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[미국특허] Sheet for protecting paint films of automobiles 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C09J-007/02
출원번호 US-0728900 (1996-10-10)
우선권정보 JP-0290429 (1995-10-11)
발명자 / 주소
  • Matsui Komaharu,JPX
  • Eda Takeshi,JPX
  • Ueda Hiroshi,JPX
  • Shirai Mitsuyoshi,JPX
  • Sano Kenji,JPX
  • Horada Mitsuru,JPX
  • Nishiyama Naoyuki,JPX
출원인 / 주소
  • Kansai Paint Co., Ltd., JPX
대리인 / 주소
    Sughrue, Mion, Zinn, Macpeak & Seas, PLLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 8  인용 특허 : 7


A sheet for protecting paint films of automobiles for adhering to the incompletely cured paint films of automobiles comprising two pack urethane paint, the sheet comprising a support and a pressure-sensitive adhesive layer formed thereon, wherein the sheet has a Young's modulus E of at least 75 N/mm


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A sheet for protecting paint films of automobiles for adhering to incompletely cured paint films of automobiles comprising a two pack urethane paint, said sheet comprising a support and a pressure-sensitive adhesive layer formed thereon, wherein the sheet has a Young's mo

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (7)

  1. Matsui Komaharu,JPX ; Wakimoto Mitrso,JPX ; Eda Takeshi,JPX ; Tatsuno Tadayoshi,JPX ; Kuwabara Yutaka,JPX ; Shibata Kenichi,JPX, Automobile paint film-protective sheet.
  2. Dobashi Akihiko (Shimodate JPX) Himori Hirotugu (Shimodate JPX) Yamamoto Osamu (Shimodate JPX) Shiotsuki Kazuya (Neyagawa JPX) Tomiyama Muneaki (Hiroshima JPX), Coating protective film.
  3. Tomiyama Takeshi (Hiratsuka JPX) Eda Takeshi (Hiratsuka JPX) Hashimoto Sadaaki (Hiratsuka JPX) Tomiya Junitiro (Hiratsuka JPX), Method of protecting coating film.
  4. Matsui Komaharu (Kanagawa JPX) Eda Takeshi (Hyogo JPX) Ueda Hiroshi (Hyogo JPX) Shibata Kenichi (Osaka JPX) Suzuki Toshitaka (Osaka JPX) Onishi Hiroyoshi (Osaka JPX) Okada Kenichi (Osaka JPX) Inoue T, Paint film-protective sheet.
  5. Matsui Komaharu,JPX ; Wakimoto Mitsuo,JPX ; Eda Takeshi,JPX ; Tatsuno Tadayoshi,JPX ; Inoue Tsuyoshi,JPX ; Shibata Kenichi,JPX ; Kuwabara Yutaka,JPX ; Wada Tatsuo,JPX, Paint film-protective sheet.
  6. Matsui Komaharu (Kanagawa JPX) Eda Takeshi (Kanagawa JPX) Wakimoto Mitsuo (Kanagawa JPX) Shibata Kenichi (Osaka JPX) Suzuki Toshitaka (Osaka JPX) Shirai Mitsuyoshi (Osaka JPX) Okada Kenichi (Osaka JP, Paint-film protective sheet.
  7. Pokorny Richard J. (Maplewood MN), Pressure sensitive adhesive composition and products.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (8)

  1. Spiewak, Brian E.; Hegdahl, David W., Micro-channeled protective film.
  2. Kase, Takamasa; Tezuna, Atsushi; Fujinaga, Soichiro; Hayakawa, Fumio, Paint coat-protecting removable pressure-sensitive adhesive sheet.
  3. Suzuki, Toshitaka; Igarashi, Takeshi; Ikenaga, Hiroko; Saitou, Yuki; Inokuchi, Shinji; Yamaguchi, Koji; Hirano, Yoshikuni, Paint film-protecting sheet.
  4. Suzuki, Toshitaka; Igarashi, Takeshi; Ikenaga, Hiroko; Saitou, Yuki; Inokuchi, Shinji; Yamaguchi, Koji; Hirano, Yoshikuni, Paint film-protecting sheet.
  5. Müssig, Bernhard, Self-adhesive protective film with olefin rubber adhesive.
  6. Keiji Hayashi JP; Tsuyoshi Inoue JP; Kenichi Shibata JP; Kenji Sano JP; Mitsuyoshi Shirai JP; Mitsuru Horada JP; Hiroshi Sugawa JP; Komaharu Matsui JP; Takeshi Eda JP; Hiroshi Ueda JP, Sheet for protecting paint film.
  7. Devathi, Srinivas S., Systems and methods for altering the color, appearance, or feel of a vehicle surface.
  8. Böhm, Nicolai; Hirsch, Ralf; Klemp, Jobst-Waldemar; Meyer, Robert; Müssig, Bernhard, Unoriented surface-protection film of polypropylene block copolymers.

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