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[미국특허] Apparatus and methods for brewing and dispensing beverages 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47J-031/40
출원번호 US-0287943 (1999-04-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Scheer Rick
  • Farris Jeff
출원인 / 주소
  • Red River Tea Company
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 105  인용 특허 : 13


A brewing machine freshly brews a single-serving of coffee or tea to be served hot or cold. The machine preferably includes a housing assembly, with a window therein to permit the viewing of the brewing of a fresh serving of coffee or tea, a water supply, a dry coffee or tea storage area, a brewer,


[ We claim:] [19.] An apparatus for making a serving of tea wherein said apparatus includes: an electronic control panel with an instructional message screen; at least one water inflow device; a water heating device; a brewer wherein said brewer receives dry leaves of tea from at least one tea stora

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (13) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Anderson Kyle T. (Issaquah WA) Goss Duke W. (Kirkland WA) Lee Michael G . (Redmond WA), Automated milk inclusive coffee apparatus.
  2. Bunn Arthur H. (Springfield IL) Anson James H. (Auburn IL) Ford David F. (Springfield IL), Automatic brewer.
  3. Chigira Noboru (Saitama JPX), Automatic food vending machine.
  4. Kanezashi Takeshi (Kiryu JPX), Beverage vending machine.
  5. Miller Harold F. (107 Winston Way Goose Creek SC 29445), Brewing and dispensing system and method for iced tea.
  6. Wing-Chung Li (Taikoo Shing HKX), Coffee making machines.
  7. Jamgochian Ralph (Dallas PA) Oley Leonard (Hunlock Creek PA) Stachnik Joseph (Moscow PA) Tutella Alfred L. (Plains PA), Combination hot and cold drink machine.
  8. Dings ReneCornelis Antonius J. (Den Hoorn NLX) Evers Lucas Alphonsus Maria (Bunnik NLX) Schootstra Siebe (Culemborg NLX), Device for brewing coffee, tea or similar drinks.
  9. Reese Robert J. (St. Charles MO) Poag Andrew F. (St. Louis MO), Dual brewer for tea and coffee.
  10. Vitous Charles J. (1435 S. Maple Ave. Berwyn IL 60402), Dual tea brewer.
  11. Usherovich Boris, Hot/cold beverage brewing device.
  12. King Brian (Belmont MA) King Paul (Montreal CAX) McLean Stan (Dorval CAX), Lower chamber vent for the lower chamber of a brewing machine.
  13. King Alan M. (Westmont CAX), Ventilation device for food dispensing machine.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (105) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Nguyen, Quan Hoang; Collier, Christopher Dalton; McLaughlin, James Michael, Accelerated low pressure brewer and a method for making a beverage.
  2. Bartholomew, Julie R.; Jobe, Richard T.; Bodiker, II, Thomas C.; O'Meara, Timothy E.; Hanselman, Dave; Foley, Jim, Apparatus and method for custom cosmetic dispensing.
  3. Bartholomew, Julie R.; Jobe, Richard T.; Bodiker, II, Thomas C.; O'Meara, Timothy E.; Hanselman, Dave; Foley, Jim, Apparatus and method for custom cosmetic dispensing.
  4. Bartholomew,Julie R.; Jobe,Richard T.; Bodiker, II,Thomas C.; O'Meara,Timothy E.; Hanselman,Dave; Foley,Jim, Apparatus and method for custom cosmetic dispensing.
  5. Bartholomew,Julie R.; Jobe,Richard T.; Bodiker, II,Thomas C.; O'Meara,Timothy E.; Hanselman,Dave; Foley,Jim, Apparatus and method for custom cosmetic dispensing.
