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[미국특허] Slot machine game-progressive jackpot with decrementing jackpot 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A63B-015/00
출원번호 US-0150532 (1998-09-10)
우선권정보 AU0009102 (1997-09-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bennett Nicholas Luke,AUX
출원인 / 주소
  • Aristocrat Technologies Australia PTY LTD, AUX
대리인 / 주소
    Roseman & Colin LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 738  인용 특허 : 14


A random prize awarding system associated with a gaming console is provided in which the gaming console is arranged to play a first game or a second game, the first game being a standard game normally offered on the console and the second game being a jackpot game offered for play when the player ha


[ What is claimed is:] [1.]1. A random prize awarding system comprising: a gaming console the gaming console being arranged to play a first game and a second game, the first game being a standard game normally offered on the console and the second game being a jackpot game offered for play when a pl

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (14) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Huard Marcel,CAX ; Berube Real,CAX, Auxiliary game with random prize generation.
  2. Ollington Robert F. (129 Nelson Road South Melbourne AUX), Casino game table and dice.
  3. Seelig Mac R. ; Seelig Jerald ; Hiltebrand Michael ; Cramer Douglas, Combined slot machine and racing game.
  4. Sakamoto Yoshikazu,JPX, Game machine in capable of controlling game aspect.
  5. Ishibashi Kazuyoshi (Tokyo JPX), Gaming machine generating distinct sounds for each symbol.
  6. Byrne Christopher Russell,AUX, Method for playing a gambling game.
  7. Adams William R., Method of playing game and gaming games with an additional payout indicator.
  8. Jones Daniel A. (Las Vegas NV) Suttle James P. (Las Vegas NV), Methods of progressive jackpot gaming.
  9. Jones Daniel A. ; Suttle James P., Methods of progressive jackpot gaming.
  10. Oh Ketsu (Kobe JPX), Motion-controlled video entertainment system.
  11. Crouch Philip C. (8 Davies Avenue 2030 Vaucluse ; New South Wales AUX), Multi-line gaming machine.
  12. Moody Ernest W. ; Matanky Michael, Multi-line slot machine method.
  13. Weingardt Gary (Henderson NV), Pari-mutuel electronic and live table gaming.
  14. Weingardt Gary (1707 Comstock Dr. Henderson NV 89014) Speer Jerry E. (2000 De Osma St. Las Vegas NV 89102) Weingardt Gamin (1707 Comstock Dr. Henderson NV 89014), Pari-mutuel electronic gaming.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (738) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. LeMay, Steven G.; Benbrahim, Jamal; Rowe, Richard E.; Breckner, Robert E.; Beaulieu, Nicole M.; Schlottmann, Gregory A., 3-D reels and 3-D wheels in a gaming machine.
  2. LeMay, Steven G.; Benbrahim, Jamal; Rowe, Richard E.; Breckner, Robert E.; Beaulieu, Nicole M.; Schlottmann, Gregory A., 3-D reels and 3-D wheels in a gaming machine.
  3. Lesley, Paul M.; Jaffe, Joel R.; Greenberg, Jacob C.; Wurz, Norm; Urban, Bruce; Smolucha, Walter E., Adjustable playing area for electronic gaming terminal.
  4. Englman, Allon G; Jaffe, Joel R.; Joshi, Shridhar P.; Mastropietro, Michael W.; Frattinger, Christopher J., Adjustment of awards in progressive system based on wager.
  5. Mayer, Umrao; Baker, Bob; Brandwood, John; Knauer, Mike; Palmer, Colin, Adrenaline feature for sports video games.
  6. Knebli, Elizabeth, Allocation of jackpots in a lottery game.
  7. Cowan, Stephen; Wright, Dean, Apparatus and method for determining the award of a prize.
  8. Mead, Randy, Apparatus and method for player interaction.
  9. Granger, Toriono A., Automated gaming chairs and wagering game systems and machines with an automated gaming chair.
  10. Englman, Allon G., Bank wagering game.
  11. Acres, John F., Bonus with proximity of occurrence related to base game outcomes or payback percentage.
  12. Acres, John F., Bonus with proximity of occurrence related to base game outcomes or payback percentage.
  13. Acres, John F., Bonus with proximity of occurrence related to base game outcomes or payback percentage.
  14. Acres, John F., Bonus with proximity of occurrence related to base game outcomes or payback percentage.
  15. Lemay, Steven C.; Hughs-Baird, Andrea, Bonusing apparatus and method for gaming system providing flexibility and interest.
  16. Benbrahim, Jamal, Casino gaming apparatus with a bonus associated with a cash out.
  17. Ward, Matthew J.; Gagner, Mark B.; Jaffe, Joel R., Community gaming system with varying eligibility criteria.
  18. Michel, Jeffrey E, Community wagering game with multiple player selections.
  19. Michel, Jeffrey E, Community wagering game with multiple player selections.
  20. Martinek,Michael G.; Jackson,Mark D.; Yoseloff,Mark L., Computerized gaming system, method and apparatus.
  21. Yoseloff, Mark L.; Jackson, Mark D.; Martinek, Michael G.; Brower, Donald A.; DeJournett, John L., Computerized gaming system, method and apparatus.
  22. Granger, Toriono A., Convertible gaming chairs and wagering game systems and machines with a convertible gaming chair.
  23. Castro, Christian L.; Glenn, II, Robert J.; Lesley, Paul M., Curved display for a gaming machine.
  24. Breckner, Robert E.; Schlottmann, Greg A.; Beaulieu, Nicole M.; LeMay, Steven G.; Nelson, Dwayne R.; Palchetti, Johnny; Benbrahim, Jamal, Decoupling of the graphical presentation of a game from the presentation logic.
  25. Acres, John F., Degressive bonus system.
  26. Acres, John F., Degressive bonus system.
  27. Acres, John F., Degressive bonus system.
  28. Acres, John F., Degressive bonus system.
  29. Luciano, Jr., Robert A.; Bertram, William K., Dynamic paytable for interactive games.
  30. Luciano, Jr., Robert A.; Bertram, William K., Dynamic paytable for interactive games.
  31. Mayeroff, Jason M., Electronic game apparatus and method providing a secondary game triggered apart from a primary game.
  32. Mayeroff, Jason M., Electronic game apparatus and method providing a secondary game triggered apart from a primary game.
  33. Mayeroff, Jason M., Electronic game apparatus and method providing a secondary game triggered apart from a primary game.
  34. Mayeroff,Jason M., Electronic game apparatus and method providing a secondary game triggered apart from a primary game.
  35. Ryan, Chad A.; Johnson, Sam; Khal, Zaki, Electronic gaming device which determines play information.
  36. Meyer, Jason, Electronic gaming machine and gaming method.
  37. Meyer, Jason, Electronic gaming machine and gaming method.
  38. Beaulieu, Nicole M.; LeMay, Steven G., Elimination games for gaming machines.
  39. Beaulieu, Nicole M.; LeMay, Steven G., Elimination games for gaming machines.
  40. Jackson, Mark D.; Martinek, Michael G., Encryption in a secure computerized gaming system.
  41. Jackson,Mark D.; Martinek,Michael G., Encryption in a secure computerized gaming system.
  42. Randall, Dov L., Entertainment and gaming devices coupled to an indication of payout percentage characteristics.
  43. Randall,Dov Liam, Entertainment machines.
  44. Gauselmann, Michael, Free game bonus round for gaming machines.
  45. Gauselmann, Michael, Free game bonus round for gaming machines.
  46. Walker, Jay S.; Jorasch, James A.; Tedesco, Daniel E., Game based on speed of play.
  47. Walker, Jay S.; Jorasch, James A.; Tedesco, Daniel E., Game based on speed of play.
  48. Walker, Jay S.; Jorasch, James A.; Tedesco, Daniel E., Game based on speed of play.
  49. Walker, Jay S.; Jorasch, James A.; Tedesco, Daniel E., Game based on speed of play.
  50. Walker, Jay S.; Jorasch, James A.; Tedesco, Daniel E., Game based on speed of play.
  51. Roukis, George; Bennett, Nicholas Luke, Game controller, a gaming system, and a method of gaming.
  52. LeMay, Steven G.; Nelson, Dwayne R.; Breckner, Robert E.; Schlottmann, Greg A.; Beaulieu, Nicole M.; Palchetti, Johnny; Benbrahim, Jamal, Game development architecture that decouples the game logic from the graphics logic.
  53. LeMay, Steven G.; Nelson, Dwayne R.; Breckner, Robert E.; Schlottmann, Greg A.; Beaulieu, Nicole M.; Palchetti, Johnny; Benbrahim, Jamal, Game development architecture that decouples the game logic from the graphics logic.
  54. Aoki, Dion K.; Collette, Shawn C.; Englman, Allon G., Game display screen with multiple arrays of reels.
  55. Aoki, Dion K.; Collette, Shawn C.; Englman, Allon G., Game display screen with multiple arrays of reels.
  56. Okada, Kazuo, Game server, game control method, and game machine.
  57. Okada, Kazuo, Game server, game control method, and game machine.
  58. Okada, Kazuo, Game server, game machine under control of the server, and game control method executing return on judgment that cumulative credit consumption reaches upper limit.
  59. Okada, Kazuo, Game server, game machine, and game control method.
  60. Okada, Kazuo, Game server, game machine, and game control method.
  61. Okada,Kazuo, Game server, game machine, and game control method.
  62. Okada, Kazuo, Game server, game machine, game control server, and game control method.
  63. DePalma, Michael; Leach, Ryan; Austin, Dougal; Delaney, Michael; Kisenwether, Joseph, Game with award based on sub-game outcomes and method.
  64. Baerlocher,Anthony J.; Blomquist,Cari L.; Maya,Darren; Silva,Robert N.; Bussick,William J., Gaming Device having award modification options for player selectable award digits.
  65. Roukis, George; Bennett, Nicholas Luke, Gaming controller, a gaming system, and a method of gaming.
  66. Kaminkow,Joseph E., Gaming device and method for activating multiple paylines upon the wager of a single credit.
  67. Kaminkow,Joseph E., Gaming device and method for activating multiple poker hands upon the wager of a single credit.
  68. Laakso, Jeffrey P.; Kaminkow, Joseph E., Gaming device and method for enhancing the issuance or transfer of an award.
  69. Bickley, Jeffery S.; Nicely, Mark C.; Ennis, Damien C., Gaming device and method for providing multiple-hand poker game.
  70. Wotton, Adrian; Cregan, Karen M.; Gerrard, Peter; Ching, Erick T.; Randall, Dov L.; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device and method for providing wagering for additional symbol functionality and package betting.
  71. Wotton, Adrian; Cregan, Karen M; Gerrard, Peter; Ching, Erick T; Randall, Dov L; Baerlocher, Anthony J, Gaming device and method for providing wagering for additional symbol functionality and package betting.
  72. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device and method having a first interactive game which determines a function of a second wagering game.
  73. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device and method having a first interactive game which determines a function of a second wagering game.
  74. Baerlocher,Anthony J., Gaming device and method having a first interactive game which determines a function of a second wagering game.
  75. Weiss, Steven A., Gaming device and method having a plurality of serially dependent and independent bonuses.
  76. Marks, Daniel M.; Singer, Anthony M.; Marks, Howard M., Gaming device and method having increasing payline wager amounts.
  77. Marks, Daniel M.; Singer, Anthony M.; Marks, Howard M., Gaming device and method having payline progressive awards.
  78. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device and method having purchasable enhanced paytables.
  79. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device and method having purchasable enhanced paytables.
  80. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device and method having purchasable enhanced paytables.
  81. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device and method having purchasable enhanced paytables.
  82. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device and method having purchasable enhanced paytables.
  83. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device and method having purchasable enhanced paytables.
  84. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device and method having purchasable enhanced paytables.
  85. Mattice, Harold E.; Gadda, Christian E.; Stockdale, James W.; Griswold, Chan W.; Wilder, Richard, Gaming device and method having purchasable randomly selected paytables.
  86. Mattice, Harold E.; Gadda, Christian E.; Stockdale, James W.; Griswold, Chan W.; Wilder, Richard, Gaming device and method having purchasable randomly selected paytables.
  87. Mattice, Harold E.; Gadda, Christian E.; Stockdale, James W.; Griswold, Chan W.; Wilder, Richard, Gaming device and method having purchasable randomly selected paytables.
  88. Mattice, Harold E.; Gadda, Christian E.; Stockdale, James W.; Griswold, Chan W.; Wilder, Richard, Gaming device and method having purchasable randomly selected paytables.
