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[미국특허] Shallow trench isolation (STI) with bilayer of oxide-nitride for VLSI applications 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01L-021/76
출원번호 US-0245958 (1999-02-05)
발명자 / 주소
  • Agahi Farid
  • Bronner Gary
  • Flietner Bertrand
  • Hammerl Erwin,DEX
  • Ho Herbert
  • Srinivasan Radhika
출원인 / 주소
  • Infineon Technologies North America Corp.
대리인 / 주소
    Delio & Peterson, LLCMa
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 38  인용 특허 : 12


A reduction in parasitic leakages of shallow trench isolation vias is disclosed wherein the distance between the silicon nitride liner and the active silicon sidewalls is increased by depositing an insulating oxide layer prior to deposition of the silicon nitride liner. Preferably, the insulating ox


[ Thus, having described the invention, what is claimed is:] [16.] A method of reducing current leakage in an isolation trench of a semiconductor device comprising the steps of:(a) providing a silicon wafer having a dielectric layer disposed thereon;(b) etching at least one trench into said wafer;(c

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (12)

  1. Ho Herbert (Washingtonville NY) Hammerl Erwin (Stormville NY) Dobuzinsky David M. (Hopewell Junction NY) Palm J. Herbert (Wappingers Falls NY) Fugardi Stephen (New Milford CT) Ajmera Atul (Wappinger , Application of thin crystalline Si3N4liners in shallow trench isolation (STI) structures.
  2. Galli Carol (Odenton MD) Hsu Louis L. (Fishkill NY) Ogura Seiki (Hopewell Junction NY) Shepard Joseph F. (Hopewell Junction NY), Isolation structure using liquid phase oxide deposition.
  3. Hymes Diane J. ; Ravkin Mikhail ; Krusell Wibur C. ; Noorai Venus, Method and apparatus for cleaning of semiconductor substrates using standard clean 1 (SC1).
  4. Lee Tzung-Han,TWX, Method for removing a top corner of a trench.
  5. Hunter William R. (Garland TX) Slawinski Christopher (Austin TX) Teng Clarence W. (Plano TX), Method of fabricating defect free trench isolation devices.
  6. Okada Daisuke (Koganei JPX) Uchida Akihisa (Koganei JPX) Takakura Toshihiko (Koganei JPX) Nakashima Shinji (Koganei JPX) Ohno Nobuhiko (Tokorozawa JPX) Ogiue Katsumi (Hinode JPX), Method of forming trench isolation in an integrated circuit.
  7. Cooper Kent J. (Austin TX) Roth Scott S. (Austin TX), Method of making a contact structure.
  8. Lee Kuo-Hua (Lehigh County PA) Lu Chih-Yuan (Lehigh County PA), Semiconductor device manufacture including trench formation.
  9. Bose Amitava (Nashua NH) Garver Marion M. (Marlborough MA) Nasr Andre I. (Marlborough MA) Cooperman Steven S. (Southborough MA), Shallow trench isolation process for high aspect ratio trenches.
  10. Moon Peter K. ; Landau Berni W. ; Krick David T., Shallow trench isolation technique.
  11. Benedict John Preston ; Dobuzinsky David Mark ; Flaitz Philip Lee ; Hammerl Erwin N.,DEX ; Ho Herbert ; Moseman James F. ; Palm Herbert,DEX ; Yoshida Seiko,JPX ; Takato Hiroshi, Shallow trench isolation with oxide-nitride/oxynitride liner.
  12. Deckert Cheryl A. (Lawrenceville NJ) Schnable George L. (Lansdale PA), Silicon nitride and silicon oxide etchant.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (38)