  6. Crisp, III, Harry Lee, Appliance having a user interface panel and a beverage dispenser.
  7. Crisp, III, Harry Lee, Appliance having a user interface panel and a beverage dispenser.
  8. Crisp, III, Harry Lee, Appliance having a user interface panel and a beverage dispenser.
  9. Crisp, III, Harry Lee, Appliance having a user interface panel and a beverage dispenser.
  10. Crisp, III, Harry Lee, Appliance having a user interface panel and a beverage dispenser.
  11. Crisp, III, Harry Lee, Appliance having a user interface panel and a beverage dispenser.
  12. Crisp, III, Harry Lee, Appliance having a user interface panel and a beverage dispenser.
  13. Crisp, Harry Lee, Appliance with dispenser.
  14. Crisp, III, Harry Lee, Appliance with dispenser.
  15. Crisp, III, Harry Lee, Appliance with dispenser.
  16. Crisp, III, Harry Lee; Ramsey, Christopher Paul; Tanner, Roger, Appliance with dispenser.
  17. Erman, P. Gregory; Garvey, Ben; Marshall, Chris; McDougall, Michael; Stoneman, Kevin; Wilson, Avery, Auger-driven powder dispenser.
  18. Bartholomew, Julie R.; Killen, Kristopher; Hunter, William M.; Istok, Michael E., Automated customized cosmetic dispenser.
  19. Bartholomew, Julie R.; Killen, Kristopher; Hunter, William M.; Istok, Michael E., Automated customized cosmetic dispenser.
  20. Bartholomew, Julie R.; Killen, Kristopher; Hunter, William M.; Istok, Michael E., Automated customized cosmetic dispenser.
  21. Bartholomew, Julie R.; Killen, Kristopher; Hunter, William M; Istok, Michal E, Automated customized cosmetic dispenser.
  22. Bartholomew, Julie R.; Killen, Kristopher; Hunter, William Mark; Istok, Michael Edward, Automated customized cosmetic dispenser.
  23. Li, Zhihang, Automatic tea maker.
  24. Nosler, Zander; Hulett, Randy; Wyer, Jorah; Baum, Michael; Allison, Jeff, Beverage brewer with flavor base removal.
  25. Rey, Cedric; Scorrano, Lucio; Zsolt, Albert, Beverage dispenser with improved refilling operation.
  26. Carpenter, Gregg; Newman, Jr., David R.; Patel, Nilang; Phillips, Paul A.; Rudick, Arthur G.; Ziesel, Lawrence B., Beverage dispensing system.
  27. Carpenter, Gregg; Newman, Jr., David R.; Patel, Nilang; Phillips, Paul A.; Rudick, Arthur G.; Ziesel, Lawrence B., Beverage dispensing system.
  28. Nobuyuki Endou JP, Beverage feeding apparatus.
  29. Yoakim, Alfred; Agon, Fabien Ludovic, Beverage machine for a network.
  30. Yoakim, Alfred, Beverage machine in a network.
  31. Yoakim, Alfred, Beverage machine in a network.
  32. Rime, Philippe, Beverage machines with simplified servicing.
  33. Tansey, Francis X, Beverage maker.
  34. Tansey, Jr., Francis X., Beverage maker.
  35. Lassota, Zbigniew G.; Lassota, Michael W., Beverage making system with flow meter measurement control and method.
  36. Delbreil, Marc; Agon, Fabien Ludovic, Beverage preparation machine comprising an extended user-advisory functionality.
  37. Yoakim, Alfred, Beverage preparation machine supporting a remote service functionality.
  38. Agon, Fabien Ludovic; Delbreil, Marc, Beverage preparation machine with ambience emulation functionality.
  39. Delbreil, Marc; Agon, Fabien Ludovic, Beverage preparation machine with touch menu functionality.
  40. Delbreil, Marc; Agon, Fabien Ludovic, Beverage preparation machine with touch menu functionality.
  41. Jones, Brian C.; Evans, David N.; Dzibela, Scott A.; Nordenstrom, John C.; Kumar, Sanjay; Duchene, Russell J.; Rogala, Allen L.; Fodor, Michael J.; Henninger, William K.; Faroqui, Amir A., Brewed iced tea or non-carbonated drink dispenser.
  42. Jones, Brian C.; Kumar, Sanjay; Dzibela, Scott A.; Ubidia, Fernando; Tauer, Mark, Brewed iced tea or non-carbonated drink dispenser.
  43. Jones, Brian C.; Kumar, Sanjay; Dzibela, Scott A.; Ubidia, Fernando; Tauer, Mark, Brewed iced tea or non-carbonated drink dispenser.
  44. Jones,Brian C.; Evans,David N.; Dzibela,Scott A.; Nordenstrom,John C.; Kumar,Sanjay; Duchene,Russell J.; Rogala,Allen L.; Fodor,Michael J.; Henninger,William K.; Faroqui,Amir A., Brewed iced tea or non-carbonated drink dispenser.