  89. Palmer, David M.; Low, Michael N., Gaming device and method of operating a gaming device including player controlled targeting.
  90. Cannon, Lee E., Gaming device and method providing relatively large awards with variable player participation levels.
  91. Cannon, Lee E., Gaming device and method providing relatively large awards with variable player participation levels.
  92. Zielinski, John H., Gaming device and method providing side bet for winning free activations.
  93. Baerlocher,Anthony J., Gaming device having a bonus scheme with alternative ending sequences.
  94. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having a bonus scheme with multiple potential award sets.
  95. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having a bonus scheme with multiple potential award sets.
  96. Gerrard, Peter; Randall, Dov L.; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having a bonus scheme with multiple potential award sets.
  97. Cregan, Karen M.; Rodgers, Paulina; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having a game with multiple selections and progressive award incrementation.
  98. Cregan, Karen M.; Rodgers, Paulina; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having a game with multiple selections and progressive game incrementation.
  99. Cuddy, Ryan W.; MacVittie, Michael; Ruppert, Amy E., Gaming device having a matrix and symbol generator.
  100. Paulsen, Craig A.; Nguyen, Binh T.; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having a multiple coordinate award distributor including award percentages.
  101. Marks, Daniel M.; Singer, Anthony M.; Marks, Howard M., Gaming device having a partial selectable symbol matrix.
  102. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Kaminkow, Joseph E.; Schlegel, Megan N.; Mead, Randall D., Gaming device having a pick reduction game.
  103. Baerlocher,Anthony J.; Kaminkow,Joseph E.; Schlegel,Megan N.; Mead,Randall D., Gaming device having a pick reduction game including a trigger selection indicator.
  104. Ching, Erick T.; Brill, Zeke; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having a player selection game.
  105. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Cuddy, Ryan W.; Scarpulla, Joel P.; Krueger, Brian, Gaming device having a plurality of symbol generators and accumulation game with multiple independent terminating conditions.
  106. Kaminkow, Joseph E.; Hughs-Baird, Andrea C., Gaming device having a rate dependent game.
  107. Schlegel,Megan N.; Kaminkow,Joseph E.; Baerlocher,Anthony J.; Mead,Randall D., Gaming device having a related symbol selection game.
  108. Schlegel, Megan N.; Kaminkow, Joseph E.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Mead, Randall D., Gaming device having a related winning symbol selection game.
  109. Nicely, Mark; Miltenberger, Paul, Gaming device having a rotor-based game with a bonus opportunity.
  110. Hostetler, John D.; Mead, Randall D.; Ngan, Wing Yee, Gaming device having a selection game with multiple groups of potential outcomes.
  111. Miltenberger, Paul D.; Nicely, Mark C., Gaming device having a wheel-based game.
  112. Miltenberger, Paul D.; Nicely, Mark C., Gaming device having a wheel-based game.
  113. Rodgers, Paulina; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having accumulation game with changing selections.
  114. Acres, John F., Gaming device having advance game information analyzer.
  115. Acres, John F., Gaming device having advance game information analyzer.
  116. Acres, John F., Gaming device having advance game information analyzer.
  117. Randall, Dov L.; Gerrard, Peter, Gaming device having an offer and acceptance game with multiple offers.
  118. Maya, Darren; Mierau, Marc; Cuddy, Ryan W.; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having apparent and final awards.
  119. Maya,Darren; Mierau,Marc; Cuddy,Ryan W.; Baerlocher,Anthony J., Gaming device having apparent and final awards.
  120. Baerlocher,Anthony J.; Blomquist,Cari L.; Maya,Darren; Silva,Robert N.; Bussick,William J., Gaming device having award modification options for player selectable award digits.
  121. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Cregan, Karen M., Gaming device having bonus game dependent upon variable wager component selection.
  122. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Cregan, Karen M., Gaming device having bonus game dependent upon variable wager component selection.
  123. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Kendall, Karen M., Gaming device having bonus game dependent upon variable wager component selection.
  124. Lucchesi, Matthew; Kremer, Jason D., Gaming device having changed or generated player stimuli.
  125. Lucchesi, Matthew; Kremer, Jason D., Gaming device having changed or generated player stimuli.
  126. Webb,Bayard S.; Baerlocher,Anthony J.; MacVittie,Michael; Gilliland,John G., Gaming device having competing positive and negative outcome events.
  127. Glavich, Paulina; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having different sets of primary and secondary reel symbols.
  128. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Cregan, Karen M.; Kaminkow, Joseph E., Gaming device having discounted activations or wagers.
  129. Cuddy, Ryan W., Gaming device having free spin game with terminators and anti-terminators.
  130. Belger, Matthew E.; Cregan, Karen M., Gaming device having free spin mode with symbol elimination.
  131. Belger, Matthew E.; Cregan, Karen M., Gaming device having free spin mode with symbol elimination.
  132. Belger, Matthew E.; Cregan, Karen M., Gaming device having free spin mode with symbol elimination.
  133. Hecht, William L.; Landrum, Kristopher E., Gaming device having modified reel spin sounds to highlight and enhance positive player outcomes.
  134. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having multiple award profiles.
  135. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having multiple different types of progressive awards.
  136. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having multiple different types of progressive awards.
  137. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having multiple different types of progressive awards.
  138. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having multiple different types of progressive awards.
  139. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having multiple different types of progressive awards.
  140. Gilliland, John J.; Laakso, Jeffrey P.; Kaminkow, Joseph E.; Vasquez, James A., Gaming device having multiple display interfaces.
  141. Acres, John F., Gaming device having multiple game play option.
  142. Acres, John F., Gaming device having multiple game play option.
  143. Gilliland, John G.; Laakso, Jeffrey P.; Kaminkow, Joseph E.; Vasquez, James A., Gaming device having multiple selectable display interfaces based on player's wagers.
  144. Gilliland, John G.; Laakso, Jeffrey P.; Kaminkow, Joseph E.; Vasquez, James A., Gaming device having multiple selectable display interfaces based on player's wagers.
  145. Marks, Daniel M.; Singer, Anthony M.; Marks, Howard M., Gaming device having one or more payline awards calculated as a function of the total wager.
  146. Bansemer, Mark W.; Nolz, James G., Gaming device having perceived skill.
  147. Bansemer,Mark W.; Nolz,James G., Gaming device having perceived skill.
  148. Hecht, William L.; Landrum, Kristopher E., Gaming device having pitch-shifted sound and music.
  149. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Blomquist, Cari L.; Maya, Darren; Silva, Robert N., Gaming device having player selectable award digits and award modification options.
  150. Baerlocher,Anthony J.; Blomquist,Cari L.; Maya,Darren; Silva,Robert N., Gaming device having player selectable award digits and award modification options.
  151. Peterson, Lance R.; Kaminkow, Joseph E.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Blomquist, Cari L.; Maya, Darren; Silva, III, Robert N.; Mead, Randall D., Gaming device having player-selectable award digits and award modification options.
  152. Landrum, Kristopher E.; Maya, Darren; Mierau, Marc S., Gaming device having player-selectable music.
  153. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having progressive awards and supplemental awards.
  154. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having progressive awards and supplemental awards.
  155. Glavich, Paulina; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having regenerating multiple award opportunities.
  156. Glavich,Paulina; Baerlocher,Anthony J., Gaming device having regenerating multiple award opportunities.
  157. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having selection picks and selection outcomes determined based on a wager.
  158. Belger, Matthew E.; Maya, Darren; Chowdhury, Anisur R.; Elias, Hans; Cregan, Karen M.; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having sequential activations of a game and replay of previous activations of the game.
  159. Belger, Matthew E.; Maya, Darren; Chowdhury, Anisur R.; Elias, Hans; Cregan, Karen M.; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having sequential activations of a game and replay of previous activations of the game.
  160. Belger, Matthew E.; Maya, Darren; Chowdhury, Anisur R.; Elias, Hans; Cregan, Karen M.; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having sequential activations of a game and replay of previous activations of the game.
  161. Belger, Matthew E.; Maya, Darren; Chowdhury, Anisur R.; Elias, Hans; Cregan, Karen M.; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having sequential activations of a game and replay of previous activations of the game.
  162. Belger, Matthew E.; Maya, Darren; Chowdhury, Anisur R; Elias, Hans; Cregan, Karen M; Baerlocher, Anthony J, Gaming device having sequential activations of a game and replay of previous activations of the game.
  163. Belger,Matthew E.; Maya,Darren; Chowdhury,Anisur R.; Elias,Hans; Cregan,Karen M.; Baerlocher,Anthony J., Gaming device having sequential activations of a game and replay of previous activations of the game.
  164. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having skill and dexterity element.
  165. Bansemer,Mark W.; Nolz,James G.; Baerlocher,Anthony J.; Hughs Baird,Andrea C., Gaming device having skill/perceived skill bonus round.
  166. Bansemer, Mark W.; Nolz, James G.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Hughs-Baird, Andrea C., Gaming device having skill/perceived skill game.
  167. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having tease reveal feature.
  168. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having tease reveal feature.
  169. Baerlocher,Anthony J., Gaming device having tease reveal feature.
  170. Kaminkow, Joseph E.; Jones, Aaron T., Gaming device having touch activated alternating or changing symbol.
  171. Acres, John F., Gaming device having variable speed of play.
  172. Acres, John F., Gaming device having variable speed of play.
  173. Palmer, Gregg J.; Peterson, Lance R.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Webb, Bayard S., Gaming device having varying risk player selections.
  174. Palmer, Gregg J.; Peterson, Lance R.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Webb, Bayard S., Gaming device having varying risk player selections.
  175. Palmer,Gregg J.; Peterson,Lance R.; Baerlocher,Anthony J.; Webb,Bayard S., Gaming device having varying risk player selections.
  176. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having wager dependent bonus game play.
  177. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having wager dependent bonus game play.
  178. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having wager dependent bonus game play.
  179. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device having wager dependent bonus game play.
  180. Baerlocher,Anthony J., Gaming device having wager dependent bonus game play.
  181. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device including a game having a player selected function based on symbols in a free spins game.
  182. Baerlocher,Anthony J., Gaming device including a game having a player selected function based on symbols in a free spins game.
  183. Baerlocher,Anthony J., Gaming device including a game having a player selected function based on symbols in a free spins game.
  184. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Glavich, Paulina, Gaming device including awards that generate another award.
  185. Walker, Jay S.; Jorasch, James A.; Gelman, Geffrey M.; Fincham, Magdalena M., Gaming device method and apparatus employing alternate payout features.
  186. Pennington, Richard M.; Nguyen, Binh T.; Michaelson, Richard E.; Paulsen, Craig A.; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming device system having partial progressive payout.
  187. Gauselmann, Michael, Gaming device with network port for selecting jackpot frequency.
  188. Acres, John F., Gaming device with personality.
  189. Acres, John F., Gaming device with personality.
  190. Acres, John F., Gaming device with personality.
  191. Lyons, Martin S.; Kelly, Bryan M., Gaming device, system and method for providing cascading progressive awards.
  192. Ainsworth, Leonard H., Gaming machine.
  193. Cesaroni, William C.; Cornell, Bradley D.; Fritts, Jared; Ghassemian, Morad; Lesley, Paul M., Gaming machine.
  194. Cesaroni, William C.; Cornell, Bradley D.; Fritts, Jared; Ghassemian, Morad; Lesley, Paul M.; Pacey, Larry J.; Wurz, Norman R., Gaming machine.
  195. Cesaroni, William C.; Cornell, Bradley D.; Fritts, Jared; Ghassemian, Morad; Lesley, Paul M.; Pacey, Larry J.; Wurz, Norman R., Gaming machine.
