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[미국특허] System and method for controlling a turbocharger to maximize performance of an internal combustion engine 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F02D-023/00
출원번호 US-0085202 (1998-05-27)
발명자 / 주소
  • Lewis
  • Jr. Spencer C.
  • Rauznitz Peter
  • Pyclik Mark W.
  • Mohos Joseph F.
  • Bryan W. Barry
출원인 / 주소
  • Cummins Engine Company, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Woodard, Emhardt, Naughton, Moriarty & McNett
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 25  인용 특허 : 20


The present invention relates to a system and method for managing the operation of a turbocharger and is responsible for controlling the turbocharger to cause a desired air mass flow to be provided to the engine and for protecting the turbocharger from excessive shaft speed and excessive turbine inl


[ What is claimed is:] [1.]1. A system for controlling a turbocharger supplying air to an internal combustion engine, the system comprising:a combustion manager operative to determine a desired air mass rate based upon a current operating point of the engine;an air system manager operative to determ

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (20) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Akagi, Toshimichi; Okimoto, Haruo; Niwa, Yasushi; Tashima, Seiji, Air supply control systems for internal combustion engines.
  2. Morioka Hiroyuki (Hiroshima JPX), Air supply control systems for internal combustion engines.
  3. Stumpp Gerhard (Stuttgart DEX) Wessel Wolf (Oberriexingen DEX), Apparatus for regulating turbochargers and internal combustion engines associated therewith.
  4. Schmid Friedrich (Stuttgart DEX) Maderthaner Karl (Stuttgart DEX), Control arrangement for a fuel injection system.
  5. Takahashi Nobutaka,JPX ; Suzuki Keisuke,JPX ; Obata Takeaki,JPX, Control system for internal combustion engine.
  6. Holtrop ; deceased Peter B. J. (1500 Cyrene St. LATE OF Carson CA) Holtrop ; executrix by Juliet (1500 Cyrene St. Carson CA 90746) Hewitt John T. (1021 Camino Real Redondo Beach CA 95709), Diesel engine control means.
  7. Hirota Shinya (Susono JPX), Exhaust gas purification system for a diesel engine.
  8. Shinzawa Motohiro (Yokosuka JPX), Fuel injection control system for turbocharged diesel engine.
  9. Hasegawa Shumpei (Niiza JPX), Fuel supply control method for internal combustion engines at fuel cut operation.
  10. Nagase Masaomi (Toyota JPX) Takemoto Eiji (Oobu JPX) Ibuki Noritaka (Oogaki JPX) Hasegawa Takashi (Tajimi JPX), Method and device for controlling fuel injection quantity of electronic control diesel engine.
  11. Rutan William K. (Chillicothe IL) Schricker David R. (Dunlap IL), Method for diagnosing an engine using a computer based boost pressure model.
  12. Brown ; Jr. William L. (Dunlap IL) Rutan W. Kent (Sparland IL) Schricker David R. (Peoria IL), Method for diagnosing an engine using computer based models.
  13. Tsukamoto Keisuke (Nagoya JPX) Nagase Masaomi (Toyota JPX) Matsuno Kiyotaka (Toyota JPX), Method of controlling individual cylinder fuel injection quantities in electronically controlled diesel engine and devic.
  14. Cholvin Robert L. (Santa Monica CA) McInerney Charles E. (Rolling Hills Estates CA) Nancarrow James N. (Torrance CA) Gantz Jack L. (Marina Del Rey CA), Supercharged diesel engine air inflow control system.
  15. Hirabayashi Yuji (Zushi JPX) Noguchi Masato (Yokohama JPX) Hatanaka Keiji (Fujisawa JPX), Supercharger pressure control system for internal combustion engine with turbocharger.
  16. Zimmer Michael T. (Brookfield WI) Kakoczki Richard J. (Waukesha WI) Davis James A. (Ripon WI) Pratt Jerrold A. (Eagle WI) Reinbold Edward O. (Waukesha WI), Turbocharger control management system.
