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Method and arrangement for sealing off a separating gap, formed between a rotor and a stator, in a non-contacting manner 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16J-015/447
출원번호 US-0213429 (1998-12-17)
우선권정보 EP0811017 (1997-12-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bothien Mihajlo,DEX
  • Bremer Joachim,CHX
  • Greber Jurg,CHX
  • Loos Markus,CHX
  • Muller Ulf Christian,CHX
  • Wunderwald Dirk,CHX
출원인 / 주소
  • Asea Brown Boveri AG, CHX
대리인 / 주소
    Burns, Doane, Swecker & Mathis, L.L.P.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 35  인용 특허 : 5


The object of the invention is to provide an improved method for sealing off the separating gap, formed between a rotor and a stator, in a non-contacting manner, with which method the service life of the components involved can be increased. In addition, an arrangement for carrying out the method is


[ What is claimed as new and desired to be secured by Letters Patent of the United States is:] [1.] A method for sealing off a separating gap formed between a rotor and a stator in a non-contacting manner from the throughflow of a working fluid admitted to the separating gap, comprising the steps of

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5)

  1. Rhode David L. (Bryan TX), Labyrinth seal.
  2. Stocker Harold L. (Brownsburg IN), Labyrinth seal.
  3. Frey Max (Portland OR) Krebs Paul B. (Portland OR), Labyrinth seal with current-forming sealing passages.
  4. Rhode David L. (College Station TX), Low-leakage and low-instability labyrinth seal.
  5. Hauser Ambrose A. (Wyoming OH) Hetico Rolf R. (Cincinnati OH) Wakeman Thomas G. (Greendale IN), Thermally responsive labyrinth seal.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (35)

  1. Hart, Katherine; Held, Timothy James, Automated mass management control.
  2. Hart, Katherine; Held, Timothy James, Automated mass management control.
  3. Held, Timothy James; Vermeersch, Michael Louis; Xie, Tao, Carbon dioxide refrigeration cycle.
  4. Babu, Ramesh Kempanna; Chouhan, Rohit; Vijayan, Santhosh Kumar, Clearance flow control assembly having rail member.
  5. Held, Timothy James; Vermeersch, Michael Louis; Xie, Tao, Driven starter pump and start sequence.
  6. Held, Timothy James; Vermeersch, Michael; Xie, Tao, Driven starter pump and start sequence.
  7. Brillert,Dieter; Giddens,Wayne; Hoell,Harald; Sunshine,Robert W.; Hermeler,Juergen; Bolms,Hans Thomas, Gap control system for turbine engines.
  8. Wu, Charles C.; McCusker, Kevin N.; Paolillo, Roger E.; Palmiter, Page Russell, Gas turbine engine with canted pocket and canted knife edge seal.
  9. Paolillo, Roger E.; Alvanos, Ioannis; Wang, Cheng-Zhang, Gas turbine engine with concave pocket with knife edge seal.
  10. Held, Timothy J.; Miller, Jason D., Heat engine and heat to electricity systems and methods for working fluid fill system.
  11. Held, Timothy J.; Hostler, Stephen; Miller, Jason D.; Vermeersch, Michael; Xie, Tao, Heat engine and heat to electricity systems and methods with working fluid mass management control.
  12. Held, Timothy James; Hostler, Stephen; Miller, Jason D.; Vermeersch, Michael; Xie, Tao, Heat engine and heat to electricity systems and methods with working fluid mass management control.
  13. Held, Timothy James, Heat engine cycles for high ambient conditions.
  14. Kacludis, Alexander Steven; Hostler, Stephen R.; Zakem, Steve B., Heat engine system with a supercritical working fluid and processes thereof.
  15. Held, Timothy James, Heat engines with cascade cycles.
  16. Gurin, Michael H., Heat pump with integral solar collector.
  17. Held, Timothy James, Hot day cycle.
  18. Gurin, Michael H., Hybrid power systems.
  19. Bricaud, Cyrille; Steiger, Ulrich Robert; Heidecke, Axel; Simon-Delgado, Carlos, Labyrinth seal.
  20. Liang, George, Labyrinth seal.
  21. Joslin, Frederick R., Leak resistant vane cluster.
  22. Vermeersch, Michael Louis; Bowan, Brett A.; Khairnar, Swapnil, Methods for reducing wear on components of a heat engine system at startup.
  23. Bowan, Brett A., Process for controlling a power turbine throttle valve during a supercritical carbon dioxide rankine cycle.
  24. Bagnall, Adam M.; Maxwell, Ross D., Seal assembly.
  25. Zoric, Tatjana; Godwin, James D., Seal assembly.
  26. Paprotna, Hubertus Edward; Little, David A., Seal usable between thermally movable components.
  27. Pelfrey,Philip C., Stepped labyrinth seal.
  28. Xie, Tao; Vermeersch, Michael; Held, Timothy, Supercritical carbon dioxide power cycle for waste heat recovery.
  29. Vermeersch, Michael Louis, Supercritical working fluid circuit with a turbo pump and a start pump in series configuration.
  30. Held, Timothy James, System and method for managing thermal issues in gas turbine engines.
  31. Held, Timothy James, System and method for managing thermal issues in one or more industrial processes.
  32. Held, Timothy J.; Hostler, Stephen; Miller, Jason D.; Hume, Brian F., Thermal energy conversion device.
  33. Held, Timothy J.; Hostler, Stephen; Miller, Jason D.; Hume, Brian F., Thermal energy conversion method.
  34. Heinz-Schwarzmaier, Thomas; Widmer, Marc; Zahirovic, Selma; Marlow, Paul, Transitional region for a secondary combustion chamber of a gas turbine.
  35. John, Joshy; Jain, Sanjeev Kumar; Rai, Sachin Kumar, Vortex chambers for clearance flow control.
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