  196. Chudek, Christopher W., Gaming machine.
  197. Chudek, Christopher W., Gaming machine.
  198. Kishi, Hideaki, Gaming machine.
  199. Lesley, Paul M.; Pacey, Larry J.; Smolucha, Walter E., Gaming machine.
  200. Lesley, Paul M.; Pacey, Larry J.; Smolucha, Walter E., Gaming machine.
  201. Lesley, Paul M.; Pacey, Larry J.; Smolucha, Walter E., Gaming machine.
  202. Lesley, Paul M.; Pacey, Larry J.; Smolucha, Walter E., Gaming machine.
  203. Lesley, Paul M.; Pacey, Larry J.; Smolucha, Walter E., Gaming machine.
  204. Lesley, Paul M.; Pacey, Larry J.; Smolucha, Walter E., Gaming machine.
  205. Lesley, Paul M.; Pacey, Larry J.; Smolucha, Walter E., Gaming machine.
  206. Lesley, Paul M.; Pacey, Larry J.; Smolucha, Walter E., Gaming machine.
  207. Lesley, Paul M.; Pacey, Larry J.; Wurz, Norman R., Gaming machine.
  208. Lesley, Paul M.; Pacey, Larry J.; Wurz, Norman R., Gaming machine.
  209. Lesley, Paul M.; Pacey, Larry J.; Wurz, Norman R., Gaming machine.
  210. Lesley, Paul M.; Pacey, Larry J.; Wurz, Norman R., Gaming machine.
  211. Lesley, Paul M.; Pacey, Larry J.; Wurz, Norman R., Gaming machine.
  212. Okada, Kazuo, Gaming machine.
  213. Okada, Kazuo, Gaming machine.
  214. Okada, Kazuo, Gaming machine.
  215. Okada, Kazuo, Gaming machine.
  216. Okada, Kazuo, Gaming machine.
  217. Okada, Kazuo, Gaming machine.
  218. Sekiguchi, Hirofumi; Tanimura, Tatsuhiko, Gaming machine.
  219. Okada, Kazuo, Gaming machine and control device capable of collecting advertisement cost from sponsor, and method of collecting the advertisement cost.
  220. Fujimoto, Jun; Inamura, Yukinori, Gaming machine and control method that accumulatively adds a fractional value.
  221. Fujimoto, Jun; Inamura, Yukinori, Gaming machine and control method that accumulatively adds a value less than one credit as a fractional value.
  222. Okada, Kazuo; Sugano, Kenta, Gaming machine and control method thereof.
  223. Okada, Kazuo, Gaming machine and display device therefor.
  224. Okada, Kazuo, Gaming machine and display device with fail-tolerant image displaying.
  225. Iwamoto, Hideaki, Gaming machine and game control method.
  226. Iwamoto, Hideaki, Gaming machine and game control method.
  227. Oomori, Tomoaki, Gaming machine and gaming system.
  228. Randall, Dov Liam, Gaming machine and method involving a selectable bonus evaluation system.
  229. Okada, Kazuo, Gaming machine capable of awarding payout based on the number of games played and playing method thereof.
  230. Okada, Kazuo, Gaming machine capable of bet of monetary value as a condition for acquisition of insurance pay.
  231. Tsuchiya, Naoki; Hashimoto, Kohei; Abe, Hiroki; Sakata, Takanori, Gaming machine for changing game sound in free game and control method thereof.
  232. Fujimoto, Jun; Inamura, Yukinori, Gaming machine for providing an award for insurance and controlling method thereof.
  233. Englman, Allon G.; Pacey, Larry J., Gaming machine having a community game with side wagering.
  234. Englman, Allon G.; Pacey, Larry J.; Anderson, Peter A.; Hornik, Jeremy M., Gaming machine having a community game with side wagering.
  235. Englman, Allon G.; Pacey, Larry J.; Anderson, Peter R.; Hornik, Jeremy M., Gaming machine having a community game with side wagering.
  236. Englman, Allon G.; Pacey, Larry J.; Anderson, Peter R.; Hornik, Jeremy M., Gaming machine having a community game with side wagering.
  237. Englman, Allon G.; Pacey, Larry J.; Anderson, Peter R.; Hornik, Jeremy M., Gaming machine having a community game with side wagering.
  238. Englman, Allon G.; Pacey, Larry J.; Anderson, Peter R.; Hornik, Jeremy M., Gaming machine having a community game with side wagering.
  239. Tsukahara, Nakayasu, Gaming machine having effect corresponding to award to be provided for special game and playing method thereof.
  240. Jackson, Kathleen Nylund, Gaming machine having independent spinning forms and multiple pay lines.
  241. Fujimoto, Jun; Inamura, Yukinori, Gaming machine having payout for insurance and control method thereof.
  242. Fujimoto, Jun; Inamura, Yukinori, Gaming machine having payout for insurance and control method thereof.
  243. Okada, Kazuo, Gaming machine which is executable rescue process in response to insurance bet and gaming method thereof.
  244. Fujimoto, Jun; Inamura, Yukinori, Gaming machine with a count-value triggered insurance bonus game and playing method thereof.
  245. Tanimura, Tatsuhiko; Sekiguchi, Hirofumi, Gaming machine with a light guiding plate subjected to a light scattering process and having a light deflection pattern.
  246. DePalma, Michael; Leach, Ryan; Austin, Dougal; Delaney, Michael; Kisenwether, Joseph, Gaming machine with award based on sub-game outcomes.
  247. Castro, Christian L.; Glenn, II, Robert J.; Lesley, Paul M., Gaming machine with curved display.
  248. Castro, Christian L.; Glenn, II, Robert J.; Lesley, Paul M., Gaming machine with curved display.
  249. Castro, Christian L.; Glenn, II, Robert J.; Lesley, Paul M., Gaming machine with curved display.
  250. Castro, Christian L.; Glenn, II, Robert J.; Lesley, Paul M., Gaming machine with curved display.
  251. Castro, Christian L.; Glenn, II, Robert J.; Lesley, Paul M., Gaming machine with curved display.
  252. Castro, Christian L.; Glenn, II, Robert J.; Lesley, Paul M., Gaming machine with curved display.
  253. Castro, Christian L.; Glenn, II, Robert J.; Lesley, Paul M., Gaming machine with curved display.
  254. Castro, Christian L.; Glenn, II, Robert J.; Lesley, Paul M., Gaming machine with curved display.
  255. Castro, Christian L.; Glenn, II, Robert J.; Lesley, Paul M., Gaming machine with curved display.
  256. Castro, Christian L.; Glenn, II, Robert J.; Lesley, Paul M., Gaming machine with curved display.
  257. Castro, Christian L.; Glenn, II, Robert J.; Lesley, Paul M., Gaming machine with curved display.
  258. Castro, Christian L.; Glenn, II, Robert J.; Lesley, Paul M., Gaming machine with curved display.
  259. Castro, Christian L.; Glenn, II, Robert J.; Lesley, Paul M., Gaming machine with curved display.
  260. Castro, Christian L.; Glenn, II, Robert J.; Lesley, Paul M., Gaming machine with curved display.
  261. Castro, Christian L.; Glenn, II, Robert J.; Lesley, Paul M., Gaming machine with curved display.
  262. Castro, Christian L.; Glenn, II, Robert J.; Lesley, Paul M., Gaming machine with curved display.
  263. Castro, Christian L.; Glenn, II, Robert J.; Lesley, Paul M., Gaming machine with curved display.
  264. Castro, Christian L.; Glenn, II, Robert J.; Lesley, Paul M., Gaming machine with curved display.
  265. Castro, Christian L.; Glenn, II, Robert J.; Lesley, Paul M., Gaming machine with curved display.
  266. Castro, Christian L.; Glenn, Robert J.; Lesley, Paul M., Gaming machine with curved display.
  267. Imura, Hideaki; Omomo, Shingo, Gaming machine with image display assistance feature.
  268. Fujimoto, Jun; Inamura, Yukinori, Gaming machine with insurance pay and playing method thereof.
  269. Rothschild, Wayne H.; Jaffe, Joel R., Gaming machine with interacting symbols on symbol array.
  270. Tsukahara, Nakayasu, Gaming machine with locking function and insurance feature.
  271. Jaffe, Joel R., Gaming machine with moving symbols on symbol array.
  272. Jaffe, Joel R., Gaming machine with moving symbols on symbol array.
  273. Lesley, Paul M.; Cesaroni, William C.; Ghassemian, Morad; Kulujian, Christian J., Gaming machine with recessed lower panel.
  274. Loose, Timothy C.; Rothschild, Wayne H., Gaming machine with superimposed display image.
  275. Loose, Timothy C.; Rothschild, Wayne H., Gaming machine with superimposed display image.
  276. Loose, Timothy C.; Rothschild, Wayne H., Gaming machine with superimposed display image.
  277. Loose,Timothy C.; Rothschild,Wayne H., Gaming machine with superimposed display image.
  278. Loose,Timothy C.; Rothschild,Wayne H., Gaming machine with superimposed display image.
  279. Okada, Kazuo, Gaming machine, game control method and game system.
  280. Okada, Kazuo, Gaming machine, game control method and game system.
  281. Fujisawa, Masumi; Munakata, Hiroki; Enokido, Kenji; Itagaki, Takehisa; Honda, Masaya; Okamoto, Daisyun, Gaming machine, gaming system, and gaming method.
  282. Fujisawa, Masumi; Munakata, Hiroki; Enokido, Kenji; Itagaki, Takehisa; Honda, Masaya; Okamoto, Daisyun, Gaming machine, gaming system, and gaming method.
  283. Cannon, Lee E.; O'Donovan, John P., Gaming machines and system offering simultaneous play of multiple games and methods of gaming.
  284. Cannon, Lee E.; O'Donovan, John P., Gaming machines and systems offering simultaneous play of multiple games and methods of gaming.
  285. Cannon, Lee E.; O'Donovan, John P., Gaming machines and systems offering simultaneous play of multiple games and methods of gaming.
  286. Lafky, Ernie M.; Nicely, Mark C., Gaming method and device involving progressive wagers.
  287. Lafky, Ernie M.; Nicely, Mark C., Gaming method and device involving progressive wagers.
  288. Lafky, Ernie M.; Nicely, Mark C., Gaming method and device involving progressive wagers.
  289. Lafky, Ernie M.; Nicely, Mark C., Gaming method and device involving progressive wagers.
  290. Beaulieu, Nicole; LeMay, Steven G.; Benbrahim, Jamal, Gaming method and gaming apparatus with in-game player stimulation.
  291. Beaulieu, Nicole; LeMay, Steven G.; Benbrahim, Jamal, Gaming method and gaming apparatus with in-game player stimulation.
  292. Beaulieu, Nicole; LeMay, Steven G.; Benbrahim, Jamal, Gaming method and gaming apparatus with in-game player stimulation.
  293. Hawkins, Ryan Paul; Langille, Jamie Keith, Gaming system and a method of gaming.
  294. Hawkins, Ryan Paul; Langille, Jamie Keith, Gaming system and a method of gaming.
  295. Caputo, Scott A.; Saunders, Brian F., Gaming system and method employing a player-selected feature for a play of a game or using the player-selected feature to modify another feature for a subsequent play of the game.
  296. Caputo, Scott A.; Saunders, Brian F., Gaming system and method employing a player-selected feature for a play of a game or using the player-selected feature to modify another feature for a subsequent play of the game.
  297. SeLegue, Dylan B.; Wenker, Ross D., Gaming system and method employing multi-directional interaction between multiple concurrently played games.
  298. Low, Michael N.; Oberberger, Michael M., Gaming system and method employing rankings of outcomes from multiple gaming machines to determine awards.
  299. Nelson, Dwayne R.; Wolf, Bryan D., Gaming system and method for accumulating and redeeming community game tokens.
  300. Nelson, Dwayne R.; Wolf, Bryan D., Gaming system and method for accumulating and redeeming community game tokens.
  301. Nelson, Dwayne R.; Wolf, Bryan D., Gaming system and method for accumulating and redeeming community game tokens.
  302. Hughes, William Keith; Gerchak, Christian; Filipour, Cameron; Maya, Kimberly K.; Kennedy, Timothy, Gaming system and method for determining awards based on interacting symbols.
  303. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Cohen, Alexander C.; Ferry, Tonja M.; Koby, Adam, Gaming system and method for enabling a player to select progressive awards to try for and chances of winning progressive awards.
  304. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Cohen, Alexander C.; Ferry, Tonja M.; Koby, Adam, Gaming system and method for enabling a player to select progressive awards to try for and chances of winning progressive awards.
  305. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Cohen, Alexander Casey Naglestad; Ferry, Tonja Marie; Koby, Adam, Gaming system and method for enabling a player to select progressive awards to try for and chances of winning progressive awards.
  306. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Cohen, Alexander Casey Naglestad; Ferry, Tonja Marie; Koby, Adam, Gaming system and method for enabling a player to select progressive awards to try for and chances of winning progressive awards.
  307. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Cohen, Alexander Casey Naglestad; Ferry, Tonja Marie; Koby, Adam, Gaming system and method for enabling a player to select progressive awards to try for and chances of winning progressive awards.
  308. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Cohen, Alexdander Casey Naglestad; Ferry, Tonja Marie; Koby, Adam, Gaming system and method for enabling a player to select progressive awards to try for and chances of winning progressive awards.
