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Ultra low-power fast start precision RC oscillator 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H03K-030/231
출원번호 US-0001690 (1997-12-31)
발명자 / 주소
  • Oberlin Richard P.
출원인 / 주소
  • AAI Corporation
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 5  인용 특허 : 6


An ultra-low power, fast start fuze oscillator contained in a fast moving projectile which contains a programmable projectile fuze. It is an RC oscillator which uses a low power comparator, three biasing resistors, a timing resistor and a timing capacitor to produce an output frequency as low as 8 k


[ What we claim as our invention is:] [1.] An oscillator apparatus comprising a comparator having a negative input, a positive input, a positive voltage supply input (V.sub.CC), a negative voltage supply input (-V.sub.CC) and an output, a timing capacitor, a timing resistor having a first end and a

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6)

  1. Mitchell Nathan A. (Houston TX) McKenzie Phillip J. (Houston TX), Constant brightness liquid crystal display backlight control system.
  2. Klee Heinz (Freiburg-Opfingen DEX), Control system for adjusting a physical quantity.
  3. Zuta Marc (Petah Tikva ILX), Frequency synthesizer having microcomputer supplying analog and digital control signals to VCO.
  4. Caron LaVerne A. (Naperville IL) Handley Edward F. (Clarendon Hills IL), Glow plug control circuit.
  5. Rizzo Raymond P. (Vestal NY), Oscillators having charge/discharge circuits with adjustment to maintain desired duty cycles.
  6. Matthys Robert J. (Minneapolis MN), Voltage controlled oscillator with temperature compensation.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (5)

  1. Saether,Terje, Low-power oscillator.
  2. Lim, Joon Hyung; Kim, Myeung Su; Kwon, Yong Il; Park, Tah Joon, Micropower RC oscillator.
  3. Rashid, Tahir, Oscillator.
  4. Mahooti, Kevin; Gandhi, Sanket; Tarng, Min Ming, Oscillator architecture having fast response time with low current consumption and method for operating the oscillator architecture.
  5. Chen, Yi-Lung, Oscillator for generating output signal with adjustable frequency.
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