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Energy expenditure/training garment 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A63B-021/02
출원번호 US-0221487 (1998-12-24)
발명자 / 주소
  • Dicker Timothy P.
  • Wilkinson William T.
대리인 / 주소
    Connolly Bove Lodge & Hutz LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 65  인용 특허 : 42


An energy expenditure garment includes various elastic resistance elements located on the garment so as to help in the training of a user while participating in a swinging sport, such as golf or racquet sports. The garment could also include a biofeedback sensor to indicate when a proper swing has o


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] An energy expenditure/training garment having a body portion with a right arm and left arm extending therefrom and with a right leg and left leg extending therefrom, each of said body portion and said arms and said legs having a longitudinal axis, a left anterior elongate

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (42)

  1. Kramer James F. (Menlo Park CA), Accurate, rapid, reliable position sensing using multiple sensing technologies.
  2. Wilkinson William T. (1717 Town Point Rd. Chesapeak City MD 21915), Aerobic resistance exercise garment.
  3. Wilkinson William T. (1717 Town Point Rd. Chesapeake City MD 21915), Aerobic resistance exercise garment.
  4. Wilkinson William T. (Severnside Farm ; 300 Kyle Rd. Crownsville MD 21032-0572), Aerobic resistance exercise garment.
  5. Motter William G. (867 Ahua St. Honolulu HI 96819), Airfoil suit.
  6. LaCourse John R. (Durham NH) Corcoran Paul (Hancock NH), Apparatus for the functional assessment of human activity.
  7. Yoshihara Hiroshi (27-10 ; Minamidai 3-chome Nakano-ku ; Tokyo 164 JPX), Apparel structure and process for making apparel.
  8. Frappier John P. (Horace ND), Arm training device.
  9. Tlle Gerhard-Hugo (D - 4938 Schieder-Schwalenberg 2 DEX), Athletic device.
  10. Derderian Thomas (Portland OR), Athletic garment.
  11. Gardner James D. (Richmond VA) Mitchell Hal D. (Richmond VA) Stickley Paul F. (Richmond VA) Taylor Alvin E. (Richmond VA) Wilson Edward J. (Richmond VA), Athletic pants.
  12. Peters Richard E. (Noble OK), Benchpress shirt.
  13. Onozawa Shoji (19152 SE. 151st St. Issaquah WA 98027), Body cover for outdoor use.
  14. Darkwah Banchie A. (2032 Skyline Dr. Russellville AR 72801), Body supported exercise device.
  15. Wehrell Michael A. (2648 Strand Hermosa Beach CA 90254), Boxing exercise harness.
  16. Morell Lori A. (Alpharetta GA) Wessel Joyce A. (Acworth GA), Coverall with elastomeric panels.
  17. Ozbey Ahmet M. (3010 Mount Pleasant St. NW. Washington DC 20009), Derriere exerciser.
  18. Romney Jan W. (645 E. 5900 South Salt Lake City UT 84107), Device to augment exercise.
  19. Block Stephen I. (Deerfield IL), Exercise device.
  20. Earl Michael S. (5010 Rosamond Dr. ; Apt. 2413 Orlando FL 33808), Exercise device of adjustable resistance for flexing of muscles of the legs and torso.
  21. Fox ; III Charles E. (115 Ashford Pl. Greenwood SC 29646), Exercise garment.
  22. Moore Derrick F. (1909 Winona Dr. Plano TX 75074), Exercise pants and exercise band assembly.
  23. Malloy Eugene A. (15988 Village Dr. Victorville CA 92392), Exercise suit.
  24. Prince, Lyndonn, Exercise suit.
  25. Dicker Timothy P. (11359 Dornfield Lakeview Terrace CA), Exercise suit with resilient reinforcing.
  26. Dicker Timothy P. (11359 Dornfield Ter. Lakeview Terrace CA 92353), Exercise suit with resilient reinforcing.
  27. Ford ; Jr. Thomas J. (20 Ashville Rd. Newton Lower Falls MA 02162), Full-body stress transfer suit.
  28. Ewing Elizabeth (70 Lefurgy Ave. Hastings-on-Hudson NY 10706), Garment.
  29. Caldwell Theodore W. ; Chen Ning, Golf training glove.
  30. Miller Bruce W. (P. O. Box 20267 Tampa FL 33622), Isotonic cervical exercise device.
  31. Tudor E. Jess (112 Henry Ct. Tracy CA 95376), Leg extension exercise device.
  32. Fox ; Edgar N., One piece elastic body suit.
  33. Barile Raymond J. (Groton NY) Sawa Thomas M. (Mississauga CAX), Rehabilitation device.
  34. Bobich John L. (P.O. Box 46 Round Mountain CA 96084), Resilient exercise device.
  35. Dicker Timothy P. (11359 Dornfield Lake View Terrace CA 91342), Resistant exercise shirt and pants.
  36. Audet Jean-Pierre (Coaticook CAX), Stretchable garment.
  37. Alaniz Irma P. (921 Rickey Corpus Christi TX 78412) Alaniz ; III Pedro M. (901 Lansdown Corpus Christi TX 78412), Suit for weight lifters.
  38. Berry Troy R. (4924 Pershing Fort Worth TX 76107) Mills Larry R. (7258 Valleydale Ct. Fort Worth TX 76116), Training device.
  39. Burdenko Igor (Wayland MA), Universal exercise device.
  40. Maclean Colin R. (3229 Stone Eagle Ct. Abingdon MD 21009), Variable resistance leg harness exercise apparatus.
  41. Wehrell Michael (2648 The Strand Hermosa Beach CA 90254), Vertical jump exercise apparatus.
  42. Fujimoto Masami (Kyoto JPX), Wearing article for wearing in pressed relation to human body surface.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (65)

