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Portable apparatus for in situ field stator bar insulation capacitance mapping 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01R-027/26
출원번호 US-0199726 (1998-11-25)
발명자 / 주소
  • Garwatoski Frank Joseph
출원인 / 주소
  • General Electric Co.
대리인 / 주소
    Nixon & Vanderhye
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 8  인용 특허 : 6


A capacitance mapping tool consisting of an improved capacitance probe head assembly having an inflatable electrode bladder mounted at the end of a telescoping support pole is provided for enabling a service technician to accurately position the probe head assembly between stator bars of a large ele


[ What is claimed is:] [1.]1. A portable hand-held apparatus for measuring the capacitance of insulation on a stator bar in a motor or generator in situ, comprising:a support pole having a telescoping section and a bendable end section, wherein said end section is bendable along its length for confi

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6)

  1. Risko Donald G. (Monroeville PA), Capacitance measurement probe.
  2. Marcus Michael A. (Honeoye Falls NY) Graff Ernest A. (Ontario NY), Capacitance probe for measuring a width of a clearance between parts.
  3. Junker Warren R. (Monroeville Boro PA), Eddy current inspection probe and method for assembling same.
  4. Chalupnik James D. (Seattle WA) Garbini Joseph L. (Seattle WA) Jorgensen Jens E. (Seattle WA), Gap width probe and method.
  5. Sminchak Michael D. (Clifton Park NY) Anderson James M. (Cohoes NY), Inflatable capacitance measuring device.
  6. Kefalas Nicholas D. (Milford CT), Test system for automatic testing of insulation resistance, capacitance and attenuation of each contact pair in a filter.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (8)

  1. Lape, Brock M.; Evans, Jeffrey D.; Harby, Richard A., Cart support system for dynamoelectric machine coils.
  2. Montena, Noah, Coaxial broadband surge protector.
  3. Fetterolf, Sr.,James R.; Blichasz,Charles S.; Donmoyer,William L.; Heuer,Arthur H.; Planas, Sr.,Alberto E.; Planas, Jr.,Alberto E., Integrated power and data insulated electrical cable having a metallic outer jacket.
  4. Visintin, Massimiliano, Method and device for testing the tightness of an electric machine stator core.
  5. Miasnikov, Nicholas Aleksander; Gammans, Jason Royal; Hatley, Richard Michael; McDonnell, Sean Michael; Giannattasio, Antonio Ernesto, Miniature air gap inspection crawler.
  6. Clough,Mark Stephen; Garwatoski,Frank Joseph; Wroblewski,Craig Alan; Henkel,Jeffery Alan; Newman,William G., Process for rapid on-demand stator rewinds in electrical generators.
  7. Feldman, Brian David; Lusted, Roderick Mark; Lape, Brock M., Systems, methods, and apparatus for measuring capacitance in a stator component.
  8. Hudson,Jeffrey A., Temperature detection method and apparatus for inverter-driven machines.
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