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[미국특허] Catalysts for the purification of exhaust gas and method of manufacturing thereof 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B01J-023/44
  • B01J-023/32
  • B01J-023/42
출원번호 US-0976496 (1997-11-24)
우선권정보 JP-0136575 (1995-06-02)
발명자 / 주소
  • Yamamoto Shinji,JPX
  • Sekiba Toru,JPX
출원인 / 주소
  • Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., JPX
대리인 / 주소
    Foley & Lardner
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 28  인용 특허 : 7


The catalyst for the purification of exhaust gas in the form of monolithically-constructed catalyst with a catalyst component-loaded layer contains at least palladium and metallic aluminate powder as catalyst components, which metallic aluminate powder containing at least one element selected from t


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A catalyst for the purification of exhaust gas in the form of monolithically-constructed catalyst with a catalyst component-loaded layer comprising at least palladium and metallic aluminate powder as catalyst components, wherein said metallic aluminate powder contains an

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (7)

  1. Thompson Charles E. (Warren NJ), Catalyst composition and method for its manufacture.
  2. Kimura ; Sadahiro ; Uchida ; Kiyoshi ; Akizuki ; Hiroyuki, Catalyst for purifying exhaust gases.
  3. Spooner James P. (Willow Grove PA) Stiles Alvin B. (Wilmington DE), Catalyst support material containing lanthanides.
  4. Prigent Michel (Rueil Malmaison FRX) Blanchard Gilbert (Le Plessis Belleville FRX) Garreau Francois (Paris FRX) Courty Philippe (Houilles FRX), Catalyst supports/catalysts for the treatment of vehicular exhaust gases.
  5. Senes Michel (La Baule FRX) Le Goff Yannick (Saint Nazaire FRX) Gourdier Jean F. (Saint Nazaire FRX) Quibel Jacques (Maisons Laffitte FRX), Catalytic composition used in purifying gaseous effluents polluted by nitrogen oxides and process for preparing the comp.
  6. Ono Tetsuji (Amagasaki JPX) Tsuchitani Kazuo (Ibaraki JPX) Yamauchi Shin (Ikeda JPX) Yonehara Kiyoshi (Kawanishi JPX), Process for preparation of catalyst for cleaning exhaust gases and catalyst prepared by the process.
  7. Volker Herbert (Hanau DEX) Koberstein Edgar (Alzenau DEX) Bozon Alfred (Erlensee DEX) Hensel Jorg (Hanau DEX), Shaped catalyst and process for its production.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (28)

