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[미국특허] Portion of a shoe sole 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 0299
출원번호 US-0119475 (2000-03-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Avar Eric P.
  • Foxen Thomas
출원인 / 주소
  • Nike, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Banner & Witcoff, Ltd.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 100  인용 특허 : 29


초록이 없습니다.


The ornamental design for a portion of a shoe sole, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (29) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Whatley Ian H. (926 Cleveland St. ; Apt. F-101 Greenville SC 29601), Footwear cushinoning spring.
  2. Whatley Ian (240 Donington Dr. Greenville SC 29615), Footwear cushioning spring.
  3. Haddox Holly A. (1001 S. Main St. Charles MO 63301), Hanger for plant container.
  4. Kilgore Bruce (Lake Oswego OR), Heel insert for a shoe sole.
  5. Kilgore Bruce J. (Lake Oswego OR), Heel insert for a shoe sole.
  6. Kilgore Bruce J. (Lake Oswego OR), Heel insert for a shoe sole.
  7. Kilgore Bruce J. (Lake Oswego OR), Heel insert for a shoe sole.
  8. Kilgore Bruce J. (Lake Oswego OR), Heel insert for a shoe sole.
  9. Kilgore Bruce J. (Lake Oswego OR), Heel insert for a shoe sole.
  10. Kilgore Bruce J. (Lake Oswego OR), Heel insert for a shoe sole.
  11. Kilgore Bruce J. (Lake Oswego OR), Heel insert for a shoe sole.
  12. Kilgore Bruce J. (Lake Oswego OR), Heel insert for a shoe sole.
  13. Kilgore Bruce J. (Lake Oswego OR), Heel insert for a shoe sole.
  14. Kilgore Bruce J. (Lake Oswego OR), Heel insert for a shoe sole.
  15. Kilgore Bruce J. (Lake Oswego OR), Heel insert for a shoe sole.
  16. Kilgore Bruce J. (Lake Oswego OR), Heel insert for a shoe sole.
  17. Kilgore Bruce J. (Lake Oswego OR), Heel insert for a shoe sole.
  18. Kilgore Bruce J. (Lake Oswego OR), Heel insert for a shoe sole.
  19. Kilgore Bruce J. (Lake Oswego OR), Heel insert for a shoe sole.
  20. Kilgore Bruce J. (Lake Oswego OR), Heel insert for a shoe sole.
  21. Kilgore Bruce J. (Lake Oswego OR), Heel insert for a shoe sole.
  22. Kilgore Bruce J. (Lake Oswego OR), Heel insert for a shoe sole.
  23. Kilgore Bruce J. (Lake Oswego OR), Heel insert for a shoe sole.
  24. Wen Keith,TWX, Rubber pad construction with resilient protrusions.
  25. Richard Daniel (West Linn OR) Kolman Kenneth (Beaverton OR) Case Charles (Beaverton OR) Becker Ronald (Stayton OR) Gross Alex (Aspen CO), Shoe sole construction.
  26. Chang David J. H. (Taichung TWX), Shoe sole having compressible shock absorbers.
  27. Kilgore Bruce J. (Lake Oswego OR) McMahon Thomas (Wellesley MA) Tawney John C. (Portland OR) Valiant Gordon (Beaverton OR), Shoe with an improved midsole.
  28. Kilgore Bruce J. (Lake Oswego OR) McMahon Thomas (Wellesley MA) Tawney John C. (Portland OR) Valiant Gordon (Beaverton OR), Shoe with an improved midsole.
  29. Shure Bruce J. (6958 Topeka Dr. Reseda CA 91335), Spring shoe.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (100) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hoffberg,Steven M.; Fisher,Ronald, Adaptively controlled footwear.
  2. Smaldone, Patricia L.; Hurd, John; Hoffer, Kevin; Sheperd, Stann Norman Richard, Article of footwear having a sole structure with adjustable characteristics.
  3. Smaldone,Patricia L; Hurd,John; Hoffer,Kevin; Sheperd,Stann Norman Richard, Article of footwear having a sole structure with adjustable characteristics.
