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[미국특허] Footwear having spring assemblies in the soles thereof 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A43B-013/28
  • A43B-021/30
출원번호 US-0015712 (1998-01-29)
발명자 / 주소
  • Orlowski Henry
  • Fletter G. Paul
  • Neal
  • II Alton L.
출원인 / 주소
  • Precision Products Group, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Harness, Dickey & Pierce, P.L.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 90  인용 특허 : 20


A shoe having a preassembled spring assembly incorporated into the sole thereof is provided. The spring assembly includes a pair of plates having a plurality of apertures formed therein. The pair of plates define an upper plate and a lower plate in which the apertures formed in the upper and lower p


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A show having an upper portion and a sole member secured to said upper portion, and a unitary spring assembly incorporated into the sole member of said shoe, said spring assembly comprising:a pair of plates each having a plurality of supports formed thereon, said pair of

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (20) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Pettibone Virginia G. (17153 Pettibone La. Foley AL 36535) Pettibone Latesisa O. (17153 Pettibone La. Foley AL 36535), Atheletic shoe.
  2. Lyons Levert (14667 Cedar Grove Detroit MI 48105), Athletic shoe with compression indicators and replaceable spring cassette.
  3. Meschan David F. (Greensboro NC) Le Tuan N. (Portland OR), Athletic shoe with improved sole.
  4. Chou Hsueh-li (No. 12-1 ; Alley 82 ; Lane 14 ; Sec. 7 Chungshan N. Rd. Taipei TWX), Combined resilient sole of a shoe.
  5. Scatena Alessandro (P.O. Box 11 55060 Guamo ; Lucca ITX), Cushion system for shoes.
  6. Vorderer Thomas W. (28 Academy St. Braintree MA), Energy return spring shoe construction.
  7. Jacinto Jose-Maria (429 E. 52nd St. New York NY 10022), Heel construction.
  8. Hsieh Frank (9th-1 Floor ; Kuang Fu South Road Taipei TWX), Highly elastic footwear sole.
  9. Ricci Gordon K. (East Bridgewater MA) Pawlus Christopher J. (Northboro MA) Snow Rebecca E. (Sharon MA) Foley Peter M. (Needham MA) Litchfield Paul E. (Westboro MA) White Spencer (Easton MA), Insert for a shoe sole.
  10. Jeon Pil D. (1395 Daeyeon 5 dong ; Namgu ; Busan KRX), Midsole having a shock absorbing air bag.
  11. Jung In Soo (298-25 Buam-1-Dong Pusanjin-Ku ; Pusan KRX), Self-ventilating device for a shoe insole.
  12. Dixon Roy (1101 Grandview Cir. Royal Palm Beach FL 33411), Shock absorbing shoe with adjustable insert.
  13. Brown Jeffrey W. (736 Windimere Ct. San Diego CA 92109), Shock reducing footwear and method of manufacture.
  14. Wen Jack,TWX, Shock-absorbing device for footwear.
  15. Diaz Juan A. (Weymouth MA), Shoe with energy control system.
  16. Levin Shalom (8/9 Simtat Rodan Haifa 35590 ILX), Sports shoe.
  17. Frachey Enrico (Ponderano ITX) Crespan Alfredo (Mignagola di Carbonera ITX), Sports shoe incorporating an elastic insert in the heel.
  18. Illustrato Vito J. (928 Peace St. Pelham Manor NY 10803), Spring heel for shoe and the like.
  19. Lombardino Thomas D., Spring-air shock absorbtion and energy return device for shoes.
  20. Slepian Neil R. (Durham NH) Kirk Michael P. (Salem MA) Hamill Joseph (Florence MA), Stabilizing grid wedge system for providing motion control and cushioning.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (90) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hoffberg,Steven M.; Fisher,Ronald, Adaptively controlled footwear.
