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[미국특허] Ice prevention mat system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H05B-001/00
출원번호 US-0490987 (2000-01-26)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bouman Geni F.,CAX
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 23  인용 특허 : 13


An ice prevention mat system that includes multiple resilient electrically heatable mats that are positionable to cover a desired pathway and which includes a control circuit for maintaining each of the electrically heatable mats at a temperature sufficient to melt snow falling on the mat as well as


[What is claimed is:] [1.]multiple resilient heatable mats;multiple rigid plastic light assemblies;a radio transmitter remote control unit; anda control/power circuit housing housing a programmable control circuit, a radio receiver and a remote code set switch and in connection with two two-conducto

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (13) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Jones Thaddeus M., Automatically controlled ice and snow melting system including a two-wire remote control.
  2. Altmann Horst Dieter (Gruendau-Lieblos DT) Haupt Eberhard (Gruendau-Rothenbergen DT), Electrical heating mat.
  3. Miller Robert C. (Madison CT) Hackett Barrie H. (Haddam Neck CT), Electrical radiant heater panel.
  4. Barnes Donald W. (P.O. Box 211313 Anchorage AK 99504), Heated ice-melting blocks for steps.
  5. Hardison William, Heated mat assembly for a driveway.
  6. Dyer C. William (N. 18120 Hilltop Rd. Colbert WA 99005), Heated mat structure for melting ice and snow.
  7. Ingram Rex Anthony,GBX, Heating/cooling systems.
  8. Deschenes Maurice (Ste.Thrse d\en Haut CAX), Pre-cast heating panel.
  9. Hornberger Ralph E. (K-13 2304 Brownsville Rd. Langhorne PA 19053), Snow melting heater mat apparatus.
  10. Bayless Ronald E. (34 Gala Pl. Pagosa Springs CO 81147) Havard James M. (12067 W. 62nd Ave. Arvada CO 80004), Snow melting heater mats.
  11. Hargrove Dennis (P.O. Box 7111 Jacksonville NC 28540), Snow melting pathway mat apparatus.
  12. Bomba Fidelis (585 Morris Ave. Orange NJ 07050), Snow protection and removal system.
  13. Hutter Gerhard (993 Lake Ave. Greenwich CT 06830), Uni-directional heating apparatus.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (23) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Wu, Ming-Lai, Electrically conductive and heating wire containing fabric.
  2. Caterina, Thomas; Naylor, David, Grounded modular heated cover.
  3. Kammer, Patrick; Rackers, Kevin Joseph, Heating element for liquid warming device.
  4. Naylor, David, Heating unit for direct current applications.
  5. Naylor, David; Caterina, Thomas, Heating unit for warming fluid conduits.
  6. Caterina, Thomas; Naylor, David, Heating unit for warming pallets.
  7. DeBenedetto, Richard S.; Johnson, Thomas F., Hidden heat strip for roofs.
  8. Maher, Michael D.; Sapala, Shaun A., Livestock water trough heater.
  9. Naylor, David; Caterina, Thomas, Modular heated cover.
  10. Naylor,David, Modular heated cover.
  11. Naylor,David; Hillesheim,Dan Alex, Modular heated cover.
  12. Naylor, David, Modular radiant heating apparatus.
  13. Gehring, Michael, Outdoor-use heating mat system.
  14. Caterina, Thomas; Naylor, David, Pallet warmer heating unit.
  15. Bavett, Steven T. M., Rubberized covering with integral heating system.
  16. Sikander, Tariq, Snow removal assembly.
  17. Legenza, Brian, Snow removal assembly and method.
  18. Richardson,Lonny J., Snow-melting carpet.
  19. Mitchell, Jason, Surface covering for melting ice and snow.
  20. Mitchell, Jason, Surface covering for melting ice and snow.
  21. Naylor, David; Fillion, Arthur J.; Hall, David L.; Evans, Aaron; Terry, Brad; Roe, Thomas, Systems, methods, and devices for storing, heating, and dispensing fluid.
  22. Naylor, David; Fillion, Arthur J.; Hall, David; Evans, Aaron; Terry, Brad; Roe, Thomas, Systems, methods, and devices for storing, heating, and dispensing fluid.
  23. Malkov, Vladimir, Versatile flexible mat and method of implementing and using same.

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