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[미국특허] Method of packaging refrigerated meal in a package containing an anti-fog agent 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A21D-015/00
출원번호 US-0170521 (1998-10-13)
발명자 / 주소
  • Feldmeier Daniel R.
  • Finn Reggie
  • Barrett Mark R.
출원인 / 주소
  • Kraft Foods, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Cook, Alex, McFarron, Manzo, Cummings & Mehler, Ltd.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 46  인용 특허 : 26


A packaged meal is provided in the form of a kit arrangement which is formulated and prepared for storage under refrigerated, non-frozen conditions for extended time periods within retail store showcase coolers. The kit includes a compartmentalized, hermetically sealed package, with a refrigerated b


[ We claim:] [1.] A method of imparting resistance to moisture and texture degradation in a baked flour-containing content of a package during periods of extended storage at refrigerated temperatures, comprising:providing a package having a compartment with an anti-fogging agent associated therewith

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (26) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Yoshioka Shuji,JPX, Anti-fogging agent for thermoplastic resin surface and anti-fogging thermoplastic resin sheet.
  2. Hosono Hiroshi (Otsu JPX) Taniguchi Takashi (Yasu JPX), Anti-fogging film.
  3. Isaka Tsutomu (Inuyama JPX) Ohta Saburo (Inuyama JPX), Anti-fogging multilayered film and bag produced therefrom for packaging vegetables and fruits.
  4. Isaka Tsutomu (Inuyama JPX) Ohta Saburo (Inuyama JPX), Anti-fogging multilayered film and bag produced therefrom for packaging vegetables and fruits.
  5. Oshibe Yoshihiro (Aichi JPX) Izumi Toshihiro (Urawa JPX) Doya Hideki (Aichi JPX) Ohmura Hiroshi (Aichi JPX) Yamamoto Yasuhiro (Aichi JPX) Kumazawa Keiji (Aichi JPX), Anti-fogging resin film-forming composition.
  6. D\Amato Anthony S. (Chlemsford MA) Gattenby ; Jr. Miles N. (Lowell MA), Antifogging polymeric film.
  7. Raines Charles D. ; Aaker Rauland Tuck, Bloomin lid controlled atmosphere package.
  8. Snyder William D. (151 NE. 173rd. St. North Miami FL 33162), Comestibles container.
  9. Russo Peter J., Discrete wafer assembled cookie and method of making same.
  10. Paulucci Jeno F. (Duluth MN), Display package.
  11. Fritz Jill A. (Fairport NY) Hansen Darryl P. (Shortsville NY), Disposable microwavable food container.
  12. Murata Susumu (Takatsuki JPX) Sano Masako (Osaka JPX) Takeuchi Yasuo (Tokyo JPX) Fujihara Masayuki (Gunma JPX) Yokoo Hisahiko (Takasaki JPX) Nakanishi Kenjiro (Takatsuki JPX) Miura Tetsuo (Takatsuki , Encased instantly cookable pasta.
  13. Naito ; Hirokuni ; Yoshimura ; Isao ; Takao ; Norito ; Kawame ; Yasuta, Ethylene-vinyl acetate film suitable for stretch wrapping.
  14. Bright Paul F. (Reading GB2) Leder Harbert F. (Richterswil CHX), Film-forming compositions and fog resistant film produced therefrom.
  15. Niemann Debra H. (Freeport TX), Fog-resistant olefin polymer films.
  16. Kemski Michael B. (St. Paul MN), Fog-resistant, heat-sealable film.
  17. Hustad Gerald O. (McFarland WI) Launder Yolanda M. (Middleton WI) Thompson Bjorn J. (Madison WI) Johnson Joel W. (Madison WI), Food package having a compartmentalized rigid base tray.
  18. Hustad Gerald O. (McFarland WI), Food package having a sleeve enclosure and a rigid base tray.
  19. Courtright Steven B. (Evanston IL) McGrew Gordon N. (Evanston IL) Richey Lindell C. (Lake Zurich IL), Food packaging improvements.
  20. Merrill Richard E. (Wakefield MA) Massucco Arthur A. (Natick MA), Method of rendering surfaces nonfogging and resulting articles.
  21. Purdy John R. (Hertfordshire GB2), Multiple-layer polyolefin films.
  22. Cillario Renzo (Corso Fratelli Bandiera 3 Alba (Cuneo) ITX), Package comprising a creamy confectionery product.
  23. Goltsos Costas E. (Weston MA), Package for heating food in electrical appliances.
  24. Grindrod Paul E. (Madison WI), Package having collar enclosure.
  25. Kawai Yoshitake,JPX ; Taira Kazuo,JPX ; Yamaguchi Kanemichi,JPX, Semi-sealed or sealed package for preserving produce composed of resin covered paper.
  26. Goldberg Leslie H. (11 Foursome Cr. Willowdale ; Ontario ; M2P 1W1 CAX), Stackable and nestable container for foodstuffs.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (46) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Carmichael, Gary Herbert; BeVier, Corey Jacob; Maslowski, Albert Vincent, Apparatus for microwave cooking of a food product.
  2. Cohn, Robert; Suchecki, J. Mark, Barrier submersion cooking pouch and basket.
  3. Cohn, Robert; Suchecki, Joseph M, Barrier submersion cooking pouch and basket.
  4. Kyle, Troy; Roth, Donna; Mason, John D., Container.