  2. Lockyer, Clifford, Article of footwear and a part thereof.
  3. Lombardino, Thomas D, Article of footwear incorporating a shock absorption and energy return assembly for shoes.
  4. Cornillon, Patrice, Assistance system for a gliding board or snowshoe.
  5. Manz, Gerd Rainer; Lucas, Timothy David, Ball and socket 3D cushioning system.
  6. Manz, Gerd Rainer; Lucas, Timothy David, Ball and socket 3D cushioning system.
  7. Manz, Gerd Rainer; Lucas, Timothy David, Ball and socket 3D cushioning system.
  8. Manz,Gerd Rainer; Lucas,Timothy David, Ball and socket 3D cushioning system.
  9. Manz,Gerd Rainer; Lucas,Timothy David, Ball and socket 3D cushioning system.
  10. Lo,Chie Fang, Cushion cell for shoes.
  11. Lyden, Robert M., Custom article of footwear.
  12. Lyden, Robert Michael, Custom article of footwear and method of making the same.
  13. Adams,Roger R., External wheeled heeling apparatus and method.
  14. Adams,Roger R., External wheeled heeling apparatus and method.
  15. LeVert,Francis E.; Krafsur,David S., Fluid flow system for spring-cushioned shoe.
  16. Levert, Francis E.; Krafsur, David S., Fluid flow system for spring-cushioned shoe.
  17. Simpson Lantz ; Crary Nathan ; Reichelt James K., Footwear midsole.
  18. Lyden, Robert M., Footwear with removable lasting board and cleats.
  19. Goldston, Mark; Goldston, Adam; Goldston, Ryan; Bemis, Jon, Forefoot catapult for athletic shoes.
  20. Manz, Gerd Rainer; Hill, Jan; Steszyn, Michael; Krabbe, Berthold, Full bearing 3D cushioning system.
  21. Manz,Gerd Rainer; Hill,Jan; Steszyn,Michael; Krabbe,Berthold, Full bearing 3D cushioning system.
  22. Lucas,Robert J.; Rouiller,Vincent Philippe; Van Noy,Allen W.; Vincent,Stephen Michael, Full length cartridge cushioning system.
  23. Jeppesen,Michael; Azevedo,Aaron; Duffy,Gregg, Grid midsole insert.
  24. Adams,Roger R.; Staffaroni,Michael G., Grind rail apparatus.
  25. Adams, Roger R., Heeling apparatus.
  26. Adams, Roger R., Heeling apparatus.
  27. Adams, Roger R., Heeling apparatus and method.
  28. Adams, Roger R., Heeling apparatus and method.
  29. Adams,Roger R., Heeling apparatus and method.
  30. Adams, Roger R., Heeling apparatus wheel assembly.
  31. Binder, Arye, High heel shoe.
  32. Vonter Moua ; Xia V. Moua, Impact absorber for a shoe.
  33. Smaldone, Patricia L.; Aveni, Michael A.; Fagergren, Fred G., Impact attenuating and spring elements and products containing such elements.
  34. Smaldone, Patricia L.; Aveni, Michael A.; Fagergren, Fred G., Impact attenuating and spring elements and products containing such elements.
  35. Smaldone, Patricia Louise; Aveni, Michael A.; Fagergren, Fred G., Impact attenuating and spring elements and products containing such elements.
  36. Aveni, Michael A.; Smaldone, Patricia L.; Fagergren, Fred G., Impact-attenuation members and products containing such members.
  37. Aveni, Michael A.; Smaldone, Patricia L.; Fagergren, Fred G., Impact-attenuation members and products containing such members.
  38. Aveni, Michael A.; Smaldone, Patricia L.; Fagergren, Fred G., Impact-attenuation members and products containing such members.
  39. Aveni, Michael A.; Smaldone, Patricia L.; Fagergren, Fred G., Impact-attenuation members with lateral and shear force stability and products containing such members.
  40. Aveni, Michael A.; Smaldone, Patricia L.; Fagergren, Fred G., Impact-attenuation members with lateral and shear force stability and products containing such members.
  41. Aveni, Michael A.; Smaldone, Patricia L.; Fagergren, Fred G., Impact-attenuation members with lateral and shear force stability and products containing such members.
  42. Aveni, Michael A.; Smaldone, Patricia L.; Fagergren, Fred G., Impact-attenuation members with lateral and shear force stability and products containing such members.
