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[미국특허] PH adjustors and drinks using the same 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A23L-002/52
출원번호 US-0624621 (1996-04-25)
우선권정보 JP-0202606 (1994-08-26)
국제출원번호 PCT/JP95/01686 (1995-08-25)
§371/§102 date 19960425 (19960425)
국제공개번호 WO-9606539 (1996-03-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Sasagawa Michiko,JPX
  • Itoh Takeshi,JPX
  • Tohira Hiroyuki,JPX
출원인 / 주소
  • Japan Tobacco, Inc., JPX
대리인 / 주소
    Birch, Stewart, Kolasch & Birch,LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 17  인용 특허 : 6


A pH adjustor for drinks comprising a potassium salt as an active ingredient wherein said potassium salt comprises an effective amount for adjusting pH of at least two members selected from the group consisting of potassium carbonate, dipotassium hydrogenphosphate and potassium hydroxide, whereby th


[ We claim:] [1.] A drink which comprises a pH adjustor consisting essentially of a potassium salt as an active ingredient, wherein said potassium salt comprises an effective amount for adjusting pH of at least one member selected from the group consisting of potassium carbonate, dipotassium hydroge

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Whang Sang Y. (Miami FL), Alkaline additive for drinking water.
  2. Thorn Charles Edwin ; Polakovic Frank ; Mosolf Charles A., Carbon containing composition for electroplating.
  3. LeBlanc ; Jr. Oliver H. (Schenectady NY), Electroless nickel plating composition and method for its preparation and use.
  4. Gaull Gerald E. (1107 Fifth Ave. New York NY 10028), Infant milk formula.
  5. Wisler John R. (New Hope PA) Cobos Pilar (Hackensack NJ) Laudano Raymond J. (New Fairfield CT), Method of making a shelf-stable milk-containing beverage product.
  6. Wisler John R. (New Hope PA) Cobos Pilar (Hackensack NJ) Laudano Raymond J. (New Fairfield CT), Shelf-stable milk-containing beverage products.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (17) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Rosevear, Katherine, Buffered tea-milk compositions and associated beverages and methods for preparing same.
  2. Murray, Robert; Horswill, Craig A.; Ferraro, Robert F.; Passe, Dennis H.; Stofan, IV, John R.; Du, Chan T., Carbohydrate and electrolyte replacement composition.
  3. Breha, III, Paul Jeffrey, Composition for preparing flavored coffees using reduced amount of flavorant.
  4. Yokoo,Yoshiaki; Shibuya,Katsushi; Hino,Yoshiko; Onishi,Tatsuji; Murakami,Katsushi, Heat sterilized milk-added coffee beverage and method of suppressing precipitates in same.
  5. Stephenson, Gary, Kits comprising a beverage composition and information for use.
  6. Dria, Glenn James; Young, Jerry Douglas; Nunes, Raul Victorino; Li, Jianjun Justin; Patton, Donald Ray, Liquid coffee concentrates.
  7. Carol Borland ; Pu-Sheng Cheng ; Nora Lantin, Liquid coffee product.
  8. Cheng, Pu-Sheng; Zheng, Ying; Laroia, Serena; Hu, Wenjie; Rahmani, Rachid; Scoville, Eugene; Chrisman, Randall C.; Gavie, Shannon Joyce; Landry, Walter F.; McDonough, Brian J.; Morrison, Randall L.; Klueppel, Anthony; Milo, Christian, Method for dispensing a liquid beverage concentrate.
  9. Hardesty, Douglas Craig; Young, Jerry Douglas, Method of making coffee compositions with stable flavor characteristics.
  10. Young, Jerry Douglas; Hardesty, Douglas Craig, Method of making coffee compositions with stable flavor characteristics.
  11. Gutwein, Roger William; Connor, Christopher Wade, Methods for utilizing delayed dilution, mixing and filtering to provide customized varieties of fresh-brewed coffee on demand.
  12. Gutwein, Roger William; Connor, Christopher Wade, Methods utilizing delayed dilution, mixing, and filtration for providing customized beverages on demand.
  13. Yokoo, Yoshiaki; Shibuya, Katsushi; Hino, Yoshiko; Onishi, Tatsuji; Murakami, Katsushi, Milk-added coffee beverage with basic amino acids.
  14. Baker,Nicola Jane; Parker,David Myatt, Oral compositions comprising a viscosity modifier for reduction of tooth erosion.
  15. Spelman, Kieran Patrick; Lyle, Barbara Jo; Chu, Yi-Fang; Loh, Jimbay P.; Hong, Yeong-Ching Albert, Potassium fortification in foodstuffs.
  16. Cheng, Pu Sheng; Zheng, Ying; Laroia, Serena; Hu, Wenjie; Rahmani, Rachid; Scoville, Eugene; Chrisman, Randall C.; Gavie, Shannon; Landry, Walter F.; McDonough, Brian J.; Morrison, Randall L.; Klueppel, Anthony; Milo, Christian, System for dispensing a liquid beverage concentrate.
  17. Rinaldi, Vincent; Zachwieja, Jeff; Shi, Xiaocai; Ali, Zeinab, Use of novel carbohydrates and carbohydrate blends to provide a sports beverage with increased absorption.

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