  5. Kyle, Troy; Roth, Donna; Mason, John D., Container.
  6. Leykin, Leonid; Kofman, Aleksandr; Khodor, Leonid, Container for containing, treating and dispensing a bun in a hot dog dispensing machine.
  7. Castellanos, Carolina; Doucette, Daniel Eugene, Container for food products.
  8. Castellanos, Carolina; Doucette, Daniel Eugene, Container for food products.
  9. Castellanos,Carolina; Doucette,Daniel Eugene, Container for sliced and fluffed food products.
  10. Hinze, Bonita M.; Schmitt, James F.; Wiseman, David W.; Feldmeier, Daniel R., Container for sliced and fluffed food products.
  11. Malone, Yolanda A.; Shapiro, Catherine; Atladottir, Svava; Deakin, Lynda; Dixon, John; Hernandez, JoAn; Kim, Stephen; Romero, Gina; Trionfi, Gabriel; Zabaleta, Martin; Shimek, Lauren, Container system.
  12. Lamp, Mary A.; Forneck, Keith; Paulos, William T., Deep dish pizza crust.
  13. Fisher, Thad J., Food container.
  14. Fisher, Thad J., Food container.
  15. Vincent, Michael J.; Slowik, Noel J.; McAlone, Thomas; Martin, Jr., Robert W.; Zeop, Kenneth H., Food kit.
  16. Bradley,Scott J.; Meyer,Heidi A., Food package.
  17. Feldmeier, Daniel R.; Poei, Metty; Lamp, Mary Amanda; Lawless, Brian Patrick; Doll, Paul Edward; Dickinson, Edward L.; Coppola, Patsy Anthony; Guerrera, Stephen K.; Smith, David J.; Abesames, Gregorio Ramon Maramba, Food package for segregating ingredients of a multi-component food product.
  18. Feldmeier, Daniel R.; Poei, Metty; Lamp, Mary Amanda; Lawless, Brian Patrick; Doll, Paul Edward; Smith, David J.; Dickinson, Edward L.; Coppola, Patsy Anthony; Guerrera, Stephen K.; Abesames, Gregorio Ramon Maramba, Food package for segregating ingredients of a multi-component food product.
  19. Feldmeier, Daniel R.; Poei, Metty; Lamp, Mary Amanda; Lawless, Brian Patrick; Smith, David J.; Dickinson, Edward L.; Coppola, Patsy Anthony; Guerrera, Stephen K.; Andrews, Robert Reid, Food package for segregating ingredients of a multi-component food product.
  20. Hinze, Bonita May; Evenson, Chad Michael; Ives, Andrew Scott, Food package having a reclose mechanism.
  21. Edwards, Jay; Darin, Neil, Meal kit and cooking tray.
  22. Edwards, Jay; Darin, Neil, Meal kit and cooking tray.
  23. Hinze, Bonita M.; Evenson, Chad Michael; Ives, Andrew Scott, Method for forming a reclose mechanism on a reclosable package.
  24. Hinze, Bonita May; Evenson, Chad Michael; Ives, Andrew Scott, Method for forming a reclose mechanism on a reclosable package.
  25. Dais, Brian C.; Trier-Black, Carol; Schultz, Zachary, Method for providing consumers with a food storage kit.
  26. Forneck, Keith Daniel; Pai, Sophia; Gan, Renee, Microwavable food products.
  27. Gan, Renee; Smith, Gary; Pai, Ya-yu; Forneck, Keith, Microwavable food products.
  28. Gan, Renee; Smith, Gary; Pai, Ya-yu; Forneck, Keith, Microwavable food products.
  29. Simpson Rodney J. ; Aboshamaa Kamal N., Microwavable meal kit and food packaging system.
  30. Petrofsky, Keith E.; Greiner, Steven P.; Matusheski, Amy L.; Tangprasertchai, Uraiwan; Mirarefi, Samira, Microwaveable dough compositions.
  31. Gaylor, Ian Michael Daines; Bonner, Charles Daniel; Broadhurst, Annie Louise Charlotte, Microwaveable package for food products.
  32. Lerner,William S., Multi-compartment food storage container with removable thermal preservation insert.
  33. Thrasher, Kent; Painter, Cory J.; Brown, Keena; Ticknor, Doris; Cuccia, Jennifer, Packaged cooked meat and low pH sauce.
  34. Adeline, Laurence; Ott, Christian, Packaging for food product with jacket surrounding a receptacle closed by a lid, and its method of manufacture.
  35. Feldmeier Daniel R., Packaging system for meal kit.
  36. Sarnoff, Norton; Patel, Raj; Sarnoff, David, Pan having secured thereto roasting materials.
  37. Sarnoff, Norton; Sarnoff, David; Patel, Raj, Pan having secured thereto roasting materials.
  38. Sarnoff, Norton; Sarnoff, David; Patel, Raj, Pan having secured thereto roasting materials.
  39. Sarnoff, Norton; Sarnoff, David; Patel, Raj, Pan having secured thereto roasting materials.
  40. Huffer, Scott William, Re-sealable packages with independently peelable lidding member portions.
  41. Huffer, Scott William, Re-sealable packages with independently peelable lidding member portions.
  42. Huffer, Scott William, Re-sealable packages with independently peelable lidding member portions.
  43. Tangprasertchai,Uraiwan; Forneck,Keith Daniel; Hill,Laura Gail; Apel,Lisa; Dewalt,John; Richards,David Carl; Das,Dhruba Jyoti; Morales,Lynell, Refrigerated extended shelf-life bread products.
  44. Lamp, Mary A.; Forneck, Keith, Soft, fully baked breadsticks.
  45. Doucette, Daniel Eugene, Twin package for food products.
  46. Maglio, Jr., Sam J., Watermelon pouch.

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