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Vertical hydrophone array 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01S-003/80
출원번호 US-0205595 (1998-12-04)
발명자 / 주소
  • Erath Louis W.
  • Bull Phillip Sam
출원인 / 주소
  • Syntron, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Felsman, Bradley, Vaden, Gunter & Dillon, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 15  인용 특허 : 18


A vertical hydrophone cable includes a support cable, a plurality of hydrophones, and an equal number of delay elements which are tuned to provide synchronization between the seismic and electrical signals. A number of such vertical hydrophone cables are provided. In operation, the vertical array pr


[ We claim:] [18.] A vertical hydrophone cable comprising:a. a support cable,b. a plurality of hydrophones spaced apart along the cable,c. a plurality of electrical signal delay elements spaced apart along the cable, wherein each of the plurality of delay elements provides a time delay such that an

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (18)

  1. Berni Albert J. (Houston TX), Apparatus for remote seismic sensing of array signals using side-by-side retroreflectors.
  2. Berni Albert J. (Houston TX), Array retroreflector apparatus for remote seismic sensing.
  3. Groves Kenneth W. (Forest Hills NY) Lea John D. (Huntington NY), Beam steerable sonar array.
  4. McKeighen Ronald E. (Hoffman Estates IL) Buchin Michael P. (Schaumburg IL), Dynamically variable electronic delay lines for real time ultrasonic imaging systems.
  5. Secretan Stanley (Leona Valley CA), Expandable sonar array structure.
  6. DeChico Robert A. (Pennington NJ) McEachern James F. (Newtown PA) Kraynak Timothy L. (Ambler PA), Flexible acoustic array with polymer hydrophones.
  7. French William S. (Covington LA), Frequency independent directionally sensitive array in seismic surveying.
  8. Castile Brett D. (Del Mar CA) Sullivan Shelby F. (Solana Beach CA), Large, air deployable, volumetric hydrophone array.
  9. Stubblefield Steven A. (Houston TX), Marine walkaway vertical seismic profiling.
  10. Flood Robert A. (San Diego CA) Talkington Howard R. (La Jolla CA) Wheelock Richard A. (San Diego CA) Watts Robert L. (San Diego CA), Master buoy system for acoustic array deployment, using underwater glide bodies remotely launched from a submerged pod.
  11. Flood Robert A. (San Diego CA) Talkington Howard R. (La Jolla CA) Wheelock Richard A. (San Diego CA) Watts Robert L. (San Diego CA), Master buoy system for acoustic array deployment, using underwater glide bodies remotely launched from a submerged pod.
  12. Yang Tsih C. (Great Falls VA), Method and system for sensing with an active acoustic array.
  13. Francis Samuel A. (Marion MA), Polymer hydrophone array with multilayer printed circuit wiring.
  14. Johnson Peter C. (Plano TX), Receiver array system for marine seismic surveying.
  15. Carter G. Clifford (Waterford CT), Submersible sensor system.
  16. Hathaway Daniel G. (Sherman Oaks CA) Bridges Robert M. (Northridge CA), Underwater sonar array.
  17. Earley Ray G. (Tulsa OK) Bradshaw David C. (Tulsa OK), Vertical marine seismic array.
  18. Magneville Pierre (Vernouillet FRX), Vertical marine streamer.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (15)

  1. Eick, Peter M.; Brewer, Joel D., Marine seismic surveying including direct far field measurements.
  2. Richard Pearce, Method and apparatus for a non-oil-filled towed array with a novel hydrophone design and uniform buoyancy technique.
  3. Soubaras, Robert, Method and apparatus for deghosting seismic data.
  4. Soubaras, Robert, Method and apparatus for deghosting seismic data.
  5. Soubaras, Robert, Method and apparatus for deghosting seismic data.
  6. Soubaras, Robert, Method and apparatus for deghosting seismic data.
  7. Soubaras, Robert, Method and device for processing seismic data.
  8. Soubaras, Robert, Method and device for processing seismic data.
  9. Soubaras, Robert, Method and device for processing seismic data.
  10. Soubaras, Robert, Method and device to acquire marine seismic data.
  11. Soubaras, Robert, Method and device to acquire seismic data.
  12. Soubaras, Robert, Method and device to acquire seismic data.
  13. Soubaras, Robert, Method and device to acquire seismic data.
  14. Fookes, Gregory Peter Gwyn; van Borselen, Roald Gunnar; Ali, Jaafar; Brittan, John; Hoogeveen, Jeroen Hubertus Maria, Method for suppressing noise from seismic signals by source position determination.
  15. Berstad, Are Johan, System and method for towing acoustic source arrays.
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