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[미국특허] High power superconductive circuits and method of construction thereof 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01P-003/08
  • H01B-012/02
출원번호 US-0577156 (1995-12-22)
우선권정보 GB-0026294 (1994-12-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Mansour Raafat R.,CAX
출원인 / 주소
  • Com Dev Ltd., CAX
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 20  인용 특허 : 3


A high power high temperature superconductive circuit for use in various microwave devices including filters, dielectric resonator filters, multiplexers, transmission lines, delay lines, hybrids and beam-forming networks has thin gold films deposited either on a substrate or on top of the high tempe


[ What I claim as my invention is:] [1.] A high temperature superconductive circuit for use with microwave devices, said circuit having high power handling capability and comprising:(a) a substrate and a high temperature superconductive film on said substrate;(b) means to reduce current density in c

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3)

  1. Van Duzer Theodore (El Cerrito CA), Devices comprised of discrete high-temperature superconductor chips disposed on a surface.
  2. Shen Zhi-Yuan (Wilmington DE), High temperature superconductor support structures for dielectric resonator.
  3. Higaki Kenjiro (Itami JPX) Tanaka Saburo (Itami JPX) Itozaki Hideo (Itami JPX), Microwave resonator having a ground conductor partially composed of oxide superconductor material.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (20)

  1. Kanba, Seiji; Mizoguchi, Naoki; Okamura, Hisatake; Mandai, Harufumi, Dual mode band pass filter.
  2. Abdelmonem, Amr, Dual operation mode all temperature filter using superconducting resonators with superconductive/non-superconductive mixture.
  3. Ma, Qing; Hayden, III, Joseph; Chou, Tsung-Kuan Allen; Tran, Quan, Edge plated transmission line and switch integrally formed therewith.
  4. Salkola, Markku I.; Hammond, Robert B.; Fenzi, Neal, Filter with improved intermodulation distortion characteristics and methods of making the improved filter.
  5. Cort?s,Balam Quitz? Andr?s Willemsen; Cardona,Albert H.; Fenzi,Neal O.; Forse,Roger J., High temperature spiral snake superconducting resonator having wider runs with higher current density.
  6. Cort?s, Balam Quitz? Andr?s Willemsen; Cardona, Albert H.; Fenzi, Neal O.; Forse, Roger J., High temperature superconducting spiral snake structures and methods for high Q, reduced intermodulation structures.
  7. LaBerge, E. F. Charles, MEMS based multiband receiver architecture.
  8. Peczalski, Andrzej, MEMS based multiband receiver architecture.
  9. Ye,Shen, Method and apparatus for minimizing intermodulation with an asymmetric resonator.
  10. Ida, Yutaka; Yagi, Yoshikazu; Ieki, Tsutomu; Tanaka, Hiroaki; Chikagawa, Osamu, Microstrip line having a line electrode with integral edge electrodes.
  11. Ammar, Danny F.; Clark, Gavin, Microwave monolithic integrated circuit (MMIC) carrier interface.
  12. Ammar, Danny F.; Clark, Gavin, Microwave monolithic integrated circuit (MMIC) carrier interface.
  13. Danny F. Ammar ; Eugene Fischer, Millimeter wave filter for surface mount applications.
  14. Danny F. Ammar ; Eugene Fischer ; Gavin Clark ; John Hubert ; Glenn Larson, Millimeter wave module (MMW) for microwave monolithic integrated circuit (MMIC).
  15. Daneshmand, Mojgan; Mansour, Raafat R., Multi-port monolithic RF MEMS switches and switch matrices.
  16. Rowell, Corbett R., RF component with a superconducting area having higher current density than a non-superconducting area.
  17. Agassi, Yehoshua Dan, Strips for imparting low nonlinearity to high temperature superconductor microwave filters.
  18. Kai, Manabu; Maniwa, Toru; Yamanaka, Kazunori; Akasegawa, Akihiko, Superconducting microstrip filter having current density reduction parts.
  19. Zhou, Shu-Ang, Switchable low-pass superconductive filter.
  20. Zhou, Shu-Ang; Wikborg, Erland, Switchable superconductive inductor.
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