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[미국특허] Coal tar enamel coated steel pipe and process for same 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16L-009/147
출원번호 US-0006359 (1998-01-13)
발명자 / 주소
  • Johnson John R.
  • Roder William R.
  • Henegar C. Sherill
출원인 / 주소
  • Reilly Industries, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Woodard, Emhardt, Naughton, Moriarty & McNett
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 17


Described is a preferred method for manufacturing a coal tar enamel-coated steel pipe, in which a primer coat of epoxy resin is applied to a preheated steel pipe, and coal tar enamel is applied to the primer coat prior to full curing of the latter. The resulting coated steel pipes, which also are de


[ What is claimed is:] [10.]10. A coated steel pipe, comprising:a steel pipe having a steel surface;a primer coating consisting essentially of an epoxy resin composition bonded to said steel surface, said primer coating having a cured film thickness of about 0.5 to about 5 mils; anda top coating con

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (17)

  1. Snyder George F. (Franklin Township ; Westmoreland County PA) Stewart Robert M. (Monroeville Borough PA), Adhesives coatings and laminates utilizing ethylene copolymers and coal-tar pitch.
  2. Hergenrother William L. (Akron OH) Schwarz Richard A. (Akron OH) Ambrose Richard J. (Akron OH) Hayes Robert A. (Cuyahoga Falls OH), Amine terminated polymers and the formation of block copolymers.
  3. Fawley, Norman C., Apparatus and method of arresting ductile fracture propagation.
  4. Samour Carlos M. (Wellesley MA) Jackson Earl G. (Bedford MA) Thomas Samuel J. (Hamilton MA) Davidson Louie E. (Londonberry NH), Coated pipe and process for making same.
  5. Perret Patrice,FRX ; Jacquemet Regis,FRX ; Murino Lucien,FRX, Coating for metal surfaces and method for implementing it.
  6. Hajovsky Robert J. (Scotland TX), Conductive adhesive.
  7. Satake Jiro (Amagasaki JPX) Arai Tetsuzo (Amagasaki JPX) Miyamoto Yoshifumi (Kobe JPX) Inoue Hiroo (Nishinomiya JPX), Corrosion preventive, coated metal pipe.
  8. Dichter Michael (Brooklyn NY) Horowitz Carl (Brooklyn NY), Corrosion protection of steel pipes.
  9. Pieslak George (Menlo Park CA) Alvernaz Tony G. (Fremont CA) John Robin (Kessel-lo CA BEX) Rinde James A. (Fremont CA) Van Zele Eric (Atherton CA), Elongated substrate with polymer layer covering.
  10. Wong Dennis (Toronto CAX) Holub Jiri (Rexdale CAX) Mordarski Joseph G. (Brampton CAX), High performance composite coating.
  11. Trzecieski Michael A. (Toronto CAX) Ferguson Clifford R. (Alberta CAX), Method and apparatus for applying thermo-plastic protective coating to pipes.
  12. Snow William E. (Birmingham AL), Method and apparatus for coating the interior surface of metal pipes.
  13. Samour Carlos M. (Wellesley MA), Method of coating pipe.
  14. Suzuki Kazuyuki (Kimitsu JPX) Ishida Masami (Kimitsu JPX) Ohtsuki Fuyuhiko (Kimitsu JPX) Inuizawa Yoshihiro (Sakai JPX) Hinenoya Saburo (Sakai JPX) Tanaka Mansei (Kimitsu JPX) Shindou Yoshio (Kimitsu, Polypropylene coated steel pipe.
  15. Johannes Gerhard (Taunusstein DT) Gemmer Erwin (Falkenstein DT) Konig Hans-Joachim (Frankfurt am Main-Fechenheim DT) Reinhard Gunter (Frankfurt am Main-Schwanheim DT), Resin coated metal substrates.
  16. Whiting David A. (126 E. Fairmount Ave. State College ; Centre County PA 16801) Blankenhorn Paul R. (87 Hilltop Trailer Park State College ; Centre County PA 16801) Kline Donald E. (1210 E. Branch Ro, Resin impregnation of siliceous materials.
  17. Dempster William (Nashua NH) Kellner Jordan D. (Wayland MA) Serra Jerry M. (Chelmsford MA) DeCoste Leonard D. (Stoneham MA), Tape coating.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2)

  1. Bourne, Reginald Charles, Apparatus and method for internally lining an elongate member.
  2. Steele, Robert E.; Wong, Dennis T. H.; Singh, Peter; Yih, Chunglee Hank, Coating method for pipe having weld bead.

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