  4. Robert M. Lyden, Article of footwear having a spring element and selectively removable components.
  5. Wyszynski, Randall; Calvano, Michael A.; Crowley, Gerald Edwin; Caron, Paul E.; Hui, Michael, Article of footwear having midsole with support pillars and method of manufacturing same.
  6. Wyszynski,Randall; Calvano,Michael A.; Crowley,Gerald Edwin; Caron,Paul; Hui,Michael, Article of footwear having midsole with support pillars and method of manufacturing same.
  7. Goodwin, David A.; Crowley, Gerald Edwin, Article of footwear with a sole structure having fluid-filled support elements.
  8. Goodwin, David A.; Crowley, Gerald Edwin, Article of footwear with a sole structure having fluid-filled support elements.
  9. Goodwin, David A.; Crowley, Gerald Edwin, Article of footwear with a sole structure having fluid-filled support elements.
  10. Goodwin, David A.; Crowley, Gerald Edwin, Article of footwear with a sole structure having fluid-filled support elements.
  11. Goodwin, David A.; Crowley, Gerald Edwin, Article of footwear with a sole structure having fluid-filled support elements.
  12. Goodwin, David A.; Crowley, Gerald Edwin, Article of footwear with a sole structure having fluid-filled support elements.
  13. Goodwin, David A.; Crowley, Gerald Edwin, Article of footwear with a sole structure having fluid-filled support elements.
  14. Crowley, Jr.,Gerald Edwin, Article of footwear with plate dividing a support column.
  15. Smith, Steven F.; Crowley, Gerald Edwin; Cook, Christopher, Article of footwear with support assemblies having elastomeric support columns.
  16. Hardy,Carl; Mahoney,Christopher, Athletic shoe with independent supports.
  17. Manz, Gerd Rainer; Lucas, Timothy David, Ball and socket 3D cushioning system.
  18. Manz, Gerd Rainer; Lucas, Timothy David, Ball and socket 3D cushioning system.
  19. Manz, Gerd Rainer; Lucas, Timothy David, Ball and socket 3D cushioning system.
  20. Manz,Gerd Rainer; Lucas,Timothy David, Ball and socket 3D cushioning system.
  21. Manz,Gerd Rainer; Lucas,Timothy David, Ball and socket 3D cushioning system.
  22. Lyden, Robert M., Custom article of footwear.
  23. Lyden, Robert Michael, Custom article of footwear and method of making the same.
  24. Lyden, Robert M., Customized article of footwear and method of conducting retail and internet business.
  25. Lemaster, Joseph, Decorative features for a shoe.
  26. Magro, Volney Dal, Element of a shoe.
  27. Wiper,Anne; Kerns,Mark, Footwear heel.
  28. Simpson Lantz ; Crary Nathan ; Reichelt James K., Footwear midsole.
  29. Cartier, Mark; Lozano, Sergio G.; Bignell, Tony A.; Valiant, Gordon A., Footwear midsole with compressible element in lateral heel area.
