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[미국특허] Quick-change collet chuck 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65B-007/28
출원번호 US-0222475 (1998-12-29)
발명자 / 주소
  • VandeGeijn Peter T.
대리인 / 주소
    Law Offices of Royal W. Craig
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 21  인용 특허 : 5


An improved quick-change collet chuck used with an existing single lane capping apparatus for gripping and installing container caps during the automated high-volume filling and capping process. The quick-change collet chuck allows quick and effortless swapping out of different size jaw sets for dif


[ I claim:] [1.] A quick-release collet chuck for an automatic capping machine, comprising:a shaft 103 for connection at one end to an existing drive of the capping machine, said shaft having a lengthwise through-bore and a lateral through-bore at an opposing end;a pin 105 for insertion in the later

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Bankuty Geza E. (Bradenton FL) Perazzo Nicholas J. (Bradenton FL), Apparatus for rotating cylindrical caps onto containers.
  2. Friesinger Julius (Horb-Dettingen DEX) Katz Otto (Horb-Bildechingen DEX), Clamping mechanism.
  3. Ronchi Mario,ITX, Device for rapidly mounting/releasing units for fitting caps or lids to containers, in particular for mandrels of automa.
  4. Fiala Stanislav,CZX, Finishing tool for precision machining of holes.
  5. Cannon Michael R. (Redmond WA) Fuller ; Jr. Robert L. (Issaquah WA) Proff Dwayne E. (Puyallup WA), Quick change drill assembly machine.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (21) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Monzel, Alois, Beverage filling plant for filling beverage containers with a beverage having a device for the feeding and removal of beverage containers.
  2. Brown, Michael J., Capping device with bearing mechanism having a plurality of bearing members between a drive member and a capper body.
  3. Brown,Michael J., Capping device with force adjustment mechanism and method of adjusting.
  4. Brown,Michael J., Capping device with quick release mechanism and methods of releasing and re-connecting.
  5. Groninger, Volker; Glock, Ralf, Closing device including intertwined sliding cage and gripping part.
  6. Hidding, Douglas J.; Bashour, Joseph E., Container closure system.
  7. Brown, Michael J., Device with a quick release mechanism and methods of releasing and re-connecting.
  8. Stavrakis, Demetrios; Brown, Michael J.; Ruble, Edwin K., Filling valve apparatus for a beverage filling machine.
  9. Zanini, Gianpietro; Baroni, Marco, Gripping apparatus for capping assemblies in container packaging machines.
  10. Scott, John; Hannon, Lauren; Troxell, Jason; Brown, Emmet, Laboratory central control unit method and system.
  11. Motschi, René; Theubet, Jean-Gabriel, Locking mechanism for a collet assembly.
  12. Dewert, Andreas; Buchhauser, Klaus; Frankenberger, Günter, Method and device for screw capping vessels, in particular bottles.
  13. Monzel, Alois, Method of filling kegs with a liquid beverage in a keg filling plant.
  14. Brown,Michael J., Methods of releasing and re-connecting a capping device.
  15. Self, Brian Austin; Miller, Jonathan Matthew; Edens, Carl Theodore, Open platform automated sample processing system.
  16. Self, Brian Austin; Miller, Jonathan Matthew; Edens, Carl Theodore, Open platform hybrid manual-automated sample processing system.
  17. Joerg,Andreas Wilhelm; Wilke,Thomas Alan, Over-center self-adjusting equalizing cap chuck.
  18. Edens, Ted Carl; Obiso, Richard; Sevigny, Gerard J.; Touma, Michael; Messina, Mark; McKeen, Brian; Aviles, Robert C., Sample preparation system and method for processing clinical specimens.
  19. Weber, René, Sample preparation system with rotatable gripper.
  20. Gabriele, Nathan; Dollinger, Justin, Self-centering and self-gripping corkscrew.
  21. Christensen, Stig; Hovendahl, Lars; Nielsen, Michael Gabs Kaagaard, Test tube capping and de-capping apparatus.

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