  43. Adams, Roger R.; Hamner, Patrick F., Motorized transportation apparatus and method.
  44. Cessor,Susan Diane, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  45. Cessor,Susan Diane, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  46. Hlavacs,John, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  47. Hlavacs,John, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  48. Holmes,Matthew Jason, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  49. Lupo,Bo, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  50. Lupo,Bo, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  51. McDowell, Sean Michael, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  52. Portzline,Scott, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  53. Portzline,Scott, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  54. Portzline,Scott, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  55. Portzline,Scott, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  56. Sokolowski, Susan, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  57. Sokolowski, Susan, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  58. Sokolowski, Susan, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  59. Cooper, Aaron Alexander Carroll, Portion of a shoe sole.
  60. McCourt Robert, Portion of a shoe sole.
  61. McCourt Robert, Portion of a shoe sole.
  62. McCourt Robert, Portion of a shoe sole.
  63. Nathan Crary, Shock absorbing midsole for an athletic shoe.
  64. Staffaroni, Michael G.; Choi, Jong Sang, Shock absorption system for a sole.
  65. LeVert,Francis E.; Krafsur,David, Shock resistant shoe.
  66. Cohen Abraham,ILX, Shock-absorbing insole.
  67. Yang, Teng-Jen, Shock-absorbing structure formed by plastic material.
  68. Hann, Lenn R., Shoe apparatus with improved efficiency.
  69. Hann,Lenn, Shoe apparatus with improved efficiency.
  70. Kathey D. Myers, Shoe device.
  71. Tucker, Scott; Thompson, Michael; Zrubek, Darren; Rehfeldt, Keegan, Shoe sole.
  72. Tucker, Scott; Thompson, Michael; Zrubek, Darren; Rehfeldt, Keegan, Shoe sole.
  73. Tucker, Scott; Thompson, Michael; Zrubek, Darren; Rehfeldt, Keegan, Shoe sole.
  74. Tucker, Scott; Thompson, Michael; Zrubek, Darren; Rehfeldt, Keegan, Shoe sole.
  75. Tucker, Scott; Thompson, Michael; Zrubek, Darren; Rehfeldt, Keegan, Shoe sole.
  76. Tucker, Scott; Thompson, Michael; Zrubek, Darren; Rehfeldt, Keegan, Shoe sole.
  77. Chen, Ming Jeng, Shoe structure.
  78. Goldston, Mark; Goldston, Adam; Goldston, Ryan; Bemis, Jon, Shoes, devices for shoes, and methods of using shoes.
  79. Goldston, Mark; Goldston, Adam; Goldston, Ryan; Bemis, Jon, Shoes, devices for shoes, and methods of using shoes.
  80. Goldston, Mark; Goldston, Adam; Goldston, Ryan; Bemis, Jon, Shoes, devices for shoes, and methods of using shoes.
  81. Goldston, Mark; Goldston, Adam; Goldston, Ryan; Bemis, Jon, Shoes, devices for shoes, and methods of using shoes.
  82. Goldston, Mark; Goldston, Adam; Goldston, Ryan; Bemis, Jon, Shoes, devices for shoes, and methods of using shoes.
  83. Antonelli, Bruno Jean; Scholz, Wolfgang; Weidl, Jürgen; Gordon, Josh Robert; Hill, Jan; Manz, Gerd Rainer, Sole element for a shoe.
  84. Kita, Kenjiro; Oda, Takao; Miyauchi, Akihiro, Sole structure for a shoe.
  85. Krafsur David S. ; LeVert Francis E., Spring cushioned shoe.
  86. LeVert,Francis E.; Krafsur,David S., Spring cushioned shoe.
  87. Chandler, Matthew Daniel; Lucas, Timothy David; Hill, Jan; Leimer, Robert; Henderson, Mark Andrew; Wardlaw, Angus; Wilson, III, Charles Griffin; Manz, Gerd Rainer, Structural element for a shoe sole.
  88. Chandler,Matthew Daniel; Hill,Jan; Leimer,Robert; Lucas,Timothy David; Manz,Gerd Rainer; Wardlaw,Angus; Wilson, III,Charles Griffin; Henderson,Mark Andrew, Structural element for a shoe sole.
  89. Lucas, Robert J.; Rouiller, Vincent Philippe; Van Noy, Allen W.; Vincent, Stephen Michael, Structural element for a shoe sole.
  90. Lucas,Robert J.; Rouiller,Vincent Philippe; Van Noy,Allen W.; Vincent,Stephen Michael, Structural element for a shoe sole.

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