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[미국특허] Preservation and dispensation by volumetric displacement 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65B-001/04
출원번호 US-0194622 (1998-12-01)
국제출원번호 PCT/US97/09934 (1997-06-07)
§371/§102 date 19981201 (19981201)
국제공개번호 WO-9746446 (1997-12-11)
발명자 / 주소
  • Litto Claude R.
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 67  인용 특허 : 1


An apparatus and method including providing a container (12) containing a given quantity of usable material (50). A full container (12) is maintained by providing displacement matter (52) separated from the usable material (50) by a mobile partition (28).


[ What is claimed is:] [1.]1. A volumetric displacement device for maintaining a substantially full-fill state and thereby preventing usable material (50, 50c, 50d) from degrading due to atmospheric exposure, comprising:a usable material chamber (46);a displacement matter chamber (48);displacement p

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (1) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Stuhmer Wilco R. (4688 Namba Way Salt Lake City UT 84107), Ice holder incorporated within a beverage container.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (67) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hickert,Paul R., Air barrier device for protecting liquid fluids in opened containers.
  2. Chang, Chung; Chang, Tung-Sheng; Chang, Alexander; Lee, Chung-Hsing Chris; Germain, Jean Saint, Apparatus and method for steam disinfection of liquid dispensing machine.
  3. Valles, Vanessa; Peirsman, Daniël; Vanhove, Sarah, Assembly of a container and a closure.
  4. Vanhove, Sarah; Peirsman, Daniel; Valles, Vanessa, Assembly of a container and a closure.
  5. Jepson, Craig S., Closures for sealing or pressurizing partially-filled beverage containers and methods related thereto.
  6. Kiser, Earl T., Collapsible container system.
  7. Kiser,Earl T., Collapsible container system.
  8. Luzaich,Gregory J.; Bryant,Teddy R, Compact preservation and refrigeration system for perishable substances.
  9. Caldwell, Craig; Marshall, John; Rasile, William, Condiment container.
  10. Caldwell, Craig; Marshall, John; Rasile, William, Condiment container.
  11. Caldwell, Craig; Marshall, John; Rasile, William, Condiment container.
  12. Caldwell, Craig; Marshall, John; Rasile, William, Condiment container.
  13. McDermott, Dave; Vets, Luc, Condiment container.
  14. McDermott, Dave; Vets, Luc, Condiment container.
  15. McDermott, Dave; Vets, Luc, Condiment container.
  16. McDermott, Dave; Vets, Luc, Condiment container.
  17. McDermott, Dave; Vets, Luc, Condiment container.
  18. McDermott, Dave; Vets, Luc, Condiment container.
  19. McDermott, Dave; Vets, Luc, Condiment container.
  20. Caldwell, Craig; Marshall, John; Rasile, William, Condiment package.
  21. Caldwell, Craig; Marshall, John; Rasile, William, Condiment package.
  22. Caldwell, Craig; Marshall, John; Rasile, William, Condiment package container.
  23. Caldwell, Craig; Marshall, John; Rasile, William, Container.
  24. Caldwell, Craig; Marshall, John; Rasile, William, Container.
  25. Caldwell, Craig; Marshall, John; Rasile, William, Container.
  26. Caldwell, Craig; Marshall, John; Rasile, William, Container.
  27. Caldwell, Craig; Marshall, John; Rasile, William, Container.
  28. Caldwell, Craig; Marshall, John; Rasile, William, Container.
  29. Caldwell, Craig; Marshall, John; Rasile, William, Container.
  30. Caldwell, Craig; Marshall, John; Rasile, William, Container.
  31. Caldwell, Craig; Marshall, John; Rasile, William, Container.
  32. Caldwell, Craig; Marshall, John; Rasile, William, Container.
  33. Caldwell, Craig; Marshall, John; Rasile, William, Container.
  34. Hanssen, Hubert Joseph Frans, Container for a pressurized beverage, in particular beer, and method of filling a container with a pressurized beverage.
  35. Gessner, Norbert; Schuster, Reiner; Knoblauch, Jurgen; Lodes, Rainer, Container for fluids.
  36. Veenendaal, Jan; Veenendaal, Jan Dirk; Hanssen, Hubert Joseph Frans, Container for fluids, insert and method of filling a container.
  37. Anthony, Michael, Cryogenic apparatus for chilling beverages and food products and process of manufacturing the same.
  38. Caldwell, Craig; Marshall, John; Rasile, William, Dispenser.
  39. Caldwell, Craig; Marshall, John; Rasile, William, Dispenser banner.
  40. Goncalez, Isaias; Volk, Richard, Dual container.
  41. Arney, Michelle, Expandable fluid preservation system and method for use.
  42. Arney, Michelle, Expandable fluid preservation system and method for use.
  43. Arney, Michelle, Expandable fluid preservation system and method for use.
  44. Arney, Michelle, Expandable fluid preservation system and method for use.
  45. Ryan, Kevin A., Fluid dispensing system.
  46. Paterson, Carrie; Maiden, Robert Philip, Integral container having concentric compartments for multiple distinct fluids.
  47. Decker, Gregory Scott, Intonated nut with locking mechanism for musical instruments and methods of use.
  48. Decker, Gregory Scott, Intonated nut with locking mechanism for musical instruments and methods of use.
  49. Decker, Gregory Scott, Locking intonated string nut with tuner mount for stringed musical instruments and methods of use.
  50. Roth, Donna; Roth, Henry, Method and system for use with a consumable beverage.
  51. Roth, Henry; Roth, Donna, Method and system for use with a consumable beverage.
  52. Roth, Henry; Roth, Donna, Method and system for use with a consumable beverage.
  53. Bohm, Konrad; Wunsch, Peter; Achten, Norbert, Method for producing a two chamber pressure pack and a device for carrying out the same.
  54. Caldwell, Craig S.; Marshall, John; Rasile, William F., Multi-function condiment container.
  55. Beckwith, Scott; Edwards, Frank Bryan; Rivett, Janet; Ebner, Cynthia Louise; Kennedy, Thomas; McDowell, Rachel; Speer, Drew V., Multilayer film having an active oxygen barrier layer with radiation enhanced active barrier properties.
  56. Beckwith, Scott; Edwards, Frank Bryan; Rivett, Janet; Ebner, Cynthia Louise; Kennedy, Thomas; McDowell, Rachel; Speer, Drew V., Multilayer film having passive and active oxygen barrier layers.
  57. Van Puijenbroek, Alexander Josephus Maricus, Package.
  58. Caldwell, Craig; Marshall, John; Rasile, William, Package of containers.
  59. English, Edward A., Portable beverage dispenser.
  60. Litto, Claude, Preservation and dispensation by volumetric displacement utilizing potential energy conversion.
  61. Manera, Jeffrey J., Preservation and dispensing system for corked bottles.
  62. Hanson, Jay Lowell; Sem, Thomas R.; Brenneman, Steve; DeGrego, Ricardo Spiro, Refrigeration system with low-fuel shutdown.
  63. Caldwell, Craig; Marshall, John; Rasile, William, Smile creases for a container.
  64. Caldwell, Craig; Marshall, John; Rasile, William, Smile creases for a container.
  65. Sixt, Bernhard, Transport container for maintaining the temperature of frozen goods.
  66. Salamini, Alexey, User-refillable liquid dispensing container with vacuum actuated piston.
  67. Smith, Kim R., Wax composition, method for manufacturing, and method for waxing.

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