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[미국특허] Hand held sun shield 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A45B-003/00
출원번호 US-0419844 (1999-10-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Ormanoski Edward
대리인 / 주소
    Ratner & Prestia
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 12


A hand held sun shield having a frame curved by or curving within the frame a material adapted to reflect or filter ultraviolet radiation. The sun shield includes a handle adapted to position the frame at many angular relationships parallel or perpendicular to the handle.


[ What is claimed:] [1.]1. A hand-held sun shield for protecting a user from the harmful effects of sun light comprising in combination:a shade portion consisting of a frame having a generally rectangular shape and defining a central open portion, said open portion closed by a material adapted to re

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (12)

  1. Moore Daryl (2525 NW. 32nd St. Oklahoma City OK 73112), Collapsible fan.
  2. Hannon ; Thomas, Face shield.
  3. Mantenuto, Angelo A., Fan.
  4. Musgrove Donovon E. (Sully IA 50251) Vos Wilbur D. (Sully IA 50251), Foldable chair with sun shade and tray.
  5. Chang Kil J. (321-40 Soksu 2 Dong Anyang City ; Kyunggido KRX) Kim Se I. (1215-103 Mokdong Apt. Sinjung Dong Yangchungu Seoul CA KRX) Volcani Yanon (305 Birdrock Ave. La Jolla CA 92037), Integrated sunshade and fan apparatus.
  6. Thompson Marion L. (6871 Hwy. 19 Waunakee WI 53597) Thompson Irene L. (6871 Hwy. 19 Waunakee WI 53597), Lightweight stowable sunshade for child\s car seat.
  7. Craig John R. (Rte. 6 ; Box 618 Albemarle NC 28001), Lounge chair canopy construction.
  8. Scott Eugene (1026 Harlem St. Tallahassee FL 32303), Personal screen device.
  9. Worthington ; Jr. Thomas D. (3282 Chatham Rd. Atlanta GA 30305), Sun shade.
  10. Musgrove Donovon E. (Sully IA 50251) Vos Wilbur D. (Sully IA 50251), Sun shade attachment for a chair.
  11. James Peter (Orillia CAX) Boelryk Bart (Orillia CAX), Sun shade for outdoor furniture.
  12. Heuer ; Hans Herbert, Sunshade--foldable and hand-transportable.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1)

  1. Hill, Myheir Ida, Screen for concealing a patient's identity.
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