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[미국특허] Cosmetic container 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-069/00
출원번호 US-0359378 (1999-07-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Davis Sylvia
대리인 / 주소
    Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 51  인용 특허 : 10


A container for personal articles such as cosmetics and the like has a rigid shell and a flexible cover that fits over the shell. The cover has a central pocket with one or more pockets arranged around the inside of the wall of the central pocket and an exterior wall having one or more pockets arran


[ I claim:] [1.] A cosmetic container comprising:a hollow rigid shell having a base portion and a wall extending perpendicularly from the base portion, said wall having an upper edge defining an opening in the shell and a lower edge joining the base portiona flexible cover adapted to fit over said s

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Blackman Marianne (12120 Willow La. ; No. 1116 Overland Park KS 66213), Article holder and carrier.
  2. Henderson Esther L. (3399 Ludlow Cir. Amelia OH 45102), Bingo bag with self-supporting vertical wall.
  3. Dent Robert (4145 W. 3800 South West Valley UT 84120), Bucket attachment tool holder.
  4. Maire Paul R. (Edina MN) Fierek Robert W. (Duluth MN), Cover for bucket mounted tool carrier.
  5. Gardner Gary D. (1777 W. Crystal Rock Ave. Salt Lake City UT 84116), Drumstick carrier apparatus and method.
  6. Fleming Bruce (P.O. Box 154 River Pines CA 95675), Implement retainer.
  7. Fogelberg Donald D. (541 W. 98th St. ; No. 102 Bloomington MN 55420), Portable tool holder.
  8. Cirigliano Charles F. (P.O. Box 3414 Nantucket MA 02584), Reversible tote bag.
  9. Riccabona Michael A., Tool bucket with electrical cord storage.
  10. Lindsay Brian K. (Box 267K ; Braddock Ave. Hammonton NJ 08037), Tool holder for bucket.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (51) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Wilson, Jeremy Jean; Apodaca, Adrian, Angled pump with depression.
  2. Hoppe, Christopher S.; Hyma, Steven W.; Squiers, Grant T.; Stearns, Michael, Bag.
  3. Martin,Bruce; Forshpan,Sharon, Bedside bassinettes.
  4. Lim, Cindy Sean Yuei; Wong, Michelle; Yiang, Nadine, Brush cleansing mitt.
  5. Piao, Xianzhen, Brushes with interchangeable heads.
  6. Piao, Xianzhen, Brushes with interchangeable heads.
  7. Piao, Xianzhen, Brushes with retractable removable heads.
  8. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Bondhus, Andy; Nichols, Steve Charles; Bosway, Andrew M.; Hotchkiss, Tobias; Zuck, Dennis, Bucket.
  9. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Bondhus, Andy; Nichols, Steve Charles; Bosway, Andrew M.; Hotchkiss, Tobias; Zuck, Dennis, Bucket.
  10. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Bondhus, Andy; Nichols, Steve Charles; Bosway, Andrew M.; Hotchkiss, Tobias; Zuck, Dennis, Bucket.
  11. Foss, Glenn; Sebastiano, John, Bucket and liner combination.
  12. Escobar, Delia P., Caddy-piller convertible bag.
  13. Tharalson,Douglas; Tharalson,Diana; Martin,Bruce, Combination co-sleeper and changing table.
  14. Santos Robert J., Combination fuel tank and tool holder apparatus.
  15. Bradford,Judson A., Combination of partition assembly and container and method of use.
  16. Lim, Cindy Sean Yuei; Langdon, Megan Rene, Compact system with magnetic slide out brush.
  17. Lim, Cindy; Langdon, Megan Rene, Compact system with magnetic slide out brush.
  18. Barber, Michael, Container apparatus.
  19. Apodaca, Adrian Charles, Container with quick release base and lid assembly.
  20. Lim, Cindy Sean Yuei, Cosmetic brush.
  21. Lim, Cindy Sean Yuei; Wong, Michelle; Yiang, Nadine, Cosmetic brush cleaning aid.
  22. Xu, Hong Lian, Cosmetic brushes.
  23. Wilson, Jeremy; Villarreal, Armando; Apodaca, Adrian, Cosmetics applicator with cap.
  24. Thorpe, Timothy; Alviar, Luis, Dispenser with removable head.
  25. Lim, Cindy Sean Yuei, Dual ended kabuki brush.
  26. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Bondhus, Andy; Nichols, Steve Charles; Bosway, Andrew M.; Hotchkiss, Tobias; Zuck, Dennis, Lid.
  27. Foss, Glenn; Sebastiano, John, Liner for use with bucket and liner combination.
  28. Trammell, Martha; Cracauer, Raymond; Smith, Susan St. Clair, Mooring cover and method of using the same.
  29. Lim, Cindy Sean Yuei, Multi-head dual end cosmetic applicator.
  30. Lim, Cindy Sean Yuei, Multi-head dual end cosmetic applicator.
  31. Gorvett, Sara L., Organizer for cosmetics.
  32. Johnson,Genise, Personal kid kit.
  33. Carole Gress, Pocket book.
  34. Lim, Cindy Sean Yuei, Retractable cosmetic implement with multiple positions.
  35. Langdon, Megan Rene; Washington, Kamaal; Maurin, Denis Pierre, Roller applicator.
  36. Trettin,David J.; Schlosser,Jon Aaron; Catron,Mark Allen, Storage system and protective device for tanks.
  37. Trettin,David J.; Schlosser,Jon Aaron; Catron,Mark Allen, Storage system and protective device for tanks.
  38. Trettin,David J.; Schlosser,Jon Aaron; Catron,Mark Allen, Storage system and protective device for tanks.
  39. Williams, Mary E, Supply caddy.
  40. Gregory Scott Snider, Tool storage bag.
  41. Villarreal, Armando; Wong, Michelle, Tottle.
  42. Tharalson, Douglas; Tharalson, Diana; Martin, Bruce, Toy storage cover for portable play yards, cribs and containers.
  43. Tharalson,Douglas; Tharalson,Diana; Martin,Bruce, Toy storage cover for portable play yards, cribs and containers.
  44. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Bondhus, Andy; Nichols, Steve Charles; Bosway, Andrew M.; Hotchkiss, Tobias; Zuck, Dennis, Tray.
  45. Rane, Mark Carlson; Desroches, Donald Edward; Seiders, Roy Joseph; Hotchkiss, Tobias, Utility wrap.
  46. Rane, Mark Carlson; Desroches, Donald Edward; Seiders, Roy Joseph; Hotchkiss, Tobias, Utility wrap.
  47. Rane, Mark Carlson; Desroches, Donald Edward; Seiders, Roy Joseph; Hotchkiss, Tobias, Utility wrap.
  48. Rane, Mark Carlson; Desroches, Donald Edward; Seiders, Roy Joseph; Hotchkiss, Tobias, Utility wrap.
  49. Rane, Mark Carlson; Desroches, Donald Edward; Seiders, Roy Joseph; Hotchkiss, Tobias, Utility wrap.
  50. Rane, Mark Carlson; Desroches, Donald Edward; Seiders, Roy Joseph; Hotchkiss, Tobias, Utility wrap.
  51. Snider,Gregory S.; Busschaert,Jason; Read,Clifford D.; Sirois,Michael G.; Pangerc,James E., Work box.

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