  17. Caldwell Roland B. (Worthington OH), Turbocharger control system.
  18. Chartrand Paul W. (Reno NV), Turbocharger control system.
  19. Jalali-Karchay Mir Javid (P.O. Box 300 Monrovia CA 91016), Turbocharger control system.
  20. Woon Peter V. (Columbus IN) Ghuman Amarjit (Columbus IN) Radovanovic Rodoljub (Columbus IN) Walsham Brian E. (Holmfirth GB2) Francis Steven C. (Huddersfield GB2), Turbocompound engine with power turbine bypass control.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (25) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Faletti, James Joseph, Airflow system for engine with series turbochargers.
  2. Pierpont, David Andrew, Airflow system for engine with series turbochargers.
  3. Adachi, Yusuke, Apparatus for estimating exhaust gas temperature of internal combustion engine.
  4. Andreae, Morgan; Dale, Adrian; Matthews, Jeffrey A.; Rankin, William A.; Sujan, Vivek A., Apparatus, system, and method for preventing turbocharger overspeed in a combustion engine.
  5. Chene, George; French, Lee A.; Kramer, Dennis A.; Lawruk, Gerald D.; Mueller, Brian Jeffrey; Ramsey, Reno V.; Shintaku, Wayne; Worrall, Jack R., Automated vehicle shutdown sequence.
  6. Kipping, Steven Richard; Yagi, Toyoji, Engine load estimation.
  7. Conicella, Fabrizio, Internal combustion engine provided with a decompression-type braking device and with a turbocharger having a variable geometry turbine.
  8. Maddock, James B.; Mehdian, Fred; Tran, David, Method and apparatus for controlling the temperature of an engine.
  9. Schmid, Wolfram; Wedler, Harald, Method and appliance for diagnosis of an exhaust turbocharger for an internal combustion engine.
  10. Gamberoni, Clement; Blond, Christophe, Method for managing the automatic stoppage of an automobile.
  11. Henn,Michael; Kunz,Franz; Zhang,Hong, Method for monitoring the speed of a bi-turbocharger.
  12. Warner, Oliver A.; Zurawski, Mark A.; May, Andrew, Method of controlling an internal combustion engine.
  13. Liu, Zhiping Steven; Song, B. Jerry; Gangopadhyay, Anupam; Ge, Ping, Mode transition systems and methods for a sequential turbocharger.
  14. Weinreuter, Bernhard, Process for control of boost pressure limitation of a turbocharger in an internal combustion engine as a function of the density of ambient air.
  15. Bellinger, Steven M., System and method for controlling vehicle braking operation.
  16. Wang, Yue Yun; Vittorio, David A.; Wright, John F., System for controlling an operating condition of an internal combustion engine.
  17. Reynolds, David J.; Schwab, Zachary; Gutman, Ralph, System for controlling engine fueling to limit engine output power.
  18. Wang, Yue Yun, System for estimating absolute boost pressure in a turbocharged internal combustion engine.
  19. Yue Yun Wang ; John M. Mulloy ; Mark W. Pyclik, System for estimating turbocharger compressor outlet temperature.
  20. Wang, Yue Yun, System for estimating turbocharger rotational speed.
  21. Reynolds, David J.; Schwab, Zachary; Gutman, Ralph, System for limiting engine output power by controlling fueling.
  22. Akins,Mark D.; King,Dennis; Slater,Todd; Milburn,Bryan; Pataky,Greg, Techniques for determining turbocharger speed.
  23. Funke, Steven J.; Mutti, James H., Turbocharger control system.
  24. Thompson, Scott; Karri, Sravan; Campagna, Michael Joseph, Turbocharger speed anomaly detection.
  25. Cornell, Sean O.; Leman, Scott A.; Martin, David E.; Shinogle, Ronald D., Variable timing to avoid turbocharger overspeed while engine braking under different atmospheric conditions.

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