  309. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Cohen, Alexdander Casey Naglestad; Ferry, Tonja Marie; Koby, Adam, Gaming system and method for enabling a player to select progressive awards to try for and chances of winning progressive awards.
  310. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Cohen, Alexdander Casey Naglestad; Ferry, Tonja Marie; Koby, Adam, Gaming system and method for enabling a player to select progressive awards to try for and chances of winning progressive awards.
  311. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Cohen, Alexdander Casey Naglestad; Ferry, Tonja Marie; Koby, Adam, Gaming system and method for enabling a player to select progressive awards to try for and chances of winning progressive awards.
  312. Cohen, Alexander Casey Naglestad; Wolf, Bryan D., Gaming system and method for normalizing average expected payouts to players.
  313. Cohen, Alexander Casey Naglestad; Wolf, Bryan D., Gaming system and method for normalizing average expected payouts to players.
  314. Cohen, Alexander Casey Naglestad; Wolf, Bryan D., Gaming system and method for normalizing average expected payouts to players.
  315. Cohen, Alexander Casey Naglestad; Wolf, Bryan D., Gaming system and method for normalizing average expected payouts to players.
  316. Cohen, Alexander Casey Naglestad; Wolf, Bryan D., Gaming system and method for normalizing average expected payouts to players.
  317. Cannon, Lee E.; O'Donovan, John P., Gaming system and method for offering simultaneous play of multiple games.
  318. Cannon, Lee E.; O'Donovan, John P., Gaming system and method for offering simultaneous play of multiple games.
  319. Cannon, Lee E.; O'Donovan, John P., Gaming system and method for offering simultaneous play of multiple games.
  320. Cannon, Lee E.; O'Donovan, John P., Gaming system and method for offering simultaneous play of multiple games.
  321. Cannon, Lee E.; O'Donovan, John P., Gaming system and method for offering simultaneous play of multiple games.
  322. Cannon, Lee E.; O'Donovan, John P., Gaming system and method for offering simultaneous play of multiple games.
  323. Cannon, Lee E.; O'Donovan, John P., Gaming system and method for offering simultaneous play of multiple games.
  324. Cannon, Lee E.; O'Donovan, John P., Gaming system and method for offering simultaneous play of multiple games.
  325. Cannon, Lee E.; O'Donovan, John P., Gaming system and method for offering simultaneous play of multiple games.
  326. Cannon, Lee E.; O'Donovan, John P., Gaming system and method for offering simultaneous play of multiple games.
  327. Cannon, Lee E.; O'Donovan, John P., Gaming system and method for offering simultaneous play of multiple games.
  328. Cannon, Lee E.; O'Donovan, John P., Gaming system and method for offering simultaneous play of multiple games.
  329. Cannon, Lee E.; O'Donovan, John P., Gaming system and method for offering simultaneous play of multiple games.
  330. Cannon, Lee E.; O'Donovan, John P., Gaming system and method for offering simultaneous play of multiple games.
  331. Caputo, Scott A.; Nicely, Mark C., Gaming system and method for permanently increasing the average expected payback percentage of a game for a player.
  332. Caputo, Scott A.; Nicely, Mark C., Gaming system and method for permanently increasing the average expected payback percentage of a game for a player.
  333. Ramos, Errol A.; Henderson, Mathew H.; Ewing, Paul C.; Chalko, Erik B.; Pence, David C.; Atterberry, Tyrell J.; Carestia, Kimberly A., Gaming system and method for placing and redeeming sports bets.
  334. Nicely, Mark C.; Saunders, Brian F.; Leupp, Jon M.; Lafky, Ernest M.; Basallo, Leandro, Gaming system and method for providing a cascading symbol game with interacting symbols.
  335. Nicely, Mark C.; Zoltewicz, Benjamin J.; Basallo, Leandro, Gaming system and method for providing a cascading symbol game with interacting symbols.
  336. Saunders, Brian F., Gaming system and method for providing a cascading symbol game with multiple symbol display position symbols.
  337. Saunders, Brian F., Gaming system and method for providing a cascading symbol game with multiple symbol display position symbols.
  338. Nicely, Mark C., Gaming system and method for providing a cascading symbol game with shifting symbols between multiple symbol display position matrices.
  339. Nicely, Mark C., Gaming system and method for providing a cascading symbol game with shifting symbols between multiple symbol display position matrices.
  340. Saunders, Brian F.; Nicely, Mark C.; Zoltewicz, Benjamin J., Gaming system and method for providing a cascading symbol game with shifting symbols in different directions between multiple symbol display position matrices.
  341. Saunders, Brian F.; Nicely, Mark C.; Zoltewicz, Benjamin J., Gaming system and method for providing a cascading symbol game with shifting symbols in different directions between multiple symbol display position matrices.
  342. Caputo, Scott A.; Basallo, Leandro; Bristol, Rachael A.; Uster, Thomas; Manela, Jodi; Petermann-Turner, Dacotah; Wang, Amity; Zoltewicz, Benjamin J.; Arora, Prashant; Hernandez-Diaz, David; Edwards, Stephen J.; Falzone, Matthew; Mountain, Sean; Present, Alexander; Wong, Todd, Gaming system and method for providing a game which populates symbols along a path.
  343. Caputo, Scott A.; Basallo, Leandro; Bristol, Rachael A.; Uster, Thomas; Manela, Jodi; Petermann-Turner, Dacotah; Wang, Amity; Zoltewicz, Benjamin J.; Arora, Prashant; Hernandez-Diaz, David; Edwards, Stephen J.; Falzone, Matthew; Mountain, Sean; Present, Alexander; Wong, Todd, Gaming system and method for providing a game which populates symbols along a path.
  344. Caputo, Scott A.; Basallo, Leandro; Bristol, Rachael A.; Uster, Thomas; Manela, Jodi; Petermann-Turner, Dacotah; Wang, Amity; Zoltewicz, Benjamin J.; Arora, Prashant; Hernandez-Diaz, David; Edwards, Stephen J.; Falzone, Matthew; Mountain, Sean; Present, Alexander; Wong, Todd, Gaming system and method for providing a game which populates symbols along a path.
  345. Caputo, Scott A.; Basallo, Leandro; Bristol, Rachael A.; Uster, Thomas; Manela, Jodi; Petermann-Turner, Dacotah; Wang, Amity; Zoltewicz, Benjamin J.; Arora, Prashant; Hernandez-Diaz, David; Edwards, Stephen J.; Falzone, Matthew; Mountain, Sean; Present, Alexander; Wong, Todd, Gaming system and method for providing a game which populates symbols along a path.
  346. Caputo, Scott A.; Basallo, Leandro; Bristol, Rachael A.; Uster, Thomas; Manela, Jodi; Petermann-Turner, Dacotah; Wang, Amity; Zoltewicz, Benjamin J.; Arora, Prashant; Hernandez-Diaz, David; Edwards, Stephen J.; Falzone, Matthew; Mountain, Sean; Present, Alexander; Wong, Todd, Gaming system and method for providing a game which populates symbols along a path.
  347. Caputo, Scott A.; Basallo, Leandro; Bristol, Rachael A.; Uster, Thomas; Manela, Jodi; Petermann-Turner, Dacotah; Wang, Amity; Zoltewicz, Benjamin J.; Arora, Prashant; Hernandez-Diaz, David; Edwards, Stephen J.; Falzone, Matthew; Mountain, Sean; Present, Alexander; Wong, Todd, Gaming system and method for providing a game which populates symbols along a path.
  348. Saunders, Brian F., Gaming system and method for providing a multi-dimensional cascading symbols game with player selection of symbols.
  349. Saunders, Brian F., Gaming system and method for providing a multi-dimensional symbol wagering game with rotating symbols.
  350. Caputo, Scott A.; Basallo, Leandro, Gaming system and method for providing a multiple player game.
  351. Lafky, Ernest M.; Tan, Carmen; Nicely, Mark C., Gaming system and method for providing a persistent game.
  352. Schaefer, Craig M.; Drake, Christopher B.; Johnson, Brian A.; Fuller, Victoria A.; Filipour, Cameron A.; Foster, William Jay; Geere, Dirk; Johnson, Misty Ann; Masinter, II, Joseph Louis; Smith, Vincent Paul, Gaming system and method for providing a plurality of chances of winning a progressive award.
  353. Basallo, Leandro; Bristol, Rachael A.; Caputo, Scott A.; Nicely, Mark C., Gaming system and method for providing a streaming symbols game.
  354. Basallo, Leandro; Bristol, Rachael A.; Caputo, Scott A.; Nicely, Mark C., Gaming system and method for providing a streaming symbols game.
  355. Basallo, Leandro; Caputo, Scott A., Gaming system and method for providing a symbol elimination game.
  356. Basallo, Leandro; Caputo, Scott A., Gaming system and method for providing a symbol elimination game.
  357. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Cohen, Alexander Casey Naglestad; Bekarian, Arram; De Waal, Daniel, Gaming system and method for providing an additional gaming currency.
  358. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Cohen, Alexander Casey Naglestad; Bekarian, Arram; De Waal, Daniel, Gaming system and method for providing an additional gaming currency.
  359. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Cohen, Alexander Casey Naglestad; Bekarian, Arram; DeWaal, Daniel, Gaming system and method for providing an additional gaming currency.
  360. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Cohen, Alexander Casey Naglestad; Bekarian, Arram; DeWaal, Daniel, Gaming system and method for providing an additional gaming currency.
  361. Cuddy, Ryan W.; Evans, Kyle H., Gaming system and method for providing an incremental wagering game.
  362. Cuddy, Ryan W.; Evans, Kyle Hayden, Gaming system and method for providing an incremental wagering game.
  363. Cuddy, Ryan; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming system and method for providing awards.
  364. Cuddy, Ryan; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming system and method for providing awards.
  365. Tan, Carmen Atienza, Gaming system and method for providing enhanced player opportunities for depositing monetary amounts above a designated level.
  366. Tan, Carmen Atienza, Gaming system and method for providing enhanced player opportunities for depositing monetary amounts above a designated level.
  367. Tan, Carmen Atienza, Gaming system and method for providing enhanced player opportunities for depositing monetary amounts above a designated level.
  368. Cuddy, Ryan W.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Kniesteadt, Carl V.; Randall, Dov, Gaming system and method for providing group play with divided bonus features.
  369. Cuddy, Ryan W.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Kniesteadt, Carl V.; Randall, Dov, Gaming system and method for providing group play with divided bonus features.
  370. Cuddy, Ryan; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming system and method for providing multiple level progressive awards with increased odds of winning higher level progressive awards.
  371. Cuddy, Ryan; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming system and method for providing multiple level progressive awards with increased odds of winning higher level progressive awards.
  372. Cuddy, Ryan W.; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming system and method for providing multiple players multiple bonus awards.
  373. Cuddy, Ryan W.; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming system and method for providing multiple players multiple bonus awards.
  374. Cuddy, Ryan W.; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming system and method for providing multiple players multiple bonus awards.
  375. Cuddy, Ryan W.; Boese, Eric S., Gaming system and method for providing purchasable bonus opportunities.
  376. Cuddy, Ryan W.; Boese, Eric S., Gaming system and method for providing purchasable bonus opportunities.
  377. Nelson, Dwayne R.; Lemay, Steven G.; Davis, Dwayne A., Gaming system and method for providing team play benefits.
  378. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; De Waal, Daniel J., Gaming system and method for providing team progressive awards.
  379. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; De Waal, Daniel J., Gaming system and method for providing team progressive awards.
  380. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; DeWaal, Daniel J., Gaming system and method for providing team progressive awards.
  381. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Bullard, Bryan; Dewaal, Daniel; Little, William; Reddicks, Christopher D.; Vasquez, James A., Gaming system and method for providing virtual drawings.
  382. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Bullard, Bryan; Dewaal, Daniel; Little, William; Reddicks, Christopher D.; Vasquez, James A., Gaming system and method for providing virtual drawings.
  383. Decasa, Jr., Rogelio S.; Pawloski, Jason P.; Cuddy, Ryan W.; Kendall, Karen M.; Grace, Kelsy J.; Fuller, Benjamin M., Gaming system and method for selectively providing an elimination tournament that funds an award through expected values of unplayed tournament games of eliminated players.
  384. Decasa, Rogelio S.; Pawloski, Jason P.; Cuddy, Ryan W.; Kendall, Karen M.; Grace, Kelsy J.; Fuller, Benjamin M., Gaming system and method for selectively providing an elimination tournament that funds an award through expected values of unplayed tournament games of eliminated players.