  45. Tognetti, David L.; Morin, Mark D., Chemical mixing station.
  46. Lassota,Zbigniew G.; Lassota,Michael W., Control method for beverage making system.
  47. Monn, Stephan, Control panel for hot beverage dispensing machines.
  48. Bartholomew, Julie R., Customized retail point of sale dispensing methods.
  49. Göltenboth, Frank, Device for feeding milk.
  50. Williston, Kyle; Tofflemire, Jeffrey; MacGillivary, Ken; MacLean, Ian, Dispenser for granular material with a valve assembly.
  51. Cahen, Antoine; Cahen, Philippe; Boussemart, Christophe S., Drink dispensing device with holding and drip-collecting system for receptacles of different sizes.
  52. Crisp, III,Harry Lee, Drink supply canister having a drink supply outlet valve with a rotatable member.
  53. Crisp, III,Harry Lee, Drink supply canister having a self-closing pressurization valve operable to receive a pressurization pin.
  54. Geiger, Rudi; Bauer, Ewald; Pulvermüller, Peter; Nagel, Günther, Drinks machine.
  55. Zimmerman, Harry, Flavor infusion cooking device and method.
  56. McLaughlin, James M., High speed brewing apparatus.
  57. Li, Xuejun; Segiet, William W.; Ubidia, Fernando A.; Lewis, John F.; Stein, Aaron M., Hot and cold beverage dispenser.
  58. Li, Xuejun; Segiet, William W.; Ubidia, Fernando A.; Lewis, John F.; Stein, Aaron M., Hot and cold beverage dispenser.
  59. Tansey, Jr., Francis X., Internet-enabled beverage maker.
  60. Tansey, Jr., Francis X., Internet-enabled beverage maker.
  61. Evans, Douglas; Katz, Paul, Juicer cartridge including a secondary compartment associated with an outlet.
  62. Evans, Douglas; Katz, Paul, Juicer including a juicer cartridge reader.
  63. Lowe, Kevin G.; Mazzini, Scott Alan; Prokop, Gary Frank; Bell, Randall Palmer, Liquid beverage machine.
  64. Hart,Burton L.; Knepler,John T.; Lowe,Kevin G.; Wurtzler,David, Liquid flavor beverage system.
  65. Cahen, Antoine; Kaeser, Stefan; Kollep, Alexandre; Kräuchi, Frank; Ozanne, Matthieu; Yoakim, Alfred, Liquid food or beverage machine having a drip tray and a cup support.
  66. Cahen, Antoine; Kaeser, Stefan; Kollep, Alexandre; Kräuchi, Frank; Ozanne, Matthieu, Liquid food or beverage machine with combinable accessories.
  67. Nosler, Zander; Hulett, Randy; Baum, Mike; Koller, Izaak; Shay, Brian, Machine for brewing a beverage such as coffee and related method.
  68. Nosler, Zander; Hulett, Randy; Baum, Mike; Koller, Izaak; Shay, Brian, Machine for brewing a beverage such as coffee and related method.
  69. Nosler, Zander; Hulett, Randy; Wyer, Jorah; Baum, Michael; Allison, Jeff, Machine for brewing a beverage such as coffee and related method.
  70. Bunn,Arthur H.; Knepler,John T., Machine performance monitoring system and billing method.
  71. Masciandaro, Emanuele; De Nicolo, Michele, Machine to produce coffee or the like and relative method.
  72. Dresser, Zachary; Kielian, Slawomir, Maneuverable service door for beverage dispensing machines.
  73. McLaughlin, James M.; Nguyen, Quan H.; Collier, Christopher D.; Nall, Eileen M.; Marks, Lucas A.; Rebhuhn, Carrie M., Method and apparatus for controlling brewed beverage quality.
  74. Rudick, Arthur G., Method and apparatus for providing a selectable beverage.
  75. Rudick, Arthur G., Method and apparatuses for providing a selectable beverage.
  76. Rudick, Arthur G., Method and apparatuses for providing a selectable beverage.
  77. Rudick, Arthur G., Method and apparatuses for providing a selectable beverage.
  78. Cheng, Pu-Sheng; Zheng, Ying; Laroia, Serena; Hu, Wenjie; Rahmani, Rachid; Scoville, Eugene; Chrisman, Randall C.; Gavie, Shannon Joyce; Landry, Walter F.; McDonough, Brian J.; Morrison, Randall L.; Klueppel, Anthony; Milo, Christian, Method for dispensing a liquid beverage concentrate.