  1. Nordstrom, Matthew D.; Sokolowski, Susan L., Article of apparel providing enhanced body position feedback.
  2. Nordstrom, Matthew D.; Fox, Richard W., Articles of apparel providing enhanced body position feedback.
  3. Nordstrom, Matthew D.; Fox, Richard Warren, Articles of apparel providing enhanced body position feedback.
  4. Nordstrom, Matthew D.; Sokolowski, Susan L., Articles of apparel providing enhanced body position feedback.
  5. Nordstrom, Matthew D.; Sokolowski, Susan L., Articles of apparel providing enhanced body position feedback.
  6. Wright, Steven P.; Craig, Kenneth T., Articles of apparel providing enhanced body position feedback.
  7. Wright, Steven P.; Craig, Kenneth Todd, Articles of apparel providing enhanced body position feedback.
  8. Placanica, Matteo; Scalvinoni, Romina, Athletic shirt.
  9. von Hoffmann, Kaitlin; von Hoffmann, Gerard, Bidirectional, neutral bias toning garment.
  10. Singh, Dagmar, Blouse with convertible bib.
  11. Waldie, James Murray Andrew; Newman, Dava Jean, Body-loading suit for therapeutic uses.
  12. Brown, Timothy W., Bodysuit.
  13. Oyama, Makoto; Nakagawa, Yoshiaki, Crotch-possessing garment.
  14. Pham, Luc H., Exercise apparatus using magnetism to augment gravatational field.
  15. Shields, Sherry Y., Exercise garment.
  16. Green,Michael D., Exercise suit.
  17. Caillibotte, Michel; Rouiller, Vincent Philippe, Garment.
  18. Caillibotte, Michel; Rouiller, Vincent Philippe, Garment.
  19. Caillibotte, Michel; Rouiller, Vincent Philippe, Garment.
  20. Caillibotte, Michel; Rouiller, Vincent Phillippe, Garment.
  21. Yeomans, Deborah; Metzger, Andreas; Weiss, Bettina; Hahn, Roger, Garment.
  22. Yeomans, Deborah; Metzger, Andreas; Weiss, Bettina; Hahn, Roger, Garment.
  23. Yeomans, Deborah; Metzger, Andreas; Weiss, Bettina; Hahn, Roger, Garment.
  24. Yeomans, Deborah; Metzger, Andreas; Weiss, Bettina; Hahn, Roger, Garment.
  25. Matsuura, Belinko K.; Matsuura, David G.; von Hoffmann, Gerard, Garment for elevating physiological load under motion.
  26. Kenney, Kimberly A.; Nelson, Marguerite Hill, Golf shirt with improved fit and contrast.
  27. Kenney, Kimberly A.; Nelson, Marguerite Hill, Golf shirt with improved fit and contrast.
  28. Waldie, James Murray Andrew; Newman, Dava J., Gravity-loading body suit.
  29. Rose, Gregory Alan, IR system for kinematic analysis.
  30. Paterno, Michael J., Knee protection device and method.
  31. Guerrier, Amma Anyane-Ntow, Lady's firm control garment.
