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[미국특허] Apparatus for filling paper lawn refuse bags 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A63B-055/04
  • B65B-067/04
출원번호 US-0108611 (1998-07-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Oleson Vernon L.
대리인 / 주소
    Gardner & Groff, P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 23  인용 특허 : 20


An apparatus for supporting and filling a paper lawn refuse bag includes a support frame and a hopper mounted thereon with the hopper including a funnel-like upper portion and a chute-like lower portion in communication therewith. Locking plates are pivotably mounted to the hopper for movement betwe


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] An apparatus for supporting and filling a paper lawn refuse bag, said apparatus comprising:a support frame;a hopper mounted to said support frame and supported thereon, said hopper including a funnel-like upper portion and a chute-like lower portion in communication with

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (20) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Groth James A. (Aberdeen SD) Nilson Trent A. (Worthing SD), Bag handling system.
  2. Auten Howard L. (P.O. Box 1473 Lake Worth FL 33460), Bag holder with penetrating grippers.
  3. MacMillan Richard D., Bag support assembly.
  4. Mitchell Stephen A. (192 Adams Ave. West Newton MA 02165), Combination holder for disposable leaf and rubbage bags and yard tool.
  5. Coker Darby T. (30 Glen Oaks Dr. Atlanta GA 30327), Debris collecting and bagging apparatus.
  6. Porto Aldo (2331 Weatherford Land Naperville IL 60565-3237), Grass hopper cart.
  7. Meyers David L. (Navarre FL) Hudson Howard J. (Navarre FL), Individual sandbagging accessory apparatus.
  8. Alexander ; III Claibourne N. (2025 Lee\s Ct. Clearwater FL 34624-4770), Leaf and lawn debris collecting apparatus.
  9. Hayes Franklin A. (Asheboro NC) Sexton Harold E. (Asheboro NC), Leaf bag and collapsible frame.
  10. Dunleavy Daniel W. (1315 N. Line St. Lansdale PA 19446), Leaf bagging equipment and method.
  11. Beckham William T. (186 Emerald Lake Rd. Columbia SC 29209), Method and apparatus for holding a trash bag.
  12. Lacey ; Jr. Harvey W. (2925 Monarch Plano TX 75074), Paper sack holding dolly with top entry guide and bag top to guide shank holding strap.
  13. Carroll George J. (P.O. Box 12 Crownsville MD 21032) Carroll Mamie M. (P.O. Box 12 Crownsville MD 21032), Portable leaf and trash collector.
  14. Dearman Timothy C. (P.O. Box 737 Mansfield TX 76063), Refuse collector.
  15. Chich Robert H. (Mequon WI), Refuse container.
  16. Wright Randolph L. (5716 Remsen Memphis TN 38135), Trash bag apparatus.
  17. Nelson Dean O. (1775 Hacienda Ave. Campbell CA 95008) Nelson Richard W. (1775 Hacienda Ave. Campbell CA 95008), Trash bag holder.
  18. Stillwell David J. (300 Washington Ave. ; #201D Elyria OH 44035), Trash bag holder.
  19. Hoerner L. Jeanne (P.O. Box 2669 Visalia CA 93279), Trash bag support sleeve.
  20. Rogers Ralph J. (46280 - 3rd Ave. Chilliwack ; B.C. CAX V2P 1R8), Two wheel trolley for carrying bags.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (23) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Williams, Sr., Raalakhann Llinear, Adjustable chute.
  2. Fernandez, Jesus Daniel; Fernandez, Jr., David J.; Walters, Nicolas G., Apparatus and method for filling paper lawn refuse bags.
  3. Muse, John Richard, Bag stand.
  4. Muse, John Richard, Bag stand.
  5. Muse, John Richard, Bag stand.
  6. Muse, John Richard, Bag stand.
  7. Muse, John Richard, Bag stand.
  8. Muse, John Richard, Bag stand.
  9. Muse, John Richard, Bag stand.
  10. Muse, John Richard, Bag stand.
  11. Schrager, Lawrence A., Collapsible material collection apparatus.
  12. Wilkinson, Thomas F., Device to facilitate filling a reusable bag, a conventional trash bag or a receptacle.
  13. Rojas, Joel; Rojas, Geraldo S., Dual purpose wheeled cart apparatus.
  14. Graves, Robert, Dustpan with garbage bag supporting frame, filter, and running boards.
  15. Wilkinson, Thomas F., Filing device.
  16. Arcot, Santosh, Foldable bag with expandable opening.
  17. Muse, John Richard, Funnel and stand for bag.
  18. Gilbert,Jeffrey, Lawn waste bag holder.
  19. Boles, Clarence E., Leaf bag filler.
  20. Palazzolo,Giacomo S., Leaf collection device.
  21. Daniel, Barton Wade; Stamps, Timothy Charles, Portable barrier installation system and release mechanism.
  22. Rooker, James M., Sandbag filling tool.
  23. Kelley,Timothy W., Trash bag support.

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