  1. Chou, Cheng-Hsien; Chou, Shih Pei; Lai, Chih-Yu; Chen, Sheng-Chau; Chen, Chih-Ta; Tu, Yeur-Luen; Tsai, Chia-Shiung, Deep trench isolation shrinkage method for enhanced device performance.
  2. Chou, Cheng-Hsien; Tseng, Hsiao-Hui; Lai, Chih-Yu; Chou, Shih Pei; Chiang, Yen-Ting; Tsai, Min-Ying, Deep trench isolations and methods of forming the same.
  3. Doris, Bruce B.; Ponoth, Shom; Khare, Prasanna; Liu, Qing; Loubet, Nicolas; Vinet, Maud, Dual shallow trench isolation liner for preventing electrical shorts.
  4. Doris, Bruce B.; Ponoth, Shom; Khare, Prasanna; Liu, Qing; Loubet, Nicolas; Vinet, Maud, Dual shallow trench isolation liner for preventing electrical shorts.
  5. Doris, Bruce B.; Ponoth, Shom; Khare, Prasanna; Liu, Qing; Loubet, Nicolas; Vinet, Maud, Dual shallow trench isolation liner for preventing electrical shorts.
  6. Doris, Bruce B.; Ponoth, Shom; Khare, Prasanna; Liu, Qing; Loubet, Nicolas; Vinet, Maud, Dual shallow trench isolation liner for preventing electrical shorts.
  7. Brodsky, Colin J.; Friedman, Anne C.; Ho, Herbert Lei; Kim, Byeong Yeol; Mocuta, Dan Mihai; Oakley, Garrett W.; Yu, Chienfan, High-K and metal filled trench-type EDRAM capacitor with electrode depth and dimension control.
  8. Tsai, Cheng-Yuan; Lin, Chih-Lung; Hsueh, Cheng-Chen Calvin, Isolation structures and methods of fabricating isolation structures.
  9. Shinya Ito JP, Method for fabrication semiconductor device having trench isolation structure.
  10. Park, Cheol Hwan; Park, Dong Su; Lee, Tae Hyeok; Woo, Sang Ho, Method for forming device isolation film of semiconductor device.
  11. Chun, In Kyu, Method for forming isolation layer in semiconductor devices.
  12. Kim,Do Hyung; Kim,Sung Eui, Method for forming layer for trench isolation structure.
  13. Won, Jongik, Method for performing a deep trench etch for a planar lightwave circuit.
  14. Kim,Ji young; Kim,Ki nam, Method of fabricating semiconductor device having junction isolation insulating layer.
  15. Kim, Do-Hyung; Kim, Sung-Bong; Hong, Jung-In, Method of forming a device isolation trench in an integrated circuit device.
  16. Akira Mitsuiki JP, Method of forming a shallow trench isolation structure in a semiconductor device.
  17. Hong, Soo-Jin, Method of forming a trench isolation structure comprising annealing the oxidation barrier layer thereof in a furnace.
  18. Kumamoto, Keita, Method of forming a trench isolation structure having a second nitride film.
  19. Lou Chine-Gie,TWX, Method of forming shallow trench isolation structure.
  20. Ji, Hua; Kim, Dong Jun; Kim, Jin-Ho; Jang, Chuck, Method of forming trench isolation without grooving.
  21. Chu-Yun Fu TW; Li-Jen Chen TW, Method to reduce STI HDP-CVD USG deposition induced defects.
  22. Sharan, Sujit; Sandhu, Gurtej S., Methods of forming silicon dioxide layers, and methods of forming trench isolation regions.
  23. Sharan,Sujit; Sandhu,Gurtej S., Methods of forming silicon dioxide layers, and methods of forming trench isolation regions.
  24. Sharan,Sujit; Sandhu,Gurtej S., Methods of forming silicon dioxide layers, and methods of forming trench isolation regions.
  25. Derderian,Garo J.; Manning,H. Montgomery, Methods of forming trench isolation regions.
  26. Beintner,Jochen; Divakaruni,Rama; Jammy,Rajarao, Nitrided STI liner oxide for reduced corner device impact on vertical device performance.
  27. Shimizu, Shu, Non-volatile semiconductor memory device and method of manufacturing the same.
  28. Ramkumar, Krishnaswamy; Wong, Kaichiu; Jayatilaka, Venuka, Process for reducing leakage in an integrated circuit with shallow trench isolated active areas.
  29. Codding, Steven Ross; Greco, Joseph R.; Krywanczyk, Timothy Charles, Recycling of ion implantation monitor wafers.
  30. Renegarajan, Rajesh; LaRosa, Giuseppe; Dellow, Mark, Reduced hot carrier induced parasitic sidewall device activation in isolated buried channel devices by conductive buried channel depth optimization.
  31. Lee, Yu Jun; Jang, Kyoung Chul, Semiconductor device and method for forming the same.
  32. Park, Tai-su; Park, Kyung-won; Kim, Sung-jin, Semiconductor device having a Y-shaped isolation layer and simplified method for manufacturing the Y-shaped isolation layer to prevent divot formation.
  33. Lee, Jae-Hwan; Kim, Sangsu; Yang, Changjae, Semiconductor device having fin-type field effect transistor and method of manufacturing the same.
  34. Yun, Eun-Jung; Kim, Sung-Eui, Semiconductor trench isolation structure.
  35. Kim, Sung-eui; Lee, Keum-joo; Hwang, In-seak; Koh, Young-sun; Ahn, Dong-ho; Park, Moon-han; Park, Tai-su, Trench isolation regions having recess-inhibiting layers therein that protect against overetching.
  36. Kim, Do-Hyung; Kim, Sung-Eui, Trench isolation structure.
  37. Ji, Hua; Kim, Dong Jun; Kim, Jin-Ho; Jang, Chuck, Trench isolation without grooving.
  38. Beyer, Klaus D.; O'Neil, Patricia A.; Ryan, Deborah A.; Smeys, Peter; Leobandung, Effendi, Triple oxide fill for trench isolation.

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