  79. Gutwein, Roger William; Connor, Christopher Wade, Methods for utilizing delayed dilution, mixing and filtering to provide customized varieties of fresh-brewed coffee on demand.
  80. Walker, Stephen A.; Whiting, Michael T., Modular dual-purpose chemical dispensing system for laundry or warewash.
  81. Kräuchi, Frank; Ozanne, Matthieu; Kaeser, Stefan; Schenk, Rudolf; Piai, Guido; Kreitmayr, Bernhard; Georgiev, Dimitar, Modular manufacturing of beverage production machines.
  82. Ludovissie,Daniel; Sevcik,E. Scott; Leaver,Daniel C.; Brandt,Kevin, Multiple beverage and flavor additive beverage dispenser.
  83. Bartholomew, Julie R.; Hines, Charles P., Nail polish color selection system.
  84. Bartholomew, Julie R.; Hines, Jr., Charles P., Nail polish color selection system.
  85. Bartholomew, Julie R.; Hines, Jr., Charles P., Nail polish color selection system.
  86. Bartholomew,Julie R.; Hines, Jr.,Charles P., Nail polish color selection system.
  87. Bartholomew,Julie R.; Hines, Jr.,Charles P., Nail polish color selection system.
  88. Cahen, Antoine; Kaeser, Stefan; Kollep, Alexandre; Kräuchi, Frank; Ozanne, Matthieu; Yoakim, Alfred, One hand carriable liquid food or beverage machine.
  89. Bartholomew,Julie R.; Deines,Amy Green, Point of sale cosmetic station.
  90. Bartholomew, Julie R.; Hines, Jr., Charles P., Point-of-sale body powder dispensing system.
  91. Bartholomew,Julie R.; Hines, Jr.,Charles P., Point-of-sale body powder dispensing system.
  92. Crisp, III,Harry Lee; Duff,Todd Erik, Refrigerator which removably holds a drink supply container having a valve co-acting with an engager.
  93. Knepler, John T.; Kaeding, Timothy Paul, Remote beverage equipment monitoring and control system and method.
  94. Knepler,John T.; Kaeding,Timothy Paul, Remote beverage equipment monitoring and control system and method.
  95. Cahen, Antoine; Cacace, Pietro, Simple ergonomic user-interface for a beverage machine.
  96. Hart, Burton L.; Lowe, Kevin G., Soluable beverage system with liquid flavor dispensing.
  97. Cheng, Pu Sheng; Zheng, Ying; Laroia, Serena; Hu, Wenjie; Rahmani, Rachid; Scoville, Eugene; Chrisman, Randall C.; Gavie, Shannon; Landry, Walter F.; McDonough, Brian J.; Morrison, Randall L.; Klueppel, Anthony; Milo, Christian, System for dispensing a liquid beverage concentrate.
  98. Newman, David Roy; Phillips, Paul Anderson, Systems and methods for monitoring and controlling the dispense of a plurality of product forming ingredients.
  99. Kirschner, Jonathan; Franck, Douglas John; Gatipon, Shaun Blaise; Smazik, Kenneth George; Fischer, Wolfgang, Systems and methods for on demand iced tea.
  100. Miller, Harold F., Tea brewing and dispensing method.
  101. Nosler, Zander; Hulett, Randy; Wyer, Jorah; Baum, Michael; Allison, Jeff, Temperature-controlled beverage brewing.
  102. Möri, Peter, Used capsule collector for beverage devices.
  103. Cahen, Antoine; Kaeser, Stefan; Kollep, Alexandre; Kräuchi, Frank; Möri, Peter; Ozanne, Matthieu, Used capsule or pod receptacle for liquid food or beverage machines.
  104. Lang, Markus; Möri, Peter; Moser, Renzo, Warning device for a beverage machine.
  105. Crisp, III,Harry Lee, Water supplier for a beverage dispensing apparatus of a refrigerator.

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