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Lockable latch and switch actuator assembly for a circuit card 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H05K-005/00
출원번호 US-0436852 (1999-11-09)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hanas Christopher PJ
  • Hwang Liang
출원인 / 주소
  • Lucent Technologies Inc.
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 36  인용 특허 : 3


A lockable latch and switch actuator assembly for a circuit card includes a spring clip having a slot cooperating with a tab on a latch handle to lock the latch in its closed position. A release portion on the spring clip may be pushed to release the tab from the slot and unlock the latch. The other


[ What is claimed is:] [1.]1. A faceplate assembly including a printed circuit card insertable into a shelf unit, the circuit card including a switch having an actuator movable to a predetermined position when the circuit card is fully inserted in the shelf unit, the assembly comprising:a bracket me

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3)

  1. Petitpierre Eric M. ; Durham James H., Faceplate for an electronic circuit card for reducing EMI emissions between circuit cards inserted in a circuit card housing.
  2. Glusker Mark J. ; Lima David J., Loading and placement device for connecting circuit boards.
  3. Huth Joseph D. (Raleigh NC) Pan Robert F. (Apex NC) Pita Frank J. (Cary NC) Reier Bart P. (Raleigh NC) Valle Victor E. (Raleigh NC), System and method for regulating staggered connection insertion timing.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (36)

  1. Fang,Chih Liang, ATCA locking lever mounting structure.
  2. Chang,Lin Wei, Card retention device.
  3. G��nther,Hans Ulrich; Haag,Volker; Hauber,Stefan; Joist,Michael; Pfeifer,Klaus, Circuit board with lever-latch handle.
  4. Strmiska, Bernard; Kasprzak, Keith J., Component cam handle.
  5. Strmiska,Bernard; Kasprzak,Keith J., Component cam handle.
  6. Yang, Xu; Li, Zhan-Yang, Data storage device assembly.
  7. Brigham, Jr., Joseph L.; King, Jr., Joseph P.; Roy, Ray F., Data storage drive carrier.
  8. Jiang, Shun-Quan; Huang, Tzu-Yi, Detachable hard drive with an electromagnetic switch.
  9. Schlack, Richard E., Double catch-ejector latch.
  10. Riblett,Allen; Koveal,Stefan M., Draw latch.
  11. Lauffer,Scott; Crisp,Richard; Tosh,Andrew; Clifton,Glen; Uys,Timothy, Drive carrier handle.
  12. Blyahman, Andrey, Edge retainer for a printed circuit card.
  13. Schlack, Richard E., Ejector latch with double catch.
  14. Coomer, Jarrod Lyle; Metcalf, David Aaron, Electrical switching apparatus and mounting assembly therefor.
  15. Stefano De Cecco CA; David Kiesekamp CA; Bevin Schmidt CA; Simon Davis CA, Electronic circuit pack and shelf and electronic circuit pack combinations.
  16. Joist, Michael; Weber, Rainer; Thalau, Klaus-Michael; Rutherford, Paul, Electronic plug-in module for accommodation in a module rack.
  17. McClelland, II, Belgie Brian; Gant, Scott R., Handle for a chassis mounted server computer.
  18. Salinas, Everett R., Insertion latch and ejectable pull handle for rack mounted electronic devices.
  19. Meunier, Trevor; Saturley, Peter, Latch assembly incorporating a fan brake actuator for use in a cooling unit of a telecommunications system.
  20. Brogle, John; Sidone, Girard, Latch for electronic card faceplates.
  21. Schlack,Richard E.; Stilwell,Frederick H.; Turner,D. Dale; Milne,David C., Latch handle mechanism.
  22. Schlack, Richard E., Lever for ejector latch.
  23. Stango, James Christopher, Leverage device and system using same.
  24. Makabe, Eiji, Loadable/unloadable adapter for substrate.
  25. Van Der Mee, Marnix; Alexandre, Renaud; Becavin, Patrice, Locking assembly for locking an electronics card to a rack.
  26. Coles,Henry C.; Vidales,Hector; Allen,Joseph R.; Nguyen,Tri, Low profile latch activator.
  27. Morris, Stephen James, Method of removing a telecommunications panel from a frame.
  28. Berens, Jessica Rose; Lange, Dano Ben; LaPree, Scott Raymond, Method, apparatus, and system of card and connector retention.
  29. Canfield, Shawn; Peets, Michael T.; White, Wade H., Positive pressure-applying compliant latch mechanism.
  30. Dallmeier,Dieter, Replaceable device for an electronic monitoring system, especially a video monitoring system.
  31. Chris J. Jensen ; James D. Pileggi ; Stanton A. Tellin, Single handle printed circuit board assembly insertion, extraction, sensing and locking mechanism.
  32. Siechen, Mark; Shen, Lin; Bleske, Randy; Ong, Stephen, Single-motion trigger ejector with optical switch actuator.
  33. Thomas W. Ives ; Richard G. Sevier, Switch integral to a latch assembly.
  34. Downing,Robert W.; Hom,Frank; Scriven,Stuart M.; Perazzo,Thomas M., System for insertion and extraction of a printed circuit board module into and out of a subrack.
  35. Shen, Lin; Xiong, Yongming; Mahmood, Shahbaz; De Nicolo, Maurilio, Techniques for optimizing dual track routing.
  36. Kuo, Hsiu-Yu, Waterproof door for mobile computer.
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