  385. Marks, Daniel M.; Singer, Anthony M.; Marks, Howard M., Gaming system and method having a partial selectable symbol matrix.
  386. Marks, Daniel M.; Singer, Anthony M.; Marks, Howard M., Gaming system and method having a partial selectable symbol matrix.
  387. Marks, Daniel M.; Singer, Anthony M.; Marks, Howard M., Gaming system and method having a partial selectable symbol matrix.
  388. Marks, Daniel M.; Singer, Anthony M.; Marks, Howard M., Gaming system and method having a partial selectable symbol matrix.
  389. Davis, Dwayne A.; Oberberger, Michael M., Gaming system and method having award distribution using shares.
  390. Zurawski, Troy; Bolling, Jr., T. Grant; Frazee, Brant, Gaming system and method having matching symbol stacks and additional award opportunities.
  391. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming system and method having multi-level mystery triggered progressive awards.
  392. Wolf, Bryan D.; Cuddy, Ryan W.; Satterlie, Eric D., Gaming system and method having player accumulated points and determining each player's chances of winning an award based on the accumulated points.
  393. Wolf, Bryan D.; Cuddy, Ryan W.; Satterlie, Eric D., Gaming system and method having player accumulated points and determining each player's chances of winning an award based on the accumulated points.
  394. Cregan, Karen Michelle, Gaming system and method having progressive free games.
  395. Cregan, Karen Michelle, Gaming system and method having progressive free games.
  396. Randall, Dov Liam, Gaming system and method having wager allocation.
  397. Randall, Dov Liam, Gaming system and method having wager allocation.
  398. Randall, Dov Liam, Gaming system and method having wager allocation.
  399. Randall, Dov Liam, Gaming system and method having wager allocation.
  400. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming system and method of operating a gaming system having a bonus participation bidding sequence.
  401. Caputo, Scott A.; Frank, Gregory F.; Lafky, Ernest M.; Basallo, Leandro, Gaming system and method providing a collection game including at least one customizable award collector.
  402. Lark, David R.; Holsclaw, Benjamin R.; Brown, Bradford; Papson, Ronald P.; Ruymann, Robert W., Gaming system and method providing a gaming tournament having a variable average expected point payout.
  403. Humphrey, Thomas J.; Allen, II, Thomas W.; Selegue, Dylan B.; Wenker, Ross D., Gaming system and method providing a multiplayer secondary game having an outcome determined based on play of a primary game of at least one, but not all, of the multiplayer secondary game players.
  404. Caputo, Scott A.; Nicely, Mark C.; Parrott, Gregory H., Gaming system and method providing a multiple-player bonus redemption game.
  405. Caputo, Scott A.; Nicely, Mark C.; Parrott, Gregory H., Gaming system and method providing a multiple-player bonus redemption game.
  406. Caputo, Scott A; Nicely, Mark C; Parrott, Greg, Gaming system and method providing a multiple-player bonus redemption game.
  407. Oberberger, Michael, Gaming system and method providing an interactive game with automatic wagers.
  408. Oberberger, Michael, Gaming system and method providing an interactive game with automatic wagers.
  409. Hoffman, Benjamin C.; Parker, Christmas C.; Rodgers, Paulina, Gaming system and method providing indication of notable symbols.
  410. Hoffman, Benjamin C.; Parker, Christmas C.; Rodgers, Paulina, Gaming system and method providing indication of notable symbols.
  411. Hoffman, Benjamin C.; Parker, Christmas C.; Rodgers, Paulina, Gaming system and method providing indication of notable symbols including audible indication.
  412. Saunders, Brian F., Gaming system and method providing multi-dimensional symbol wagering game.
  413. Basallo, Leandro; Leupp, Jon M.; Isaacson, Timothy L., Gaming system and method providing plays of a game until outcomes associated with one characteristic outnumber outcomes associated with another characteristic by a designated quantity.
  414. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Gerrard, Peter, Gaming system and method providing simultaneous gaming with linked paytable events.
  415. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Gerrard, Peter, Gaming system and method providing simultaneous gaming with linked paytable events.
  416. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Gerrard, Peter, Gaming system and method providing simultaneous gaming with linked paytable events.
  417. DeWaal, Daniel, Gaming system and method providing venue wide simultaneous player participation based bonus game.
  418. Kovacs, James K.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Oberberger, Michael M.; Wolf, Bryan D., Gaming system and method which enables multiple players to simultaneously play multiple individual games or group games on a central display.
  419. Kovacs, James K.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Oberberger, Michael M.; Wolf, Bryan D., Gaming system and method which enables multiple players to simultaneously play multiple individual games or group games on a central display.
  420. Kovacs, James K.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Oberberger, Michael M.; Wolf, Bryan D., Gaming system and method which enables multiple players to simultaneously play multiple individual games or group games on a central display.
  421. Kovacs, James K.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Oberberger, Michael M.; Wolf, Bryan D., Gaming system and method which enables multiple players to simultaneously play multiple individual games or group games on a central display.
  422. Kovacs, James K.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Oberberger, Michael M.; Wolf, Bryan D., Gaming system and method which enables multiple players to simultaneously play multiple individual games or group games on a central display.
  423. Evans, Christina M., Gaming system and method which provides players an opportunity to win a progressive award.
  424. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming system and method with multiple progressive award levels and a skill based determination of providing one of the progressive award levels.
  425. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming system and method with multiple progressive award levels and a skill based determination of providing one of the progressive award levels.
  426. Kato, Yoichi, Gaming system for competing for prize of progressive bonus at plural terminals.
  427. Peterson, Lance R., Gaming system having a common display, a first bonus game or a first bonus game paytable and an option to purchase a second bonus game or a second bonus game paytable with relatively expected higher values.
  428. Peterson, Lance R., Gaming system having a common display, a first bonus game or a first bonus game paytable and an option to purchase a second bonus game or a second bonus game paytable with relatively expected higher values.
  429. Peterson, Lance R., Gaming system having a common display, a first bonus game or a first bonus game paytable and an option to purchase a second bonus game or a second bonus game paytable with relatively expected higher values.
  430. Nicely, Mark C.; Miltenberger, Paul D., Gaming system having a dice-based game with a plurality of wager areas.
  431. Nordman, Dennis, Gaming system having a plurality of adjacently arranged gaming machines and a mechanical moveable indicator operable to individually indicate the gaming machines.
  432. Randall, Dov Liam, Gaming system having a plurality of simultaneously played wagering games that may trigger a plurality of free games which may be played simultaneously with the wagering games.
  433. Randall, Dov Liam, Gaming system having a plurality of simultaneously played wagering games that may trigger a plurality of free games which may be played simultaneously with the wagering games.
  434. Low, Michael N.; Oberberger, Michael M.; Davis, Dwayne A., Gaming system having awards provided based on rate of play.
  435. Low, Michael N.; Oberberger, Michael M.; Davis, Dwayne A., Gaming system having awards provided based on rate of play.
  436. Low, Michael N.; Oberberger, Michael M.; Davis, Dwayne A., Gaming system having awards provided based on rate of play.
  437. Low, Michael N.; Oberberger, Michael M.; Davis, Dwayne A., Gaming system having awards provided based on rate of play.
  438. Gomez, Benjamin T.; Joshi, Shridhar P., Gaming system having free spin enhancement features.
  439. Kaminkow, Joseph E.; MacVittie, Michael; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming system having multiple adjacently arranged gaming machines which each provide a component for a multi-component game.
  440. MacVittie, Michael; Kaminkow, Joseph E.; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming system having multiple adjacently arranged gaming machines which each provide a component for a multi-component game.
  441. Kaminkow, Joseph E.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Brill, Zeke; Elias, Hans; Rodgers, Paulina; LeSourd, Kehl T.; Wagner, Eric L.; Carlisle, Christopher D.; Tedsen, Kirk A.; MacVittie, Michael, Gaming system having multiple gaming devices that share a multi-outcome display.
  442. Kaminkow, Joseph E.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Brill, Zeke; Elias, Hans; Rodgers, Paulina; LeSourd, Kehl T.; Wagner, Eric L.; Carlisle, Christopher D.; Tedsen, Kirk A.; MacVittie, Michael, Gaming system having multiple gaming devices that share a multi-outcome display.
  443. Kaminkow, Joseph E.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Brill, Zeke; Elias, Hans; Rodgers, Paulina; LeSourd, Kehl T.; Wagner, Eric L.; Carlisle, Christopher D.; Tedsen, Kirk A.; MacVittie, Michael, Gaming system having multiple gaming devices that share a multi-outcome display.
  444. Kaminkow, Joseph E.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Brill, Zeke; Elias, Hans; Rodgers, Paulina; LeSourd, Kehl T.; Wagner, Eric L.; Carlisle, Christopher D.; Tedsen, Kirk A.; MacVittie, Michael, Gaming system having multiple gaming devices that share a multi-outcome display.
  445. Kaminkow, Joseph E.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Brill, Zeke; Elias, Hans; Rodgers, Paulina; LeSourd, Kehl T.; Wagner, Eric L.; Carlisle, Christopher D.; Tedsen, Kirk A.; MacVittie, Michael, Gaming system having multiple gaming devices that share a multi-outcome display.
  446. Kaminkow, Joseph E.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Brill, Zeke; Elias, Hans; Rodgers, Paulina; LeSourd, Kehl T.; Wagner, Eric L.; Carlisle, Christopher D.; Tedsen, Kirk A.; MacVittie, Michael, Gaming system having multiple gaming devices that share a multi-outcome display.
  447. Kaminkow, Joseph E.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Brill, Zeke; Elias, Hans; Rodgers, Paulina; LeSourd, Kehl T.; Wagner, Eric L.; Carlisle, Christopher D.; Tedsen, Kirk A.; MacVittie, Michael, Gaming system having multiple gaming devices that share a multi-outcome display.
  448. Kaminkow,Joseph E.; Baerlocher,Anthony J.; Brill,Zeke; Elias,Hans; Rodgers,Paulina; LeSourd,Kehl T.; Wagner,Eric L.; Carlisle,Christopher D.; Tedsen,Kirk A.; MacVittie,Michael, Gaming system having multiple gaming devices that share a multi-outcome display.
  449. Kaminkow,Joseph E.; Baerlocher,Anthony J.; Brill,Zeke; Elias,Hans; Rodgers,Paulina; LeSourd,Kehl T.; Wagner,Eric L.; Carlisle,Christopher D.; Tedsen,Kirk A.; MacVittie,Michael, Gaming system having multiple gaming devices that share a multi-outcome display.
  450. Kaminkow,Joseph E.; Baerlocher,Anthony J.; Brill,Zeke; Elias,Hans; Rodgers,Paulina; LeSourd,Kehl T.; Wagner,Eric L.; Carlisle,Christopher D.; Tedsen,Kirk A.; MacVittie,Michael, Gaming system having multiple gaming devices that share a multi-outcome display.
  451. Kaminkow,Joseph E.; Baerlocher,Anthony J.; Brill,Zeke; Elias,Hans; Rodgers,Paulina; LeSourd,Kehl T.; Wagner,Eric L.; Carlisle,Christopher D.; Tedsen,Kirk A.; MacVittie,Michael, Gaming system having multiple gaming devices that share a multi-outcome display.
  452. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Hungate, Yuliya; Evans, Christina; Vasquez, James A.; Ferry, Tonja M.; Ching, Erick T., Gaming system having multiple gaming machines which provide bonus awards.
  453. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Hungate, Yuliya; Evans, Christina; Vasquez, James A.; Ferry, Tonja M.; Ching, Erick T., Gaming system having multiple gaming machines which provide bonus awards.
  454. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Hungate, Yuliya; Evans, Christina; Vasquez, James A.; Ferry, Tonja M.; Ching, Erick T., Gaming system having multiple gaming machines which provide bonus awards.
  455. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Hungate, Yuliya; Evans, Christina; Vasquez, James A.; Peterson, Tonja M.; Ching, Erick T., Gaming system having multiple gaming machines which provide bonus awards.
  456. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Vasquez, James A.; Ferry, Tonja M.; Ching, Erick T., Gaming system having multiple gaming machines which provide bonus awards.
  457. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Vasquez, James A.; Ferry, Tonja M.; Ching, Erick T., Gaming system having multiple gaming machines which provide bonus awards.
  458. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Vasquez, James A.; Ferry, Tonja M.; Ching, Erick T., Gaming system having multiple gaming machines which provide bonus awards.
