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Light press manufactured (LPM) wire rope isolator and method of manufacture 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16F-001/36
  • F16M-013/00
출원번호 US-0496688 (2000-02-02)
발명자 / 주소
  • Latvis
  • Jr. Michael Paul
출원인 / 주소
  • Enidine, Incorporated
대리인 / 주소
    Wall Marjama & Bilinski
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 5  인용 특허 : 14


A wire rope isolator includes a wire rope and a pair of mounting blocks. The mounting blocks comprise of a pair of cylindrical elongated end flanges that are connected tangentially to each other by a web that has a thickness that is less than the diameter of the flanges thereby allowing the lower se


[ What is claimed is:] [1.]1. A mounting block for a wire rope isolator that includes:a flat web having a top surface and bottom surface and a width (d);a pair of elongated end flanges mounted at opposite ends of said web so that said top surface of said web is coplanar with the top surface of each

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (14)

  1. Hay Jean-Yves (Colombes FRX), Antivibration/antishock device and the process for the fabrication of such a device.
  2. Le Derf Eric,FRX, Antivibration/antishock device using cable segments and stabilizer blades.
  3. Vappula Kari (Toijala FIX), Casting mould.
  4. Loziuk Larry, Compact profile wire cable isolator and energy absorbing restraint.
  5. Horikiri Morito,JPX ; Ooka Makoto,JPX ; Machida Hideo,JPX ; Ishikura Syuichi,JPX, Compressive/Tensile-Load-Type Damper made of lead and seismic isolation apparatus using the same.
  6. Camossi Carlo (Via C. Bartoli ; 22 28024 - Gozzano (Novara) ITX), Device and process for the manufacture of vibration-damping and shockproof mountings incorporating at least one helicall.
  7. Snaith Raymond E. (Jericho NY) Barrasso Max (Merrick NY), Force-damping energy-removing isolator.
  8. Gilbert Chester L. (Forest Hills NY) LeKuch Herbert W. (New York NY) Snaith Raymond E. (Jericho NY) Ferri Andrew R. (Smithtown NY), Isolator apparatus.
  9. Loziuk Lawrence A. (Vernon Hills IL), Pipe restraint.
  10. Vos David L. ; Hughto-Delzer Francis W., Thermally conductive vibration isolators.
  11. Roche Andr (Elancourt FRX), Vibration and shock absorber device.
  12. Belfield Robert E. (Sayville NY) Gilbert Chester L. (Forest Hills NY) Bickham Euland M. (North Babylon NY), Vibration isolator and method for manufacturing same.
  13. Loziuk Lawrence A. (Vernon Hills IL), Wire cable isolator and energy absorbing restraint.
  14. Collins Michael J. (Lockport NY), Wire rope isolator with crimp bar and method for making same.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (5)

  1. Seifert, Michael; Romano, Peter Quinn; Parham, Thomas, Damper.
  2. Sebert,Karl, Damping arrangement with a cable loop arrangement serving as a damping member.
  3. Venghaus, Brent Lee, Mount for a mobile satellite antenna system with vibration and shock isolation.
  4. Ruan, Shubin; Zemanek, Thomas, Seismic isolation assembly.
  5. Ruan, Shubin; Zemanek, Thomas, Seismic isolation assembly.
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