael, Combined muffin holder and display stand.
  24. Buck, Ronald Mark, Container lid system with a lid portion and food container portion.
  25. Buck, Ronald Mark, Container lid with a food compartment and a sip-hole.
  26. Buck, Ronald Mark, Container lid with one or more cavities.
  27. Perry, Ramsey, Crush proof cupcake holder.
  28. Buck, Ronald Mark, Cup lid with integrated container.
  29. Buck, Ronald Mark, Cup lid with integrated container.
  30. Buck, Ronald Mark, Cup lid with integrated container.
  31. Buck, Ronald Mark, Cup lid with integrated container.
  32. Buck, Ronald Mark, Cup lid with integrated container.
  33. Buck, Ronald Mark, Cup lid with integrated container.
  34. Dagan, Roni; Moial, Noa; Librus, Michael, Cupcake carrier.
  35. Dagan, Roni; Moyal, Noa; Librus, Michael, Cupcake carrier.
  36. Stewart, Brittany L., Cupcake carrier.
  37. Sellari, Robert; Rivera, Rafael; Guirguis, Sameh, Cupcake container.
  38. McClymont,Lee Anne, Cupcake crate.
  39. Driggers,Stacie; Kaiser,Allen, Cupcake holder.
  40. Madagan, Leanna, Cupcake holder.
  41. Madagan, Leanna, Cupcake holder.
  42. McGinnis, Peggy A.; Patrona, Colleen M.; McGinnis, Robert J.; McGinnis, Denise M.; McGinnis, James D.; Fuga, Kimberly A.; Palazzolo, Sally T.; Fuga, Kim P., Cupcake securement device.
  43. Stone, Abagale; Stone, Garrick S., Cupped comestible package.
  44. Shaw, Peter; Hellmann, Michael, Disposable microwave food shield.
  45. Mastroianni, Michael R., Food product carrier set.
  46. Barber,Thomas, Holder for baked goods.
  47. Buck, Ronald Mark, Lid with integrated container.
  48. Buck, Ronald Mark, Lid with integrated container.
  49. Sarnoff, Norton; Fletcher, Carl; McCormick, Richard, Muffin pan and muffin liner holder.
  50. Danko Ronald D., Multiple pastry box.
  51. Iio, Toshiaki; Takabatake, Yukihiro, Storage case for pharmaceutical syringe unit.
  52. Buck, Ronald Mark, Top mounting can container.
  53. Buck, Ronald Mark, Top mounting can container.
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