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Calcium fortified cereal product and method of preparation 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A23L-013/04
출원번호 US-0401207 (1999-09-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • Leusner Steven J
  • Creighton Dean W
출원인 / 주소
  • General Mills, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 30  인용 특허 : 33


Lightly cooked cereal dough products are provided that are fortified with at least a 0.3% calcium at least a portion of which is supplied by CaCO.sub.2 exhibiting reduced discoloration such as RTE cereals and grain based snacks. The dried cereal finished products are fabricated from cooked cereal do


[What is claimed is:] [1.]A. a lightly colored cooked cereal dough product having a moisture content of about 1% to 30%;B. sufficient amounts of calcium carbonate to provide a total calcium content of at least 0.3% (dry weight basis);C. about 0.005% to 0.05% of the cooked cereal dough product of a c

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (33)

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이 특허를 인용한 특허 (30)

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  23. Barry, David Lawrence; Burnham, Colin Jeffrey; Desai, Pravin Maganlal; Joseph, Ponnattu Kurian; Leung, Henry Kin-Hang; Masson, John Richard; Rao, V.N. Mohan; Saunders, Robert William; Stalder, James William; Topor, Michael Grant, Method for reducing acrylamide formation in thermally processed foods.
  24. Barry,David Lawrence; Burnham,Colin Jeffrey; Desai,Pravin Maganlal; Joseph,Ponnattu Kurian; Leung,Henry Kin Hang; Masson,John Richard; Mohan Rao,V. N.; Saunders,Robert William; Stalder,James William; Topor,Michael Grant, Method for reducing acrylamide formation in thermally processed foods.
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  28. Gorski,Richard, Rice-based snack chip and method of making same.
  29. Gorski,Richard, Rice-based snack chip and method of making same.
  30. Palazzolo, Dominic, Transfer device and method of using.
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