  32. von Hoffmann, Kaitlin; von Hoffmann, Gerard, Low profile passive exercise garment.
  33. von Hoffmann, Kaitlin; von Hoffmann, Gerard, Low profile passive exercise garment.
  34. Brown, Timothy W., Neuromusculoskeletal knee support device.
  35. Schultz, William J., Posture control and therapy system.
  36. Brown, Timothy W., Posture improvement device and method of use.
  37. Brown, Timothy W., Posture improvement device and method of use.
  38. Brown, Timothy W., Posture improving garment.
  39. Brown, Timothy W., Posture improving garment.
  40. Brown, Timothy W., Posture improving garment.
  41. Brown, Timothy W., Posture improving garment.
  42. Yelvington, Christopher Joseph, Resistance-applying garment, connector for use in garment, and method of forming garment.
  43. Brown, Timothy W., Sensory motor stimulation garment and method.
  44. Brown, Timothy W., Sensory motor stimulation garment and method.
  45. Brown, Tiimothy W., Shirt.
  46. Decker, Michael John, Shirts and shorts having elastic and non-stretch portions and bands to provide hip and posture support.
  47. Decker, Michael John, Shirts and shorts having elastic and non-stretch portions and bands to provide hip and posture support.
  48. Brown, Timothy W., Shorts.
  49. Mazzarolo, Giovanni, Sport garment having an improved comfortableness.
  50. Brown, Timothy W., Sports shirt.
  51. Brown, Timothy W., Sports shirt.
  52. Kostrzewski, Kris A., Stabilizing garment system.
  53. Kostrzewski, Kris A., Stabilizing garment system.
  54. Bosne,Rene; Bosne,Katarzyna, Swing training jacket.
  55. Sherry J. Haar ; Joann F. Boles, Therapy apparel for children diagnosed with sensory integration dysfunction.
  56. Brown, Timothy W., Tights.
  57. Nakazawa, Susumu, Tights.
  58. von Hoffmann, Kaitlin; von Hoffmann, Gerard, Toning garment with integrated damper.
  59. Matsuura, Belinko K.; Matsuura, David G.; von Hoffmann, Gerard, Toning garment with modular resistance unit docking platforms.
  60. Antoine, Justin Douglas, Training apparatus for athletes and others.
  61. Weir, Ross John; Caine, Michael Peter, Training garment.
  62. Weir,Ross John; Caine,Michael Peter, Training harness.
  63. Matsuura, Belinko K.; Matsuura, David G.; von Hoffmann, Kaitlin; von Hoffmann, Gerard, Wearable modular resistance unit.
  64. von Hoffmann, Gerard; Matsuura, Belinko K.; Matsuura, David G., Wearable resistance garment with power measurement.
  65. Mignone, Francesco, Yoga article of clothing and method of use thereof.
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