  459. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Vasquez, James A.; Ferry, Tonja M.; Ching, Erick T., Gaming system having multiple gaming machines which provide bonus awards.
  460. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Vasquez, James A.; Peterson, Tonja M.; Ching, Erick T., Gaming system having multiple gaming machines which provide bonus awards.
  461. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Vasquez, James A.; Peterson, Tonja M.; Ching, Erick T., Gaming system having multiple gaming machines which provide bonus awards.
  462. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Vasquez, James A.; Peterson, Tonja M.; Ching, Erick T., Gaming system having multiple gaming machines which provide bonus awards.
  463. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Vasquez, James A.; Peterson, Tonja M.; Ching, Erick T., Gaming system having multiple gaming machines which provide bonus awards.
  464. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Vasquez, James A.; Peterson, Tonja M.; Ching, Erick T., Gaming system having multiple gaming machines which provide bonus awards.
  465. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Vasquez, James A.; Peterson, Tonja M.; Ching, Erick T., Gaming system having multiple gaming machines which provide bonus awards.
  466. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Vasquez, James A.; Peterson, Tonja M.; Ching, Erick T., Gaming system having multiple gaming machines which provide bonus awards.
  467. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Vasquez, James A.; Peterson, Tonja M.; Ching, Erick T., Gaming system having multiple gaming machines which provide bonus awards.
  468. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Vasquez, James A.; Peterson, Tonja M.; Ching, Erick T., Gaming system having multiple gaming machines which provide bonus awards.
  469. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Vasquez, James A.; Peterson, Tonja M.; Ching, Erick T., Gaming system having multiple gaming machines which provide bonus awards.
  470. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Vasquez, James A.; Peterson, Tonja M.; Ching, Erick T., Gaming system having multiple gaming machines which provide bonus awards.
  471. Kniesteadt, Carl V.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Vasquez, James A.; Ferry, Tonja M.; Ching, Erick T., Gaming system having multiple gaming machines which provide bonus awards.
  472. Kniesteadt, Carl V.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Vasquez, James A.; Ferry, Tonja M.; Ching, Erick T., Gaming system having multiple gaming machines which provide bonus awards.
  473. Kniesteadt, Carl V.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Vasquez, James A.; Ferry, Tonja M.; Ching, Erick T., Gaming system having multiple gaming machines which provide bonus awards.
  474. Kniesteadt, Carl V.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Vasquez, James A.; Ferry, Tonja M.; Ching, Erick T., Gaming system having multiple gaming machines which provide bonus awards.
  475. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Campbell, Kimberly M.; Champagne, Christiaan R.; Davis, Dwayne A.; Elias, Hans; Ennis, Damien C.; Khamis, Michael P.; Myers, David N.; Palmer, David M., Gaming system having user interface with uploading and downloading capability.
  476. Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming system which provides multiple players multiple bonus awards.
  477. Baerlocher,Anthony J., Gaming system which provides multiple players multiple bonus awards.
  478. Cuddy, Ryan W.; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming system which provides multiple players multiple bonus awards.
  479. Cuddy, Ryan W.; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming system which provides multiple players multiple bonus awards.
  480. Lancaster, Eric W.; Kastner, Steven R., Gaming system with blackjack primary game and poker secondary game.
  481. Lancaster, Eric W.; Kastner, Steven R., Gaming system with blackjack primary game and poker secondary game.
  482. Lancaster, Eric W.; Kastner, Steven R., Gaming system with blackjack primary game and poker secondary game.
  483. Lancaster, Eric W.; Kastner, Steven R., Gaming system with blackjack primary game and poker secondary game.
  484. Lancaster,Eric W.; Kastner,Steven R., Gaming system with blackjack primary game and poker secondary game.
  485. Lancaster, Eric W.; Kastner, Steven R., Gaming system with card game and post round of play display of tracked cards.
  486. Englman, Allon G.; Hornik, Jeremy M.; Pacey, Larry J., Gaming system with challenge feature.
  487. Gomez, Benjamin T.; SeLegue, Dylan B.; Englman, Allon G.; Jaffe, Joel R., Gaming system with non-cash-based progressive awards.
  488. Nicely, Mark C., Gaming system, device, and method providing a multiple streak game.
  489. Nicely, Mark C., Gaming system, device, and method providing a multiple streak game.
  490. Lafky, Ernest M.; Tan, Carmen; Nicely, Mark C., Gaming system, gaming device and method for providing a multiple player persistent game.
  491. De Waal, Daniel J.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Filipour, Cameron A., Gaming system, gaming device and method providing a first game and a plurality second wagering games each associated with a separate activatable component of the first game.
  492. De Waal, Daniel J.; Filipour, Cameron A.; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming system, gaming device and method providing a first game and a plurality second wagering games each associated with a separate activatable component of the first game.
  493. De Waal, Daniel J.; Filipour, Cameron A.; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming system, gaming device and method providing a first game and a plurality second wagering games each associated with a separate activatable component of the first game.
  494. De Waal, Daniel J.; Filipour, Cameron A.; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming system, gaming device and method providing a first game and a plurality second wagering games each associated with a separate activatable component of the first game.
  495. Davis, Dwayne A.; Dzurella, Palmer A., Gaming system, gaming device and method providing competitive wagering games.
  496. Davis, Dwayne A.; Dzurella, Palmer A., Gaming system, gaming device and method providing competitive wagering games.
  497. Ching, Erick T.; Menesini, Benjamin D., Gaming system, gaming device, and gaming method for shifting symbols from a staging area to a symbol matrix.
  498. Brosnan, William R.; Nelson, Dwayne R.; Kertesz, Andrew P., Gaming system, gaming device, and method changing awards available to be won in pending plays of a game based on a quantity of concurrently pending plays of the game.
  499. Brosnan, William R.; Nelson, Dwayne R.; Kertesz, Andrew P., Gaming system, gaming device, and method changing awards available to be won in pending plays of a game based on a quantity of concurrently pending plays of the game.
  500. Caputo, Scott A.; Wolf, Bryan D., Gaming system, gaming device, and method for providing a multiple player game.
  501. Lafky, Ernest M.; Tan, Carmen; Nicely, Mark C., Gaming system, gaming device, and method for providing a multiple player persistent game.
  502. Lafky, Ernest M.; Tan, Carmen; Nicely, Mark C., Gaming system, gaming device, and method for providing a multiple player persistent game.
  503. Lafky, Ernest M.; Tan, Carmen; Nicely, Mark C., Gaming system, gaming device, and method for providing a multiple player persistent game.
  504. Meyer, Adam M., Gaming system, gaming device, and method for providing a replay of previously played games.
  505. Gilliand, Sean M., Gaming system, gaming device, and method providing an estimated emotional state of a player based on the occurrence of one or more designated events.
  506. Gilliand, Sean M., Gaming system, gaming device, and method providing an estimated emotional state of a player based on the occurrence of one or more designated events.
  507. Gilliland, Sean M., Gaming system, gaming device, and method providing an estimated emotional state of a player based on the occurrence of one or more designated events.
  508. Nicely, Mark C., Gaming system, gaming device, and method providing an obstacle board slot game.
  509. Nicely, Mark C., Gaming system, gaming device, and method providing an obstacle board slot game.
  510. Nicely, Mark C.; Stroube, Paul Baker; Bazyl, Steven Joseph, Gaming system, gaming device, and method providing multiple hand card game.
  511. Nicely, Mark C.; Stroube, Paul Baker; Bazyl, Steven Joseph, Gaming system, gaming device, and method providing multiple hand card game.
  512. Nicely, Mark C.; Stroube, Paul Baker; Bazyl, Steven Joseph, Gaming system, gaming device, and method providing multiple hand card game.
  513. Caputo, Scott A., Gaming system, gaming device, and method providing one or more wild reel wager options.
  514. Caputo, Scott A., Gaming system, gaming device, and method providing one or more wild reel wager options.
  515. Nicely, Mark C., Gaming system, gaming device, and method providing selectable different roulette wheels for play of roulette game.
  516. Nicely, Mark C., Gaming system, gaming device, and method providing selectable different roulette wheels for play of roulette game.
  517. Nicely, Mark C.; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming system, gaming devices, and method for providing an enhanced multiple-player bonus redemption game.
  518. Nicely, Mark C.; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Gaming system, gaming devices, and method for providing an enhanced multiple-player bonus redemption game.
  519. Upton, Bryan; Filipour, Cameron A., Gaming systems and methods for providing progressive awards.
  520. Korthauer, Jeffrey S.; Nauman, Jeffry L.; Patel, Yashpal Y., Gaming systems, gaming devices and methods for incrementing progressive jackpots.
  521. Filipour, Cameron A.; Popovich, Alexander; Singer, Adam M.; Saffari, Ali M.; Wolf, Bryan D., Gaming systems, gaming devices and methods for providing progressive awards.
  522. Filipour, Cameron A.; Popovich, Alexander; Singer, Adam; Saffari, Ali M.; Wolf, Bryan D., Gaming systems, gaming devices and methods for providing progressive awards.
  523. Joshi, Shridhar P.; Thomas, Alfred, Gaming terminal with multi-level progressive jackpot.
  524. Acres, John F., Generating a score related to play on gaming devices.
  525. Acres, John F., Generating a score related to play on gaming devices.
  526. Acres, John F., Generating a score related to play on gaming devices.
  527. Dorr, Robert C., Hidden universal player attraction game and method of play for idle gaming machines.
  528. Castro, Christian L.; Jaffe, Joel R.; Lesley, Paul M.; Pacey, Larry J., Inclined input interface for a gaming terminal.
  529. Castro, Christian L.; Jaffe, Joel R.; Lesley, Paul M.; Pacey, Larry J., Inclined input interface for a gaming terminal.
  530. Vancura, Olaf, Knowledge-based casino game and method therefor.
  531. Okuniewicz, Douglas M., Lottery system/electronic gaming device interface and gambling game.
  532. Acres, John F., Means for enhancing game play of gaming device.
  533. Cannon,Lee E.; Mottes,Julie A.; Johnson,Brian A.; White,Michael L., Method and apparatus for a player-controllable bonus game.
  534. Walker, Jay S.; Jorasch, James A.; Gelman, Geoffrey M.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Downs, Michael D., Method and apparatus for associating symbols with a state of a gaming device.
  535. Shelby, Michael B.; Dailey, Mark N., Method and apparatus for authenticating and verifying communication on a network of gaming devices.
  536. Cannon, Lee E.; Guinn, Robert, Method and apparatus for gaming machines with a tournament play bonus feature.
  537. Cannon, Lee E.; Roemer, Mick D.; Guinn, Robert; Mitchell, Michael J., Method and apparatus for gaming machines with a tournament play bonus feature.
  538. Cannon, Lee E.; Roemer, Mick D.; Guinn, Robert; Mitchell, Michael J., Method and apparatus for gaming machines with a tournament play bonus feature.
  539. Cannon, Lee E.; Roemer, Mick D.; Guinn, Robert; Mitchell, Michael J., Method and apparatus for gaming machines with a tournament play bonus feature.
  540. Cannon, Lee E.; Roemer, Mick D.; Guinn, Robert; Mitchell, Michael J., Method and apparatus for gaming machines with a tournament play bonus feature.
  541. Cannon, Lee E.; Roemer, Mick D.; Guinn, Robert; Mitchell, Michael J., Method and apparatus for gaming machines with a tournament play bonus feature.
  542. Cannon, Lee E.; Roemer, Mick D.; Guinn, Robert; Mitchell, Michael J., Method and apparatus for gaming machines with a tournament play bonus feature.
  543. Cannon, Lee E; Roemer, Mick D; Guinn, Robert; Mitchell, Michael J, Method and apparatus for gaming machines with a tournament play bonus feature.
  544. Acres, John F., Method and apparatus for generating a virtual win.
  545. Acres, John F., Method and apparatus for generating a virtual win.
  546. Acres, John F., Method and apparatus for generating a virtual win.
  547. Koenig, Nicholas; Berg, Charles R., Method and apparatus for playing a game utilizing a plurality of sound lines which are components of a song or ensemble.
  548. Walker, Jay S.; Sammon, Russell P.; Tedesco, Robert C.; Tulley, Stephen C.; Tedesco, Daniel E., Method and apparatus for providing a bonus to a player.
  549. Walker, Jay S.; Tulley, Stephen C.; Jorasch, James A.; Sammon, Russell P.; Gelman, Geoffrey M., Method and apparatus for providing a bonus to a player based on a credit balance.