  30. Rohde, Mark W., Footwear sole having support elements with compressible apertures.
  31. Aveni, Michael A.; Grelewicz, David, Footwear sole with a stiffness adjustment mechanism.
  32. Eric P. Avar ; Thomas Foxen ; Craig E. Santos, Footwear with lateral stabilizing sole.
  33. Lyden, Robert M., Footwear with removable lasting board and cleats.
  34. Bemis, Jon; Goldston, Mark; Goldston, Adam; Goldston, Ryan, Forefoot catapult for athletic shoes.
  35. Goldston, Mark; Goldston, Adam; Goldston, Ryan; Bemis, Jon, Forefoot catapult for athletic shoes.
  36. Manz, Gerd Rainer; Hill, Jan; Steszyn, Michael; Krabbe, Berthold, Full bearing 3D cushioning system.
  37. Manz,Gerd Rainer; Hill,Jan; Steszyn,Michael; Krabbe,Berthold, Full bearing 3D cushioning system.
  38. Hardy, Carl; Mahoney, Christopher, Heel grid system.
  39. Turner, Jerome A.; Serna, Ralph, Heel portion of an athletic shoe outsole.
  40. Lyden,Robert M., Method of conducting business including making and selling a custom article of footwear.
  41. Lyden,Robert M., Method of conducting business including making and selling a custom article of footwear.
  42. Brandt,Chistopher W.; Farris,Bryan N., Portion of a shoe.
  43. Fullum, Jean Francois, Portion of a shoe.
  44. Fullum, Jean Francois, Portion of a shoe.
  45. O'Connor, Kelly Smith, Portion of a shoe.
  46. Pamela S. Greene, Portion of a shoe.
  47. Aveni,Michael; Cass,William J.; Dean,Anthony C.; Fagergren,Fred G.; Stockbridge,Kurt Joseph; Wyszynski,Randall, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  48. Cessor,Susan Diane, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  49. Cessor,Susan Diane, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  50. Harlow, Andreas, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  51. Hlavacs,John, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  52. Hlavacs,John, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  53. Holmes,Matthew Jason, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  54. Holmes,Matthew Jason, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  55. Lupo,Bo, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  56. Lupo,Bo, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  57. McDowell, Sean M., Portion of a shoe midsole.
  58. McDowell, Sean Michael, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  59. Mueller,Nicole, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  60. Portzline,Scott, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  61. Portzline,Scott, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  62. Portzline,Scott, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  63. Portzline,Scott, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  64. Racine,Bertrand, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  65. Racine,Bertrand, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  66. Roulo,David, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  67. Roulo,David, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  68. Roulo,David, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  69. Smith, III,Wilson W., Portion of a shoe midsole.
  70. Smith,Steven F., Portion of a shoe midsole.
  71. Sokolowski, Susan, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  72. Sokolowski, Susan, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  73. Sokolowski, Susan, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  74. Sokolowski, Susan L., Portion of a shoe midsole.
  75. Teague,Tracy L., Portion of a shoe midsole.
  76. Young,William, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  77. Young,William, Portion of a shoe midsole.
  78. Cooper, Aaron Alexander Carroll, Portion of a shoe sole.
  79. Cooper, Aaron Alexander Carroll, Portion of a shoe sole.
  80. McCourt Robert, Portion of a shoe sole.
  81. McCourt Robert, Portion of a shoe sole.
  82. McCourt Robert, Portion of a shoe sole.
  83. Wahoske, Brad; Chang, Leo S., Portion of a shoe sole.
  84. Nishiwaki, Tsuyoshi; Fujita, Hisanori; Kurosaki, Kiyomitsu, Shock absorbing device for shoe sole.
  85. Nathan Crary, Shock absorbing midsole for an athletic shoe.
  86. Cooper, Aaron, Shoe.
  87. Magro, Volney Dal, Shoe.
  88. Magro, Volney Dal, Shoe upper.
  89. Magro, Volney Dal, Shoe upper.
  90. Magro, Volney Dal, Shoe upper.
  91. Magro, Volney Dal, Shoe upper.
  92. Magro, Volney Dal, Shoe upper.
  93. Magro, Volney Dal, Shoe upper.
  94. Goldston, Mark; Goldston, Adam; Goldston, Ryan; Bemis, Jon, Shoes, devices for shoes, and methods of using shoes.
  95. Goldston, Mark; Goldston, Adam; Goldston, Ryan; Bemis, Jon, Shoes, devices for shoes, and methods of using shoes.
  96. Goldston, Mark; Goldston, Adam; Goldston, Ryan; Bemis, Jon, Shoes, devices for shoes, and methods of using shoes.
  97. Goldston, Mark; Goldston, Adam; Goldston, Ryan; Bemis, Jon, Shoes, devices for shoes, and methods of using shoes.
  98. Goldston, Mark; Goldston, Adam; Goldston, Ryan; Bemis, Jon, Shoes, devices for shoes, and methods of using shoes.
  99. Goldston, Mark; Goldston, Adam; Goldston, Ryan; Bemis, Jon, Shoes, devices for shoes, and methods of using shoes.
  100. Lyden, Robert E., Spring element for an article of footwear.

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