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Power control of a remote station of a radio communications system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H04Q-007/00
  • H04L-012/28
출원번호 US-0215729 (1998-12-18)
발명자 / 주소
  • Freeburg Thomas A.
  • Grossman Daniel B.
  • Odlyzko Paul
출원인 / 주소
  • Motorola, Inc
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 32  인용 특허 : 13


A radio communications system (10) having a remote or mobile station (30) and at least two base stations (13, 14). ATM radio channels (31, 32) are provided between the remote station and base stations. The remote station (30) has a logic unit (520) for combining cell streams received from the first


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A method of operation of a remote station of a radio communications system comprising a remote station and at least first and second base station, the remote station comprising the steps of:powering up a receiver during first time periods corresponding to physical layer s

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (13)

  1. Okada Tomoyuki (Palatine IL) Baranowski Robert (Crystal Lake IL), Adaptive radio receiver controller method and apparatus.
  2. Connell Lawrence E. (Naperville IL) Paitl Kenneth A. (East Dundee IL) Roeckner William J. (Algonquin IL) Haddad Kenneth R. (Arlington Heights IL), Apparatus and method for minimizing the turn on time for a receiver operating in a discontinuous receive mode.
  3. Acampora Anthony S. (Freehold NJ) Naghshineh Mahmoud (Fishkill NY), Method and apparatus for supporting mobile communications in asynchronous transfer mode based networks.
  4. Acampora Anthony S. (Freehold NJ) Naghshineh Mahmoud (Fishkill NY), Method and apparatus for supporting mobile communications in mobile communications networks.
  5. La Porta Thomas F. (Thornwood NY) Ramjee Ramachandran (Matawan NJ) Veeraraghavan Malathi (Atlantic Highlands NJ), Method and system for distributed control in wireless cellular and personal communication systems.
  6. Petri Bernhard (Munich DEX), Method for controlling components of a communication system.
  7. Werronen Alton P. (Palatine IL), Method for establishing frame synchronization within a TDMA communication system.
  8. Blakeney ; II Robert D. (San Diego CA) Karmi Gadi (San Diego CA) Tiedemann ; Jr. Edward G. (San Diego CA) Weaver ; Jr. Lindsay A. (San Diego CA), Mobile station assisted soft handoff in a CDMA cellular communications system.
  9. Raychaudhuri Dipankar (Princeton Junction NJ) Xie Hai (Highland Park NJ) Yuan Ruixi (Plainsboro NJ), Multiservices medium access control protocol for wireless ATM system.
  10. Pasternak Eliezer (Palo Alto CA) BenEfraim Gideon (Cupertino CA), Reliable ATM microwave link and network.
  11. Hemmady Jayant G. (Naperville IL) Spanke Ronald A. (Wheaton IL), System and method for providing soft handoff of a cellular mobile-to-mobile call.
  12. Levardon Pascal (Antony FRX), Transmission system for transmitting information at various rates and transmitter station and receiver station suitable.
  13. Baldwin John H. (Morristown NJ) Chu Helen (New York NY) Doshi Bharat T. (Holmdel NJ) Dravida Subrahmanyam (Somerset NJ) Nanda Sanjiv (Plainsboro NJ) Treventi Philip A. (Murray Hill NJ), Virtual circuit management in cellular telecommunications.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (32)

  1. Keidar, Ron; Holcman, Alejandro R.; Burroughs, Kirk A.; Manor, Liron, Adaptive wake-up period of roaming wireless terminals.
  2. Tischer, Steven; Zellner, Samuel N.; Starr, Robert J., Apparatus and method for prioritizing communications between devices.
  3. Tischer, Steven; Zellner, Samuel N.; Starr, Robert J., Apparatus and method for providing a user interface for facilitating communications between devices.
  4. Tischer, Steven; Zellner, Samuel N.; Starr, Robert J., Apparatus and method for providing a user interface for facilitating communications between devices.
  5. Tischer, Steven; Zellner, Samuel N.; Starr, Robert J., Apparatus and method for providing communications and connection-oriented services to devices.
  6. Tischer, Steven; Zellner, Samuel N.; Starr, Robert J., Apparatus and method for restricting access to data.
  7. Tischer, Steven; Zellner, Samuel N.; Starr, Robert J., Apparatus and method for routing communications between networks and devices.
  8. Tischer, Steven; Zellner, Samuel N.; Starr, Robert J., Apparatus and method for securely providing communications between devices and networks.
  9. Park, Jae Young, Apparatus for monitoring asynchronous transfer mode cells in communication systems.
  10. Tischer, Steven; Zellner, Samuel N.; Starr, Robert J., Apparatus, method, and computer-readable medium for interfacing devices with communications networks.
  11. Frank, Scott M.; Meadows, Vernon, Auto sensing home base station for mobile telephone with remote answering capabilities.
  12. Frank, Scott M.; Meadows, Vernon, Auto sensing home base station for mobile telephone with remote answering capabilities.
  13. Frank,Scott M.; Meadows,Vernon, Auto sensing home base station for mobile telephone with remote answering capabilities.
  14. DePani, Sebastiano; Roach, Jr., Peter O., Cellular docking station.
  15. DePani, Sebastiano; Roach, Jr., Peter O., Cellular docking station.
  16. DePani,Sebastiano; Roach, Jr.,Peter O., Cellular docking station.
  17. DePani,Sebastiano; Roach, Jr.,Peter O., Cellular docking station.
  18. Murakami, Masaru, Diversity handover processing apparatus and network control system using the same.
  19. Masatoshi Yamamoto JP, Economical synchronization system for asynchronous transfer mode mobile communication network without dependence on external system.
  20. Par Gustavsson SE; Thomas Johansson SE, Method in a telecommunication system.
  21. Grilli, Francesco; Vayanos, Alkinoos Hector; Casaccia, Lorenzo, Methods for forward error correction coding above a radio link control layer and related apparatus.
  22. Grilli, Francesco; Vayanos, Alkinoos Hector; Casaccia, Lorenzo, Methods for seamless delivery of broadcast and multicast content across cell borders and/or between different transmission schemes and related apparatus.
  23. Chen, Tao; Willenegger, Serge D.; Wei, Yongbin; Vayanos, Alkinoos H., Multi-media broadcast and multicast service (MBMS) in a wireless communication system.
  24. Vayanos, Alkinoos Hector; Grilli, Francesco, Outer coding methods for broadcast/multicast content and related apparatus.
  25. Vayanos, Alkinoos Hector; Grilli, Francesco, Outer coding methods for broadcast/multicast content and related apparatus.
  26. Vayanos, Alkinoos Hector; Grilli, Francesco, Outer coding methods for broadcast/multicast content and related apparatus.
  27. Hirahara, Yoshimi, Radio communication system.
  28. La Porta,Thomas F.; Murakami,Kazutaka; Ramjee,Ramachandran; Thuel,Sandra R.; Varadhan,Kannan, Single phase local mobility scheme for wireless access to packet-based networks.
  29. Tischer,Steven Neil; Kleinfelter,Kevin Paul, System and method for interfacing plain old telephone system (POTS) devices with cellular networks.
  30. Tischer, Steven; Kleinfelter, Kevin, Systems and methods for restricting the use and movement of telephony devices.
  31. Ushiyama, Kentaro, Terminal device, time adjusting method of terminal device and communication system.
  32. Cardina,Donald M.; Link, II,Charles M., Wireless backup telephone device and associated support system.
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