  550. Walker, Jay S.; Tulley, Stephen C.; Jorasch, James A.; Sammon, Russell P.; Gelman, Geoffrey M., Method and apparatus for providing a bonus to a player based on a credit balance.
  551. Walker, Jay S.; Tulley, Stephen C.; Jorasch, James A.; Sammon, Russell P.; Gelman, Geoffrey M., Method and apparatus for providing a bonus to a player based on a credit balance.
  552. Walker, Jay S.; Tulley, Stephen C.; Jorasch, James A.; Sammon, Russell P.; Gelman, Geoffrey M., Method and apparatus for providing a bonus to a player based on a credit balance.
  553. Walker, Jay S.; Tulley, Stephen C.; Jorasch, James A.; Sammon, Russell P.; Gelman, Geoffrey M., Method and apparatus for providing a bonus to a player based on a credit balance.
  554. Walker, Jay S.; Tulley, Stephen C.; Jorasch, James A.; Sammon, Russell P.; Gelman, Geoffrey M., Method and apparatus for providing a bonus to a player based on a credit balance.
  555. Walker, Jay S.; Tulley, Stephen C.; Jorasch, James A.; Sammon, Russell P.; Gelman, Geoffrey M., Method and apparatus for providing a bonus to a player based on a credit balance.
  556. Tessmer, Michael T.; Cannon, Lee E., Method and apparatus for providing an advantage to a player in a bonus game.
  557. Tessmer, Michael T.; Cannon, Lee E., Method and apparatus for providing an advantage to a player in a bonus game.
  558. Tessmer, Michael T.; Cannon, Lee E., Method and apparatus for providing an advantage to a player in a bonus game.
  559. Tessmer, Michael T.; Cannon, Lee E., Method and apparatus for providing an advantage to a player in a bonus game.
  560. Tessmer,Michael T.; Cannon,Lee E., Method and apparatus for providing an advantage to a player in a bonus game.
  561. Cannon, Lee E., Method and apparatus for selecting pay lines based on a partial outcome of a slots game.
  562. Acres, John F., Method and apparatus for selectively indicating win probability.
  563. Acres, John F., Method and apparatus for selectively indicating win probability.
  564. Acres, John F., Method and system for implementing mystery bonus in place of base game results on gaming machine.
  565. Tessmer, Michael T.; Cannon, Lee E.; Centuori, Charlotte S.; Williams, Alan D., Method and system for weighting odds to specific gaming entities in a shared bonus event.
  566. Tessmer, Michael T.; Cannon, Lee E.; Centuori, Charlotte S.; Williams, Alan D., Method and system for weighting odds to specific gaming entities in a shared bonus event.
  567. Tessmer,Michael T.; Cannon,Lee E.; Centuori,Charlotte S.; Williams,Alan D., Method and system for weighting odds to specific gaming entities in a shared bonus event.
  568. Acres, John F., Method for configuring casino operations.
  569. Acres, John F., Method for configuring casino operations.
  570. Jackson, Mark D., Method for developing gaming programs compatible with a computerized gaming operating system and apparatus.
  571. Acres, John F., Method for displaying gaming result.
  572. Acres, John F., Method for displaying gaming results.
  573. Taylor, William A., Method for playing a video gaming machine.
  574. Taylor, William A., Method for playing a video gaming machine.
  575. Taylor, William A., Method for playing a video gaming machine.
  576. Taylor, William A., Method for playing a video gaming machine.
  577. De Bruin, Andreas Cornelis; Jones, Trevor Selwyn; Algie, Robert John; Wolter, Michael James; Dorfer, Harald; Williams, Danny Travis; Daly, Christopher Stephen, Method of and system for operating gaming machines.
  578. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Glavich, Paulina, Method of operating a progressive gaming device.
  579. Adams, William R., Method of playing a wagering game and gaming devices with a bingo-type secondary game.
  580. Cannon, Lee E., Method, apparatus, and system for providing a player with opportunities to win a feature event award.
  581. Cannon, Lee E., Methods and apparatus for a competitive bonus game with variable odds.
  582. Cannon, Lee E., Methods and apparatus for a competitive bonus game with variable odds.
  583. Cannon, Lee E., Methods and apparatus for a competitive bonus game with variable odds.
  584. Cannon,Lee E., Methods and apparatus for a competitive bonus game with variable odds.
  585. Muir, David H., Methods and apparatus for auctioning an item via a gaming device.
  586. Muir, David H., Methods and apparatus for auctioning an item via a gaming device.
  587. Cannon, Lee E., Methods and apparatus for playing a gaming pool for a feature event bonus game.
  588. Gelber, Philip B.; Joshi, Shridhar P.; Pacey, Larry J.; Rasmussen, James M., Multigame gaming machine with transmissive display.
  589. Jackson, Kathleen Nylend, Multiplay poker wagering game with payout differentiating display of probabilities.
  590. Jackson, Kathleen Nylund, Multiplay poker wagering game with payout differentiating display of probabilities.
  591. Hightower, Aaron; McMaster, William; Parrott, Gregory H.; Popovich, Alex, Multiple player gaming station interaction systems and methods.
  592. Jarvis, Eugene; Eloff, Andrew, Multiple reel roulette game.
  593. Jarvis, Eugene; Eloff, Andrew, Multiple reel roulette game.
  594. Jarvis, Eugene; Eloff, Andrew, Multiple wheel roulette game.
  595. Acres, John F., Outcome determination method for gaming device.
  596. Acres, John F., Outcome determination method for gaming device.
  597. Acres, John F., Outcome determination method for gaming device.
  598. Acres, John F., Outcome determination method for gaming device.
  599. Martinek, Michael G.; Jackson, Mark D.; Downs, III, Justin G., Pass-through live validation device and method.
  600. Russell, Glen Keith; Hollister, David; Boyd, Scott; Schneider, Richard J.; Jordan, R. Jeffrey; Glazier, Matt; Mason, Shannon; Wilkins, Kevan; Legler, Allan, Player specific network.
  601. Russell, Glen Keith; Hollister, David; Boyd, Scott; Schneider, Richard J.; Jordan, R. Jeffrey; Glazier, Matt; Mason, Shannon; Wilkins, Kevan; Legler, Allan, Player specific network.
  602. Acres, John F., Player-based compensation.
  603. Rowe, Richard E.; Moser, Timothy W.; Schaefer, Craig Michael; Iddings, Cara; Nelson, Dwayne R., Pluggable modular gaming modifiers and configuration templates for gaming environments.
  604. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Glavich, Paulina, Progressive gaming device.
  605. Jackson, Kathleen Nylund, Progressive jackpot game with special bonus.
  606. Gauselmann, Michael, Progressive jackpot gaming system.
  607. Aoki, Dion K., Progressive wagering game having symbol-triggering award feature.
  608. Aoki, Dion K., Progressive wagering game having symbol-triggering award feature.
  609. Anderson, Peter R., Progressive wagering game with funding distribution feature.
  610. Benbrahim,Jamal, Providing an indication of a hidden bonus on a casino gaming apparatus.
  611. Thomas M. Virzi, Pyramid structured gaming tournament.
  612. Parham, Tyler Thomas; Michaelson, Richard E.; Bertram, William K., Random pay gaming system using weighting function with maximum, minimum, and average value.
  613. Parham, Tyler Thomas; Michaelson, Richard E.; Bertram, William K., Random pay using non-gaming revenue.
  614. Parham, Tyler Thomas; Michaelson, Richard E.; Bertram, William K., Random payout while maintaining the progressive prize pool at the predetermined average pool size.
  615. Acres, John F., Rapid play poker gaming device.
  616. Loose,Timothy C.; Rothschild,Wayne H., Reel spinning slot machine with superimposed video image.
  617. Berman, Bradley; Strand, Ryan; Martin, Adam, Replacement reel gaming device and method.
  618. Berman, Bradley; Strand, Ryan; Martin, Adam, Replacement reel gaming device and method.
  619. Berman, Bradley; Strand, Ryan; Martin, Adam, Replacement reel gaming device and method.
  620. Byng, Stephen William, Residual credits in a gaming system.
  621. Nicely, Mark C., Rotor-based gaming device having a secondary award system.
  622. Nicely, Mark C., Rotor-based gaming device having a secondary award system.
  623. Nicely, Mark C., Rotor-based gaming device having a secondary award system.
  624. Nicely, Mark C., Rotor-based gaming device having a secondary award system.
  625. Nicely, Mark C., Rotor-based gaming device having a system for changing the quantity of potential game outcomes for subsequent plays.
  626. Nicely, Mark C., Rotor-based gaming device having a system for changing the quantity of potential game outcomes for subsequent plays.
  627. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Russell, Glen Keith, Server based gaming system and method for providing deferral of bonus events.
  628. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Russell, Glen Keith, Server based gaming system and method for providing deferral of bonus events.
  629. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Schneider, Richard J.; Iddings, Cara L.; Manfredi, Vince; MacVittie, Michael, Server based gaming system and method for selectively providing one or more different tournaments.
  630. Schlottmann, Greg; Graham, Jacob Thomas; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Schneider, Richard J.; Iddings, Cara L.; Manfredi, Vince; MacVittie, Michael, Server based gaming system and method for selectively providing one or more different tournaments.
  631. Schlottmann, Greg; Graham, Jacob Thomas; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Schneider, Richard J.; Iddings, Cara L.; Manfredi, Vince; MacVittie, Michael, Server based gaming system and method for selectively providing one or more different tournaments.
  632. Schlottmann, Greg; Graham, Jacob Thomas; Wolf, Bryan D.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Schneider, Richard J.; Iddings, Cara L.; Manfredi, Vince; MacVittie, Michael, Server based gaming system and method for selectively providing one or more different tournaments.
  633. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Iddings, Cara L.; Schneider, Richard J., Server based gaming system having multiple progressive awards.
  634. Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Iddings, Cara L.; Schneider, Richard J., Server based gaming system having multiple progressive awards.
  635. Breckner, Robert E.; Benbrahim, Jamal; Vasquez, James A.; Bansemer, Mark W.; Baerlocher, Anthony J., Server based gaming system having multiple progressive awards.
  636. Iddings, Cara L.; Dewaal, Daniel; Bullard, Bryan D.; Little, Chad; Manfredi, Vince; Schneider, Richard J., Server based gaming system having multiple progressive awards.
  637. Iddings, Cara L.; Dewaal, Daniel; Bullard, Bryan; Little, Chad; Manfredi, Vince; Schneider, Richard J., Server based gaming system having multiple progressive awards.
  638. Vasquez, James A.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Jones, Aaron T.; Bansemer, Mark W., Server based gaming system having multiple progressive awards.
  639. Vasquez, James A.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Jones, Aaron T.; Bansemer, Mark W., Server based gaming system having multiple progressive awards.
  640. Vasquez, James A.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Jones, Aaron T.; Bansemer, Mark W., Server based gaming system having multiple progressive awards.
  641. Vasquez, James A.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Jones, Aaron T.; Bansemer, Mark W., Server based gaming system having multiple progressive awards.
  642. Vasquez, James A.; Baerlocher, Anthony J.; Jones, Aaron T.; Bansemer, Mark W., Server based gaming system having multiple progressive awards.
  643. Crowder, Jr., Robert William; LaSalvia, John Francis; White, Warren Rapelye; Luciano, Jr., Robert Anthony, Shared secondary game station and system.
  644. Okada, Kazuo, Slot machine.
  645. Okada, Kazuo, Slot machine and control method of game.
  646. Okada, Kazuo, Slot machine and control method of game.
  647. Okada, Kazuo, Slot machine and control method of game.
  648. Okada, Kazuo, Slot machine and control method of game.
  649. Okada, Kazuo, Slot machine and control method of game.
  650. Okada, Kazuo, Slot machine and control method of game.
  651. Okada, Kazuo, Slot machine and control method of game.
  652. Okada, Kazuo, Slot machine and control method of game.
  653. Okada, Kazuo, Slot machine and control method of game.
  654. Okada, Kazuo, Slot machine with insurance function and control method thereof.
  655. Gomez,Benjamin T.; Jaffe,Joel R.; Thomas,Alfred, Slot machine with win completion feature.
  656. Rader, Richard M.; Lancaster, Eric W., System and method for providing poker player tracking and bonus events.
  657. Schneider, Richard J.; Shelby, Michael B.; Pitman, Lawrence R.; Porterfield, Carrie D.; Petersen, Erik B., System for awarding a bonus to a gaming device on a wide area network.
