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Method and apparatus for adjustment of TCP sliding window with information about network conditions 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06F-013/00
출원번호 US-0111205 (1998-07-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Ruutu Jussi,FIX
  • Kilkki Kalevi,FIX
출원인 / 주소
  • Nokia Telecommunications, Oy, FIX
대리인 / 주소
    Altera Law Group, LLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 62  인용 특허 : 11


A method and apparatus for adjustment of TCP sliding window with information about network conditions is disclosed. The present invention obtains information from the network below TCP about the condition of the network and traffic and uses this information to control the transmission of the TCP sou


[ What is claimed is:] [1.]1. A TCP source in a network comprising a sliding window, the sliding window having a size for determining a number of bytes that can be sent before an acknowledgment packet is received by the TCP source, wherein the size of the sliding window is chosen in response to info

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (11)

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  2. Hayakawa Fumiyasu (Tokyo JPX), Congestion control method and apparatus for end-to-end packet communication.
  3. Jain Raj ; Goyal Rohit ; Kalyanaraman Shiv ; Viswanathan Ram ; Fahmy Sonia, Erica: explicit rate indication for congestion avoidance in ATM networks.
  4. Jones Larry ; Venkidu Arockiyaswamy ; Mambakkam Sreenath, External parallel-port device using a timer to measure and adjust data transfer rate.
  5. Riedel Michael,DEX ; Heiss Herbert,DEX, Method and circuit arrangement for forwarding message cells transmitted via an ATM communication equipment to a serving.
  6. Javitt Joel I. ; Wronka Edward, Method for providing high speed packet data services for a wireless system.
  7. Wippenbeck Matthias (Stuttgart DEX) Willmann Gert (Stuttgart DEX) Schrodi Karl (Heimsheim DEX), Method of controlling access to a buffer and a device for temporary storage of data packets and an exchange with such a.
  8. Burt Denis (Medway MA) Pagano Patrick (Pittsburgh PA) Waite Dwayne (Pittsburgh PA), Pipelined, sliding-window, flow control for end-to-end communication sessions.
  9. Kline Richard B. ; Ramakrishnan Krishnan ; Gun Levent, Simplified calculation of cell transmission rates in a cell based netwook.
  10. Kawaharata Satoru (Tokyo JPX), Subscriber line test system.
  11. Kilkki Matti Kalevi,FIX ; Ruutu Jussi Pekka Olavi,FIX, System and method for determining network bandwidth availability using priority level feedback.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (62)

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  2. Jorgensen, Jacob W., Application-aware, quality of service (QoS) sensitive, media access control (MAC) layer.
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  6. Roberts, Lawrence G., Data redirection in a bifurcated communication trunk system and method.
  7. Tam, Ming-Chit, Dynamically delayed acknowledgement transmission system.
  8. Li, Xiang; Wu, Jing; Cheng, Shiduan; Ma, Jian, Enhancement of explicit congestion notification (ECN) for wireless network applications.
  9. Jorgensen, Jacob W., IP-flow characterization in a wireless point to multi-point (PTMP) transmission system.
  10. Jacob W. Jorgensen, IP-flow classification in a wireless point to multi-point (PTMP) transmission system.
  11. Jorgensen, Jacob W., IP-flow identification in a wireless point to multi-point transmission system.
  12. Kootstra, Lewis S., In flight TCP window adjustment to improve network performance.
  13. Gusat, Mircea; Minkenberg, Cyriel Johan Agnes, Method and a system for flow control in a communication network.
  14. Aweya,James; Montuno,Delfin Y.; Quellette,Michel, Method and apparatus for adjusting packet transmission volume from a source.
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  16. Dillon, Douglas M.; Gupta, Vivek, Method and apparatus for selectively allocating and enforcing bandwidth usage requirements on network users.
  17. Jorgensen,Jacob W., Method and computer program product for internet protocol (IP)-flow classification in a wireless point to multi-point (PtMP) transmission system.
  18. Jorgensen, Jacob W., Method and computer program product for internet protocol (IP)—flow classification in a wireless point to multi-point (PTMP) transmission system.
  19. Ludwig, Reiner, Method and device for data flow control.
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  21. Wen,Han C.; Adam,Ian; Duong van,Minh; Pavel,Tomas J.; Crane,Mark, Method for accelerating TCP flows in communication networks with dynamic control.
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  25. Grosdidier,Gilbert; Wen,Han C.; Adam,Ian; Duong van,Minh; Pavel,Thomas J.; Blankenbecler,Richard, Method for dynamical identification of network congestion characteristics.
  26. Jorgensen,Jacob W., Method for providing dynamic bandwidth allocation based on IP-flow characteristics in a wireless point to multi-point (PtMP) transmission system.
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  28. Brooks,Roy; Cavanaugh,John, Method for testing congestion avoidance on high speed networks.
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  38. Gallagher, James R.; Hua, Binh K.; Hua, Hong L.; Xiong, Wen, Reducing idle time due to acknowledgement packet delay.
  39. Jorgensen, Jacob W., Reservation based prioritization method for wireless transmission of latency and jitter sensitive IP-flows in a wireless point to multi-point transmission system.
  40. Chheda,Ashvin; Weisert,James; McGregor,Andy, Selectable mode vocoder management algorithm for CDMA based networks.
  41. Park,Hyoung Woo, System and method for controlling data transmission adapted for grid computing and computer readable recording medium of recording process thereof.
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  51. Roskind, James; Belshe, Michael A., System and method of reducing latency using adaptive retransmission timeouts.
  52. Yu,Jing; Hu,Xuelong Ronald, System, method and computer program product for increasing throughput in bi-directional communications.
  53. Jorgensen,Jacob W., System, method, and base station using different security protocols on wired and wireless portions of network.
  54. Li, Yalun; Cao, Carl F.; Brost, Leslie K., Systems and methods for requesting packets for transmission over a wirless channel having a dynamically changing capacity due to a highly varibale delay.
  55. Aweya,James; Ouellette,Michel; Montuno,Delfin Y., TCP rate control with adaptive thresholds.
  56. Le, Khiem; Swami, Yogesh, Throughput enhancement after interruption.
  57. Jorgensen,Jacob W., Time division multiple access/time division duplex (TDMA/TDD) transmission media access control (MAC) air frame.
  58. Jorgensen, Jacob W., Transmission control protocol/internet protocol (TCP/IP) packet-centric wireless point to multi-point (PTMP) transmission system architecture.
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  60. Jorgensen,Jacob W., Transmission control protocol/internet protocol (TCP/IP) packet-centric wireless point to multi-point (PtMP) transmission system architecture.
  61. Jorgensen,Jacob W., Use of priority-based scheduling for the optimization of latency and jitter sensitive IP flows in a wireless point to multi-point transmission system.
  62. Kakadia, Deepak; Harris, David L; Lam, Maria G, Wirespeed TCP packet window field modification for networks having radio segments.
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