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[미국특허] Low-drag, high-speed ship 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B63B-001/24
출원번호 US-0948242 (1997-10-09)
발명자 / 주소
  • Lang Thomas G.
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 27  인용 특허 : 4


The invention is gas-filled cavities that reduce drag on the underwater surfaces of marine vehicles. Hydrofoils, struts, boat and ship hulls, pontoons, underwater bodies, fins, rudders, fairings, protuberances, submarine sails and propulsors are underwater surfaces that may be covered by the gas-fil


[ I claim:] [1.] A low drag flow apparatus for supporting a craft comprising a foil body submerged as a hydrofoil having a leading edge region and a trailing edge region, and having an upper surface and a lower surface and at least one source of gas connected to the foil body, the leading edge regio

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Runge ; Thomas M., Aircraft wing lift augmentation device.
  2. Shen Young T. (Potomac MD), Dualcavitating hydrofoil structures for multi-speed applications.
  3. Burg Donald E. (15840 SW. 84th Ave. Miami FL 33157), Multiple hull air ride boat.
  4. Burg Donald E. (15840 W.W. 84 Ave. Miami FL 33157), Multiple hull air ride craft.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (27) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Gieseke,Thomas J.; Kuklinski,Robert, Apparatus for producing gaseous vapor baffle.
  2. Lyakir,Vitaliy; Litovchenko,Alla; Denikin,Dmitry, Automobile body performing decreased aerodynamic lift.
  3. Motsenbocker, Marvin A.; Motsenbocker, Kayo, Computer controlled watercraft.
  4. Jonker, Adrianus Stefanus; Bosman, Johannes Jacobus, Controlling the boundary layer of an airfoil.
  5. Jorde, Jens-Herman; Norheim, Jan Ingar, Foil system device for vessels.
  6. Gieseke, Thomas J.; Kuklinski, Robert, Gaseous cavity for forward-looking sonar quieting.
  7. Sancoff, Gregory E.; Curcio, Joseph; Norman, David, High speed surface craft and submersible craft.
  8. Sancoff, Gregory E.; Curcio, Joseph; Norman, David, High speed surface craft and submersible craft.
  9. Keck, Larry Bradly, High speed, multi-unit, articulated surface effect ship.
  10. Lang,Thomas G.; Lang,James T., Low drag ship hull.
  11. Lang, Thomas G.; Lang, James T., Low-drag hydrodynamic surfaces.
  12. Thomas G. Lang, Low-drag, high-speed ship.
  13. Fu, Jyun-Horng, Method of operating a supercavitating projectile based on time constraints.
  14. Fu, Jyun-Horng, Method of operating a supercavitating projectile based on velocity constraints.
  15. Keck, Larry Bradly, Ship and associated methods of formation and operation.
  16. Keck, Larry Bradly, Ship and associated methods of formation with vessels having connectable hulls.
  17. Buzzi,Fabio, Supercavitating propeller with adjustable cup, and the method to adjust said cup.
  18. Kuklinski, Robert, Supercavitation ventilation control system.
  19. Scher, Robert; Hu, Weimin; Keck, Larry B., Surface effect sea train.
  20. Hohns, William; Benson, Jr., Marcellus Rambo, Surfing toy.
  21. Hohns, William; Benson, Jr., Marcellus Rambo, Toy surfboard.
  22. Braun, Daniel Joseph; Liu, Wayne Po-wen; Sullivan, Peter Thomas, Unmanned underwater vehicle sea floor separation device.
  23. Hohns, William; Benson, Jr., Marcellus Rambo, Water toy.
  24. Ferran,Robert J., Watercraft having plural narrow hulls and having submerged passive flotation devices.
  25. Norek, Richard S., Waveless hull.
  26. Norek, Richard S., Waveless hull.
  27. Allen,Ken R., Wing in ground effect vehicle with endplates.

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