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[미국특허] Automobile body 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 1208
출원번호 US-0116696 (2000-01-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Dehner Joseph S.
  • Walling K. Neil
  • Crain John E.
출원인 / 주소
  • DaimlerChrysler Corporation
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 8  인용 특허 : 10


초록이 없습니다.


The ornamental design for an automobile body, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10)

  1. Anness Timothy W. (San Diego CA) Myles Dennis (W. Bloomfield MI) Janosko Robert J. (Bloomfield Hills MI) Sims Daniel J. (Lake Forest CA) Kong Richard C. (LaCosta CA) Kugler Erich O. (Royal Oak MI), Automobile body.
  2. Anness Timothy W. (San Diego CA) Myles Dennis (W. Bloomfield MI) Janosko Robert J. (Bloomfield Hills MI) Sims Daniel J. (Lake Forest CA) Kong Richard C. (LaCosta CA) Kugler Erich O. (Royal Oak MI), Automobile body.
  3. Ayoub Patrick ; Bucci John D. ; Barry Ernest J. ; Hubbach Robert N. ; Tremont Thomas G. ; Verduyn Kevin R. ; Chergosky William L. ; Walling K. Neil, Automobile body.
  4. Kong Richard C. (La Costa CA) Myles Dennis (W. Bloomfield MI) Kugler Erich O. (Royal Oak MI) Janosko Robert J. (Bloomfield Hills MI) Anness Timothy W. (San Diego CA) Sims Daniel J. (Lake Forest CA), Automobile body.
  5. Kong Richard C. (LaCosta CA) Myles Dennis (W. Bloomfield MI) Kugler Erich O. (Royal Oak MI) Janosko Robert J. (Bloomfield Hills MI) Anness Timothy W. (San Diego CA) Sims Daniel J. (Lake Forrest CA), Automobile body.
  6. McMahan Robert B. ; Boniface Robert E. ; Bucci John D. ; Renkert Donald A. ; McKinnon David C., Automobile body.
  7. Odette Thomas C. ; Bucci John D. ; Barry Ernest J. ; Hubbach Robert N. ; Walling K. Neil, Automobile body.
  8. Trostle Mark C. ; Bucci John D. ; Barry Ernest J. ; Walling K. Neil, Automobile body.
  9. Wagner Lance R. (Lake Orion MI) Ackerman Robert S. (West Bloomfield MI) Baccus Joel (Shelby MI) Crain John E. (Birmingham MI), Automobile body.
  10. Castiglione Micheal R. ; Carlson Kenneth L. ; Dayton William A. ; Morley Darrel L. ; Verduyn Kevin R. ; Tremont Thomas G., Vehicle body.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (8)

  1. Doyle, Timothy Allen; Nicholas, Michael, Automobile body.
  2. Eric Stoddard ; Brandon Faurote ; Julie G. Dolan ; Lance R Wagner ; Donald A Renkert ; David C McKinnon ; Khashayar Honarkhah, Automobile body.
  3. Hall,Mark D; Opfer,John G; Dekoninck,Terrence A., Automobile body.
  4. Rabinowitz,Todd M.; Dehner,Joseph S.; Hall,Mark D., Automobile body.
  5. Rabinowitz,Todd M; Dehner,Joseph S, Automobile body.
  6. Rabinowitz,Todd M; Dehner,Joseph S, Automobile body.
  7. Manoogian, II, John; Munson, Robert J., Vehicle body.
  8. Munson, Robert J., Vehicle body.
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