  658. Schneider, Richard J.; Shelby, Michael B.; Pitman, Lawrence R.; Porterfield, Carrie D.; Petersen, Erik B., System for awarding a bonus to a gaming device on a wide area network.
  659. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Jorasch, James A.; Tedesco, Robert C.; Fincham, Magdalena M., Systems and methods for post-play gaming benefits.
  660. Walker, Jay S.; Tedesco, Daniel E.; Jorasch, James A.; Tedesco, Robert C.; Fincham, Magdalena M., Systems and methods for post-play gaming benefits.
  661. Vann, Jamie W.; Guinn, Andrew C.; Gura, Damon; Robbins, Richard B., Systems, methods and devices for playing wagering games with distributed and shared partial outcome features.
  662. Vann, Jamie W.; Guinn, Andrew C., Systems, methods and devices for playing wagering games with distributed competition features.
  663. Guinn, Andrew C.; Vann, Jamie W.; Smith, Pamela S.; Louie, Daniel P.; Moll, Jeremie D., Systems, methods, and devices for playing wagering games with location-triggered game features.
  664. Frost, Brian; Choo, Jason, Table games and related methods.
  665. Parham, Tyler Thomas; Bertram, William K., Techniques for generating a random awards using a plurality of average values.
  666. Parham, Tyler Thomas; Bertram, William K., Techniques for generating random awards using a plurality of average values.
  667. Roemer, Mickey, Timed gaming event.
  668. Mattice, Harold; Gadda, Chris; Griswold, Chan; Wilder, Richard; Lew, Ricky, Video and mechanical spinning bonus wheel.
  669. Mattice, Harold; Gadda, Chris; Griswold, Chan; Wilder, Richard; Lew, Ricky, Video and mechanical spinning bonus wheel.
  670. Vann, Jamie W., Wager equalized bonus trigger allocation and redemption.
  671. Gagner, Mark B.; Prohl, Anthony; Rigsby, Gene; Schaefer, Patrick; Simmons, Ian, Wagering game.
  672. Ansari, Marwan; Englman, Allon G.; Gelber, Philip B.; Jaffe, Joel R.; Summers, Ryan R.; Vann, Jamie; Walsh, John, Wagering game apparatus and method to provide a trusted gaming environment.
  673. Dicillo, Michael V.; Savage, Dave; Vann, Jamie W.; Ward, Matthew J., Wagering game content based on locations of player check-in.
  674. Gomez, Benjamin T.; Jaffe, Joel R.; SeLegue, Dylan B., Wagering game for awarding attributes in a plurality of plays.
  675. Gomez, Benjamin T.; Jaffe, Joel R.; SeLegue, Dylan B., Wagering game for awarding attributes in a plurality of plays.
  676. Gomez, Benjamin T.; SeLegue, Dylan B., Wagering game for awarding positional game modifiers in a plurality of plays.
  677. Joshi, Shridhar P.; Wadleigh, William R., Wagering game for tracking various types of wager inputs.
  678. Joshi,Shridhar P.; Wadleigh,William R., Wagering game for tracking various types of wager inputs.
  679. Hornik, Jeremy M., Wagering game having bonus-award feature with changing state.
  680. Thomas, Alfred, Wagering game having display arrangement formed by an image conduit.
  681. Vann, Jamie W.; Gobe, Alexander J., Wagering game having game assets with multiple levels of enhancement.
  682. Vann, Jamie W.; Gobe, Alexander J., Wagering game having game assets with multiple levels of enhancement.
  683. Aoki, Dion K.; Mastropietro, Michael W.; Nauman, Jeffry L., Wagering game having interlinked progressive values with shared increment.
  684. Thomas, Alfred; Joshi, Shridhar P.; Anderson, Peter R., Wagering game having progressive amounts displayed in a matrix.
  685. Thomas, Alfred, Wagering game having progressive amounts represented in various ways.
  686. Thomas,Alfred, Wagering game having progressive amounts represented in various ways.
  687. Caspers, Christopher J.; Hopkins, Peter R., Wagering game providing a progressive award having a numerical unit value and a non-numerical fraction.
  688. Caspers, Christopher J.; Hopkins, Peter R., Wagering game providing a progressive award having an actual value determined by follow-up game play.
  689. Caspers, Christopher J.; Hopkins, Peter R., Wagering game providing a progressive award having an actual value determined by follow-up game play.
  690. Caspers, Christopher J.; Hopkins, Peter R., Wagering game providing a progressive award having an actual value determined by follow-up game play.
  691. Caspers, Christopher J.; Hopkins, Peter R., Wagering game providing free game play as a progressive award.
  692. Englman, Allon G.; Homik, Jeremy M., Wagering game providing player options for time-based special event.
  693. Hamlin, Vernon W.; Aoki, Dion K.; Bleich, Charles R.; Burke, Mary M.; Jaffe, Joel R.; Loose, Timothy C.; Sylla, Craig J., Wagering game systems, wagering gaming machines, and wagering gaming chairs having haptic and thermal feedback.
  694. Gomez, Benjamin T., Wagering game triggering mechanism for use with multi-level progressive game.
  695. Gomez, Benjamin T., Wagering game triggering mechanism for use with multi-level progressive game.
  696. Englman, Allon G.; Gagner, Mark; Mastropietro, Michael W.; McInerny, Paul; Pacey, Larry J., Wagering game with alternating picks.
  697. Englman, Allon G.; Gagner, Mark; Mastropietro, Michael W.; McInerny, Paul; Pacey, Larry J., Wagering game with alternating picks.
  698. Hornik, Jeremy M.; Ward, Matthew J.; Flemming, Peter W.; Casey, Michael P., Wagering game with award unlocking feature.
  699. Aoki, Dion K.; Gilmore, Jason C.; Kopera, Thomas M.; Olsen, Christy Juinsuk, Wagering game with bonus game triggered by linked terminal.
  700. Englman, Allon G.; Gomez, Benjamin T.; Palermo, James V., Wagering game with community event poker game.
  701. Englman, Allon G.; Gomez, Benjamin T.; Palermo, James V., Wagering game with community event poker game.
  702. Aoki, Dion K.; Gomez, Benjamin T.; Jaffe, Joel R.; Louie, Daniel; Vann, Jamie W., Wagering game with dual-play feature.
  703. Englman, Allon G; Mastropietro, Michael W.; Anderson, Peter R., Wagering game with enhanced progressive game.
  704. Englman, Allon G.; Gomez, Benjamin T.; Mastropietro, Michael W.; Rose, Bradley A., Wagering game with multi-level progressive game.
  705. Englman, Allon G.; Gomez, Benjamin T.; Mastropietro, Michael W.; Rose, Bradley A., Wagering game with multi-level progressive game.
  706. Englman, Allon G.; Gomez, Benjamin T.; Mastropietro, Michael W.; Rose, Bradley A., Wagering game with multi-level progressive game.
  707. Englman, Allon G.; Gomez, Benjamin T.; Mastropietro, Michael W.; Rose, Bradley A., Wagering game with multi-level progressive game.
  708. Jaffe, Joel R.; Mastropietro, Michael W., Wagering game with multi-level progressive jackpot with partial reset.
  709. Thomas, Alfred, Wagering game with multiplier for progressive fund pool.
  710. Aoki, Dion K.; Flint, John D.; Gelber, Philip B.; Gomez, Benjamin T.; Hornik, Jeremy M.; Jaffe, Joel R.; Joshi, Shridhar P.; Pacey, Larry J.; Vann, Jamie W., Wagering game with overlaying transmissive display for providing enhanced game features.
  711. Hornik, Jeremy; Jaffe, Joel R.; Aoki, Dion; Poole, James, Wagering game with player-determined symbol function.
  712. Jaffe, Joel R., Wagering game with progressive award indicator having an incrementing feature.
  713. Aoki, Dion K.; Guinn, Andrew, Wagering game with progressive game award values associated with reel symbols.
  714. Hornik, Jeremy M., Wagering game with progressive game triggered by multiple players.
  715. Thomas, Alfred, Wagering game with randomly funded progressive amounts.
  716. Aoki, Dion K.; Gilmore, Jason C.; Kopera, Thomas M.; Olsen, Christy Juinsuk, Wagering game with shared payoff based on multiple player selections.
  717. Aoki, Dion K.; Gilmore, Jason C.; Kopera, Thomas M.; Olson, Christy Juinsuk, Wagering game with shared payoff based on multiple player selections.
  718. Aoki, Dion K.; Gilmore, Jason C.; Kopera, Thomas M.; Olson, Christy Juinsuk, Wagering game with shared payoff based on multiple player selections.
  719. Durham, Timothy J.; Gagner, Mark B.; Rasmussen, James M.; Thomas, Alfred; Arezina, Vladimir I.; Canterbury, Stephen A.; Mercado, Victor; Ralston, Samuel D.; Fitzsimons, Matthew R., Wagering game with simulated mechanical reels.
  720. Durham, Timothy J.; Gagner, Mark B.; Rasmussen, James M.; Thomas, Alfred; Arezina, Vladimir I.; Canterbury, Stephen A.; Mercado, Victor; Ralston, Samuel D.; Fitzsimons, Matthew R., Wagering game with simulated mechanical reels.
  721. Durham, Timothy J.; Gagner, Mark B.; Rasmussen, James M.; Thomas, Alfred; Arezina, Vladimir I.; Canterbury, Stephen A.; Mercado, Victor; Ralston, Samuel D.; Fitzsimons, Matthew R., Wagering game with simulated mechanical reels.
  722. Durham, Timothy J.; Gagner, Mark B.; Rasmussen, James M.; Thomas, Alfred; Arezina, Vladimir I.; Canterbury, Stephen A.; Mercado, Victor; Ralston, Samuel D.; Fitzsimons, Matthew R., Wagering game with simulated mechanical reels.
  723. Pacey, Larry J.; Rasmussen, James M.; Durham, Timothy J.; Gagner, Mark B.; Thomas, Alfred; Arezina, Vladimir I.; Canterbury, Stephen A.; Mercado, Victor; Ralston, Samuel D.; Fitzsimons, Matthew R., Wagering game with simulated mechanical reels.
  724. Rasmussen, James M.; Durham, Timothy J.; Gagner, Mark B.; Thomas, Alfred; Arezina, Vladimir I.; Canterbury, Stephen A.; Mercado, Victor; Ralston, Samuel D.; Fitzsimons, Matthew R., Wagering game with simulated mechanical reels.
  725. Rasmussen, James M.; Durham, Timothy J.; Gagner, Mark B.; Thomas, Alfred; Arezina, Vladimir I.; Canterbury, Stephen A.; Mercado, Victor; Ralston, Samuel D.; Fitzsimons, Matthew R., Wagering game with simulated mechanical reels having an overlying image display.
  726. Aoki, Dion K.; Hornik, Jeremy M., Wagering game with special event shared by adjacent gaming machines.
  727. Anderson, Peter R.; Englman, Allon G., Wagering game with time-based bonus.
  728. Hornik, Jeremy M.; Ward, Matthew J.; Flemming, Peter W.; Casey, Michael P., Wagering game with unilateral player selection for developing a group.
  729. Hornik, Jeremy M.; Ward, Matthew J.; Flemming, Peter W.; Casey, Michael P., Wagering game with unilateral player selection for developing a group.
  730. Thomas, Alfred, Wagering game with video lottery bonus game.
  731. Thomas, Alfred; Jaffe, Joel R., Wagering game with wrap-around paylines.
  732. Gagner, Mark; Thomas, Alfred, Wagering games with pooling of awards.
  733. Jones, Aaron T.; Beaulieu, Nicole M.; Peterson, Lance R., Wagering gaming device having simulated control of movement of game functional elements.
  734. Jones, Aaron T.; Beaulieu, Nicole M.; Peterson, Lance R., Wagering gaming device having simulated control of movement of game functional elements.
  735. Jones, Aaron T.; Beaulieu, Nicole M.; Peterson, Lance R., Wagering gaming device having simulated control of movement of game functional elements.
  736. Jones, Aaron T.; Beaulieu, Nicole M.; Peterson, Lance R., Wagering gaming device having simulated control of movement of game functional elements.
  737. Jones, Aaron T.; Beaulieu, Nicole M.; Peterson, Lance R., Wagering gaming device having simulated control of movement of game functional elements.
  738. Anderson, Peter R.; Aoki, Dion K.; Guinn, Andrew; Ng, Darren; Robbins, Richard B.; Schwartz, Richard T.; Wright, Tracey, Wagering interface for a gaming system.

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