  1. Arnold, Mirko; Kotrel, Stefan; Siani, Attilio; Siemund, Stephan; Schmitz, Thomas; Rabe, Burkhard; Gramiccioni, Gary A; Seel, Oliver; Neubauer, Torsten; Wassermann, Knut, Automotive catalyst composites having a two-metal layer.
  2. Amano,Takashi; Takumi,Atsushi; Zhang,Shugou; Tabata,Hiroshi, Carbon monoxide removing catalyst and production process for the same as well as carbon monoxide removing apparatus.
  3. Nochi, Katsumi; Yonemura, Masanao; Obayashi, Yoshiaki; Nakamura, Hitoshi, Catalyst for treating exhaust gases, method for producing the same, and method for treating exhaust gases.
  4. Nochi, Katsumi; Yonemura, Masanao; Obayashi, Yoshiaki; Nakamura, Hitoshi, Catalyst for treating exhaust gases, method for producing the same, and method for treating exhaust gases.
  5. Nakamura, Masanori; Suga, Katsuo; Sekiba, Toru; Wakamatsu, Hironori; Shiratori, Kazuyuki; Yasuda, Hirofumi, Catalyst powder, exhaust gas purifying catalyst, and method of producing the catalyst powder.
  6. Wakamatsu, Hironori; Nakamura, Masanori; Shiratori, Kazuyuki; Yasuda, Hirofumi; Suga, Katsuo; Sekiba, Toru, Catalyst powder, exhaust gas purifying catalyst, and method of producing the catalyst powder.
  7. Yasuda, Hirofumi; Suga, Katsuo; Nakamura, Masanori; Wakamatsu, Hironori; Shiratori, Kazuyuki; Sekiba, Toru, Catalyst powder, exhaust gas purifying catalyst, and method of producing the catalyst powder.
  8. Shiratori, Kazuyuki; Sekiba, Toru; Suga, Katsuo; Nakamura, Masanori; Wakamatsu, Hironori; Yasuda, Hirofumi, Catalyst powder, method of producing the catalyst powder, and exhaust gas purifying catalyst.
  9. Yamazaki, Masatoshi; Anno, Yuichi; Shinoda, Kiyoshi; Yashima, Isamu, Co-catalyst for purifying exhaust gas.
  10. della Porta, Paolo; Boffito, Claudio; Toia, Luca, Composite materials capable of hydrogen sorption comprising palladium and methods for the production thereof.
  11. Yogo,Tomoyuki; Suzuki,Takashi; Yoshinari,Tomohiro, Deep desulfurization catalyst, method for preparing the same and method for desulfurization using the same.
  12. Nakahara, Yunosuke; Houshito, Ohki, Exhaust gas purifying catalyst and production method for same.
  13. Matsueda, Satoshi; Kimura, Mareo; Yoshida, Hiroto; Narita, Keiichi; Tanaka, Hirohisa; Uenisha, Mari; Taniguchi, Masashi, Exhaust gas-purifying catalyst.
  14. LaBarge, William J.; Anderson, Conrad; Kupe, Joachim, Exhaust manifold comprising aluminide.
  15. Rytter, Erling; Eri, Sigrid; Myrstad, Rune; Lindvåg, Odd Asbjørn, Fischer-Tropsch catalysts.
  16. Rytter, Erling; Skagseth, Torild Hulsund; Wigum, Hanne; Sincadu, Nonyameko, Fischer-Tropsch catalysts.
  17. Rytter, Erling; Borg, Øyvind; Eri, Sigrid; Sperle, Thomas, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.
  18. Koranne, Manoj M.; Rytter, Erling; Eri, Sigrid; Borg, Oyvind, Fischer-tropsch catalysts.
  19. Hori, Masao; Horiuchi, Makoto, Method of the purification of the exhaust gas from a lean-burn engine using a catalyst.
  20. Gopal, Srikant; Klemt, Andreas; Schricker, Ralf; Panchagnula, Madhusudhan Rao, Nitrous oxide decomposition catalyst.
  21. LaBarge,William J.; Svoboda,Robert J.; Keller,Joseph M., PROX catalyst for oxidizing carbon monoxide.
  22. LaBarge,William J.; Svoboda,Robert J.; Keller,Joseph M., PROX catalyst for oxidizing carbon monoxide.
  23. Nakamura, Masanori; Wakamatsu, Hironori; Suga, Katsuo; Sekiba, Toru, Powdery catalyst, exhaust-gas purifying catalyzer, and powdery catalyst production method.
  24. Rytter, Erling, Promoted Fischer-Tropsch catalysts.
  25. Matsuo,Yuichi; Furukawa,Atsushi; Suzuki,Norihiko; Kiguchi,Kazunori, Purification catalyst for exhaust gas, production method therefor, and purification catalyst device for automobile exhaust gas.
  26. Matsuo,Yuichi; Furukawa,Atsushi; Suzuki,Norihiko; Kiguchi,Kazunori, Purification catalyst for exhaust gas, production method therefor, and purification catalyst device for automobile exhaust gas.
  27. Suzuki,Norihiko; Matsuo,Yuichi; Kiguchi,Kazunori, Purification catalyst for exhaust gas, production method therefor, and purification catalyst device for exhaust gas.
  28. Felix, Noelia Montserrat Cortes, Three-way catalyst.
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